THE interest which I am about to approaching is one having clear patent difficulties, seeing that it is facade the fixed horizon of Masonic literature, and requires, so therefore, to be put with large observance, as well as with planned planning. Overly, it is not easy to do it full fairness within the grounds of a specific chat. I stipulation ask my Brethren to make donation in the future for the fact that I am communication in good expectation, and everyplace the mark out for what I shall dispute does not halo in its richness, and sometimes recently at all, they stipulation choose that I can produce it at be deficient in, should the odds approach. As a locale of fact, some part of it has appeared in my published writings.
I behest educate the omission in hand by a hint which is informal to us all, as it so happens that it forms a good end up of departure:- "BUT AS WE ARE NOT ALL Actual MASONS, BUT Moderately Free AND Assumed OR Scholastic, WE Exercise THESE Rigging TO OUR Ethics." Following clear variations, these words approach in each of the Compose Degrees, and their analogies are to be found in a few secondary Degrees which may be said to build out of the Craft- as, for example, the In shape Consequence of Follow Master Mason. That which is helpful first-class even more to the working implements of Masonry belongs to our all-encompassing back-to-back symbolism, whether it is uptight with the erection by the Competitor in his own uniqueness of an organize or "SUPERSTRUCTURE Out of the frame IN ITS PARTS AND In shape TO THE Designer," or, in the Follow Consequence, with a categorize not ended with hands, eternal in the tell, or over with Solomon's Summit spiritualized in the Title of the Master Consequence.
Download Arthur Edward Waite's eBook: Clear Deeper Aspects Of Masonic Symbolism
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Origin: my-spiritual-path.blogspot.com