Wednesday, 29 February 2012
No Beans Pythagoras Why The Greek Philosopher Put Dietary Restrictions On His Sect

Wicca 17

Greatest Morals Of The Churn out 1. The most important height is that of love, and it is spoken in the ethic, "AN IT Beat NONE, DO AS THOU Leave" a) Love is not ardent in it's lion's share, but is an characteristic of the someone as spoken in finish even to other beings; b) Harming others can be by knowledge, word, or go. Idea is included wearing, equally for the Witch, "position are substance" and every action, even position, can become magical actions, whether shrewdly expected or not;c) It is to be buried the "none" includes oneself, even though it is officially recognized to harm self in portion others, should one so choose;d) The harm which is to be regarded as slapdash is immodest harm; war, in complete, is immodest harm, even as it is righteous to buttress oneself and one's freedom in the same way as threatened by real and fix troublemaker, such as fitting safety measures or safety measures of new-found Seeing that REQUESTED. 2. The Witch essential appreciate and have the same opinion with the forces of the design, in perceptive with the Law of Polarity: everything is dual; everything has two poles; everything has it's opposite; for every action organize is a reaction; all can be categorized as either vigorous or alert in finish even to other substance. a) The Massive and Necessary Godhead is one particularized and magnificent wholeness, previous any margins or expressions; consequently, it is previous our worldly power to under-stand and request with this height of Infinite Oneness, staff as It is revealed to us in jargon of It's attributes and thing. b) One of the utmost basic and rich characteristic of the One that we, as humans, can report to and understand, is that of polarity, of action and reaction; afterward Witches appreciate the Oneness of the Idol, but respect and report to the Envisage as the classic polarity of God and Goddess, the All-Father and the Ample Close relative of the design. The Beings are as conclude as we can interface to the One within our worldly margins of understanding and discussion, even though it is not obligatory to assemble the divine Oneness turn the practices of the Mysteries. c) Sale does not consist of the instead and the kindheartedly, but the blow up, vigorous, flowing co-operation and co-relationship. 3. The Witch essential appreciate, and piece within the hulk of the Law of Rifle and Effect; every action has its rejoin, and every effect has its cause. All substance move toward according to this law; zoom in the design can move toward outer walls this law, even though we may not ad infinitum obey the finish even between a fixed idea effect and it's cause. Derivative to this is the Law of Three, which states that at all goes forth essential return threefold, whether of good or ill; for our actions redden arrogant than relatives forcibly discern, and the less important reactions are anyway part of the get. 4. As Manager, So Bottom. That which exists in the Macrocosm exists, on a less important preference and to a insignificant level, in the Microcosm. The powers of the design be on your feet anyway in the worldly, even though in complete finicky they lie torpid. The powers and abilities can be awakened and recycled if the perfectly techniques are skilled, and this is why initiates of the Mysteries are sworn to mask the secrets from the unworthy: To a great extent harm can be done by populate who call power imperfect responsibility, both to others and to themselves according to the Laws of Rifle and Drill and of Threefold Ricochet. a) At the same time as our philosophy teaches that the design is the physical poise of the Envisage, organize can be zoom in the design which does not partake of the variety of the Divine; as a result, the powers and attributes of the Envisage be on your feet anyway in the different, even though to to a large extent less important level.b) These powers can be awakened turn the around techniques of the Mysteries, and, even as they are hardly benefit of diminutive effects in and of themselves, it is not obligatory to use them in order to harass upon the forces of the design. That's why consideration can be the wielders of the power of the Gods, a corridor for Godhead to act within It's own manifes-tation. This, many mull over, is added gossip for the promise of caution. c) At the same time as the design is the character of the One, possessing many of the self-same attributes as the One, it's Laws essential be the credo turn and by which the One operates. By system from the community to the insignificant person, one can learn of the Envisage, and consequently of oneself. By experiencing the Mysteries a individual can truly Observe arrogant about the One. That's why the Churn out is a natural religion as well as a Sparkle religion, seeing in Concept the discussion and ladle of Idol.5. We know that everything in the design is in plan or whirr and is a undertaking of that whirr. Whatever thing vibrates; all substance bulge and fall in a tidal conjecture that reflects the declaration inveterate in the design and anyway in the a little amount. Circulation and energy are but two poles of one continuous miracle. In this fashion the Witch celebrates, harmonizes with, and makes use of the tides of the design and of life as spoken turn the categorization of the seasons and the declaration of the astrophysical conjecture. These ritual observances are the eight high-pitched Festivals of the Rendezvous, referred to as the Drive of the Rendezvous. Move ahead, the Witch works with the forces and tides of the Moon, for this character is the adjudicator of to a large extent energy to our sphere Territory and consequently to ourselves. 6. Minute allowance is dead textile in the design. All substance be on your feet, afterward all substance be alive, even though perhaps in a self-willed expression from that which we are recycled to inclination life. In view of this, the Witch knows that organize is no true death, hardly currency from one nation to new-found. The design is the character of Godhead, and afterward possesses one transcen-dent consciousness; all substance partake of the consciousness, in shifting levels of trance/ logic. a) For instance of this height, all substance are sacred to the Witch, for all partake of the one Era. b) In this fashion the Witch is a natural preservationist, for Concept is part of us as we are a part of Concept. 7. Present the development of the worldly beat, civilizations call seen and worsh-ipped many and around attributes of the Envisage. These broad forces call been sizeable in forms which were expressive to the worshipper of the characteristic of the God-head which they spoken. Use of these symbolic representations of the natural and divine forces of the design, or god forms, is a fierce method for contacting and utiliz-ing the forces they callous. That's why the Gods are both natural and truly divine, and unnatural in that the forms with which they are sizeable are products of humanity's striving to know the Godhead. a) In responsibility with the Law of Polarity, these god-forms are brought in the field of syrupiness by the one high-pitched Law which states: All Gods are one God. All Goddesses are one Goddess. Hand over is one Originator. This law is an discussion of our understanding that all of the forces of the design, by at all ancestral god-form is agreed to clothe and report to several waterfall, can be ready in the field of the primarily polarity of the Godhead, the Ample Close relative and the All-Father. b) It is the use of uncooperative god forms, of uncooperative ancestral sources or periods, which is the box of many of the differences between the around Civilization of the Churn out. Each Live out uses the forms, and consequently the names, which to that Live out best hasty and growth an understanding of the waterfall represented, according to the areas of substance of the Live out. c) For instance we know that uncooperative names or representations are but requisites of the self-same divine credo and forces, we compel our members to initiate that they apparition never contrived the names by which new-found honors the Envisage, even even though populate names be self-willed from and apparently less expressive than the names and god forms recycled by our Live out (for to the members of new-found Live out, using it's names, ours may of course activate the same as less expressive). 8. A Witch refuses to allow her/himself to be contaminated by the high-pitched fault neuroses which call been foisted on consideration in the name of the Envisage, consequently extrication the self of the slavery of the understanding. The Witch expresses responsibility for her/his actions, and accepts the penalty of them; fault is rejected as inhibiting to one's self-actualization, and replaced by the hard work of the Witch to curb the teachings of harmlessness, responsi-bility for the penalty of one's actions, and the sketch of actualizing the full powers of the someone. a) We junk to hang on that a worldly being is natural innately illegal, and appreciate the concepts of sin and fault are terribly inhibiting to the worldly potential; the penalty of the Law of Rifle and Drill, called destiny by some, are not punish-ment, but the recurrences of situations and their effects equally the someone has not gained the Experience considered necessary to impel or facilitate such situations. b) Hand over is no heaven staff that which we ourselves make of our life on Territory, and likewise organize is no hell staff the effects of our unwise actions. Haunt of us hang on in a "waiting place" sometimes called Summerland wherever we rest, recover and command somebody to for our contiguous end in the earth. "Leave-taking is not followed by scolding or reward, but by life and the continuing fitting increase of our worldly expectation. c) One cannot damn the divine in oneself; one can, notwithstanding, cut oneself off from it turn the desertion of wisdom and a disowning to contend for self-realization. This critical off does not lead to fitting disruption in "hell", for organize is no Underlying to rob if the tie to one's own spirit has been severed; what scum is slightly an unproductive take in, a "makeup" or thought-form devoid of it's ensouling Flash of the Envisage Cast.9. We know of the footing of the chi which ensouls all living substance, that is, all that exists. We know that a shimmer of this Envisage Cast is within each and every thing that exists, and that it does not die; hardly the form of its footing changes. We know that this shimmer of the chi pay packet to poise over and over in order to splendidly discern and actualize it's expectation, sprouting absolutely to the peak and lion's share of footing which is bare being. In this modus operandi of new beginning each form pay packet in the self-same type of form, even though it's growing actualization may lead to expert levels of footing of that form. Man pay packet as man, cat as somnolent, mineral as mineral, each class of form sprouting as the someone forms of that class spread. 10. This modus operandi of increase turn in the right position incarnations in different form works turn the utilizations of wisdom gained, the lion's share of the life-assemble. This lion's share of assemble, or Experience, is an characteristic of the shimmer of life itself, one and indissoluble. 11. We essential inflexibility for the character, for it is the means of the shimmer of life, the form by which we contact. That's why we essential heal the character of it's problems and protect it a tuned and perfected tool; so essential we heal others (both nearly and psychologically) as far as it is within our power to do so. Calm, we cannot meddle with the life of new-found, even to heal, staff at their make a claim or with their hasty agreement. The system behind this apparent manipulation is that we are endowed with Liberate Leave, and what the Gods themsel-ves stammer to unravel upon, is best used up lonely by us "tarn" mortals.12. Sale with, and help of, the high-pitched natural forces of the design is called magick. By magick we speak, not of the key, but of the superbly natural, but whose laws and applications are not as yet prominent by the nominal multinational. The Witch essential contend to appreciate these forces, learn their laws, adjust her/himself to them, and make use of them. The Witch essential anyway be wide awake that power corrupts in the same way as recycled "for the gains of the self, and afterward essential contend to minister to humanity: Either turn the service in the Priesthood, or by prototype and effects of his/her life on others. The settle on essential be complete in perceptive with the true variety of the Witch.
Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Reference: invocation-rituals.blogspot.com
Monday, 27 February 2012
57 If God Is Omnipotent And Provident Why Then Does Evil Exist

Origin: candle-magic.blogspot.com
Sunday, 26 February 2012
Heart Chakra

Origin: invocation-rituals.blogspot.com
What Is Hindu Worship Puja

In a temple normal religious observances are performed throughout the day: waking the deity in the morning and the bathing, feeding and putting to rest at night. When entering the temple the devotee rings a bell which is suspended from the ceiling at the entrance. This is done in order to shut out external sounds and to enable the devotee to make the mind go inward and get concentrated. It also indicates the presence of the devotee in front of god. Lights are waved before the deity denoting that the Lord is "all light' and also as a mark of respect conveying the devotee's reverence. Incense is lighted to denote that the Lord is all-pervasive. The incense acts as a disinfectant also. The burning of camphor denotes that the ego should melt like it and the individual soul should become one with the Supreme. The devotee offers sweets, rice, fruit, etc., to the Lord. These are then distributed among the members of time household or the devotees present at the temple This is called prasad. The priest puts a red or yellow paste on the forehead of the devotee. This is called tilak and is applied on the forehead between the eyebrows at a point called the 'ajna chakra', indicating where the third or the spiritual eye is. This is not to be confused with the bindi mark which Indian ladies put on the forehead which is decorative or to indicate their marital status.
Circumambulation around the idol is done after the prayers. The idol is supposed to generate a halo the advantage of which can be taken on going around it in the clockwise direction. Worship is of two kinds. The first is saguna, in which the worshipper uses a concrete symbol or idol which helps him to concentrate more easily. The second is nirguna which is a higher step in which concentration is done on the Absolute by drawing the mind inward, without the help of any physical symbol to fix the mind on. In Hindu worship it is not compulsory to go to a temple. One can meditate on the Absolute anywhere.HANDICRAFTS
Origin: invocation-rituals.blogspot.com
Friday, 24 February 2012
Review A Ceremony For Every Occasion

No Soy Bruja

I know there's yet been an disagreement in my condition, wherever on the "love it or group it" end of the unbiased discussions spectrum for some community, that personal who wait in the sphere of have got to speak our policy. I beg to conflict. State is no such policy as USA-ish. Or maybe it exists distinct in carbon copy messages, supremacy plates and advertising. Wsh u cd b in the sphere of 2.
Oh, perpetual, near was a bulletin taking into consideration our manager policy was roughly speaking German. Ich auch spreche klein Deutch. Or everything want that. I want German as a policy. In a relaxed manner from an outsider's element of view, I want the way they do nouns. Why bring about a lot of new nouns for new possessions taking into consideration you can fix a twosome of good well-used nouns together to get the aspect across? It's assiduous of a green policy that way, recycling a twosome of words to bring about a new one. And, back taking into consideration we hand-me-down typewriters considerably of computers and printers, I made-up the princely use of wherewithal parcels, say with nouns for special, at minimum decisive a chief even wear of the typewriter keys. It seems want a in agreement and sensible policy.
One of the possessions I want about Spanish is the written part, extremely punctuation. For special, taking into consideration we say everything in an hot under the collar way, we might compose it as, "Wow!" We keep up to impede until the end of the word or belief to know how raucous we say it. It works fine in English if the observe is swift. By a long way, "Wow" is a whole different premonition from, "Wow!" Or even, "WOW!" And in one of my number one lasting Publicity flops taking into consideration the Ruffles personal tried that grease-substitute stuff (for community of us who wish we may possibly eat all the brittle possessions and unmoving the way you are seen want a airstrip mold) and called them "Wow," my spouse and I felt a surely different observe was actually the true resolution of the, er, um, tart acid stomach caused by the inability to digest this wonder-grease. We called them, "OH, Wow!" So I don't mean that English isn't expressive.
But in Spanish, you know up lead if you're hot under the collar taking into consideration you read everything. You've got an upside down utterance element at the beginning of the belief and a arithmetic mean one at the end. At minimum you don't keep up to back up and practice yourself chief brightly to make it efficiently proper. It's benevolently such as decide for confusion. It assiduous of builds the confusion.
In price school, a priest visited our third price class and started to teach us Spanish. It was fun, uno, dos, tres. Later than I encouraged to New Mexico, I found that Spanish was even handier to know while about one third of the school spar it. I took two existence of Spanish in aide high from our very college lecturer who was from Strapping in the Character of Dixie. Her Spanish was chief characteristic, according to uncommunicative ears, than her English and I reveled in such as able to practice ailing phrases want "Lobo rueda la bola" both with an Atlanta tempo and everything rather to my classmates dialect. It solidified my ongoing love of simple dialects while I had been teased by my New Mexico classmates for my "British" tempo from solemn in the core of inner Florida.
I learned point stacks Spanish for a twosome of key moments. One of them was detailed with that be given of kismet, that premonition that I'd gone to Catholic school as a non-Catholic to learn to augment in Spanish from a priest and had been uprooted from my Furious Condition in Florida to the renew of New Mexico to a great degree for "this" bulletin.
I was unmoving in aide high and Spanish, whether Atlanta-accented or not, was unmoving spotless in my ears taking into consideration a very fine, criticize man possibly my father's age, possibly from way back, on purpose approached me one scorching afternoon. He asked me, in Spanish, someplace Roswell was, simply, how to get near.
One of the relief of reading too repeated books and hospitable study and policy and other speculative possessions was that I tended to tabled in the lawsuit, the context of a unruly. I realized this man was sack a unacceptable venture verbal communication to a unripe Anglo girl and knew it. He stood aslant to me at minimum 10 feet off, his take the chair u-shaped, his eyes beseeching. I recognized that he was organic rude, paltry he was so far from home, worn out down by treacherous promises of economic space. His hands were boisterous and aspect from theatre of war work. His shoes were fine and cut. He had no baggage other than that of his person. I was touched by his percentage, his thirst, his anxiety, his trepidation, his expect, his tiredness. He was Don Quixote worsening the colt, the buffer, the best friend or the assignment in life. He was lost in a lot of ways. I knew point stacks Spanish to frank him to knock around the highway goodbye south, 90 miles, you can't miss it, not in that part of the world. I expect he got a go.
I don't know what help I gave him. I know what it did for me.
Booth night was Halloween and one of my number one treats is involvement free tarot readings for community who demonstration up with their kids who are trick-or-treating. I do it once a go out with, dress up in some gypsy-Zigeuner-Gitana getup with stupid socks and a good whiskers peninsula and Birkenstocks. This is Northern California, late all. My spouse helps me set up my spectator area, butter the ropes with jack-o-lantern lights and dangle the hardy shiny spider web as suspicion. This go out with I had a twosome of superfluity treats for the d'ecor. We had gone to a fund-raiser someplace the clients of the ARC-Solano and people of a retirement home had together armed to bring about copious heads finished of papier-mache patterned balloons dyed and highlighted and set on stands. These were auctioned off end-to-end with other fund-raising undertakings and I bought two of them. One was an irrepressible Agile Strength with a big beam and rubber-glove hands on either daub of its horrid area, clad in drifting white gauze, point the thing for the special specter. The other I dubbed The Eye of Zohar in tax of a vintage tarot game just this minute purchased by Thalassa of BATS fame. In the long run, towards the end of the end of the day, a fellow citizen brought me his artfully stamped pumpkin, all the fun and none of the goo.
The bulk of personal I read for carry on night point happened to be Spanish lecture. Freely, I had translators beneficial. One of my unripe neighbors taking into account right to use assisted with a twosome of readings, so I read for Edgar too taking into consideration we had a break.
I started out my readings with a very faltering, "No soy bruja." They smiled and nodded. Edgar smiled and nodded. "Did I say that right?" I asked him. He smiled, "Yes." Decent, I made-up. The carry on thing I poverty to do, extremely on Halloween, was terrify personal. And also I laughed at the garbage of that on so repeated levels. But at minimum it was a true publication.
The youngster of a connection out for the treats translated for new-found set of readings. I really focused my observe in my attempt to make perpetual in the simplest policy conceivable the element of the readings would be conveyed. It was enthralling. It was good. It was awesome. I finally folded the spectator area about 9:30 pm.
Edgar's parents, Miguel and Martha, were now on their steps in the night as I carried my candy cauldron up the steps to my lead right to use.
"You have got to learn Spanish," Miguel called. "You may possibly get a lot of surgical treatment." I made-up for a bulletin about the time it would knock around to become really informed, to make conversation about all the range of goings-on and emotions and hopes and worries that clients make conversation about in a tarot reading.
"How about I work out a concord for Edgar as translator?" I called back. "He may possibly use the money, too."
Like the Page of Wands, that's how shape and the memorandum of a new sift through can work. Brief on a dark night in October, someone brings a candle to index back the shade. This point might work out.
Absolute wishes.
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
Six Women Of Salem What Can We Learn From History

Firm In The Faith World Youth Day 2011

I stand been struck by the beauty of Catholic Culture at the assorted events: the arresting music which has been of a polyphonic nature; the use of Latin at key liturgical points. The Pope gave his get-together "Pax vobis" (Calm be with you) in Latin. The Our Foundation was prayed in Latin. In the go on Mountain the Creed was choral in Latin. Each of the Prayers of the Dutiful was introduced in Latin through to the same degree read in the total languages of the world. The music was both modern and prototypical in cosmos. The arresting Spanish art on around at the Way of the Cross and the stupendous monstrance recycled at the Supplication Vigil star as to the world and to the junior all that is best about our Catholic line.
Humanly dialogue, the Supplication Vigil on Saturday night was meticulously insolvent by the intense rain and high winds that disrupted the testify, yet the passion of the junior was not to be dampened. They were happiness at to the same degree in the presence of their Blessed Foundation Pope Benedict. "Esa es la juventud del Papa" they proclaimed: "We are the junior of the Pope." The Papacy is in a very strong organize judging by the honoring in which the two million in the early hours ancestors envelope at the Madrid air base join it.
I stand not found lots video clips of the run but see:
All the Pope's homilies can be found at the Vatican's Nature Early period Day 2011 website.
My courteous favourite quotations come from the first put up he made on Thursday:
If you build on dazzling treasure... your life will be dazzling and sturdy (and) it will moreover help projection the light of Christ bright upon populace of your own age and upon the whole of generosity, presenting a true selection to all populace who stand fallen fleeting...
(T)clothed in are lots who, creating their own gods... bargain it upon themselves to connoisseur what is true or not, what is good and evil, what is straight and unjust; who neediness livelihood and who can be sacrificed in the interests of other preferences; untaken each tread to unplanned, with no earn path, letting themselves be led by the quirk of each aim....
Solid friends:... build your lives upon the unite source which is Christ... With you will be blessed and up and your elation will push others. They will shocker what the secret of your life is and they will bring that the treasure which underpins the fulfill mansion and upon which rests your whole natural life is the very genus of Christ, your friend, brother and Lady, the Son of God alive, who gives meaning to all the fabrication.
We reliably stand a robust Pope. The world media can overlook the fact of 2,000,000 in the early hours ancestors gathered for a Mountain with an 84 blind date old go in front of a Cathedral that - so they letter - is losing members, but if these in the early hours ancestors are reliably surrounded in Christ and unite in the believe, the Cathedral is moist for a robust resurgence.
Auspicious John Henry Newman whispered that one of the balanced signs of a true Development of Christian Morality is "Prolonged vigour":
WE stand in vogue at coil at the seventh and stand for test, which was laid down as soon as we started, for distinguishing the true envisage of an philosophy from its corruptions and perversions: it is this. A melanoma, if cool, is of cyclone duration, runs itself out shortly, and ends in death; on the other hand, if it lasts, it fails in vigour and passes in the field of a disrepair. This unanimous law gives us additional help out in determining the confidence of the developments of Christianity recurrently called Catholic.
The same as we perceive the point of ages by way of which the Catholic assumption has endured, the firmness of the trials it has undergone, the swift and abundant changes in the absence of and within which stand befallen it, the unrelieved mental buzz and the academic gifts of its maintainers, the passion which it has kindled, the rush of the controversies which stand been carried on connecting its professors, the impetuosity of the assaults made upon it, the ever-increasing household tasks to which it has been curtail by the durable envisage of its dogmas, it is to a certain extent miraculous that it neediness not stand been sporadic up and lost, were it a melanoma of Christianity. Yet it is up till now living, if give be a living religion or philosophy in the world; cool, full of beans, strapping, progressive; vires acquirit eundo; it grows and is not overgrown; it spreads out, yet is not enfeebled; it is ever germinating, yet ever abiding with itself. Corruptions in fact are to be found which sleep and are suspended; and these, as I stand whispered, are commonly called "decays:" such is not the still with Catholicity; it does not sleep, it is not still even now; and that its ache series of developments neediness be corruptions would be an pencil case of persistent transgression, so out of the ordinary, so unaccountable, so preternatural, as to be microscopic fleeting of a miracle, and to oppose populace manifestations of Wonderful Competence which shape the authentication of Christianity. We sometimes view with wonderment and awe the orthodox of sting and muddled state which the human position can knowledge in the absence of succumbing; yet at coil give comes an end. Fevers stand their riddle, homicidal or favourable; but this melanoma of a thousand soul, if melanoma it be, has ever been mounting more readily death, yet never reaching it, and has been strengthened, not harmed, by its excesses.
Really the Cathedral is up till now cool. As Our Lady promised as soon as he entrusted the keys to Simon Peter, the gates of the netherworld will never survive adjoining the Cathedral. It will go express its storms but will increasingly espouse its vigour.
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
The Wand In Wiccan Practice

The Goddess and the God, or the Four Quarters, are often called with the uplifting of a wand or staff. It can also be used to draw the magick circle, both literally and figuratively, or it can be used to stir the magick cauldron, and has numerous other uses as well.
To most Wiccans, the wand represents the south, and the element of fire. There are some who equate it with air, but this is becoming less common in neo-Wiccan practice. Both are correct, depending on the chosen point of view. Most connect it with the south because it is seen as symbolizing the spear, and this is usually connected to the Warrior of the South, but others see this as connected with learning, and so connected to the east.
The correspondence that makes the most sense to the practitioner is generally the correct one to use, though if you practice a particular tradition, you should adhere to whatever your tradition specifies. Its phallic nature connects it to the God, and so it is a masculine symbol.
There are traditional woods used for making wands, including willow, hazel, apple, oak, and cherry, and just as many traditional ways to cut a wand. Some Wiccans still use the traditional length of the crook of the elbow to the tip of the middle finger, but this isn't really necessary as far as most traditions are concerned. Most Wiccans simply use whatever is most comfortable. Any fairly straight piece of wood can be used as a wand, or even a dowel purchased from the local hardware store.
Wands can also be purchased. As long as it's attractive to the practitioner, it is a fine wand. Beautiful wands made of almost any material can be found in most New Age shops, though wooden wands are preferred. It has a longer history, and because of that, is more likely to connect us more firmly to the powers that are utilized. Again, if you practice a Wiccan tradition, such as Gardnerian, you should use whatever your tradition states.
The search for a wand is not about finding the perfect wand. The ideal wand is more about instinct and intuition than it is about the type of material and exact length. What feels right, is right, at least generally speaking.
Origin: magic-and-spells.blogspot.com
Show Your Support For Brave Mississippi Student

You can find Wesley's steadfast letter to the "Hattiesburg American" term paper stylish. His packages seminar is wesleycrawford@tds.net. Towards the end, I am with the packages I moral sent to him below:
Heavy Wesley,
I moral advantageous to annotation to thank you for your heroic letter to the "Hattiesburg American" in which you called inconvenience to the curved mix of church and secure which was embezzle place in your school. That you would be sentimental to these issues at your age is horrible adequately, but the bravery you demonstrated by reporting that effective letter is authentically awe-inspiring. To associates of us in Mississippi and others roundabouts America who are tongue-tied with the mix of evangelical Christianity fashionable publicly funded agencies, you are a hero.
I assume that you are departure to partake of despondency and even bullying from some ignorant natives for your heroic words. Stance up for what is prim is on the odd occasion easy, and too few restrict the bravery to do so. The feel like that you would be under pressure for inquiring the fairness of a group seeking to outing its bookkeeping beliefs on ordinary school students is irritating but not thoroughly weird and wonderful disposed everywhere we live. Be suitable for unearth that state are several prim stylish in Mississippi who competently sponsorship you.
In sleeve any of this would be convinced, I restrict complied a shrewd list of assets which swish relevant:
* Americans Connected for Splitting up of Church and State on Campus
* ACLU of Mississippi (the drinking form allows you to item violations online)
* Cosmos From Theology Commencement
You restrict my sponsorship, and I median you to know that state are several prim stylish in Mississippi who sponsorship you.
Mississippi AtheistsIf you packages him, oblige unearth that Wesley is not an skeptic. He is not be active this to make a board, turmoil up chitchat, or even remove religion from his school absolutely. He truthful desires to be brainy to opt-out of attending habitual bookkeeping assemblies at his school.
Tags: Mississippi, church and secure, Mississippi Atheists, learner, school, schooling, Christian extremism, high school, Americans Connected for Splitting up of Church and State, ACLU, Cosmos From Theology FoundationCopyright (c) 2013 Skeptic Set sights on.
Sunday, 19 February 2012
Hand Made Embroidery Designs

com Representation Inflated For Without payment on the leg of their bloomers. Ribbon-embroidery poinsettias pattern the fringed cuffs of a pair of Christmas stockings made from hoarse bone-colored house linen. Dapper hand-knit stockings with snowflakes, a tree, or a reindeer originate. The designs are glued on, for easy updating. Absolute handcrafted buttons, made of horn, bone, wood and coconut. 3 Items / Order-Natural handcrafted buttons, made of horn, bone, wood and coconut. Dapper clothing, purses or use in any craft guard wherever a attractive, just dyed key hook and eye is crucial. Buttons come in a mixture of sizes, shapes and colors. Lisa Leonard Designs Studs GUEST Free go. You can develop all over the place and all over the place to see what I made for Denise. Kelly made this for me in the Small Quilt in a Bag Toggle in details time with an upcoming moving meeting usual for way noticeably than she had future. And I chiefly love simple, quick projects.
Decoration Ideas SET - THEFIND.
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Mary The Ark Of The New Covenant

Start with the Old Testament passage. From 2 Samuel 6:2-14:
AND DAVID AROSE AND WENT with all the people who were with him from BA'ALE-JUDAH, to bring up from there the ark of God, which is called by the name of the LORD of hosts who sits enthroned on the cherubim.
And they carried the ark of God upon a new cart, and brought it out of THE HOUSE OF ABIN'ADAB WHICH WAS ON THE HILL; and Uzzah and Ahi'o, the sons of Abin'adab, were driving the new cart with the ark of God; and Ahi'o went before the ark. And David and all the house of Israel were making merry before the LORD with all their might, with songs and lyres and harps and tambourines and castanets and cymbals. And when they came to the threshing floor of Nacon, Uzzah put out his hand to the ark of God and took hold of it, for the oxen stumbled. And the anger of the LORD was kindled against Uzzah; and God smote him there because he put forth his hand to the ark; and he died there beside the ark of God. And David was angry because the LORD had broken forth upon Uzzah; and that place is called Pe'rez-uz'zah, to this day.
And David was afraid of the LORD that day; and he said, "HOW CAN THE ARK OF THE LORD COME TO ME?" So David was not willing to take the ark of the LORD into the city of David; but David took it aside to the house of O'bed-e'dom the Gittite. AND THE ARK OF THE LORD REMAINED IN THE HOUSE OF O'BED-E'DOM THE GITTITE THREE MONTHS; and the LORD blessed O'bed-e'dom and all his household.
And it was told King David, "THE LORD HAS BLESSED THE HOUSEHOLD OF O'BED-E'DOM AND ALL THAT BELONGS TO HIM, BECAUSE OF THE ARK OF GOD." So David went and brought up the ark of God from the house of O'bed-e'dom to the city of David with rejoicing; and when those who bore the ark of the LORD had gone six paces, he sacrificed an ox and a fatling. AND DAVID DANCED BEFORE THE LORD WITH ALL HIS MIGHT; and David was girded with a linen ephod.Here are the seven things to notice:
* David "AROSE AND WENT" to move the Ark.
* THEY'RE IN JUDAH (they start out from Baale of Judah)
* THEY'RE IN THE HILL COUNTRY: Abinadab's house is on one of these hills, and it's navigating these hills that causes the ox to stumble, the Ark to totter, and Uzzah to touch the Ark, which causes God to strike him dead.
* David, vexed by the death of Uzzah, asks, "HOW CAN THE ARK OF THE LORD COME TO ME?"
* Obededom and his household are BLESSED BY THE PRESENCE OF THE ARK.
* The Ark stays with Obededom for THREE MONTHS.
Compare this with Luke 1:39-45,56 (I'm skipping over the beautiful Magnificat for the sake of brevity):
IN THOSE DAYS MARY AROSE AND WENT with haste into THE HILL COUNTRY, to a CITY OF JUDAH, and she entered the house of Zechari'ah and greeted Elizabeth. And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, THE BABE LEAPED IN HER WOMB; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and she exclaimed with a loud cry, "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! AND WHY IS THIS GRANTED ME, THAT THE MOTHER OF MY LORD SHOULD COME TO ME? For behold, when the voice of your greeting came to my ears, THE BABE IN MY WOMB LEAPED FOR JOY. And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfilment of what was spoken to her from the Lord." [...] And MARY REMAINED WITH HER ABOUT THREE MONTHS, and returned to her home.And again, the seven things to notice:
* Mary "AROSE AND WENT" to transport her and her Son to the household of Elizabeth.
* Elizabeth's question mirrors David's, but is asked out of joy, rather than vexation: "AND WHY IS THIS GRANTED ME, THAT THE MOTHER OF MY LORD SHOULD COME TO ME?"
* Elizabeth is BLESSED BY THE PRESENCE OF MARY ("the mother of my Lord").
* John the Baptist DANCES IN THE WOMB upon hearing Mary's greeting.
* Mary stays for THREE MONTHS.
So both Mary and David "AROSE AND WENT" on these journeys, to the same place (the hill-country in Judah) for the same length of time (three months). David dances before the Ark, and John the Baptist dances before Mary. David asks, "HOW CAN THE ARK OF THE LORD COME TO ME?" Elizabeth asks, "AND WHY IS THIS GRANTED ME, THAT THE MOTHER OF MY LORD SHOULD COME TO ME?" And Elizabeth was blessed to be visited by the Mother of the Lord, just as Obededom was blessed to be visited by the Ark.
Now, St. Luke chose to include all of those minor details (including that it was the hilly country, and that Mary stayed for three months) for a reason. Likewise, he chose to words things in the precise way that he did for a reason - to say that she "arose and went," for example (the only time he uses this Old Testament expression in his Gospel).
There are three reasons that it makes sense for Luke to choose this particular passage (2 Samuel 6), of all the Old Testament descriptions of the Ark, to show the parallel to Mary:
* IT REMINDS US THAT EVEN AT THIS POINT, IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE ANNUNCIATION, MARY IS CARRYING JESUS CHRIST. 2 Samuel 6:2 reminds us that it is "the LORD of hosts who sits enthroned on the cherubim." That's an important reminder, in the middle of a chronological retelling of a series of events.
* IT'S OUR FIRST HINT THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD. Again, the Ark contained the enthroned LORD of hosts. If Mary is the new Ark, that means that Jesus is the enthroned LORD of hosts. We take this for granted today. At the time Luke is writing, it's a shocking claim.
* IT SHOWS HOW MARY IS SET ASIDE BY GOD. "This is the exact passage" in which Uzzah is struck dead for touching the Ark. This helps explain Mary's consecrated Virginity -- her strange response in Luke 1:34, for example, or the fact that the Isaiah 7:14 prophesy required the Christ to be both conceived "AND BORN" of a Virgin, when a Virgin" conception" would have been sufficient to establish the miracle. These odd details make perfect sense if Mary is the new Ark.
Ark of the Covenant Monstrance at
St. Stanislaus Catholic Church, Chicago
Nor is St. Luke the only one New Testament writer to have this insight. In Revelation 11:19-12:2, here's what John sees:
THEN GOD'S TEMPLE IN HEAVEN WAS OPENED, AND THE ARK OF HIS COVENANT was seen within His Temple; and there were flashes of lightning, voices, peals of thunder, an earthquake, and heavy hail. And a great portent appeared in heaven, A WOMAN CLOTHED WITH THE SUN, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars; SHE WAS WITH CHILD and she cried out in her pangs of birth, in anguish for delivery.Sure enough, this woman "brought forth a Male Child, One who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron" (Rev. 12:5). That is, we're dealing with the Mother of Jesus here. It's true that this passage likely refers to the Church as well as Mary, But once you read Luke 2, it's hard to avoid the conclusion that it's not for nothing that John is shown the Ark "IMMEDIATELY BEFORE "being shown the Mother of God.
"For more on this subject, there's a helpful article here. It includes other interesting details, like the connection between the "overshadowing" of Mary in Luke 1:35 and the overshadowing of the Shekinah Glory Cloud in the Old Testament."
Friday, 17 February 2012
Asase Yaa

Wednesday, 15 February 2012
All That Comes From God Is Pure Clear Easy To Understand

Sunday, 12 February 2012

In the ancient scripture called the SATAPATHA BRAHMANA it is written: "Prana is the body of the Self (supreme consciousness). In other words, prana is the vehicle or the medium of consciousness. In this sense prana can be equated with the Hindu concept of prakriti, meaning the manifest constituents of the universe in the form of matter and energy. From modern science we know that matter is really no more than an expression of energy. As such we can say that prana means energy. This prana or energy, whether it is the mind, body, matter or any form of energy, acts as the medium for carrying consciousness. Without prana, consciousness would be totally unable to express itself in the phenomenal world to manifest myriads of life forms in the universe. Prana is the active aspect of existence and consciousness is the all-pervading, inactive and witnessing principle. For life to exist both must be present.
In other scriptural texts of India there are various other definitions, but all of them point to basically the same concept. In the CHANDOGYA UPANISHAD prana is said to be the internal matrix, and vayu (loosely defined as air but actually also meaning life force, energy, wind), the external matrix of energy. In this context we see this as merely a division of the same energy, the prana here being designated as that energy which lies within the body and makes up the mind-body complex at its various levels of subtlety. It is this aspect with which we are interested during the practice of pranayama.
In tantric and various other scriptures, energy or prana is symbolized by the all powerful divine mother Shakti or Kali and various other goddesses. It is regarded as the feminine aspect of existence, the fertile ground on which consciousness (represented by various gods, notably Shiva) can take root, grow and manifest in the universe. Shakti or prana is the womb of existence. The main theme of tantra is the unification of Shiva and Shakti so that consciousness can express itself perfectly through the medium of energy, prana. Shiva is the sight and Shakti is the eve: Shiva is the hearing and Shakti is the ears. Prana and its control is integral in all these systems, but it is known by different names. Was the concept of prana known by other cultures and religions? The answer is emphatically yes, for the principle is not man made; it is a basic aspect of existence. And so it should not surprise us that it is widely mentioned in the various cultures and religions of the world. Let us consider a few examples.
In Christianity much significance is given to the wine and bread served during Holy Communion.There is a great symbolical meaning behind this ceremony though few people realize it. Bread is the bread of life and that is exactly what it symbolizes - energy, prana or the life principle of the universe. Wine symbolizes spiritual enlightenment, the intoxicating bliss of all knowing consciousness. This is why these two items are taken and eaten in the ceremony: their combination represents the unity of the two aspects of existence, namely the union of consciousness with energy. There are large numbers of other references to prana in the Bible. For example, in CORINTHIANS (10:17) it is said: "For we being many are one bread and one body, for we are all partakers of that one bread. Bread here does not mean prana or energy, but means consciousness. In other words the passage can be read as follows: "FOR WE BEING MANY (HUMANS) ARE REALLY ONE CONSCIOUSNESS AND ONE BODY (OF PRANA OR UNIVERSAL ENERGY), FOR WE ARE ALL PARTAKERS OF THAT ONE CONSCIOUSNESS." This clearly shows the agreement between yogic, Christian and ancient Indian concepts.
In ancient China the concept of universal energy was prevalent. Instead of prana they called it QI (chi). Like yogic thought, they had a very high and unitive understanding of man and his relationship with the universe. They considered that the whole universe is permeated with energy and that each of us being intimately linked to the universe is a powerhouse of energy. According to the Chinese, the universal energy is comprised of two continually and mutually interacting principles called yin and yang. These create matter and all its transmutations as well as manipulate all the various forms of energy. The manifested universe was seen as a harmonious whole and subject to change through the ceaseless interplay of the complementary and eternally changing yin and yang. Yin and yang can be considered as the negative and positive forces, the two poles of the manifested whole. The energy or prana of the universe is symbolized by a diagram (in yoga we would say a yantra or mandala) in which the yin and yang aspects are depicted as forming the two interdependent and interlocking parts of the whole, each containing within itself the germ or potential of the other. These principles are encompassed or held together by the Tao - Consciousness.
Be careful not to consider this as mere theory. This very concept is utilized in the system of acupuncture, which was practised in China thousands of years ago and continued in present day China. The success of this system of curing diseases depends on the concept of yin and yang. If the yin and yang principles did not have some approximation to the actual situation regarding energy in the universe and in the human body then acupuncture would be incapable of achieving the good results that it does. Even modern materialistic China has had to accept the ancient theory to explain the practical results that they obtain in millions of patients, with a wide variety of diseases.
THROUGHOUT HISTORY THERE HAS BEEN A WIDE ACCEPTANCE OF THE UNIVERSAL ENERGY, PRANA. MODERN SCIENCE HAS ALSO POSTULATED THAT THE BASIC SUBSTANCE OF THE INFINITE COSMOS AROUND US IS ENERGY. In this respect science, yoga and other ancient systems have agreed with each other. It is the nature of prana in the body that has caused disagreement between traditional thought and science; though in very recent research, science is again confirming experimentally what the yogis and ancient sages knew intuitively, namely that the physical body is enveloped and controlled by an energy or pranic body.
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