At all times, we must make sure that our spiritual anchor is the Holy Bible and God's Word as contained in that wonderful Book. Otherwise, we end up doing things ass-backwards (excuse me) by attempting to make the prophecies contained within the Scriptures fit within these "observed connections" rather than the other way around.
Recently, a reader left a comment that really challenged me. No, it convicted me in a sense to the point where I couldn't simply ignore it outright, but had to pray about it, think about it, and be completely honest with myself.
In fact, if I'm being completely honest, I've thought about it a lot for the past few days. I don't know if this is genuinely from the Holy Spirit warning me to stop this kind of research into "Synchro-Pop" once and for all (because it's ultimately leading us astray), or if it's Satan attacking me and trying to get me to think that because we're getting too close and exposing his evil schemes more than he'd like us to.
The comment I'm referring to was:
"You're excitement is palpable regarding the deciphering of secular media. However, given the definition and verse below, where does one draw the line as a Christian when seeking to understand future events by interpreting 'occult' messages or agendas? No offense, but might you be involved in interpreting 'omens'? Thanks, Omen = an occurrence of phenomenon believed to portend a future event (Webster Dictionary) Deut. 18:10 10 'Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in [a] the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft,'"
Great point, right? Tough to argue with Scripture. To which I replied:
"I get your concern. Believe me I do. That verse has always been on my mind since I began writing about such things. In the end, it's about exposing the darkness of deceit with the light of truth and applying the clear command we find in Matthew 10:16. Plus, I've reconciled this with the fact that all of these 'observations/studies' point to our Lord and Creator if not Jesus Christ, and, more importantly, I use them to encourage others (prophecy skeptics and/or the unsaved) to get right with God and make a decision for Christ by attempting to demonstrate that if this really is God using anything and everything within His creation to get people's attention (one last time) before it's too late, then maybe this is an ok practice. Like I said, that's always been on my mind as well as the verse where Jesus Himself tells the believer to depart from Him even though they claimed to have prophesied in His name. Sobering thoughts, but I trust that if God doesn't want me to write about such things anymore (especially if these are 'wrong' or if I'm 'doing it wrong'), then He'll let me know somehow or stop me from continuing down the wrong path or from leading people astray. Great question/point though. Would love to see what others have to say. Thanks for stopping by and for commenting."
I truly believe every word I wrote in that response. This entire study of Synchro-Pop hinges on the very real phenomenon known as Synchronicity, or what Carl Jung called "the Hand of God". I look at this phenomenon and see it as God's way of attempting to use anything and everything within His wonderful creation that He can to try to get people's attention one last time before it's too late. It certainly would fit what we know about Him as being a loving God who doesn't want to see anyone perish just as we're told:
2 PETER 3:9 -- "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."
Yes, I know I'm speculating here and making that conclusion on my own, but because we know that He loves us so much that He doesn't want to see anyone perish, then is it really so far-fetched to assume that God would use anything and everything within His marvelous creation to try and get the same message across? I mean, it's almost like He's trying to whack us over the head with these messages -- these truths -- so that even those of us who love Him dearly, but maybe perhaps aren't into studying prophecy as much as we should, can find the same "signs that the end times are upon us" just by noticing things like the Synchro-Pop examples I've referenced here in the past week.
The analogy I like to use is one that involves a past Valentine's Day. My wife went to bed the night before and I spent a few hours decorating the entire house from top to bottom with balloons, flowers, and little cut-out pictures with little notes on them. I even made a path of little heart-shaped footprints that led her from the bedroom door upstairs all the way downstairs and through the whole house until they reached the gift I had waiting for her. My point is that no matter where she turned, no matter where she looked, there was evidence all around her pointing to the same conclusion -- that she was very special and that today was a very special day.
That's what I think our Heavenly Father might be doing here with all this Synchronicity and Synchro-Pop stuff because in the end it all points to the same conclusion when you get right down to it -- that we're all standing on the cusp of the beginning of the Tribulation, the rise of the Antichrist, and the One World Government because it's much closer than we even realize.
At least, that's what I've believed about this phenomenon since I began exploring it back in December 2008. I have to believe it! Again, our Heavenly Father used a tragedy like 9/11, a false prophet like Nostradamus, and the occult to get my attention so I often wonder if this is sort of the same thing. Still, the challenge is to always make sure that God's Word as found in the Holy Bible remains our spiritual anchor at all times, otherwise, we'll go so far down the rabbit hole that we'll become useless here on Earth because we've lost our spiritual bearings.
Those last few paragraphs are what I told myself in response to the comments left by concerned readers. For awhile, they even quieted my spirit and I felt at peace with the conclusions I had reached. Yet, once more, the subject came up again from a different person a few days later, and this time I was wondering if this was God's response to what I wrote: "I trust that if God doesn't want me to write about such things anymore (especially if these are 'wrong' or if I'm 'doing it wrong'), then He'll let me know somehow or stop me from continuing down the wrong path or from leading people astray."
Consequently, I was forced to revisit this serious subject all over again. Why is it such a "serious subject" you ask? Because I can't shake the following verses, which I suspect might have something to do with all this:
DEUTERONOMY 18:9-14 -- "Now if you enter into the land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not learn to act according to the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you one who cleanses his son or his daughter by fire, one who practices divination, one who acts as a diviner, ONE WHO PRACTICES ORNITHOMANCY, a sorcerer, one who casts spells, a ventriloquist and ONE WHO OBSERVES SIGNS and one who inquires of the dead. For anyone who does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God, for it is because of these abominations that the Lord your God will destroy them utterly from before you. You shall be perfect before the Lord your God. For these nations that you are about ti dispossess, these will hear omens and divinations, but as for you, the Lord your God has not granted you to do so." (emphasis mine)
MATTHEW 7:21-23 -- Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. MANY WILL SAY TO ME IN THAT DAY, LORD, LORD, HAVE WE NOT PROPHESIED IN THY NAME? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? AND THEN WILL I PROFESS UNTO THEM, I NEVER KNEW YOU: DEPART FROM ME, YE THAT WORK INIQUITY." (emphasis mine)
Ironically, I EVEN WROTE ABOUT MY CONCERNS ABOUT STUDYING THIS WAY BACK IN EARLY JANUARY, but eventually got drawn back into the study of this seducing spirit (is that what we're really dealing with here?). Worse, ONE OF THE VERY FIRST ENTRIES I WROTE ABOUT SYNCHRONICITY/SYNCHRO-POP was a pretty clear warning (looking back and re-reading it) that this probably wasn't the best thing to be investing my time with. Maybe I should've taken my own advice back then.
Well, leave it to our incredible God (or, again, is it Satan?) to use yet another individual (3 total now!) to force me to consider some things on the entire matter. I received a message from a reader via Facebook that simply said:
"Hi Jeff! I ran across this, at a rather unreliable site, however, I think it should serve as a bit of a wake up call to all of us who have been 'studying' these crop circles. Most of it is the usual mumbo jumbo from the dark spiritual side. However, what they view the purpose of those circles for, is something we have never heard before. Maybe adding to the spreading of those images and subsequent analysis, isn't such a 'great idea' regardless of our intentions. Please give it some prayerful thought, we are!"
The idea that I could've been disobeying God's clear commands all this time while also encouraging others here to research and study other possibly forbidden practices like the study of Synchronicity pains me to no end. I want to please my God! I want to bring glory and honor to Him at all times -- not shame! Is this what I've allowed to happen!?!
It's the fine line between exoteric and esoteric knowledge that if crossed can open Pandora's Box. Men and women have always wanted to know the future, to be foretold of the vagaries of nature. For that very reason, we believe in superstitions and in supernatural powers. The skill or act of telling what will happen in the future or discovering something that is unknown or secret by seemingly magical methods gives a person -- who is believed to have the ability -- a special status.
The oldest profession in any culture or society could have been that of a soothsayer. That's why I'm beginning to think my initial assessment of studying this phenomenon was spot on. If a majority of people can't identify and make these same "connections" and "observations" for themselves, then isn't that like elevating myself to some sort of "preferred status" and crossing over into the esoteric realm? If it is, then I need to cease and desist immediately!
Wow! On one hand, I wonder if this truly is cause for concern or if it's just Satan trying to cause doubt. On the other hand, I see this as our Heavenly Father being right on cue to perhaps gently nudge me in the right direction and get me back on track so to speak. Not that it's entirely wrong to warn people about the spiritual and Satanic agenda at work in Hollywood and pop culture in order to prevent it from seducing us and having its intended influence, but maybe my journeys down the rabbit hole in regards to all the Synchro-Pop nonsense in our daily existence is going too far.
Plus, I'm beginning to wonder if these cases of Synchro-Pop have at their core a dangerous premise that we can "hear God's voice", not through His Word, but through extra-Biblical revelation. Churches are currently filled with people who think they are hearing a "word from the Lord", often contradicting one another and causing endless wrangling and divisions within the Body of Christ. That has been me to an extent these past few weeks, and what I fear I may have done inadvertently.
God's Word is to be our authoritative source of wisdom because it is "God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17). If the Bible is sufficient to thoroughly equip us for every good work, how could we think we need to seek a mystical experience in addition to it?
At the same time, "the only thing that has kept me from writing Synchronicity/Synchro-Pop off completely "is the fact that I know that the things that are most important for Satan to distort are the things that are true; the things that have the most impact and power. The Gospel is obviously number one, and then also the idea of Jesus Christ coming back again. Everything is fair game to him including these sorts of things.
As Christians, I recognize that we MUST look at what the enemy is doing because the end times has a component to it that focuses on Christianity very precisely, and that's this idea that there's going to be this great lie, a great delusion coming -- the Great Deception -- and if you're not well versed in what's going on and especially in knowing the Word itself (knowing it inside and out and understanding that if someone throws something at you that no matter what it is it will NEVER negate the facts of the Bible) you're going to find yourself in serious trouble.
That's why if you leave out things like Astronomy (that's in the Bible), Numerics/Numerology (that's in the Bible), the Nephilim giants (that's in the Bible), and Symbolism (that's in the Bible too!) you're disarming yourself and leaving yourself vulnerable to becoming on the "the elect" who's deceived during the coming Great Deception because ALL OF THESE THINGS have been stolen and usurped by Satan to use against us.
We have to know that this stuff is there or else the lie will work. That's why I'm so concerned about all of this lately. I get that, but I don't want to cross any line. I don't want to disobey God either. Lord have mercy and forgive me if I have sinned in this regard.
I think from now on I'll try to reign it in some. At least, that's the lesson I think I'm supposed to learn from this -- analyze, assess, watch, and warn. However, don't get so wrapped up in EVERY LITTLE DETAIL because that's going too far.
So, the bottom line is that while all the examples of Synchro-Pop can be seducing it's not the kind of seduction that leads to anything good other than the edification of this "Global Consciousness" idea that "we are all one with the universe" or that "we are god, and god is within" even.
In that sense it also borders on PANTHEISM, which literally means "God is All" and "All is God" and it is the view that everything is of an all-encompassing abstract God; or that the Universe, or nature, and God are equivalent.
An oft-cited feature of Pantheism is that each individual human, being part of the Universe or nature, is part of God. One issue discussed by Pantheists is how free will may exist in this framework. In answer, the following analogy is sometimes given (particularly by Classical Pantheists): "You are to God as an individual blood cell in your vein is to you."
The analogy further maintains that while a cell may be aware of its own environs, and even has some choices (free will) between right and wrong (killing a bacterium, becoming malignant, or perhaps just doing nothing, among countless others), it likely has little conception of the greater being of which it is a part.
That doesn't sound like the Christianity I know let alone my relationship to the Most High. Besides, if we took a Pantheistic view of God and our world then it would completely contradict everything we know and believe since as Augustine wrote, "Concerning the rational animal himself, - that is, man, - what more unhappy belief can be entertained than that a part of God is whipped when a boy is whipped? And who, unless he is quite mad, could bear the thought that parts of God can become lascivious, iniquitous, impious, and altogether damnable? In brief, why is God angry at those who do not worship Him, since these offenders are parts of Himself?"
So, while I began this personal study excited over a new discovery I have now come to a place where I no longer believe that the study of Synchronicity/Synchro-Pop is a good thing. I'm still fascinated by it all, but it is too close to Pantheism and therefore incompatible with my sacred belief system I know in my heart and mind to be true. This time I'll know better to take my own advice and conclusions here to heart.
At the end of the day, it's pure New Age, Occult, Luciferian, Satanic garbage and not something I want to be promoting any longer this late in the game. Besides, I wonder if I'm inadvertently opening a doorway to the demonic spiritual realm that can influence me and my family by dabbling with such things.
Can you tell I'm really at odds over this? Why am I having such an issue with this today and in recent days? I wonder what a guy like Russ Dizdar would say about all of this?
Don't worry, I'll still analyze and assess the hidden agendas present in movies and television that speak to this "mass conditioning" concept courtesy of those pushing for a New World Order (a.k.a. the prophesied One World Government system), but I think that's probably where I might stop until God moves me again to write about such things with a laser-like focus and attention to detail as many of the Synchro-Pop pieces here this past week have demonstrated.
Perhaps in the final analysis, and as an appropriate bookend to each and every single piece I've written about this phenomenon, I should make a conscious decision to say goodbye to Synchro-Pop on the same day the world said goodbye to the King of Pop.