In a religion-focused series titled "The Big Questions", host Nicky Campbell oversaw a discussion asking the query, "Have beings from other planets guided our religions?"
"Last month NASAs Kepler space telescope identified another planet that might have the right conditions for life," said Campbell.
"It will be no surprise to the followers of those religions whove long believed that life - possibly not as we know it - exists elsewhere in the galaxy. Life which has possibly exerted its influence here on planet Earth. Have beings from other planets guided our religions?"
The segment featured two groups, the Aetherius Society and the British Union Of Spiritist Societies, which advocated for the theory that various religious figures, including Jesus, were aliens.
"We believe that various religious leaders from history have an inter-planetary origin," said Mark Bennett of the Aetherius Society.
"We believe that Jesus and Buddha came from Venus, that Sri Krishna came from Saturn, that Saint Peter came from Mars, and so on."
Credit: witch-selena.blogspot.com