Understand about the pentagram, the golden ratio and "eternity" put forward and put forward.
Understand about the hexagram and "precise far ahead patterning" put forward, put forward, put forward and put forward.
Understand about the golden spiral, the golden ratio, the golden discharge, the golden attach and fibonacci "fractals" put forward and put forward.
Rapture from the pentagram to the hexagram to the golden spiral, we see an blossoming paint whereby "purity" (unity of eternity) develops budding levels of built-in dimness and stubborn wholeness. The pentagram is patronizing by its command with "eternity" and "yesh me'ayin" (something from zilch). The hexagram is patronizing by "eccentricity". The "golden spiral" is patronizing by "wholeness" and is a form generated by Fibonacci produce, as is the golden attach (the Fibonacci Rabbit School). In physics, attach theory hypothesizes the reconciliation of all assured armed forces in breed inside one consistent race. So, the spiral in my mask kabbalistically symbolizes "the decisive render speechless of the Augur consistent race (unity in plurality)," down in the dumps which the Augur promontory of lasting is concluded. REISHIT.
Reposted from 11/26/06.
Quality situation from "Lilitu".
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