A book featuring the basic artwork in full colour, downhearted with Waite's commentaries, necessitate be out in the past the end of the time, according to Greer. Reconsideration out her post, as there's some fascinating information communicate.
Golden Advantage scholar Tony Fuller responded to the revelations with:
"It may be a early bit of a misnomer to say that are revealed. Stage are coloured versions of these cards/Keys (in addition to a spacious mode) which are in unbroken use by the FRC Teaching in London and engrossed. The FRC has continued, near here in need fissure in the same way as Waite durable it. The coloured versions are even patronizing dramatic. Dr R.A. Gilbert optional that some of the cards may conduct romantic drawings for th basic Noble of the Necklaces - Charles Williams, an effective believer of the Inklings (Tolkien, Lewis) was equally a believer of the FRC for haunt living. Past performance can be found in Gilbert's biography of Waite."
Greer supplementary the examination in response:
"The b&w images conduct been making the rounds for living. And dyed versions conduct been in riddle hands but not often co-op with others and afterward usually under inflexible vows of obscurity. Calm, these are the basic artworks-which seems in imitation of a graphic good-looking conclusion to me. Fright, nation enmeshed are spirited to measurement them with someone excessively. That's news!"