Why Jesus was Not a Jew
by Banjo Billy
In the first place, Jesus was not a Jew. He was a Hebrew, yes, but
not a Jew. It is a common misconception that is actually fostered
by the Jews, themselves.
The historical facts are these: the Hebrews were the Semitic
-language ETHNIC group of people who lived in the highlands of
Palestine. As an ethnic group of Semitic people, they had a belief
system that was divided into various sects. Just as modern day
Muslims can all be called Muslims even though they have divided
themselves into two main SECTS called Sunnis and Shiites; and just
as modern day Christians can all be called Christians even though
they have divided themselves into various SECTS called Catholics,
Protestants, Methodists, Presbeterians, etc.; so too were the
ancient Hebrews all called Hebrews even though they had divided
themselve into several SECTS which they called Pharisees,
Sadducees, Scribes, Essenes, etc. They were all Hebrews but they
were not all Pharisees. They were all Hebrews but they were not
all Sadducees. They were all Hebrews but they were not all
So, once you understand that the Hebrews as a people all generally
followed a certain belief system even though they were also
divided into several SECTS, then you can understand why Jesus was
not a Jew even though he was, indeed, a Hebrew.
Among the Hebrews, the Sadducees followed the teachings of the
Torah (the Old Testament) and were generally part of the rich and
"politically correct" social climbers of their times, being close
to the king and the ruling elite who liked riches and admired
Roman culture.
While the Torah was generally accepted by the Pharisees, they also
followed some extra-curricular beliefs that were invented by their
rabbis and which were known as "The Tradition of the Elders".
These teachings were mainly various methods of evading the
Commandments and for making the rabbis into mouthpieces for God.
These Traditions were considered by the Pharisees to be of a
higher order than the teachings of the Torah, even though they
were basically rules for overturning all of the Laws of God that
they had learned from Moses. "The Tradition of the Elders" was an
oral teaching that only the Pharisees followed and passed on to
their sons.
So, when Jesus arrived on the scene, He had a special condemnation
for the Pharisees whom he called, "liars, deceivers, hypocrites,
murderers and the very children of their father, the Devil." While
Jesus had plenty to say against the Sadducees who put their
service to God second to their service to making money and
enjoying wealthy pastimes, it was the Pharisees upon whom Jesus
heaped the hottest coals for their falsifications and rejection of
the teachings of the Torah.
So can you see that although Jesus taught all of the Hebrews -- of
which He was one of them -- he condemned what the Sadducee SECT
and the Pharisee SECT and the Scribal SECT were teaching and
corrupting. Thus, Jesus was a Hebrew but he was not a Sadducee or
a Pharisee or a Scribe. The Hebrew faith encompassed all of these
SECTS. And Jesus taught all of them although he was not a member
of any of these SECTS. Why would Jesus be a member of a small sect
when His Message was for all of the Hebrews and not just some of
Once you understand this, then the next step is to ask, "Then what
are the Jews?"
The history plays out this way: After Jesus was crucified by the
Pharisees and some of the Saducees (who had bribed and blackmailed
Pontius Pilot), these SECTS prospered under Roman rule for another
70 years. But their intrigues against Rome and open rebellions and
murders of Roman citizens and soldiers finally forced Rome to act.
As punishment for the Hebrews of Judea, Rome attacked Jerusalem
and plundered the city in 70 AD and prohibited any Hebrews from
ever again setting foot inside that city. All Hebrews in the city
were either put to the sword or enslaved in the mines and Roman
galleys. And all Hebrews in all of Palestine were ordered to leave
and never come back. And from that time the Hebrews began to fan
our across the Middle East and Europe in what they call the
With their spiritual center of Jerusalem destroyed, what Hebrews
who were able to escape and those who were not in the city itself,
ran off to the surrounding regions to regroup. Of course, they
asked themselves why God had punished them so much. The Sadducees,
being believers in the Torah, concluded that in fact they had
mistakenly crucified the Messiah. And so, the Sadducees converted
to Christianity and disappeared from history as a SECT of
But the Pharisees, being obstinate of heart and corrupt in virtue,
and not believing in the clear signs of the Torah as to who the
Messiah would be, thought of themselves as superior to the
teachings of the Torah. So, these rabbis concluded that they had
been destroyed by Rome as a test of their faith in their
understanding of the "Tradition of the Elders". This Tradition was
an ORAL teaching of the rabbis and which they had elevated to
holiness by a belief that these had been secret teachings given
orally to Moses, whispered into Moses' ear by God, Himself, and
thus superior to the written teachings in the Torah.
And so, these Pharisees regrouped and continued the teachings that
had been condemned by Jesus as the works of the devil. And since
the Saduceees had been converted to Christianity, and the Essenes
had been destroyed by the Roman legions, the Pharisees found
themselves as the sole inheritors of the Hebrew belief system. And
as the sole inheritors of the Torah and the oral Tradition of the
Elders, they assumed leadership of all of the remaining Hebrews
who followed the teachings of Moses and not the teaching of Jesus.
These Pharisees wandered across the eastern Mediterranean and
Mesopotamia in search of a place to live, since they were
forbidden to return to Jerusalem or the country of Judah. And so,
they were often asked by the native people, "Who are you and where
do you come from?" They did not say that they were Pharisees or
Jerusalemites who were condemned by both Christians and Romans.
They said that they were from the land of Judea. And they became
known as Judeans or, using a shorter pronunciation, Jews.
And so, you can now see that Jesus was not a Jew. And that the
Jews of today are the very SECT whom Jesus condemned the most. And
this is why the Jews hate Jesus and Christianity to this very day
because they are the very ones whom Jesus called, "liars,
deceivers, hypocrites, murderers and the very children of the
devil". The Jews of today are the Pharisees without change,
teachings the same evils and vices as they did from those ancient
And this is why the Jews hate and slander the Ku Klux Klan because
the Klansmen believe what Jesus said about the Jews.
When someone says, "Oh look!" and points to the moon, people
naturally look at the moon and not at he who points. The Jews are
experts at pointing their fingers at others to avoid being seen as
they are.
That the Jews were the primary slave traders all throughout
European history up to and including the American Civil War, is
something that they hide behind their hypocritical masquerade of
being the "friends of black people against white oppression". And
so, today, in Jewish media you will find that the Jews point their
fingers at the KKK for being "anti-Negro". But in their lies and
hypocrisy, they are actually trying to cover up the fact that they
were the one's who sold the black slaves to the white Americans
in the days when slavery was still legal. And they want to blame
others for their own sins while hiding the fact that it was white
Christians who freed the slaves, fighting a Civil War that cost a
million white people their lives for the sake of freeing the
Negros. And they oppose the Klan because the Klan believes what
Jesus said about the Jews.
That the Jews were the monopoly owners of the slave trade
throughout Europe, the Mediterranean and North Africa since
pre-Roman times up to and including the slave trade of both North
and South American, they hide behind their crocodile tears and
their hypocritical grins while they lie and say that today they
are the "fellow minority brothers" of the very people whom they
enslaved, tortured and oppressed and say they are adamantly
opposed to the "white man's oppression of their fellow minority
people" -- this in the face of the facts that it was white
Christians who ended slavery after it had been in this world since
civilization began 12,000 years ago!
That the Jews were the sole propriators of the Opium Monopoly that
ravaged China and destroyed the lives and fortunes of tens of
millions of Chinese, they cover up with the lie that it was the
British who spread opium into China and not Jews and only Jews
working under British passport. And then to protect the Opium
Monopoly of their fellow Jews in India and China, the Jews of
England forced the English government into two Opium Wars against
That the Jews were the originators, inventors, promoters,
financial backers and profiteers in the Bolshevik Revolution in
Russia, they hide behind the lie that they were only revolutionary
Russians and not that they were Jews living in Russia and Jews
financing the whole revolution from Wall Street banking houses.
Mao Tse-Tung did not found the Chinese Communist Party which
resulted in the murder and enslavement of a billion Chinese. It
was founded by two Jews from Russia.
To cover up the fact that Jewish Communism by even the most
conservative estimates of the Communist historians, themselves,
is responsible for the death of one hundred million people since
1917, the Jews promote a fraud that tries to make six million Jews
more important than the one hundred million that they are
responsible for murdering, starving and torturing.
Now, do you understand why Jesus was not a Jew?
Origin: ceremonial-magic.blogspot.com