Posted by Christine Pack
On April 18, 2011, we posted an article here entitled "Wellness: The New Age Trojan Horse in Healthcare" by guest writer Marcia Montenegro (Christian Answers for the New Age). This article detailed how alternative medicines and healing techniques have conditioned Americans to become more attuned to eastern thought, specifically the panentheistic view of "God" as an impersonal essence, force or energy that permeates all things (in contrast to the Christian worldview of God as a distinct and separate entity, apart from his creation).After this article was posted, Ingrid Schlueter of the Crosstalk radio show (VCY America) had the author of the post (Marcia Montenegro), and Christine Pack (one of the authors of this blog) on her show to discuss this article. This was a fast-paced show, and we covered a lot of ground in a very short amount of time. A must-listen for anyone with questions or concerns about alternative health methods.
Listen to the show in its entirety here.
photo credit: Grand Velas Resort via photopin cc
Are We All Syncretists Now? A Conversation About Evangelical Christianity and Alternative Medicine with Historian Candy Gunther Brown (Dr. Al Mohler)
Hospitals: A New Dark Age? (Christian Answers For The New Age)
Tapping: The Next Big Thing in Alternative Medicine (Sola Sisters)
True Spirituality, Health and Science: Where Do We Draw The Lines? (Marcia Montenegro)
"Universal Energy" the Key to Health? (Christian Answers For The New Age)
Problems with Alternative Medicine (Christian Answers For The New Age)
A Warning To Christians About Homeopathy (Sola Sisters)
What's New With the New Age? Why Christians Need To Remain On Guard Against the New Age Spirituality (Phil Johnson, GTY)
Should A Christian Eat Their Placenta? (Mennoknight)
Evaluating Applied Kinesiology (Mennoknight)
Food Pharisees (Fred Butler, Hip and Thigh)
How Neo-Paganism Deceives The World and the Church (Bob DeWaay, CIC)
The Scientific Method and Why It Matters
The Biblical Worldview Is The Foundation of Modern Science
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Sola Sisters ministry-Facebook wall discussion - 1-4-14
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