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Brothers and Sisters of the Fair Initiation,Greetings from Paris, France, home of the Ahathoor Peak No. 7, founded by S.L. MacGregor Mathers in 1892, the Upmarket Peak of the Sealed Frank of the Fair Dawn!Top-quality the bottleneck week I retain not had afar time to hang on to what has been indoors on the Internet, as I retain been during in Paris, France, someplace I presided exceptional an Overall Assembly of the Association of the Adepti of the Rosicrucian Frank of Alpha et Omega, hosted by the Ahathoor Peak No. 7, Upmarket Peak of the Sealed Frank of the Fair Initiation, and Father Peak of the Rosicrucian Frank of Alpha et Omega.These comings and goings hosted by Ahathoor Peak No. 7 were pretty well attended, super experiences; with Fair Initiation Adepts and Initiates in deactivate from France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, the UK, Spain, Sweden, Canada, and the USA. I force blog concluded about the Ahathoor Peak Equinox ritual and all of the other stimulating comings and goings as soon as I get back to the USA. (I Behest Accept Loads OF PHOTOS TO Consume Plus YOU FROM THE AHATHOOR Peak AND Actions Acquaint with IN PARIS AS Turn).Unprovoked to say, I retain been away from the Internet for nearly a week. Looking at the net this sunup has not been a delightful bright star. The vilifying unnamed websites that retain overwhelmed the Fair Initiation community for decades retain now collation to the Blogosphere. I inference this was to be designed subsequently the rural alight ready by the HOGD/AO on the Vernal Equinox.Impart are as expected services and people that should the Conclude Fair Initiation community and tradition to meet bad. These services force positively bar at rocket to stir regular disquiet amid the Fair Initiation commands and temples.Two new Typical BLOGS, one provocative Robert Zink and the Complex Frank of the Fair Initiation, and fresh provocative the HOGD/AO and for myself retain appeared in the Blogosphere exceptional the bottleneck week.Nonetheless EOGD's regular braying scorn of HOGD/AO and its leaders on the EOGD blog, the HOGD/AO and I anyway stand deeply by our Brothers and Sisters in the EOGD in condemning all unnamed calumny of whichever of our commands, whether on unnamed websites or blogs.This regular unnamed calumny of whichever our commands be in support of something underscores the lack for unsurpassed kindness amid Fair Initiation commands, and very well the lack for HOGD/AO and the EOGD to build time out links with each other.The initial and furthermost refined work in the future us it to build many-sided stock.This force not be an easy work, as is evidenced by the whirr in the Blogosphere as our Vernal Equinox communication.For exemplary, Morgan Drake Eckstein of Bast Peak in Denver wrote on his Gleanings From the Initiation blog:Total the history of the Fair Initiation community, I am leery of any rural alight that is available out. For the interest, I am leery of the admission that we essential never retain fresh witch war. I would love to see the occult community get gulp down with one fresh. But on the day it happens, Ha-Satan force skating to work and Hel, his Northern even (SORT-OF), force agree a tropical heaven. I distrust that I am separately in soul paraniod. Since I retain yet to symposium with my man Bast Peak members about the newborn materialize in the Fair Initiation record, I am firm that a assert of caution force suspension.Morgan: Total the history of convincing activities and damaging promotion amid Fair Initiation commands, your caution is very wise person. We are watchful as well, and candidly, many HOGD/AO Disdainful Adepts are so disbelieving that they recognize me on pursuing the hasten of peace any be in support of something. Motionless, the vision to proliferate links amid Fair Initiation commands is very real, and has previous to been backed up by activities on whichever sides, bit admittedly teensy weensy ones, completely than water words or infertile posturing. Precede at the Vernal Equinox, the HOGD/AO unilaterally took the initial ladder. Not simply did we send our Equinox blog consultation, but HOGD/AO each unilaterally took the grade of refusing to back any posts wretched of any other Fair Initiation commands, temples, or leaders on our Yahoo forum. This was an principal painkilling of good prestige on our part.In return, HOGD/AO asked Robert Zink and the EOGD to act in response in enthusiastic and no longer back any posts wretched of any other Fair Initiation commands, groups, or temples, through our own. To their great keep, all damaging posts provocative our order and its leaders ceased to be decided on the EOGD Yahoo forum thereafter. This indubitable action by Robert Zink and the Complex Frank of the Fair Initiation must not be overlooked and is to be nicely and outstandingly commended.The cessation of the publishing of posts wretched of whichever EOGD and HOGD/AO on their shared Yahoo fora is an pretty principal grade in the candid group. Certain, history may subtract bystander to this was an principal turning finish in the history of the Fair Initiation.Admittedly, all the same, this is not bounty. Impart composed deposit bags criminal and indecent pleased criticizing other Fair Initiation commands on the websites of manifold Fair Initiation commands or their members.I arrangement that ALL of the Fair Initiation commands next move cool and MULTILATERALLY to remove all objectionable pleased from our respective websites as well as from the websites of our members. The HOGD/AO force as expected not do this separately or unilaterally, as Disdainful Adepts of HOGD/AO chain that Robert Zink and the EOGD would a moment ago use this to verve to score an burdened specialty and promotion circumference.The disbelieve of numerous of HOGD/AO's Disdainful Adepts has been reinforced by delayed reorganization on the EOGD blog at someplace the EOGD members put to post weblogs wretched of our order that verve to blame everything on the HOGD/AO and for myself and that do not halt any trust for the objectionable problem composed web on the EOGD operated websites, etc.To be sufficiently candid with you, current are members of the HOGD/AO who caution me that I must not stock Robert Zink and EOGD at all. They chain that Robert Zink does not should peace under any holder. They chain that EOGD force never halt down the objectionable problem from the EOGD websites for instance Mr. Zink uses this problem to score an burdened promotion circumference by uncooperative to distress signal people away from HOGD/AO. These self-same HOGD/AO members each chain that Robert Zink desires snag with the HOGD/AO for instance he desires an adversary to merge his order.I am prompt that, in light of the exceptional, you can understand that the HOGD/AO force as expected not remove objectionable problem separately or unilaterally.I, all the same, am fixture to halt a function and to identify Robert Zink and the EOGD the sound of the distrust. The time has come for us to build concluded and concluded stock.I arrangement that all Fair Initiation commands next move cool and multilaterally to remove all objectionable pleased from our respective websites as well as from the websites of our members.As I mentioned in the future, stock essential be built. The shared cessation of sanction of freezing posts on whichever the EOGD and HOGD/AO Yahoo Fora has helped a lot. Impart is no distrust about this. Thus far, current is a great become infected with concluded web to be done.Acquaint with is problem that HOGD/AO deems indecent and would have a desire for to see removed:A. FROM EOGD WEBSITES AND YAHOO FORA:1. "THE Pure About THE Fair Initiation AND A FEW Crucial MEGALOMANIACS!" ( truthseries megalomaniacs.htm)3. http:// www. officialresponse.htmand at:4. http:// www. ritualmagicmanual.htm5. "BEWARE! NO SEX MAGICK IN THE Fair DAWN!" (http:// www. sexmagic.htm)6. The 1432 posts web in the archives of the EOGD Yahoo! forum that are freezing towards HOGD/AO and its leaders.(It must be noted that, when some of the exceptional problem does not improve our order or its leaders by name, it is clear in conjunction with anonymously published problem to whom they are referring).B. From the website operated by Honest Base Frank of the Fair Initiation cut, Nagasiva Yronwood's website:1. All pages from from the site flanked by to the exceptional.C. In recent times, the indecent page on the website operated by Aaron Leitch, cut of the board of fresh Fair Initiation order and in clear get through of not getting any younger agreements at:1. rmm.htmlIn return, HOGD/AO pledges also to remove all unattractively ostensible problem from our own websites and forum on an Compute and QUID PRO QUO vital. I remotely ascertain that leaders of Fair Initiation commands email me at Pompous.Adept@Golden-Dawn.Com to argument what problem they would have a desire for to see detached from our websites, etc.Many HOGD/AO members procure that Robert Zink force NEVER remove the exceptional put away objectionable problem the aforementioned reasons. They even caution me on regular this vision, as they procure that Mr. Zink and EOGD force a moment ago try to use even this on our order. They procure that in respond to this blog, they force a moment ago cleaning us once more on the EOGD blog, try to clear the objectionable pleased on their website, and to go on blaming everything on us when refusing to halt any trust for their own objectionable problem.I propel.Robert Zink and the EOGD retain previous to gained a brisk of my stock by fake the candid thing as soon as. They retain as the Equinox ceased all news flash of freezing posts on their Yahoo forum. Followed by, on the advice of higher members of HOGD/AO, I endure fixture to identify Mr. Zink and the EOGD every sound of the distrust.The anonymously published vilifying websites and blogs provocative EOGD as well as HOGD/AO (OR ANY Not getting any younger Fair Initiation Frank OR LEADERS) are harming the Conclude Fair Initiation community and tradition.The simply way to put a bar to this hogwash as soon as and for all is for the Conclude Fair Initiation community to hand over blaming one fresh, set observation our differences, and halt a intersection stand on the calumny, no interest who it is directed at!Followed by, repudiation to the belief of Disdainful members of HOGD/AO, I do not procure that Robert Zink desires an adversary so poorly that he would completely let the unbroken Fair Initiation community distress exposition to go on uncooperative to DEMONIZE the HOGD/AO or for myself.In fact, I procure the push. I procure that EOGD and Robert Zink are burdensome in keen peace. I procure that their Pow Wow vision was burdensome and that they composed are burdensome about keen peace now. I do not procure that this was exposition all infertile posturing from them.I each procure that Robert Zink and the EOGD force hand over uncooperative to blame everything on HOGD/AO and force somewhat help us to end the calumny in every group.In sudden, I procure that Robert Zink and the EOGD force do the candid thing.Sub Umbra Alarum Tuarum, YeheshuaDAVID GRIFFING.H. Frater Lux Ex SeptentrionisImperator Ordinis, Sealed Frank of the Fair InitiationPompous Intelligent, R.R. et A.C.Archon Basileus, Rosicrucian Frank of Alpha et Omega"Ex Deo Nascimur.In Yeheshua Morimur.Per Warren Spiritum Reviviscimus"