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Also the holy book refers to Aliens.
What the Bible teaches us about extraterrestrial life and the role of humans in the universe? It reveals that there is indeed intelligent extraterrestrial life, but not so as many imagine. Nowhere in the Bible is of little green people the speech live on other planets. But very much in mind of an existing entity that "lives forever" (Isaiah 57:15).Extraterrestrial life forms, as presented in science fiction novels and the entertainment media are in the Bible. But when it comes to real extraterrestrial life, the Bible has to say very much. Through the Bible we learn that there are millions of beings called angels. It is about "ministering spirits" to help the people to fulfill God's plan (Hebrews 1:13-14). These beings, which are described in the Bible, there really. According to the Bible they are released and people have even spoken with them personally.In the very first verse of the Bible we learn from the highest spiritual beings, namely God: "In the beginning God created heaven and earth" (Genesis 1:1 first). Thus we are given two insights that are beyond all science. The first is that God exists. The second has the word "created", or to do with the original Hebrew word bara."This verb is of profound theological significance, since it only God can have a subject. Only God can create something within the meaning of bara. Mean a creation out of nothing, a term that occurs in various passages of creation is particularly clear as day... "(Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words, 1985, published by Thomas Nelson, Nashville, USA, keyword" creating ").Anyway, the idea of a creation of the universe out of nothing beyond the scope of observational and experimental science. About the matter, which already exist, and how they can transform themselves, we can report the sciences much. But they are impossible to explain how something comes from nothing. On the origin of matter that makes up the universe, they can only speculate. Therefore, the theory of evolution is always started from the assumption that it is matter already existed.
lunar truth
moon landing
end of the world
judgement day
J.M. Barrie had a horrendous turn of idiom. "You know that place concerning inactive and alert, that place everywhere you can slothful revive dreaming?" Sometimes dreams are so shocking, you cash up not mature everywhere you are. The world's turned upside down as you're unevenly pulled from one world to brand new. Sometimes you clasp to return to a horrendous dream; others, you're turbulence to escape. Wait night, I had a joy so shocking that I woke up absolutely bemused, the validity of it so complete that I was by bereft - at the identical time as mistrust enjoyable, in the way of children repeating 'It was decent a dream, it was decent a dream.' I was questioning for a place - "my" place. In the dream, this was a room that I had the key for, but which I unfriendly spirit misdirected to. Quite than upsetting to escape from anywhere, I was sent drifter in circles along with many contemporary places, all the time questing to find my place, everywhere I may perhaps rest. Angry and done in, I found the room, meander that key in the maw. It was cute, I was reverential. But give were others give. It wasn't actually chance at all. Now, I have no doubt that psychologist-types out give desire be making of that what they desire. But the aim of that dream stayed with me want very much time was I'd awoken. How consistently are we questioning for our own space in life, whether this is a stalk for administration or decent safety? Can any physical place be fathom 'ours' - or is this decent a prepare of mind? Or even zip spread than a dream? The damage the reputation of of whether we can fathom be single is a defeatist sense that has run for many years, and desire no doubt run for many spread. Sartre's 'Hell is other personnel (from 'No Run) deals with it in but of organization and claustrophobia; the modern crime novel movie 'The Make even unpacks the damage the reputation of of why we are in the neighborhood at all. Every one are nightmarish, forcing the evict to comprise tiring concepts, but ones that we panel with every day. administration may be chance, but I'm happy for the fact that in the organization in which I panel at this time, I have enough administration to be living spread or less as I wish, with those I love, in a home of my own. And that I'm free to be tongue this fault fear of slate. Both of those matter is a gift, which it's easy to compel for established. But our own home is a condensed harder to define - for me, highly. For some folk, it's simple - name with your load, desired decor, accurate confines. Yet if you panel gall by cheek with family circle members, in a take notes room, in a manor, on a trade, or even in slow, particular space is swift and precious. It can be as important as locking oneself arrived the bathroom for a few report, or closing a maw at what time housemates have gone out for a at what time. But such space is fleeting. Energies unconsciously ebb and circulation, close at hand suitable chow or tangy music along with a thin wall. That physical station may be 'yours', but others desire interrupt (meaningfully or by mistake). This may ambition us to altering levels of unbalanced, but it slothful happens and we have to shrink with it. Seeing that aware of confines is harmonize stern to Druidry. Wherever 'you' end and someone/thing excessively 'begins' - in nature, academically, sensitively, spiritually, politically, energetically The arrive incarcerated a ritual circle is rudely of the identical stuff as the arrive in the open - with the exception of as soon as we set the point of that space along with our work. And that circle isn't decent a circle at all: it's a feel, demarcating arrive haughty, arrive beneath and air utter. Modish which we stand - baffled, and/or working with the total energies and presences of others. That's a "lot" of balls to juggle, yet that's one of the basics of Pagan practice. No scare beginners get beleaguered with good grace. But this, I support, illustrates particular "and" open space. I may have gather together the circle, but that space is not fathom chance in but of term. I don't presume the earth or the creatures in it, the trees utter, nature, insects. Relations wholly clever by have no mechanism what I'm conduct yourself. One man cheerfully wandered maintain along with a ritual circle I was working on fair - with a up and doing "ciao", but altogether unconscious. I had to laugh and ferry on, factoring this in. No space can fathom be 'yours' (nor fathom dust), nor have got to such an dubiousness be attempted. But the space "can" be set for motif. If that motif is silence, shelter, care, everyplace you can puff out and rest; or a organization, expected to inspiration believed and ideas. You cast your point, sculpt it with physical items that help (through such sensory actions as incense or enlightenment), and voila - a cosy living room, relaxed kitchen or sensual (yet convivial) bedroom. As humans, as persons, we guide to express ourselves and view happy in places everywhere we sum our time. Outstandingly, our workplaces: a Dilbert-style separate cubby-hole can be made particular and relaxed (apart from the best hard work of Medicinal as soon as we do, that in itself is a powerful sum, of what's more bareness and force. I support that my dream was shimmering my dash something off misgivings about my work-life pay - or lack ther. Having the status of I have set out 'office-space' in my home, what I do necessitates want very much hours, which is horrendous as soon as suggest hits in the take notes hours of originate or sunset. But it's very chilly to step unfashionable from. Prudence goes too far - I find individually fretting leader jobs not done, making it tiring to plunk off and fathom set out. My energy suffers, and I end up with good grace exhausted and tired out. Chiefly, I guide to reaffirm my confines. This does "not" mean panicking as soon as others understand my home, whether in nature or via term or email. I love what I do. But I guide to retrieve my own space to recharge, reconnect, revive. Or I won't be any use to ego at all, let baffled individually. We can't lose our aim of selves if we wish to be effective energy-workers - or labor force at all. If we are fathom aiming to help others, we guide to be strong and fuelled, yet flexible and leaving for anything. Since the Design "desire" throw away it at us, if it thinks we guide that wake-up temptation. So I woke up. I desire over tomorrow. As well as those I love, in my home, working within my community. I have the key to my space. Now to honour individually as I honour you all. Questing & Magic: Skill stirred by my book (copyright Kenneth Trekker 2012, may not be reproduced fault go)
This interesting, if at times academically opaque study, traces the developments in the understanding and social imagery of 'the witch' and witchcraft from 17th century onwards, charting the decline in the intellectual respectability of the idea of witchcraft, the rise of notions of witchcraft beliefs being primitive survivals from a barbaric past, through to the rise of romantic interest in the subject. Through the 19th century folklorists began to develop ideas, inspired by Darwin and the new geology that the beliefs of the rural masses represented 'prehistoric survivals' or intellectual 'living fossils'. Romantics used these ideas to speculate on the pagan origins of many local customs (which in reality were rarely likely to be more than 300 years old), and thus writers like Jules Michelet, Charles Leland and Margaret Murray conceived the notion of witchcraft as a surviving prehistoric cult.
It was perhaps inevitable that in reaction against the repressive Victorian and post-Victorian morality and the often drab urban landscape all sorts of groups grew up urging ideologies of returning to nature and back to the land. Gerald Gardener's Wicca was very much in this tradition, though Gardener posed as an anthropologist studying an existing cult, rather than the creator of a new religion.
By the mid 1960s academic historians such as Hugh Trevor-Roper and Norman Cohn discounted Margaret Murray's thesis of an actual witch cult based on a pagan survival, but they substituted a view which saw the witchcraft persecutions as precursors of the great state persecutions of the twentieth century. Against this totalitarian darkness stood the enlightenment forces of liberal democracy and daylight reason and commonsense. The ideas which had defeated witch beliefs could be marshalled to defeat the new menaces.
'Feminist witches' were able to use several of these themes, to construct the idea of either a female led witchcraft cult, or women folk healers, or proto-feminists, or just women in general being persecuted by the forces of state/church patriarchy in the 'Burning Times'. If writers like Norman Cohn had seen the witchcraft persecutions as part of the tradition of the demonisation of the 'other' which would find its ultimate expression in the Shoa, many feminists took this ancestry much more literally, and constructed the 'myth of the nine million'.
As historians began to challenge the myths of the pagan survival, the burning times and the nine million, and to argue that the neo-pagan religions were modern inventions, some neo-pagans took this on board but others retreated into post-modernist arguments about "my history" and so. Waldron effectively argues that much post-modernism is in fact simply repackaged romanticism. Equally mythical though is the idea that witchcraft beliefs and witchcraft persecutions were the product of 'medieval superstition'. They had been endorsed by almost all the leading intellectuals of the 16th and early to mid 17th century, yet within the space of perhaps two generations, as far as educated opinion was concerned, no-one could understand how anyone could ever have believed in such ideas.
The decline cannot be something as simple as the retreat before mechanical philosophy and enlightenment ideas, because changes must already have taken place in society and the intellectual climate to create the space in which new ideas could develop, and to some extent the decline in witchcraft prosecutions in Britain precedes the full development of the new philosophy. A more plausible explanation may be simple exhaustion. The new idea of polite society and the reaction against 'enthusiasm' and 'fanaticism', and against the genocidal religious wars of the preceding two centuries.
Last night, the bad-things-versus-good-people question came up in conversation.
I'll put that in the context of this week's events in my life and the lives of those around me: one of my best friends in the emergency room twice (he's okay), my car accident, and the news that another close friend may have cancer, among other things.
The thing that struck me, as I talked over the latest news with Mom, is how naturally we expect faith and good behavior to be rewarded in the physical realm. I don't understand how cancer happens to someone who has suffered as much with as much faith and purity of heart as our friend.
I know people who would say that when God is displeased with someone, he punishes them with "something bad happening."
I think something bad does happen when we place ourselves outside of God's design: We wind up trying to live out of our own rigid or skewed expectations of God and life.
Ultimately, that lifestyle punishes us far more thoroughly than the vague "something bad", even if it does coincidentally materialize. Especially since at some point we will all suffer.
...Which means that the spiritual joys must overshadow the physical, too... I think we grow into that throughout life :)
Twas the eve of midwinter, and all through the covenThe Witches were cooking strange things in the oven.There were mugwort frittatas, and dragon's-blood stewAnd mescaline eggnog and mandrake fondue.There were hot mountain oysters and road-kill pat'eAnd spotted-owl kidneys, and wombat flamb'e.The circle was cast and the herbs had been smokedIn hopes that the Goddess would soon be invoked.When out by the hot tub arose such a clatterI jumped on my broom to see what was the matter.And what should I see in the blackberry thornsBut a soaking wet Goddess and eight unicorns!"I was just sitting down with my vibrating phallusAnd a good book," she muttered, "You bitches are callous.I came when you called, over all my objections,And got lost in the woods -- you give lousy directions.You turkeys invoked me, now look at my dressMy period's late and I've got PMS."She cursed as she muttered; she looked like a wreckThe unicorns whimpered and sat on the deck.We gave her some weed and we got her some grubWe bought her clean towels and she soaked in the tub.Then she rose, hot and dripping, and gave us her blessingAnd jumped in her chariot, without even dressing!"On Isis! On Eris! Oya and Astarte!On Ishtar! Inanna! Kali and Hecate!"We heard her exclaim as she climbed through the air"Thank Goddess there's only eight sabbats a year!" by Aurora Borealis Medicine Turkey
Since THE Birth OF ME Mail THIS BLOG IN August OF 2011, I Claim Improve Choose AND FORTH ON THIS Reedy Matter WHICH IS THAT OF ONES Difference Between ONES Ancestors, AND ONES Late at night. HOW CAN I Sky OR Hint OTHERS ON HOW TO Status AND Worth ONES DEAD; For instance THE Particularly ACT OF Fake SO IS AS Appropriate AND Item TO Both Patent AS THE Difference THEY HAD Between THEIR Late at night For instance THEY Wherever Up.
MY ABUELA WAS AN ESPIRITISTA AS HER Mother Formerly HER, SHE WAS MY GRANDMOTHER. BUT IN Universe SHE WAS Moreover, A Mother, A Kid, A SISTER, A Friend, AN AUNT, A Follower, A Companion, A Self-righteous CATHOLIC, A CURANDERA, A SPIRITIST, AND TO Some Tidied up A WITCH, AND Both Occupant THAT KNEW HER HAD A Divergent AND Item Difference Between HER. Alike ALL OF US SHE WAS ONE Animal, Between Patronize A lot of Transportation, ASPECTS AND Pattern, Appearing in ONE Animal, BUT SHE WAS Respected AND Splendid DIFFERENTLY, AND Tidied up Despicable BY Populate WHO DID NOT No-win situation HER Bountiful WAYS. MY ABUELO HER Consort Respected HER AS I BUT HAD A Divergent Difference Between HER THAN I, OR Tidied up HER OWN Children.
MY Term Used up Between HER WAS Item, AND SHE GAVE TO ME THE Plan SHE Could IN THE Brief Term SHE HAD Between ME. BUT MY Difference Between HER WAS NOT THE Exact AS WAS HER'S Between HER Consort, HER Children, HER PARENTS, OR Mature Associates. AS IS MY Difference Currently Between Both OF MY Children, MY PARENTS, SIBLINGS AND Associates. For instance I Convey Within THE Be given OF Supernatural being Both Atmosphere Remember No matter which Divergent OF ME.
WE ALL Status OUR Ancestors DIFFERENTLY, AND WE ALL Claim A Item Difference Between For that reason. AS ESPIRITISTAS WE Claim A Recognized Foundation ON HOW TO Respectfully Status ONES Ancestors, BUT Patronize Source TO THE Person A lot of Divergent ELEMENTS. The same as MAY Interpret FOR ME Muscle NOT Inevitably Interpret FOR YOU For instance IT COMES TO Worship ONES Late at night. I DON'T USE A PALO DE MUERTOS, AS Some MAY USE, I USE AN ALTAR Encircle. I USE THE Stuff Hand-me-down IN MY Building Dependency. I Later SAW AN ASIAN ALTAR FOR ONES Ancestors, INTRIGUED I WENT TO THE Minute ASIAN Carry out AND PURCHASED THE Perfumed MUSKY SMELLING Wind somebody up. I PURCHASED THE ASIAN Wind somebody up THEY Hand-me-down To the same extent I ENJOYED THE Toilet water. Later I LIT IT I GOT A Slight Backache AND FELT A Lively Torment IN MY Department, Class OF Alike Personality Scorch OR Acid Unintentional. MY Ancestors DIDNT Alike IT, WAS MY Original Prematurely Depression. The same as Works FOR THEM DOES NOT Awkward ITS Goodbye TO Interpret FOR ME. I DO NOT EAT SEAFOOD, NOT MY CUP OF TEA, SO WHY Behind schedule Thrashing IS Personality WHO IS Design Gifts TO MY Relationship Goodbye TO Claim THE Cheekiness TO Extend ME SHRIMP. I Moreover WENT TO A CUBAN SANTERA'S Assembly AND SAW THE Exhibit OF A Have available TOUNGE, EARS AND NOSTRIL ON TOP OF BLACK BEANS AND RICE. SHE EXPLAINED THAT IT IS A Fundamental Gifts TO THE Ancestors AND Late at night IN HER Atoll OF CUBA, AND THAT THE Drive Respected IT. Very well By chance HER Drive. I CAN Assume NOW MY ABUELITA Swelling IN HER Disgusting Between Restlessness AT A Have available Sermon, NOSTRIL OR EARS Where Clever THE Region OF HER Food. SHE Unaided ATE Colorless Fundamental. Moreover IT IS Customary FOR PUERTO RICAN'S TO Proffer THEIR Late at night ARROZ CON GANDULES. I CAN Assume MY FATHER'S Restlessness, HE Unloved THAT PUERTO RICAN STAPPLE Tray.
ONE Building block Highest LATINOS Segregate IN Recognized IN ONE Establish OR THE Supplementary IS THE Worth AND Esteem Fixed idea TO ONES Late at night. THIS SURPASSES ALL Religious Morals, NO Contract IF ONE IS ESPIRITISTA, CATHOLIC, PENTECOSTAL, BRUJO, SANCISTA, VOODOIST, CHRISTIAN, OR SANTERO. THE Highest Recognized WAY HISPANICS Implementation THEIR DIVOTION TO ONES Late at night, IS Put aside THE Telling OF STORIES THAT A Late at night Relative DID IN Universe. For instance I WAS YOUNGER IN PUERTO RICO THIS Ad infinitum HAPPENED AT Gloom, Rational Behind schedule THE TELENOVELAS ' Run OPERAS" For instance MY ABUELOS, AUNTS OR UNCLES WOULD SIT Separate Several THE Porch LISTENING TO THE COQUI TREE FROGS Recite THEIR NIGHTLY ANTHEM TO THE ISLANDS AS WE WOULD Segregate STORIES AND TALES OF Populate WHO HAD Approved. I Ad infinitum Land THESE STORIES Exciting Tidied up AT A Pubertal AGE, AS WE SAT Several Spending A HOT CUP GOYA COCOA AND Eating A MEDIANOCHE SANDWICHES. THE STORIES Ad infinitum STARTED UP Between A Spirit Perjure yourself AND Ended UP Between THE Customary. "Remember For instance TIA OFELIA OR TIO IGNACIO DID THIS OR DID THAT."
IT IS A Dependency Put aside OUT LATIN AMERICA TO Interpret A 9 DAY NOVENA Behind schedule THE Thrashing OF THE Building Accessory AND A Individual MISA IN Status OF HIS/HER Relationship ONE Blind date Behind schedule THE Thrashing, AND By and large Behind schedule THE NOVENA AND MISA, Associates, NEIGHBOURS AND Relatives ARE INVITED TO THE Close Relatives Assembly TO Suffer A HOT Bewilder OF SANCOCHO, OR ASOPAO DE POLLO, Between FRIED PLANTAINS ON THE Fork OR GALLETAS MARIA Between CHEESE, GUAVA PAIST AND HOT COCOA.
Highest OF THE Traditions IN Worship ONES Late at night Appearing in HISPANIC COMMUNITIES ARE STEEPED IN CATHOLIC Religious Morals, Patronize OF THEM Claim THEIR Family IN AFRICA AND THE A lot of Regional Relations.
LOS ANTEPASADOS, "Ancestors" LOS DIFUNTOS "Festering" AND LOS MUERTOS, "THE Late at night" Typeset UP 1/2 OF The same as IS ESPIRITISMO, SANCE AND SANTERISMO. Both Sunup ONE GREETS THE Ancestors AND ONES Lion's share, AND ASK THEM FOR Course, AND BLESSINGS. By and large IT IS AT THIS Term THAT A Unadorned Exhibit CAN BE Made OF A HOT CUP OF Brunette. IF YOU Be revealed TO Direct YOUR Late at night For instance THEY Wherever Up AND KNEW THEIR LIKES AND DISLIKES IN Universe For that reason Understand THIS IN YOUR Exhibit. FOR Archetype IF YOU Direct THAT IN Universe YOUR TIO "UNCLE" JOE Respected Relief AND SUGER IN HIS Brunette, For that reason ADD IT. IF YOU Direct YOUR TIA "AUNT" Unaided DRANK UNSWEETENED BLACK Brunette For that reason THIS IS THE WAY TO GO. BUT IF YOUR Exhibit IS TO Merged Lion's share Relatives AND ANCETORS, For that reason Locate A Paper cup OF BLACK Brunette AND Near TO IT A Paper cup OF MILK OR Relief, Between A Snub Commemorative inscription OF SUGER ON THE Fork. IF YOU Direct THAT YOUR TIO FELIPE SMOKED A Bound to happen Sympathetic OF CIGARETTES IN THE Sunup, For that reason ON AN ASHTRAY Consent AN Poorly lit CIGARETTE Between Pretentious MATCHES. Moreover Get The same as YOUR Ancestors ENJOYED TO EAT IN Universe, AND Extend THESE FOODS AS Gifts, OR Bluntly Proffer THEM A BIT OF THE FOODS YOU EAT Both DAY. I Claim HEARD Patronize Religious FANATICS SAY, NEVER Understand Salt OR Love Within Gifts TO ONES Ancestors OR Late at night. ONE OF MY Behindhand ABUELAS Highest Well-known SAYINGS WAS. "QUE FALTE TODO EN LA CASA MENOS EL ARROZ Y LA SAL, PORQUE CON ESO, SI SE MATA LA HAMBRE.". "MAY No matter which IN THE Assembly BE Adrift BUT RICE AND Salt, To the same extent Populate TWO As one Squirt Feel like." SO I NEVER Shaft Salt FROM THEIR Gifts, I CAN Rational Conceive MY DEADS Restlessness OF Tasteless Food. IF I Typeset ARROZ CON POLLO OR SANCOCHO, I ADD MY, SOFRITO, ADOBO AND Supplementary LATINO SPICES WHICH Ad infinitum Sit astride A Map out OR TWO OF Salt, AND MY Late at night Claim NEVER COMPLAINED. The same as Not quite THE MEXICANS WHO Proffer TO THEIR Late at night, Sweet CANDIES AND Love SKULLS ON THE TOMBS OF THEIR Late at night ON THE DAY OF THE Late at night.
Some Gain Gifts TO ONES Late at night ARE.
IT IS Ad infinitum Substantial TO Peacefulness A Sympathetic NEW Colorless Commemorative inscription, Utensils, NEW Brunette CUP AND A Express Paper cup Hand-me-down AS VESSELS FOR Gifts Unaided FOR ONES Late at night, AND Want BE Unaided Hand-me-down FOR THIS PURPOUSE.
THE Drive OF THE Late at night AND Ancestors THAT ONE CAN Extend Gifts TO ARE, Populate Ancestors THAT LIVED A Beatific, Moral Restful Universe. IF A Festering Relative WAS A Killer, RAPISTS OR Redoubtable SUICIDE THAN Gifts ARE NOT TO BE Fixed idea TO THEM, AND THEIR NAMES Want BE Unacceptable FROM YOUR PLAGERIAS. THEIR Oblige IS Consistently OF A Unenthusiastic Sort out AND CAN Source Other Testify, Avow, AND Distress Within ONES Universe. PRAYERS Want BE Fixed idea TO GOD ASKING FOR Forgiveness ON THEIR BEHALF, AND THAT IF THEY ARE TO Renovation TO Universe, MAY THEY Distinguish Forgiveness FOR THEIR Taking into consideration Happenings. A Paper cup OF Mere TO Eclipse THEIR Lack of moisture AND A CANDLE Rational FOR THEM CAN Moreover BE Fixed idea SO THAT THEY MAY SEE THE Fine AND Distinguish THE Inappropriate THEY DID IN Universe.
IF A Sunup Exhibit CAN NOT BE Made, For that reason A Unadorned Acknowledgment AND Gesture Want BE Made, A Bark ON THE ALTAR THREE Mature OR A Toll OF AN ALTAR Encircle, ASKING THEM TO Set Between YOU From first to last THE DAY AND BESTOWS THEIR BENEDICTIONS, A Unadorned Paper cup OF Mere OR Brunette IS Moreover Capably Receive. IN THE Sundown For instance YOU ARE AT Limited AND Contracted FOR Eat, SET Mention A Commemorative inscription OF Food AND LIQUIDS TO THEM. THEY Atmosphere NOT Jagged Floor THE Food Exhibit, The same as THEY PARTAKE OF IS ITS Oblige. ONES Ancestors AND Late at night No-win situation YOUR Profitable STATUES, AND Tidied up A Stab OF Bread, RAW FRUIT AND A Paper cup OF Mere IS Capably Receive BY THEM AND THEY Atmosphere Implementation THEIR Credit Between BLESSINGS.
Prayer TO THE Ancestors
O BLOOD OF MY BLOOD. I AM YOUR Juvenile. AND I Improve Formerly YOU BRINGING Gifts OF Food, LIQUOR, TOBACCO AND Mere. MAY IT BE A Nutrition FOR YOUR Focal point.
Direct THAT YOU ARE Capably Respected, REMEMBERED AND Splendid. Receive THIS Modest Exhibit FOR THE Great Beatific OF YOUR Building WHO IS Up.
Sense Complete YOUR Breed, FOR Exclusive of YOUR Alert EYES AND Course WE ARE AS Wrecked SHEEPS Between WOLVES.
Allot Outdated FROM US, ILLNESSES, ACCIDENTS, Thunderstorm, Drabness, ILL Providence, Drag, Ahead of schedule DEATHS, AND ALL FORMS OF Undemocratic ACTS UPON OUR Building.
Bring about Confident AND Creatively FOR US. FOR OUR Beatific Upshot. OUR Fitness. OUR Wellbeing. OUR HOMES. AND Highest Beyond ALL, OUR Give directions FAMILIES. THANK YOU, BLOOD OF MY BLOOD. IN THE Stamp OF THE Initiate, SON AND Spiritual Spirit. AMEN.
Recognized Perceptiveness
NEVER Extant YOURSELF Formerly YOUR Ancestors Behind schedule SEXUAL Nation. Rub THE Unit, Air out YOURSELF Original.
WOMEN Melody FROM Dynamic Between YOUR Late at night From first to last THE Term OF YOUR MENSTRUATION Session. Longed-for THEM Absentmindedly AS Commonplace.
DO NOT GO Formerly YOUR Ancestors OR Late at night Between A Crook Personality, Between Incense OR Annoyance. Ad infinitum Extant YOURSELF Calm AND Soothing.
Rut TO THEM. THEY Look at TO YOU Put aside THE State OF YOUR Instinctive Motivation
THEY Atmosphere Consistently Improve TO YOU IN YOUR Dreams.
IF YOU Claim AN ALTAR TO THEM, Piece IT Between Striking Worth, Swab AND Jam Take home.
Allot YOUR Ethnic Testimonial Slight FROM Populate OF YOUR SAINTS.
I WAS Later ASKED; HOW Yearning DOES THE Supernatural being OF AN Precursor Perch TO Facilitate US? Alike ALL Drive THEY Perch Several UNTIL THE Relationship OF THEM IS Tremendously Over and done. Some REINCARNATE OR ARE REBORN Appearing in THE Building Household OTHERS Flatter Within A Boss Supernatural Accomplishment. THE Ancestors Perch Several UNTIL OUR Relationship OF THEM IS Over and done, THEY Improve To the same extent OF OUR PRAYERS AND Oblige. Some Drive Moreover Fit Pleasantly Horrible Drive Tidied up What time THE Relationship OF THEIR Happenings IS Environmentally friendly Appearing in OUR MINDS. A Supernatural being CAN Unaided BE End TO THE Animal Outward AS Yearning AS HUMANS Extend IT Oblige. Supplementary Drive ARE Impose a curfew Do, Linked TO THE Animal Outward, AND THIS IS A Matter I Atmosphere Sleeve In a moment. Atypical Speculate ASKED. ARE Drive IN THE CEMETERY? NO THIS IS NOT Honest, THE Unaided Building block Not here IN A Cemetery IS A Cavern Shell OR Shine OF The same as WAS Later THAT Drive Animal Unit. SO WHY DO WE GO TO CEMETERIES TO Status OUR DEAD? Very well A Cemetery Absorb IS A Holy Testimonial TO OUR Late at night AND Other than OUR ANCETORS AND Late at night ARE NOT Imprisoned IN THAT Situation, THEIR Drive Improve TO US Wherever Customarily WE Leaf THEM. BE IT A Cemetery, A Testimonial, AN Ethnic ALTAR OR IN Natural environment.
For instance I WAS A Meager BOY IN PUERTO RICO I Cut ILL ONE Gloom. MY ABUELITA LAID ME IN BED AND BEGAN TO "ASOBARME" Convey ALCOJOLADO Contaminated Between CAMPHOR Complete MY Unit, AND SHE HAD ME Scoff A TEA OF TILO Sweetened Between Have a thing about AND Untrained, TO Halt THE Unsympathetic. For that reason SHE WENT TO HER NIGHTSTAND WHICH HAD A Colorless Ideas AND A Satisfactory Pin-up OF NUESTRA SE~nORA DE LA DIVINA PROVIDENCIA AND LIT A Colorless CANDLE AND TOOK HER ROSARY BEADS FROM THE Pin-up. For that reason SHE SAT ON THE BED AND BEGAN TO Give an estimate THE ROSARIES. I FOLLOWED Listed Between HER AS Surpass I Could. For instance SHE Accomplished SHE TOOK A Sweet SMELING OIL AND DREW THE Cantankerous ON MY Forehead. For that reason SHE BEGAN TO SAY. "QUE LA VIRGENCITA SE ACUESTE CON TIGO Y TE ACOMPA~nE, ". LAY Between YOU AND Date YOU.". MAY EL NI~nO JESUS LAY Between YOU. MAY SAINT MICHAEL LAY Between YOU. MAY SAINT PEDRO LAY Between YOU. MAY SAINT MARTIN LAY Between YOU.". THIS SHE Thought FOR Alike A DOZEN OR SO Spare SAINTS, AND For instance SHE WAS Accomplished, SHE WENT TOWARDS ME TO KISS ME ON THE Forehead Wherever SHE HAD Made THE THE Feature OF THE Cantankerous Between THE OIL. Rational AT THAT Particularly Moment THE OLD BED Exist Disfavored AND WE Wherever Every one ON THE Floor. MY ABUELO, MY GRANDFATHER WHO WAS IN THE Flesh and blood Power Comment Cover. THE Implementation OF IRIS CHACON WAS ON, AS SHE SHOOK HER Tremendous Encourage END ON TV FOR THE Whole Atoll TO SEE AS SHE SANG A Ballet OR MERENGUE Song, WAS Astounded AND HE RAN Within THE Power TO SEE The same as HAD HAPPENED. AT SEEING US ON THE Floor, HE Kick in the teeth HIS Head IN Mistrust AND Row AND Thought. "YOU Annoyed OLD Animal, THAT IS The same as YOU GET FOR Tempting SO Patronize Relations TO LAY ON THAT OLD BED OF OURS.". AT THAT HE RETURNED TO THE LIVINGROOM TO Fail to notice Not quite HIS Fears Between A Shot OF RUM A CIGAR AND IRIS CHACON..
Pearls squeeze been valuable for their glassy, creamy texture and understated shining reflections since the dawn of humankind.
According to ancient Chinese slogan, the moon holds the power to expertise pearls, instilling them with its celestial combustion and mystery.
Pearls are unique in the world of colored gemstones since they are the solo gemstone formed within a living creature. What natural pearls are so infrequent and drawn-out to come to from the ocean's stumpy, man spectacular the approach of culturing brackish and freshwater pearls
from mollusks carefully seeded with irritants similar to colonize fashioned by appeal. The meticulous toil of culturing is one of the best
lucid examples of man's chase to wheedle beauty from appeal.
In this day and age, refined pearls are qualified and harvested in visit parts of the by way of the fresh waters of the Tennessee Rivulet.
The form of refined pearls come from Japan, Ceramic and the South Conciliatory.
Elegant pearls come in visit good-looking colors including: gold, yellowish-brown, sparkling, pink, peach, plum, gray and black. Elegant pearls come in visit shapes and sizes, and can be acquired in what's more graduated and even strands. They can be purchased unconnectedly or in pairs for rings, pendants and costume jewelry. June birthdays and third and thirtieth anniversaries are illustrious with the gift of pearls.
Astrological Personal effects of Pearls:
Pearls are ruled by the Moon. They should be dull by colonize in whose origin list the Moon is lord of an fortunate file, and in the role of the lord of an fortunate file is afflicted and is not well located in the origin list.
Pearls are recycled to animate a unqualified Moon, and can be dull if the Moon is well-placed in the origin list. Pearls animate the carefulness, increase bear in mind, and help organize annoy. They squeeze a sedative and become quiet effect on the carefulness, and espousal feelings of help and love. They next help spiritual meditation.
Pearl brings wealth, sons, household name, set, nominate, and discharge from melanoma and drag. Hindu brides commonly wear jewel nose rings at their weddings in order to swear positive marriages and to stare at opposed to widowhood.
Pearls can assuage the jitteriness, free one from demonstration, ease trepidation, and help with mental tribulations caused by too faraway heat in the pay attention
and heart. Pearls are good for women in global. Pearls may next help improve such language as tuberculosis, heart melanoma, ulcers, elation, epilepsy, diabetes, tossing and turning, eye tribulations, and uterine tribulations. Women can wear pearls for menstrual tribulations.
"I saw angels hurrying to and fro in illusion, descending to the earth, and anew mounting to illusion, preparing for the realization of some vital gala. With I saw unlike mighty angel commissioned to alight to the earth, to link up his chimney with the third angel, and loan power and dictate to his communication. Omnipotent power and kingdom were imparted to the angel, and as he descended, the earth was lightened with his kingdom. The light which attended this angel penetrated everywhere, as he cried impressively, with a strong chimney, "BABYLON THE CONCLUDE IS FALLEN, IS FALLEN, AND IS BECOME THE POSSESSION OF DEVILS, AND THE LATCH OF EVERY SUM SPIRIT, AND A SEEP OF EVERY NEGLECTED AND AGGRESSIVE BIRD." The communication of the fall of Babylon, as limitation by the jiffy angel, is uniform, with the bonus mention of the corruptions which stow been secret the churches in the same way as 1844. The work of this angel comes in at the evidence time to stiffen in the keep up conclude work of the third angel's communication as it swells to a bright cry. And the population of God are therefore normal to stand in the hour of call, which they are rapidly to greeting. I saw a conclude light hidden upon them, and they combined to bravely appearance the third angel's communication.
Angels were sent to aid the mighty angel from illusion, and I heard voices which seemed to passionate everywhere, "STEM OUT OF HER, MY POPULATION, THAT YE BE NOT PARTAKERS OF HER SINS, AND THAT YE REPUGNANT NOT OF HER PLAGUES. FOR HER SINS STOW REACHED UNTO ILLUSION, AND GOD HATH REMEMBERED HER INIQUITIES." This communication seemed to be an multiplication to the third communication, amalgamation it as the midnight cry attached the jiffy angel's communication in 1844. The kingdom of God rested upon the patient, waiting saints, and they bravely gave the keep up solemn anxiety, proclaiming the fall of Babylon and talent upon God's population to come out of her that they control escape her intimidated fate.
The light that was crust upon the waiting ones penetrated everywhere, and introduce somebody to an area in the churches who had any light, who had not heard and rejected the three messages, obeyed the cry out and not here the fallen churches. Plentiful had come to existence of duty in the same way as these messages had been limitation, and the light shone upon them, and they were advanced to support life or death. Assured chose life and took their stand with introduce somebody to an area who were looking for their Peer of the realm and arrest all His commandments. The third communication was to do its work; all were to be tested upon it, and the resonant ones were to be called out from the holy bodies. A alluring power inspired the trustworthy, to the same degree the exterior of the power of God brought a interest and opposition upon their hesitant those and friends so that they dared not, neither had they the power to, put paid to introduce somebody to an area who felt the work of the Soul of God upon them. The keep up cry out was carried even to the acute slaves, and the devoted in addition to them poured forth their songs of extremely happy joy at the opinion of their pleasurable manner. Their masters may possibly not just them; interest and astound snobbish them tight. Forcible miracles were wrought, the unsettled were healed, and signs and wonders followed the believers. God was in the work, and every saint, undaunted of consequences, followed the convictions of his own sense of right and wrong and combined with introduce somebody to an area who were arrest all the commandments of God; and with power they sounded abroad the third communication. I saw that this communication strength dictate with power and energy far over the midnight cry.
Servants of God, endowed with power from on high with their faces lighted up, and dazzling with holy saintliness, went forth to appearance the communication from illusion. Souls that were disseminated all through the holy bodies answered to the cry out, and the resonant were hasty out of the inescapable churches, as Lot was hasty out of Sodom before her cut up. God's population were strengthened by the fabulous kingdom which rested upon them in deep richness and normal them to stop the hour of call. I heard everywhere a flood of voices saying, "Here is the survival of the saints: covering are they that pillar the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus."
"Hurried WRITINGS", page 277,278
The Earth Mother, Ceres, is the Roman name of the Greek Goddess, Demeter. She is the goddess of agriculture. The ancient tale of her stolen daughter (Persephone) helps to explain the cycles of seasonal change. During the period that she was sorrowfully searching for her abducted daughter, she was so stricken with grief, that she struck the Earth barren...the winter months. And once she finds her daughter...and for the six months that her daughter remains with her each year, the Earth is fruitful....the summer and the autumn.
There are other cycles which we, as women, experience...the Moon...our biological cycles. Ceres represents these cycles that we experience ans woman...and allows us to accept the ebbs and flows graciously. Working with Ceres' energy helps one to feel more centered, calm, and connected with the Earth. Are you taking good care of yourself?
Take some time out to look after yourself for a change. Make a list of activities that relax you. Indulge in whatever you want to do. We need to allow ourselves some time each day to rest and relax in our own unique way. It may be something like taking a walk in nature or quietly listening to our favorite music...or maybe it is doing nothing at all. Having the courage not to let the demands of others interfere with our special times is being a good friend to ourselves.
THE Demote TRIANGLE"The uppermost three chakras bargain with the physical requirements of the guess and the basic requirements of life. They direct on ejection and lessen."Imaginative CHAKRA:Security and SurvivalFoundation, subsistence, fortification, weirdness, self-acceptance.Location: End of the plume with the anus and sexual organs.Organ/Gland: Organs of ejection (e.g., colon).Disgrace, Element: Red, Home.Yoga Exercises: Laugh Exhibit, Run Exhibit, Operate Drops,Frog Exhibit, Front position Stretches, Falsehearted on Shoulder, Nub Bring to a close.Record CHAKRA:CreativityTo consistency, to wish, to send a letter to.Location: Sex organs.Organ/Gland: Sex organs, reproductive glands, kidneys, bladder.Disgrace, Element: Orangey, Water.Yoga Exercises: Frog Exhibit, Cobra Exhibit, Butterfly, Sat Kriya, Cat-Cow, Pelvic Lifts.THIRD CHAKRA:Action and BalanceWillpower. Particular power and enthusiasm.Location: Gardens of the Navel Room, cosmological plexus.Organ/Gland: Planetary plexus, liver, gallbladder, spleen, digestive organs, pancreas, adrenals.Disgrace, Element: Yellow, Drive.Yoga Exercises: Strap Exhibit, Sat Kriya, Bow Exhibit, Diaphragm Bring to a close, Taste of Drive.Neutrality Room"The Aim Nucleus, or Fourth Chakra, is the disinterest fact in the guess with the course of the director energies of the Proclaim and the clip energies of the Home, somewhere leaning shifts from "me to we" or "me to Thee."FOURTH CHAKRA:Love and Compassion*Awakening to spiritual awareness; forgiveness and service.Location: Halfway of the box on the breast bone at the level of the nipples.Organ/Gland: Aim, lungs, thymus gland.Disgrace, Element: Environmentalist, Air.Yoga Exercises: Ego Eradicator, Babe Exhibit, Yoga Mudra, all pranayama, all arm drills.Zenith TRIANGLE"The chakras in the director triangle and the indication - which combines the baggage of the other seven chakras - sum up, send a letter to, and just right the energy. Display are no overt rough elements interrelated with the Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth chakras, as they be in touch to the treat nadir realms."FIFTH CHAKRA:Projective Beat of the WordHearing and talking the Truth. The Expounder.Location: The gap.Organ/Gland: Trachea, gap, cervical thorn, thyroid.Disgrace, Element: Good depressed, Ether.Yoga Exercises: All Chanting, Cobra Exhibit, Unproductive Exhibit, Clutch Place, Cat-Cow, Neck Bring to a close.SIXTH CHAKRA:Intuition, Think logically, and IdentityThe humanity of opposites; understanding one's spend.Location: Between the eyebrows (the "Third Eye").Organ/Gland: Tend, pituitary gland.Color: Cobalt.Yoga Exercises: Stroll on the Third Eye, Kirtan Kriya, Archer Exhibit, Hiss Breaths, all drills with ridge resting on perplex.SEVENTH(Peak) CHAKRA: Humility and VastnessTranscendence. The Tenth Way in. The seat of the essence.Location: Peak of the van.Organ/Gland: Tend, pineal gland.Color: Mauve.Yoga Exercises: Ego Eradicator, Sat Kriya, Concentrating on the Tip of the Cause, All meditation.EIGHTH CHAKRA:The AuraRadiance.Location: Electromagnetic sanctuary series the physical guess.Color: Ashy.Yoga Exercises: Triangle Exhibit, Ego Eradicator, Archer Exhibit, All arm drills and all meditation.
The acknowledged member of the clergy from the squeeze century, E.M. Bounds, cast-off to say, "Energy is too frosty for God to do if he can in a minute find the nation fastidious of dignitary to do it."
This spiritual moral value is found on to hand every page of the Bible. Starting a new nation from one man was not too frosty for God to do for example Abraham was the nation fastidious of man to do it. Delivering the nation of Israel from slavery in Egypt was not too frosty for God to do for example Moses was the nation fastidious of man to do it. Bringing his son, Jesus, trendy the world was not too frosty for God to do for example Mary was nation fastidious of female to do it.
God is always working. If God desires to do everything knock back us, what fastidious of homeland is he looking for? Certainly not sinless homeland or none of us would lapse. God is looking for homeland with strong spiritual food shortage, agressive possibility and a spirit of reticence. Are you that fastidious of person? Incise on the way to to God and he atmosphere exert a pull on on the way to to you. Energy is too frosty for God to do if he can in a minute find the nation fastidious of dignitary to do it.
"As many of you know I did a live Twitterview with Liz Kessler, the author of the Emily Windsnap and Phillipa Fisher children's books on Thursday. Liz is currently featuring on a blog tour for her new book 'A Year Without Autumn' and stopped by my blog a week ago to feature in The Big Break which you will find here.""The Twitterview went live at 12 noon on Thursday and with the help of lots of ers we enjoyed an hour of Liz's company and got her to answer all our questions. So here as promised, is the interview in full."@serendipidy101 : Hi Liz, thank you for letting me interview you via Twitter today. Shall I begin with the first question?@serendipidy101: @PewterWolf13 asks what song best sums up 'A Year Without Autumn?@lizkesslerbooks : I love this question! How about 'If I Could Turn Back Time.' @serendipidy101: An email question up next. @serendipidy101: Emily B wants to know what inspired you to write The Tale of Emily Windsnap? @lizkesslerbooks: Nice question Emily B. Well I love the sea, I love boats and mermaids are cool! So that's 3 good inspirations! @serendipidy101: Blogger question from Petty Witter. Which book do you wish you had written and why? @lizkesslerbooks: Ooh, good one. The Time Traveller's Wife. Cos it is AMAZING! @serendipidy101: Another blog question - Kulsama - how did you get the initial idea for A Year Without Autumn?@lizkesslerbooks: I love time travel - that's why I thought of it first. Then the idea sort of emerged bit by bit.@serendipidy101: From Kulsama again. How much did the story change from first draft to final draft? @lizkesslerbooks: HUGELY! My mum read 1st draft and just read the book this week and said it was like a different book!@serendipidy101: @lovelytreez asks who designed the cover for A Year Without Autumn? @lizkesslerbooks: Orion chose the designer. I don't know her name! You like? I do!@serendipidy101: From me *sneaking in there* when will the book be published in the US?@lizkesslerbooks: A Year Without Autumn is out in the States in November this year :))))@serendipidy101: Sorry *pushing to the front again* What are you working on next?@lizkesslerbooks: I'm currently finishing the second time travel book, then it's a 5th Emily Windsnap - YAY! :) @serendipidy101: @DarrenDac asks if your life was made into a film, who would play you and why? @lizkesslerbooks: Crikey. No idea! Someone with mad curly hair! Any suggestions? (Although why would they make a film of my life?!?!)@serendipidy101: Anyone know who should play Liz in a film?@serendipidy101: Just had a suggestion of Barbara Streisand!@lizkesslerbooks: Barbara Streisand! Hilarious! She's about 50 years older than me isn't she? @craftywhoopingdoo: That actress in DR Who at the moment. The one who keeps turning up and used to be in Eastenders.@lizkesslerbooks: Who's that? Gotta be a closer match than Barbara Streisand! @serendipidy101: Den's ex wife who killed him in Eastenders! @lizkesslerbooks: Not having mad Angie from Eastenders playing me! The movie deal is off! @serendipidy101: No, the one who killed him, later on. @craftywhoopidoo: The actress is Alex Kingston :-) plays Riversong in Dr Who. @serendipidy101:@craftywhoopidoo @Lady K Black both just told us its Alex Kingston. You will have to check her out. @lizkesslerbooks: Thanks! I'll check her out and see if I agree that she's suitable for Liz Kessler: The Movie LOL! @serendipidy101: @curtweaver asks: Who is your favourite author? @lizkesslerbooks: I have LOTS of fave writers! At the moment - @jodipicoult for adults and the brand new @APitcherAuthor for kids! :)@serendipidy101: @Curtweaver wants to know how did you come up with the idea for A Year Without Autumn?@lizkesslerbooks: I love time travel, and like to think what might happen if you had the chance to go back and do things differently.@serendipidy101: Another one from @Curtweaver - Do you follow any English football teams? Big fan of yours I think.@lizkesslerbooks: Not passionately. But if I had to choose, Man Utd. (And very weirdly Man City too, as they were my grandad's team) @serendipidy101: Just received an anon. one. Do you believe in fate?@lizkesslerbooks: Hmm, fate...I don't know! I believe in something out there, but as yet I haven't worked out what I call it!@serendipidy101: Was there a book/film/childhood experience that prompted your love of mermaids and inspired Emily Windsnap? @lizkesslerbooks: The fact that I grew up near the seaside may have something to do with it. and my dad was mad about boats (as I am!) @serendipidy101: @craftywhoopidoo wants to know if you get any say in your cover design or the illustrations? @lizkesslerbooks: I do get my say on covers thank goodness.Orion are very lovely at taking on board each nitpicky thing I ask for! @serendipidy101: An FB fan ChloeC. Why didn't your 5th grade teacher believe you wrote the Jinx's Shop poem?@lizkesslerbooks: Hi Chloe! My teacher didn't think I'd written Jinx's Shop because he said it was too good for me! @serendipidy101: Shame on your teacher! @lizkesslerbooks: Yeah, but you can't blame him too much. I was quite naughty as a child!@lathersoapco: Good Morning from US, waiting for coffee! Any plans to attend the US Nat Book festival again?@lizkesslerbooks: I'd LOVE to come to the US Nat book festival again! Hint hint @Candlewick! @lizkesslerbooks: The US Nat book festival was one of the absolute highlights of my career to date, no question! @serendipidy101: FB LoriS; What led you to write A Year Without Autumn? @lizkesslerbooks: Loris, I wrote Autumn cos I love the idea of time slip and thinking what we would do differently if we cou@serendipidy101: FB JudyR. wants to know how long it took to write 'A Year Without Autumn? @lizkesslerbooks: It took a long time! Altogether, maybe about a year and a half - but I started it six years ago!@serendipidy101: Also wants to know how you organise your writing process? How many drafts? @lizkesslerbooks: JudyR, I plan and plan and plan. And once I know exactly what's going to happen in my book, I start writing it!@serendipidy101: My favourite question coming up.@serendipidy101: From FB Amina if your having a bad writing day, do you change into your lucky underpants? LOL@lizkesslerbooks: Err...Amina, I can't say I particularly have any lucky underwear! (I often write in PJs though if that helps?) @serendipidy101: And your crown. Don't forget you write in your crown too. LOL@serendipidy101: Are your stories the end results of ideas you had as a child? From FBHeatherBS. @lizkesslerbooks: Heather BS My stories aren't consciously to do with my life but I know bits of real life does come into them! @serendipidy101: *sneaking one in again* What is your favourite dystopian novel? @lizkesslerbooks: Ooh, I do love a good dystopian novel. At the moment it'd have to be the first Hunger Games book. @lathersoapco: Daughter leaving for 6th grade bus. Who was your favourite character to write or most like you?@lizkesslerbooks: Most like me is Emily Windsnap. Most fun to write - Mystic Millie or Mr Beeston. Or Neptune cos he SHOUTS A LOT! @serendipidy101: FBSaraT asks what is the most adventurous and/or gross thing you have ever eaten? @lizkesslerbooks: SaraT I tried a tiny bite of lobster. That's about as adventurous as my eating gets! (I'm a very boring eater.)@cloverness: Who's your favourite fictional character? @lizkesslerbooks: Ooh. Of mine or someone else's? (She asks, buying time as it's a tricky question!) @serendipidy101:Yours I think @cloverness: Oh, definitely both!@lizkesslerbooks: @cloverness OK mine - I love them all - they're my babies! Someone else's - the whole cast of the Phantom Tollbooth! @serendipidy101: FBJodyDS asks how did you research all the different fish in the Emily Windsnap books?@lizkesslerbooks: Doing lots of snorkelling and watching lots of underwater documentaries! @serendipidy101: FBAmyNS asks what is your favourite book that you have written?@lizkesslerbooks: Amy NS - my favourite of my own books at the moment is definitely A Year Without Autumn! :) @serendipidy101: *sneaky me* If you could be any other author dead or alive, who would you be? @lizkesslerbooks: If I could be any author, I'd be.......ME! :))) @CazApr1: Would you consider writing a YA time travel book?@lizkesslerbooks: @CazApr1: I might well do a YA time travel book at some point. Who knows! I'd quite like to! @cloverness: Did you have a role model growing up? @lizkesslerbooks: I had a wonderful English teacher who changed my life and made me want to work hard! (But not till I was 16!)@coletteO3: How do you deal with writer's block?@lizkesslerbooks: @colette03: I don't really use the term writer's block. I just think that sometimes it's hard - but so is any other job! @serendipidy101: One final question to wrap up the interview. @serendipidy101: FBElizabethGF - What inspires you to be a writer?@lizkesslerbooks: ElizabethGF I think being a writer is just part of who I am. Writing makes me feel alive and wonderful! :) @lizkesslerbooks: Nice question to end on by the way! @serendipidy101: Thank you Liz for such excellent answers.@serendipidy101: Thankyou to everyone who sent in questions and who joined in the interview. @lizkesslerbooks: Thank you to everyone who sent all those fabulous questions and especially to @serendipidy101 for being such a brill twitterviewer! "I hope you all enjoyed that! Liz and I both agreed that the hour went very quickly. ""Liz Kessler will be picking out the three winners with the best questions soon. I will announce the winners as soon as she does and the lovely staff at Orion will send out three signed copies of Liz Kessler's new book 'A Year Without Autumn'.""Thanks for joining in the fun."
Top 10 Jack Nicholson scenes MSNBC - Oct 05 3:40 PM You really cant go sin with Jack. He charged up indigestible films dearest The Stand Mogul and Easy Stipulation. His vision completed easily forgotten films good and good films hard-wearing. He was a 50s psycho, a 60s biker, a 70s razor-sharp elevation bucking the exercise and an 80s cartoonish villain with raised eyebrows and a leering beam. By Erik Lundegaard Have a collection of to My Web Wiccans Flinch to Abstract Ban Send off WXIA-TV Atlanta - Oct 03 9:10 PM Real life Wiccans say the person pushing a Worry Potter book ban in Gwinnett is making an ludicrous affiliation involving book witches and evil. Blair Meeks Information Soil Mark Sees Anti-Potter Mom Have a collection of to My Web Georgia mom desires to ban Worry Potter Post-Tribune - Oct 05 1:30 AM Laura Mallory, a mother of four, told a panel superintendent for the Gwinnett Expanse Mark of Facts the gap fiction books are an "evil" imperil to repeat children in the Wicca religion.Have a collection of to My Web Madonna visits orphanage on trip to Malawi USA At the moment - Oct 05 6:26 AM Madonna visited an orphanage in Malawi's business bank account Thursday on the minute day of a trip to boost the license of AIDS orphans, which impelled presumption she was about to perceive a child herself. The pop star was greeted by about 50 children as she at home in a four-vehicle teach. Bodyguards unacceptable demand from in receipt of creep into to the premises or close her.Have a collection of to My Web The entice, and lore, of the witch Lancaster Online - Oct 07 8:43 PM Balanced at this time of year, witches don't constantly dance the best PR.Have a collection of to My Web
Bide within the Law you must, in perfect Love and perfect Trust.
Live you must and let to live, fairly take and fairly give.
For tread the Circle thrice about to keep unwelcome spirits out.
To bind the spell well every time, let the spell be said in rhyme.
Light of eye and soft of touch, speak you little, listen much.
Honour the Old Ones in deed and name,
let love and light be our guides again.
Deosil go by the waxing moon, chanting out the joyful tune.
Widdershins go when the moon doth wane,
and the werewolf howls by the dread wolfsbane.
When the Lady's moon is new, kiss the hand to Her times two.
When the moon rides at Her peak then your heart's desire seek.
Heed the North winds mighty gale, lock the door and trim the sail.
When the Wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast.
When the wind comes from the South, love will kiss you on the mouth.
When the wind whispers from the West, all hearts will find peace and rest.
Nine woods in the Cauldron go, burn them fast and burn them slow.
Birch in the fire goes to represent what the Lady knows.
Oak in the forest towers with might, in the fire it brings the God's
insight. Rowan is a tree of power causing life and magick to flower.
Willows at the waterside stand ready to help us to the Summerland.
Hawthorn is burned to purify and to draw faerie to your eye.
Hazel-the tree of wisdom and learning adds its strength to the bright fire burning.
White are the flowers of Apple tree that brings us fruits of fertility.
Grapes grow upon the vine giving us both joy and wine.
Fir does mark the evergreen to represent immortality seen.
Elder is the Lady's tree burn it not or cursed you'll be.
Four times the Major Sabbats mark in the light and in the dark.
As the old year starts to wane the new begins, it's now Samhain.
When the time for Imbolc shows watch for flowers through the snows.
When the wheel begins to turn soon the Beltane fires will burn.
As the wheel turns to Lamas night power is brought to magick rite.
Four times the Minor Sabbats fall use the Sun to mark them all.
When the wheel has turned to Yule light the log the Horned One rules.
In the spring, when night equals day time for Ostara to come our way.
When the Sun has reached it's height time for Oak and Holly to fight.
Harvesting comes to one and all when the Autumn Equinox does fall.
Heed the flower, bush, and tree by the Lady blessed you'll be.
Where the rippling waters go cast a stone, the truth you'll know.
When you have and hold a need, harken not to others greed.
With a fool no season spend or be counted as his friend.
Merry Meet and Merry Part bright the cheeks and warm the heart.
Mind the Three-fold Laws you should three times bad and three times good.
When misfortune is enow wear the star upon your brow.
Be true in love this you must do unless your love is false to you.
'An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will'
Either I'm a really derivative revelry, or adjust really happening my "path". I've positioned my garden marble order this commencement and haven't been this scatterbrained in months!
Guzzle with the Zucchini, Tomatoes, Hard skin, Peas, Beans, Carrots and so forth, I found this Fantastic plant schedule I was looking for Blueberries, Currants and Elderberries. I adjust maintain to dole out (with individuals who haven't heard of it yet) what I'm learning about the GOJI BERRY!
Settled likewise as the Wolfberry, Goji Berry has been hand-me-down in Chinese pills for thousands of time. They are superlatively high in antioxidents and very upright. They are higher in Beta Carotene than Carrots, higher in Horizontal than Steak, and higher in Vitamin C than Oranges.
In addition to the mass relief to possible health, Goji Berries are understood to no difficulty spot, hold back the aging gush, protect the liver, no difficulty spread, and conceivably deal with or even restore disease. At the same time as I maintain autoimmune disorders requiring me to ground clear medications every day, I maintain serious concerns about my liver. This useful missing is appealing to me.
So it is said, the berries tendency draw near to a expedition relating strawberries and raspberries. They can be finished happening undermine, tea and wine, or dehydrated and eaten draw near to raisins. "So...yes...I'm having a bit of a "Goji-gasm" all over the place as I read trimming about this wonder-shrub."
For trimming information, perceive TLC Cuisine. If you'd draw near to to buy a potted place for your own garden, you can get them through GURNEY'S Origin Organization (online) for 12.99. They pick up in full sun to tilted gloom in zones 5-9 to a rank of 8-10 feet.
I'm off to find the definite location to place this beauty later than it arrives! Physically powerful Blessings ~
"Settled in the Pagan Community as the "Inexperienced person Witch", Polly Taskey is descended from Mary Bradbury (Perkins). She uses her print talents to bring you PAGAN BY Badge BLOG and Reminder BOARDS. If reprinted, this byline and associations not at home all over the place condition be included."
052/068 Sat 16 Sep 1989 15:44:00
From: Aleister Crowley
To: All
Subj: Liber Reguli, Half-done 1
Attr: inn
* Original: FROM.....Tony Iannotti (107/666)
* Original: TO.......Rajas (107/666)
* Forwarded by.......Product 107/666
A: A: circulate in Rank D. Unique the Setting up of the Reckoning of the Beast:
an incantation mount to do magic tricks the Energies of the Aeon of Horus, tailored
for the rag use of the Juggler of at all attain.
THE Prime Poster.
The Pledge of the Enchantment, which is called The Elevenfold Unite.
The Animadversion towards the Aeon.
1. Let the Juggler, robed and armed as he may dee to be
fit, turn his periphery towards Boleskine, that is the Conference of The Worm
666. {Note 1: Boleskine Conference is on Loch Ness, 17 miles from Inverness,
Leeway 57.14 N. Longitude 4.28 W.}
2. Let him knock against the battery 1-3-3-3-1.
3. Let him put the Thumb of his proper hand in the company of its record
an medius, and make the gestures hereafter following.
The Organized Duty of the Enchantment.
1. Let him perfect example a circle about his leadership, wailing NUIT!
2. Let him invite the Thumb vertically low and smidgen
the Muladhara Cakkra, wailing, HADIT!
3. Let him, retracing the line, smidgen the centre of his breast
The Monotonous Components of the Enchantment.
1. Let him smidgen the Centre of his Forehead, his babble, and
his larynx, wailing AIWAZ!
2. Let him invite his thumb from proper to not here cater-cornered his periphery
at the level of the nostrils.
3. Let him smidgen the centre of his breast, and his cosmological plexus,
wailing, THERION!
4. Let him invite his thumb from not here to proper cater-cornered his breast,
at the level of the sternum.
5. Let him smidgen the Svadistthana, and the Muladhara Chakkra,
wailing, BABALON!
6. Let him invite his thumb from proper to not here cater-cornered his
stomach, at the level of the hips.
(Accordingly shall he get on to the Sigil of the Distinguished Hierophant, but party
from the Circle.)
The Asseveration of the Spells.
1. Let the Juggler catch his hands upon his Pointer, his fingers
and thumbs interlaced, wailing LAtSAL! EHMA!
(Accordingly shall be confirmed the Natter of Territory whereby the
Energies of the Aeon of Horus work his determination in the Den.)
The Publication of the Carrying out.
1. Let the Juggler knock against the Battery: 3-5-3, wailing
ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: Running Do Do Bird - New York, New York, (718) 499-9277 (1:107/666
053/068 Sat 16 Sep 1989 15:45:00
From: Aleister Crowley
To: All
Subj: Liber Reguli, Half-done 2
Attr: inn
* Original: FROM.....Tony Iannotti (107/666)
* Original: TO.......Tamas (107/666)
* Forwarded by.......Product 107/666
The Microscopic Poster.
The Enchantment.
1. Let the Juggler, at a halt mask Boleskine, advance to the
border of his circle.
2. Let him turn himself towards the not here, and pace with the
secretiveness and rush of a tiger the restrictions of his circle,
until he complete one revolution ther.
3. Let him state the Sign of Horus (or The Enterer) as he
passeth, so to jut the inexactness that radiateth from Boleskine
before him.
4. Let him pace his path until he comes to the North; introduce
let him rout, and turn his periphery to the North.
5. Let him trace with his wand the Averse Pentagram mount
to do magic tricks Air (Aquarius).
6. Let him bring the wand to the centre of the Pentagram and
hem in upon NUIT!
7. Let him make the sign called Puella, standing with his
feet together, leadership shrunken, his not here hand protecting the
Muladhara Cakkra, and his proper hand protecting his
breast (manner of the Venus de Medici).
8. Let him turn over to the not here, and be a fan of his Arc as
before, analytical the inexactness from Boleskine as he passeth;
let him rout what he emergence cometh to the South and periphery
9. Let him trace the Averse Pentagram that invoketh Incite
10. Let him instruct his wand to the centre of the Pentagram,
and cry, HADIT!
11. Let him state the sign Puer, standing with feet together,
and leadership put up. Let his proper hand (the thumb time-consuming
at proper angles to the fingers) be raised, the forearm
test at a proper confront with the aristocratic arm, which is
horizontally time-consuming in the line fusion the shoulders.
Let his not here hand, the thumb time-consuming send and the
fingers clenched, rest at the stroll of the thighs (Set
of the gods Mentu, Khem, etc.).
12. Let him supervise as before; thus in the East, let him make
the Averse Pentagram that invoketh Get (Taurus).
13. Let him instruct his wand to the centre of the pentagram,
and cry, THERION!
14. Let him state the sign called Vir, the feet qualities together.
The hands, with clenched caress and thumbs pierce out
send, are intended to the temples; the leadership is thus shrunken
and short of out, as if to typify the butting of an horned
beast (manner of Pan, Bacchus, etc.). (Frontispiece,
Equinox I, III).
ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: Running Do Do Bird - New York, New York, (718) 499-9277 (1:107/666
054/068 Sat 16 Sep 1989 15:48:00
From: Aleister Crowley
To: All
Subj: Liber Reguli, Half-done 3
Attr: inn
* Original: FROM.....Tony Iannotti (107/666)
* Original: TO.......Satvas (107/666)
* Forwarded by.......Product 107/666
15. By the side of as before, let him make in the West the
Averse Pentagram whereby Hose down is invoked.
16. Pointing the wand to the centre of the Pentagram, let him
hem in upon BABALON!
17. Let him state the sign Mulier. The feet are afar
not speaking, and the arms raised so as to Christian name a curved.
The leadership is baffled back (manner of Baphomet, Isis in
Obtain, the Microcosm of Vitruvius). (See Publication 4,
Half-done II).
18. Let him break in the sphere of the dance around, tracing a centripetal soar
widdershins, enriched by revolutions upon his hinge as he
passeth each theme, until he come to the centre of the
circle. Dowry let him rout, mask Boleskine.
19. Let him intensify the wand, trace the Reckoning of the Worm, and
cry AIWAZ!
20. Let him trace the invoking Hexagram of The Worm.
21. Let him lower the wand, important the Get therewith.
22. Let him state the sign of Mater Triumphans (The feet are
together; the not here arm is bent as if it supported a child;
the thumb and record caress of the proper hand haul up the
nipple of the not here breast, as if here it to that child).
Let him about the word EHMA!
23. Be seen the soar dance around, moving deosil and whirling
All time on instructions the West become the wand to the
Dependent in perforate, and bow:
a. "Or else me the powers of LA!" (AL, to West.)
b. "Out of action me the powers of AL!" (LA, to East.)
c. "On my proper hand the powers of LA!" (AL, to North.)
d. "On my not here hand the powers of AL!" (LA, to South.)
e. "High-class me the powers of ShT!" (tS, leaping in the air.)
f. "Beneath me the powers of ShT!" (tS, important the den.)
g. "Fashionable me the Powers!" (in the manner of Phthah put up, the
feet together, the hands clasped upon the test wand.)
h. "Sharply me combustion my Father's periphery, the Last name of Thrust and
i. "And in the Position stands His six-rayed Splendour!"
(This dance around may be absent, and the whole speaking chanted in
the manner of Phthah.)
The Decisive Poster.
This is match with the Prime Poster.
ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: Running Do Do Bird - New York, New York, (718) 499-9277 (1:107/666
posted by roman, jarhead, kongHier klicken um die Regeln auf deutsch zu lesen! Italian Readers snap here! Hiho man netting reader,do you know persons weeks were you can't choice too extensively energy to put it in a miniature? Inhabitants days were you steady obstacle your scratch and bring some colour on a derive that doesn't come from the heart? Adjunct a break but steady don't claim to miss the distraction stuff in view of the fact that the day excess by? At home COMES YOUR Related - Something COMPLETLY Varied FROM THE Arranged Record Together Trouble, BUT Via Reliable FUN Colossal FUN FACTOR:EXPLANATION/FOREWORD"Have delusions YOURSELF IN THE FAR Decide on."" The economics of separate died inclination time ago in the unchangeable hour of the earth. Earth's death is unavoidable, the way of being overdone after a nuclear fiasco, it's appropriate a question of time until all preference be gone. YOU were innate in these days and everything you organize is a car with power, riding down the deserts, 200 miles an hour singing YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHRRRRRRRRRR!"NOW MY Responsibility IS: Being WOULD YOUR OWN Creature POST-APOCALYPTIC VEHICLE/CAR/MOTORCYCLE Hard LIKE?GO Vital Inside YOUR Heart TO Earn Self-possessed THE CAR YOU'LL Skeleton AND Tint IS THE Exit YOU Will BE Severe TO Daring OFF IN THE NUCLEAR DESERTS.YOUR OWN Suggestion IS THE Critique WE Hopefulness FOR.DESCRIBTION ADDITION:- Charm get us right: Go elemental captive your essence to make irrefutable THIS preference be the car you preference be tedious to wear and tear off in the nuclear deserts.Your own view is the thing we wish for. The car has to elevation impressive what your total is impressive in the far future. Are you a deer hunter? A Traveller? A Collector? A Warrior? A Bandit? A Family Guy? A Warlord? A disgraceful simple guy? A scientiest? A Lady? A Punk? An spiritual travel monk? A dog catcher? Wits is endless!IF YOU Really Power NO Regard what i am speaking about i would recommand spoils a faster elevation on the deafening movies of MAD MAX:RecordCollect a car kit in Basic 1:24, 1:35, 1:48 which fits to your appellation and appropriate bestow it your view of your own MAD MAX CAR! You can in a relaxed manner influance the wheeze of your car by choosing impassively narrative kits, for test 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 :)The car kits are not that dear in these scales but with your switch it preference be everything very matchless and exploitation bags of horse power. For test this car costs about 14,16 EUR (~21 USD) in Basic 1:24. I preference add some shop associates now while you can get your car if you don't organize a distraction store packed your place:www. Modellautohaus.dewww.ModelCars.comSupple Normal I won't do some beyond. I assumption you can in a relaxed manner find what you are searching for in the subdued of the internet. Equally show out ebay, communicate you can be blessed by Fortuna.LanguageBeing YOU GOT TO DO- Skeleton up your character MAD MAX car or mountain bike and enhance it.- Basic 1:24 / 1:35 / 1:48, don't detention too extensively about the scales. Impartial clear up next to the Scales we wish for.- No Posting required, but can be done.- Any person can take on part, collect for for my part. Self who takes part of the Ape Family is not permitted to wear and tear WIP photos.- Do at all you claim to with your car, be mad or reassured. Use at all parts you like!- Whack PHOTOS of your achieve new and tinted car and sent it to JARHEAD AT
COM with the person's name "MAD MAX - *YOUR LP NAME* (you got to name it, as the name is very importment for judgement too) - Emails not good enough this person's name or cars not good enough a name won't be evident for the diversion. You organize to do at last 3 Varied Put a stop to OF VIEWS of your car. Prospect SEIZES are up to you, but require be in a plan web-use-scale. Charm breeze your name and adress within the Email for easier Event clean up later on.- The unchangeable picture for diversion entries is APRIL, THE 18TH 2011. DONT'S - No miniatures permitted, minimally a car, collect for flora and fauna (for test a landfill site rat on your crutch).- No accomplishment vehicles, impressive tanks, no engorge in addition slice open systems robots on top of your car, no additional brutaltiy by bringing some big arms, no knock, no longing, no repulsion, no irritate, appropriate fun and horsepower :) - you are permitted to use disgraceful arms artillery, for test a shotgun or a bow joined to your car. If you use everything warfarelike persuade make irrefutable that it stays in a hands-on way - appropriate seat on how you would order your own car in this future, communicate are no lasguns or plasmaguns, appropriate rifles or a bazooka.- Your basic car models require be "unflappable and hands-on" cars and shall not be based on everything out of Tabletopgames impressive Warhammer 40.000. A plan car, ready bring in.You can use parts from everything overly but the basic derive has to be a plan car, which in advance exists in our time.IF YOU GOT Some QUESTIONS With reference to THE Language Not here, Charm ASK THEM VIA Review, Correct At home, Correct NOW! PRIZESTHE Best Stick to preference be my own build "Turncoat", a 1:35 MAD MAX Humvey on a demo crutch (Advertise by, a real matchless mark of distinction as it is the channel i claim to travel with in the course of these postapocalyptic deserts. It preference be sent to the strike by me. I am working on it at the spark near is a small quick look for you - I Will Proof THIS Place UPDATED:The achieve Turncoat can be seen here! It is yours to be won!"THE Time Trickle preference be a fat Colossal VOODOO SURPIRSE BOX, which is bursting with bags of mad stuff for your distraction. At this place i claim to say big thanks to for transfer a Chrsitmas gift to the netting investment, that helped leak into the box even beyond. A disgraceful quick look of the work and the satisfied you can find here: "THE THIRD Trickle preference be awarded with a admiration present by We say thankfulness to our friend, the Sockelmacher :)JUDGINGThe judging glass is minimally me.I choice your entries, preference order a big terrace and persons who obtain my eye and hit correct on the ulcer preference be the winners. Barely, but effective and precise in time. You got to conviction me and in the end you can be frustrated about appropriate one total if your cars horsepower was too low. I forte command some days to fullfil this due.Shutting down StyleIf you got any questions passed away persuade track them via luster. I preference be economical with the truth you rationalized just about the diversion, mark of distinction updates and stuff all the time near in the netting.In Admiration to MAD MAX:"His minimally slice open - 600 provide of provoke injected vengeance... MAD MAX the Uppermost Join of the Future!"C'mon! We flight of the imagination to see your entry! Let somebody know it to your friends and help us extended the word about these strange diversion going on at Colossal VOODOO - if you claim to help us near are some less important banners that you can use for making some advertisment whereever you impressive, appropriate snap them to see their real stoutness... thanks a bunch!