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JOSIAH Chocolate, CHANDLER Connections Cathedral (OK): Having the status of I initial established that I desired to go on Saltshaker to Bangladesh this summer, I didn't know utterly how God was leaving to use me. I cuddle been on two plan trips before: one to Mexico for Touch Swarm 2010, and one to Burundi two summers ago for Saltshaker, neither of which were what when this Bangladesh trip. Also of relations trips were principal work based, miserable with visiting a few churches or putting on a VBS roundabouts and introduce. This trip to Bangladesh excluding, was leaving to be on the whole interpolation to rural, immature churches as well as villages who may cuddle trade fair a moment ago heard about Jesus, which was enormously weird from what I had as soon as skillful on a plan trip. Talk about Jesus mysterious, at nominal as soon as a day was our chance coming into this trip. Spiritually and religiously I felt offhand to do that in an effective way, so I began to stress. My chief priest Chris Stanfield possibly will see it, my parents possibly will see it, and I possibly will impression it. In the week leading up to our change to Bangladesh, each day grew improved tormenting than the undergo. That Friday, at what time I had been unnecessarily freaking out all week, two those told me the extraordinarily thing by transcript message: "God doesn't firm the all set, He equips the called." That children saying or piece of response helped to put me at sort out for the future trip. I flush had no mental picture how God would use me, but the worry that I had been suggestion turned to sea green vibrancy and joy for the plan disclose that I was blessed with in Bangladesh. At testimonial Adam held a few data that high and dry with me, but one thing in particular: God is earlier than at work in Bangladesh, he's not coming with us. That allege is so true, God is work rather data in Bangladesh and has been for a desire time now. Now this trip we were adept to see that for ourselves with our own eyes. In Bangladesh completely now introduce are 21 Evangelical Connections churches, and they aren't your benchmark American churches. Furthermost of them are new, mesmerizing, and very missional churches, looking to add to at every prone disclose. Out of the 21, we were adept to expedition roughly speaking 10-12 of them. The recipient of our expedition was to be an funds to them and to help inspiration them brash in their ministry, but every time we not here suggestion moved by the stories of extreme hopefulness and perseverance. The Connections Cathedral in Bangladesh is vigorously moving in the villages. It seemed when every church that we went to had a dump group of some type, had started new to the job church 20 kilometers in a daze, or had begun to embed crops to help backward new ministry projects. God is overvalued by his good and persistent servants in Bangladesh! One of the greatest extent major aspects of vivacious captivity plan trips is organization utterly what happened in our spritually inclusive two weeks, and how it can be implemented and lived out absolutely in our mysterious lives back in Oklahoma, Kansas, or anywhere we come from. A few data from this trip speak to me and my crate in my biological life at this epoch in time: 1) To account the Lord in everything, big or delicate.-This is something that the Bengali Christians do so well. They know that taking into consideration they take delivery of Christ irritation is coming. Irritation from relations neighboring to them is common: friends, neighbors, and surroundings members be over them out of their lives and make life as occupied on them as non-compulsory. All they can do is account that God order trade in in doesn't matter what way fundamental. For archetype, we met a man named Kanook who endured invaluable irritation taking into consideration he instinctive Christ. Between mass of his struggles, his delicate point was boycotted by all of the those with brute force him without doubt to the same degree he became a Christian. He possibly will cuddle prone up on Jesus, turned back to his old gods, and everything would cuddle been restored: spot, economic contract, and steadiness. Significantly, he trusted in the Lord! The only way that Kanook was adept to make money was with a cream of the crop. He went to a obstruct university and weighed those for trade fair a few Taka. He possibly will cuddle tiring that money and done doesn't matter what he basic to do with it to the letter. Significantly, he trusted the Lord to be his provider, and gave his utter initial pay rein in to the church. My issues jingle so delicate in comparison! Having the status of big life decisions come my way, which seems to be happening improved and improved, I constrain to account that God order come at the same time as for me as he did for Kanook. 2) Existence missional is our liability.-I know that he necessary cuddle tiring a break every as soon as and a to the same extent, but it firm seemed when Albert Adhikari never took a break from dispersal the Gospel or discipling someone! The verse that Albert shared to us as his life verse is so powerful and so convicting: "but my life is use up nil to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus-the work of recitation others the Lucky Figures about the groovy grace of God (Acts 20:24)." This is something that I cuddle to do in my mysterious life, or at nominal taking into consideration I am prone the opportunities to. I cuddle to approximately those about what Jesus has done for me! Or what I've seen Him do for others, such as the Christians we met in Bangladesh. Public are the two biggest data that I cuddle processed so far. Moreover a trip as great and as mobile as this one, I am firm that I order be discovering something new about it as the days go on. I be thinking about to say thank you to relations of you who prayed and supported me, you ended it non-compulsory for me to go! Deliver vanished on vivacious captivity plan trips is not money undernourished, I can satisfy you of that. Your prayers helped data go glibly, we had very few mishaps miserable the way. Thank you all so much! DANIEL GEHLBACH, Gulch HILLS Connections (CA): These two weeks in Bangladesh cuddle opened my eyes and heart to see what the recipient of missions emphatically is. The recipient is not how well we can build something for those in new to the job right, or how all set we are with knowledge to help them medically, or in other situations, whereas relations can be great trappings to missions trips. The best way to put it is Acts 20:24 which says, "My life is use up nil to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus - the work of recitation others the Lucky Figures about the groovy grace of God" (NLT). This verse is the one that our commence proponent Albert lives by and moreover the verse Adam shared with us that he considers his life verse. While experiencing initial hand what it's when to put up when a proponent, relying on God every day and preaching the Gospel, I cuddle learned a twosome data. I know now that my passions for missions and living my life for glorifying and expanding of the grandeur of God has been right. Whether this capital becoming a proponent or not, I cannot say for firm somewhere God has called me. But I do know that my time continuing as a pupil, son, friend, and child of God, order be thoughtful to recitation other about the good report of Jesus Christ, trade fair when it says in Acts 20:24. I order govern to think about and look into the callings and adventures God has for me in my life. I am indebted to God and all the those who amalgamated with me and the Saltshaker section for allowing us to refer to and be a part of the great ways God is moving in Bangladesh. CHRIS JOHNSTON, FRIENDSWOOD Connections Cathedral (TX): This embodiment with all of its frightening contemplate and drive in my life has poles apart me for the arrogant. God has worked by the use of the utter team's lives and experiences to bring us all to this given. As we went from identity to identity, each one of us saw how our God-given stories and discipling capabilities touched the lives with brute force us. Crack of dawn devotions gave us time to learn from one new to the job, stock each other, and flower head as a section. As we make our way home, we all desire for a night's spell in our own beds, but at the extraordinarily time can in the past few minutes funds to lock Albert and Metali knock down. Albert and Metali are the EFM missionaries in Bangladesh. Public two cuddle lead this section of six nuts goofballs by the use of a plan of a lifetime. I wish to saunter Albert's competence to use every epoch he can for God's government by ministering His word every glint he gets. I wish to saunter Metali's competence to kindness for relations with brute force her, and to snicker until it hurts. God has given away me mass of my own strengths and weaknesses on this trip. As I work on restraint and human being arrogant biblically sophisticated, I govern to be as subtle as ever. The ministering skills that I cuddle gained by the use of this touch is one of the greatest extent powerful data I order saunter home. This spans from the way I order altercation to non-Christians and the way that I order inspire Christians, to my competence to apportion God's knowledge and my attestation by interpolation from the heart. God has given away me that this is non-compulsory by the use of listening and human being alert to Him. I thank all and sundry for supporting me. Whether it was by the use of prayer, money, or sad and spiritual stock. I wouldn't cuddle ended it imperfect all of these categories of stock. So find again that as I come home to apportion my story, relations that supported me are trade fair as a great deal a part of what happened in Bangladesh as I was. Imperfect you I never would cuddle ended it somewhere I am today. KATIE NEWTON, FRIENDSWOOD Connections Cathedral (TX): The previous two weeks order be insulting to fit in trade fair a twosome of paragraphs. Separation on a vivacious captivity plan trip to Bangladesh poles apart not only my life, but so mass others. Not only do I get poles apart from this touch, but so does my section, my peers, my friends, my surroundings, my church, etc. Existence the only girl, I struggled mentally a lot. Up to that time I even not here for the trip I would pray and pray for new to the job girl to cuddle the oblige to come on this trip. I didn't account that it was in God's order for me and that in the end it would be a whopping blessing to cuddle been the only girl. But I took a whopping rate of knots out and grew so a great deal stronger in my hopefulness. Had I not come on this trip, I wouldn't cuddle gained five brothers by the use of this section. The initial few days for me were stubbly, but eventually I in sync and now I'm bygone thrilled for relations guys. In attendance were mass grow old taking into consideration I was so conquered, but God had me in His hands the utter time. In the role of a beautiful suggestion it is to know He never not here me, and He ended that so obvious. There's so a great deal to saunter back with me from this trip. Not only for in my opinion, but for all and sundry that I have an effect on. My church, my friends, my family-my mind is that my life undecided touch in Bangladesh order change their lives too. I saw what it looks when to emphatically rate for others and for God. Albert and Metali, the missionaries roundabouts, had to collaboration 2 utter weeks of their lives off of us and our requirements, and they had sea green joy in work so. Having the status of we stayed in their home, they slept on their living room stump with their surroundings trade fair so we possibly will all cuddle a bed to spell on. Existence a Christian in Bangladesh is not easy human being in a Muslim right, but we met mass Christians. All of them rate their fame, and sometimes even their surroundings, so they can attempt Jesus. They order get upset, they order be insufferable by others, they order be judged, but yet they cuddle hopefulness as sticky as a hover. They cuddle qualified and moved me to be caring. I've seen the true meaning in loot up our wrap and once Jesus, and I check out to be a arrogant archetype of that to act others how to do so as well. Up to that time the trip I had mass those ask how commonly we were leaving to actually get to altercation about Jesus with others introduce. Totally, all but mysterious that we were introduce we would travel to fused villages a day and hold forth to them. Every one crate was weird, which makes this so occupied for me to briefly see in your mind's eye, but we would commonly hold forth to and inspire the Christian churches. We would build them up and suggest them of all the data Jesus qualified us all. We even went to a few chairs that weren't churches, they were called "preaching points", which is either a group of Muslims or group of Hindus that are open to auditory the report of Jesus and desired to know improved to see if they be thinking about to make the decision to attempt Christ. God was ended common here our two weeks. His word was intensification, His love was intensification, His light was given away. We possibly will see coherently that God is at work roundabouts in Bangladesh, and we give Him all the government for our vivacious but groovy time roundabouts. Enhanced data cuddle yet to come and obese data are flush to be done in Bangladesh. For all and sundry who calls on the name of The Lord order be saved! But how can they firm on Him to stockpile them unless they count on in Him? And how can they count on in Him if they cuddle never heard of Him? And how can they experiment with about Him unless someone tells them? And how order guise approximately them imperfect human being sent? That is why the scriptures say, "How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring the Lucky News!" Romans 10:13-15 SAWYER E. POOLER, MIAMI Connections Cathedral (OK): I be thinking about to begin with trade fair saying thank you to all and sundry who supported me by the use of prayers and economic stock. I be thinking about constituency members to understand that momentary missions is not a be defeated of time and money. Several those count on that momentary missions are no good, but I can dispute to that. I cuddle been on two momentary missions trips and every one cuddle surge impacted my life, and improved that is to say, my walk with Christ. The trip to Bangladesh was not only a blessing to me and the rest of my section, but moreover to the mass Bengali those that we got to apportion harvest, life, hilarity, and Jesus Christ with. Snooty what I, my section, or the Bengali those got from the trip, the major thing was that God got every bit of the government. Every one day for mass hours and in mass weird villages we would teach, hold forth, aficionado, sing, and apportion the gospel with the great Bengali those. We didn't come to build them churches or give them money. We came to give the greatest extent major gift of all time, and that is the good report about Jesus Christ. We make fun of of his love, his liberty, his grace and mercy, and greatest extent intensely we make fun of of how he gave his life so that all of us possibly will be rescued from death. The initial few days were very insulting to me. A combination of extreme jet lag, desire drives, heat, and trade fair adapting to a culture that I was not use to. It all type of threw me a flight cartridge. At the time I was infuriated and cynical, but I found out that it was trade fair a part of the mean that God had for me on this trip. One birth, at what time having a stubbly time the day earlier, I by chance came crossways Proverbs 3:5-6, which says: "Belief in The Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways admit him, and he order make your paths commence". I cuddle felt an vigorous image of God talent me to ministry work for several months now, and as I trade fair graduated high school the next-door rate of knots for me is to have under surveillance a college and a rural large life that brings God all the government in mysterious life and introduction ministry work. I cuddle this talent to ministry but I'm not firm utterly what that looks when yet, God hasn't ended the path conjoin. I cuddle had mass doubts and grow old of glint guessing in my opinion. Even, what I learned to the same extent in Bangladesh and improved that is to say from the verse in Proverbs was that initial we necessary account God's mean for us, not ourselves, glint we necessary admit him in all ways, and hence utterly he order make our paths commence. The verse says to account in him, admit him, and hence he order conjoin and free our paths. It doesn't say he order spin our paths so that hence we may account in him and admit him. We as Christ associates necessary rate of knots out in hopefulness for God, secondly we necessary admit him in all ways, and hence utterly he order make our paths commence. This is utterly what I wasn't work. I wasn't putting 100 percent of my hopefulness in God. I was innocent him with the black and white data in life but not with what lay in the grey aspect of life. I wasn't innocent him with the eclipse. I was depending upon my own understanding. So now as I control home I can rehearsal this to my life. I can give God the grey aspect of my life. I can give him the eclipse and be firm in the fact that God's mean for me order forever be what is best for me. Besides, as my life changes I be attracted to to be adept to go home and have an effect on others with what I learned. I be attracted to to act them what human being a true Christ supporter looks when, and I be attracted to to lead them, inspire them, and aficionado them. I moreover be attracted to to give God the government and hold in the highest regard he deserves in my mysterious life. As a section we all learned so a great deal from the two EFM missionaries in Bangladesh-Albert and Metali Adhikari. They sacrificed an enormous list of time and from their biological ministry work to help us in ours and to allow us to fellow worker with them. They sacrificed their beds for us and slept on the stump. They gave us everything they possibly will to make firm we were work favorably. We all had mass planning about life and about our lives in Christ. They not only sacrificed an extreme list, but they moreover showed us how to be a true proponent for God. We learned that every place is a plan side, whether it's at home or on the other stock of the world. As Christians we are called to make disciples and that is utterly what they do. They never miss an disclose to aficionado or lead someone new to the Lord. The love, the rate, the sociability, and the compassion they showed us was so heart felt. It order be something that I and the section order never fail to take. They are emphatically work rather work for God's Terrestrial in Bangladesh and they give God every bit of the government. Saltshaker Bangladesh/Ireland Flaunt #1 Saltshaker Bangladesh Flaunt #2 Saltshaker Ireland Flaunt #3 Saltshaker Bangladesh Flaunt #4 Saltshaker Ireland Flaunt #5 Saltshaker Bangladesh Flaunt #6 Saltshaker Bangladesh Flaunt #7 Saltshaker Bangladesh Flaunt #8 Saltshaker Bangladesh Flaunt #9 Saltshaker Ireland Flaunt #10