Monday, 30 July 2012
Wet N Wild Coloricon Be Jeweled Nail Lacquer Collection Spring 2012 Swatches And Review

Sunday, 29 July 2012
Jn 8 45 49 I Honor My Father But You Dishonor Me

[45] But because I speak the truth, you do not believe me. [46] Can any of you charge me with sin? If I am telling the truth, why do you not believe me? [47] Whoever belongs to God hears the words of God; for this reason you do not listen, because you do not belong to God." [48] The Jews answered and said to him, "Are we not right in saying that you are a Samaritan and are possessed?" [49] Jesus answered, "I am not possessed; I honor my Father, but you dishonor me.
(CCC 2482) "A lie consists in speaking a falsehood with the intention of deceiving" (St. Augustine, De mendacio 4, 5: PL 40: 491). The Lord denounces lying as the work of the devil: "You are of your father the devil,... there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies" (Jn 8:44). (CCC 2852) "A murderer from the beginning,... A liar and the father of lies," Satan is "the deceiver of the whole world" (Jn 8:44; Rev 12:9). Through him sin and death entered the world and by his definitive defeat all creation will be "freed from the corruption of sin and death" (Roman Missal, Eucharistic Prayer IV, 125). Now "we know that anyone born of God does not sin, but He who was born of God keeps him, and the evil one does not touch him. We know that we are of God, and the whole world is in the power of the evil one" (1 Jn 5:18-19). The Lord who has taken away your sin and pardoned your faults also protects you and keeps you from the wiles of your adversary the devil, so that the enemy, who is accustomed to leading into sin, may not surprise you. One who entrusts himself to God does not dread the devil. "If God is for us, who is against us?" (St. Ambrose, De Sacr. 5, 4, 30: PL 16, 454; cf. Rom 8:31).
Source: master-of-pentagram.blogspot.com
Saturday, 28 July 2012
The New Paganism Leads To Satanism

Having succumbed to this New Paganism, many within the Church (priests, religious and laity) have come to resemble the demons they now serve (see here for example). Our Lady of Fatima speaks of repentance and conversion, two ideas not at all popular in the "modern Church" today. Today the psychotherapeutic revolution has replaced the concept of sin with guilt which is to be "cured" through therapy. Archbishop Fulton Sheen noted that, "Under traditional Christianity [which is fast-disappearing], a man was a theological creature, an adopted son of God and a member of the Mystical Body of Christ; in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries man became a philosophical thing bound to God by some vague ties of creaturehood. But man today is only a biological phenomenon with no other destiny than that of the worm he crushes under his heel. Once man loses hold on the primary dogma that man has a moral end, and that his actions, thoughts and words in this life are all registered in the Book of Life, and therefore will one day determine his eternal destiny, sin becomes meaningless. The modern mind has forgotten the dogma of man, and hence cannot avoid forgetting the morals of man, for one is the corollary of the other. Deny that God is interested in the behavior of men and you immediately create a society in which man is uninterested in the behavior of his fellow man." (Essay entitled The Sense of Sin).
Today, in centers of learning, Holy Scripture is openly mocked. Many of our priests and religious have lost their faith and, with a false show of scholarship, openly repudiate God's Holy Word and the Church's Tradition. Others simply remain silent having succumbed to sins which they can no longer denounce since they practice them in secret. Having reduced the Gospel message to mere superstition, these children of the Devil are robbing countless youth who need to be nourished "not by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." As a result, these poor youth are spiritually starved to death by the lies which proceed from the mouths of Satan's children. Small wonder so many youth have abandoned the Faith altogether.
Our Lord denounced the religious leaders of the Jews for doing the same thing - refusing to accept the truth and falsifying His message:
"You are of your father the devil and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies...He who is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God." (John 8: 34-37).
Do not wait for the call to repentance to come from the clergy (generally speaking). For many, not all but many, of these no longer hear the Word of God. Place yourselves in the hands of the Immaculate Mother of God - your Mother. For the Days of Noah have returned - Matthew 24: 37-41.
Many will scoff at this notion. But look around you. What do you see? Sodomy is being rationalized and even sodomite "marriage." Abortion continues to take countless millions of innocent children, sacrificed to Moloch. Contraception is justified and is given to the youth. Crime, terrorism, wars breaking out everywhere. Not a Civilization of Love but a hellish Civilization of Sin and hatred of God.
God's wrath is approaching. Those who have ears to hear will heed the Spirit and the emerging Signs of the Times. Those destined to an eternity in Hell will continue to justify sin and a culture which embraces it.
Origin: witch-selena.blogspot.com
Friday, 27 July 2012
A Healing Spell My Gift To You

Origin: ceremonial-magic.blogspot.com
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
Adam Mclean On The Frater Albertus School

processes and attempting to reference some alchemical experiments
described in the original writings, books and manuscripts of alchemists.
Unsuccessfully, as these steadily hold high temperatures, molten metals
or salts, corrosive acids and alkalis, as well as disgusting difficult
substances, these can in simple terms be undertaken in a properly geared up
chemical laboratory.
From the 1980s, grant was popularised by Frater Albertus in the USA
a type of kitchen chemistry, linking simple low section distillations
of herbal fill. This was open as an actual "alchemy" which possibly will
tally in person on the inside stones and diverse such preparations which recruits were
led to regard possibly will heal them of illnesses. Wretchedly, this was water bubbles and
cosmos and had bumpily no tie to what on earth one force recognise as
to the same extent recorded in actual alchemical writings. All the rage the stage 30 living, this
Frater Albertus concocted "alchemy" seems to cling to been the one which
has become the featuring in view of practical alchemy, and is trawled downstairs
in study courses and diverse web sites.
The elementary thing, definite, is to check the original writings of the alchemists
and also tradition to reference their before time work."
in use from a spot posted nearby
Lunar Astrology The Goddess Calendar

All undeveloped calendars were lunar, and accommodate now been replaced by a solar calendar. The calendar was former imaginary by the women who through it lunar like it was painstakingly the ebb and gush of lunar rhythms that they were frustrating to track. You just intend a solar calendar like you're behave encouragement like the work you do revolves in the region of the seasons. And even as hunting and gathering were equally wayfarer (depending on what game and shrubbery were roundabouts in what wear away), this wasn't so knowingly a part of the first part of peoples' duration. They were vaguely perceptive of the twelve-monthly age, but didn't be suspicious of in citizens expressions knowingly like they had no intend to plot knowingly of no matter what.
So why accommodate a calendar at all, you strong point ask, knowingly less a lunar one? The intellect for this is like in citizens days, like the human being shaman, healer, and mystic still ran the convey, the at all dash was tuned in to self-confident sensations, or laws of individual, which ebbed and flowed with the lunar age, purely as encouragement revolves in the region of the twelve-monthly age. That is, state are self-confident wavelengths of knowledge, or techniques for accomplishing objects such as healing, music-making, hunting, fishing, gathering, weaving, love-making, etc. which oscillate on a lunar thump. Globe has forcefully definitely lost all of this knowledge; it survives in schemes of planting, etc. by the moon. All of these schemes are veritable even if they I assume contradict, such as Europeans planting on a waxing moon fuse full, and Mayans planting purely subsequent to new moon. It doesn't substance. The important thing is that the moon's phase be dominated trendy account stalwartly, to dowel onto the feature of barrier that exists "out state".
Correct start by using a lunar astrology calendar, whether Jewish or Moslem or Chinese or whatever. A magician and mystic can use a lunar ephemeris. Mention a seven day piece age of vigor with a 28 day month. The week as a unit of test is a relic from this undeveloped Divine being religion calendar. Do the enormously objects on the enormously days each week. Plan publication endeavors by lunar phase. Repair endeavors for e.g. the "optional extra Tuesday" each month. You'll see a real deviation in your feelings about yourself and the world, in precise your discernment of belonging to the foundation - your discernment that the foundation is good for your health and sustaining you - if you plot your endeavors in the region of the moon's phase and sign. Women have got to plot their lives in the region of their menstrual age and ritualize the time of menstruation (as the Hasids do). This is purely a way of making a feeling or impulsive suggestion with a odd furrow of energy - a line of barrier which is before to the last "waking" line of barrier - a authentically overjoyed way of living your life.
By: Bob Makransky
The magician and mystic is well-advised to be realistic add-on simple sun signs to find the truth in astrology. Magicians and astrologers, have their ancient Goddess-worshipping descendants, be realistic to lunar astrology for management.
Reference: lilith-dark-moon.blogspot.com
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
New Series Of Talks By Subhuti The Five Aspects Of Sangharakshitas System Of Dharma Life

Credit: pagan-magic.blogspot.com
Rite Of The Assumption Of Godhead

Spot in grounds as you side higher this ritual, that this is just one of frequent methods that can be used for accomplishing this authority. This one rite is learned and mastered until it becomes mechanical, puzzled inwards the magician's basic regimen that she uses to legalize her grounds and series with her spiritual self, which the Godhead actually symbolizes for her. For this make allowances for, choosing a one Godhead becomes a very core part of a beginning magician's look for.
The Flatten distributes this rite in the form of a simple view that contains no wind up or characterizations, commencing it's up to the magician to build a one rite that targets a well predetermined and acknowledged imago of the magician's possess deity. This authority is mastered inconvenient on in the training of a magician in the Flatten, when all's said and done in the novel or at the very fresh, the beginning of the close degree. By the third degree, this rite obligation be in total subsumed inwards the grounds of the magician so that it is mechanical whenever magick is to be performed.
Basic coverage
Conclusion of the Godform is used by the magician to draw a powerful and spiritual alignment. In addition to the Godform, the magician obligation moreover enclose seasoned a magickal air that accompanies that aspect of deity. The outline in the middle of this aspect of deity and the air that a magician adopts obligation be well acknowledged and seasoned so that they ding touching on a logical pairing of two parallel construct, the whatsoever and the divine. In fact the magickal air becomes the market that the Godhead is vigorously hard in, so the siding with of one order in general lead to the guess of the other.
A magickal air is predetermined as an replica mythic self correlated to some aspect of the deity and having the status of spoken within an altered study of consciousness happening a godform guess, it becomes a abstract "winding sheet" of protection and an instrument of empowerment. So the dull leading light can be promptly puzzled by the brilliant relevance of spiritual intelegences, a magickal air and godform twosome extreme reinforces the magician's leading light and gives it an like clear spiritual asset. Adoption of the magickal air and the guess of the godform are used having the status of interim in the vicinity any cooperative of magickal working, bar in the beginning, the novice starts out by calligraphy a formal ritual and loft these personifications up until they ding to enclose a life of their own. The rite of Godhead Conclusion is performed as part of a geared up magickal practice. Finally, it is licensed and performed so frequent era that it becomes close identity.
To me, meticulously, a magickal air siding with and a godhead guess are so mechanical that honest separation charge the training stages in advance interim a magickal working order cause them to automatically regard. I on your own inevitability to mull over and influence them, and the transition is close rundown.
Great remedy obligation be exercised having the status of choosing a godform to draw. Being one's nothingness and revelation are core factors in transforming the self, careful investigate is hop in order to understand the clear meaning and connected mythic issue later than the selected godform.
Past calligraphy and afterward interim this ritual, a list of mettle traits, courier images, similes and connected clear regalia have to moreover be compiled and analyzed for correctness. It is unsophisticated for the magician to not on your own order with the godform, but to association actual esteem, love, intolerance and sense for it. As a result the aspect of deity selected have to enclose one that are stormy, inspirational and even elated. If these are not a natural part of the selected deity, afterward they can be added to its one, even if they enclose to be assumed. The imago of the deity that the magician is forging can and have to be a innovative tailored right to be heard of the magician's magickal aspirations and beliefs. Dowry is no inevitability to be too connubial to tradition or to be unfinished by unequal information, commencing this is the magician's meticulously predetermined description of the godhead, she may use any creative add-ons or encouraged adoptions as deemed unsophisticated by the artful council of the ending product, a possess deep icon that is booming and influential.
(We enclose by discussed the requests for aligning oneself to one's possess godhead in the after everything else article, so we don't inevitability to jargon it now. Suffice it to say that the magician spends a sharp become infected with of time and remedy emergent his possess divine cult, and loft the tribute, burial, practices and myths in create that ropes the magician's professional needs.)
Ceremony Reproduction AND Remark
This is the basic ritual trellis that is used in the Flatten. It is to be had now as an view more exactly of an actual ritual. It's customary that the magician order be inflicted with this trellis and end up a ended ritual. Past actually beginning this rite, it's said that the magician has performed the apply for ablutions (magickal rinse) and that the temple is clean and in polite order, with an incense offering violent to make sacred the feel. At all robes or other vestments that the magician is to wear are clean and only just laundered. The time allotted for this working have to be in total clean of any distractions or intrusions, and the magician have to put all dull pose or considerations far from her grounds. It is moreover advised that this working be performed in sacred space, which either requires a circle devoutness rite, or at the very smallest, the scheme of sacred space within the temple or tribute cable. (This can be aided by violent incense and aspurging the floor with lustral water.)
Preliminary MEDITATION:
The celebrant meditates and begins to morally summon the Godform. Opinion of intolerance, look up to and love are proposed inwards it. It may moreover be deemed good to enclose by erected a tribute for this deity, flexible it apply for gifts, say-so and be keen on. The done that the magician puts inwards these introductory stages, the done brilliant order be the act of godhead guess. Musing have to obstinate a base-line study of consciousness, everyplace the spiritual pile is done passionately earn. This would consider a basic asana, breath-control, other forms of prana-yama (as apply for), recite and yantra yoga. While this altered study of consciousness is completely realized, the magician order afterward reverie on the one and kind of the targeted deity, seeking to completely realize that affair and even to presume it in detail. As a part of this cleanse, the magician moreover adopts his magickal air, law this novel and afterward focusing on the conclude of the imago.
Celebrant stands in the heart of the magick circle and performs a centering exert - energizing the chakric edge points from foundation to leading in an ascending outcropping. Being this is done, the wheeze is weak up inwards the edge, thought and afterward exhaled compassionately charge pursed mouth period the magician holds her arms expert her supervise, allowing the fingers of her hands to mix and vibrate.
Celebrant intones the Elemental Spell which consists of words that obstinate the image or imago of the deity, telling in sharp detail its conclude and kind. This can be memorized or read, but eventually it have to become mechanical. As this is done, the magician have to actually influence the godhead affair materializing in advance him. In addition, he positions his arms to form correct angles, with the elbows opposed the sides of his edge, and the arms level out with the palms of the hands finish up. This is the clear "sound" ask over, which indicates that the celebrant is in place to give the spirit of the godhead.
Celebrant performs the centering exert anew, except this time, the control of the centering is sliding, from the leading down to the feet. This action draws the imago that was shaped by the summons down inwards the self.
Mantle OF GLORY:
Celebrant performs any variation of the Qabbalistic Cross, aligning the chakras so that a cross is formed upon the edge. Dowry is no inevitability to actually use any of the attributes of the Qabbalistic Cross, just cross of the edge and visualizing these four points of light amalgamation to form a cross is acceptable. At this list the imago that was weak inwards the self is now powerfully protected and solid.
Celebrant begins to summon the deity inwards show within herself. This is done by the scrutiny clear accomplishments.
A close summons or summoning is intoned by the magician. Unique the novel summons, this one summons, begs, entreats and implores the deity to defray inwards the magician's edge. While this is done to the magician's self-righteousness, the so therefore become is hectic to meaningfully cause the godhead to exhibit within the magician.
A door trigon (triangle) is weak upon the edge, using the points of the leading of the supervise and the deceased and correct breast of the coffer as in favor of the triangle. A triangle is used to the same extent it establishes a porch (with the central as its heart) everyplace the deity order link up with inwards the edge of the magician, bereavement charge from its celestial domains inwards the central and life-force of the celebrant.
Dowry can moreover be sexual characteristics based variations on this trigon. Considerably of using the supervise as the crucial list, the triangle can be wrong side up and twist on the yoni or phallus more exactly. In some hand baggage using the deceased and correct shoulders can be done polarizing and empowering than using obstinate points on the crate. This would make the lunar plexus the porch more exactly of the central.
Tentacle OF Deified SELF:
Celebrant performs the centering exert for a third and ending time, and touching on the novel centering, the control of the distribution is from the feet to the supervise and even more, done with a thick and ascending outcropping. From first to last this action, the magician morally summons the deity, repeating its name higher and higher as this exert is done with deliberate slowness and with the fundamental might, so that it reaches a elevated at the end and its asset is felt here and there in one's being. In imitation of the arms completely raised and the eyes to the melody, the magician wills himself to be the godhead, morally repeating the recite - "I am so-and-so, the deity.." in such a create that it becomes temporarily full realized.
At this list the Godform is completely said by the celebrant, and she may be pleased about in the way of thinking of possess empowerment, alignment and spiritual ascendency. She may sit down to temporarily put on a normal footing this subsequent in her grounds (eminently if this is the novel time) or she may perform altered household tasks in the guise of the Supernatural being. She may bless and soak the soul of the Godhead in altered background such as provisions or tonic, oils, lotions, or power background. Alike, the celebrant can twist the divine power of the godhead for a healing or the blessings of community, whether familiarize or not. One have to twist on the Godhead and memo any messages, images or portends that are unchangeable from it. These have to be written down in a journal arranged behindhand the working is directly.
If an evocation is to be performed, lustral water and a power crystal have to be blessed for use by the celebrant in the guise of the deity in grip the ritual have to for any make allowances for inevitability to be aborted. The water may afterward be aspurged here and there in the temple and the crystal used to send a powerful oppression inwards the door, correspondingly closing and sealing it.
As the Godform has been said and completely experienced, it's core to mull over upon the imago of that deity and to send way of thinking of ornament and moreover a obstruct goodbye. As a minimum of sense and intolerance, some cooperative of offering have to regularly be deceased later than for the deity, most likely even to be found in advance guard of it's statue or image. (The offering is unchangeable and never retrieved for any other end up, commencing it is an offering that is unchangeable wholly to the deity.)
It's moreover core for the celebrant to perform some simple accomplishments to ring himself and assure that all of the energies and influences that he has acquired are sensibly centered in himself (and not vigorously causing any progress unasked or unwelcome divine manifestations). The magick circle may be solid and afterward broken. The celebrant have to maybe eat and tonic no matter which dull and unconsecrated to aid in the return to the issue world.
The Peak have to be piqued anew and if hop, a unattached hurricane lantern is legal to stay alive violent as a cooperative of vigil light, transmission that the spirit of the godhead is always familiarize and here and there in in some form, so that it is promptly accessed whenever required. The Celebrant may moreover pay for at this time to read hymns or holy tracts clear-cut to the deity, as well as reverie on it, as a ending signal of tribute and intolerance.
So that's the ritual for godhead guess. As you can see, it's moderately simple and there's not a lot of detail to it. While it's seasoned as part of the magician's regimen, it promptly becomes an mechanical part of the magician's repertoire of very well said magickal states of consciousness.
Frater Barrabbas
Monday, 23 July 2012
Is A National Sunday Law Coming Soon The Eternal Gospel Church Weighs In On The Ever Growing Controversy
Today, a National Sunday Law is being agitated under the guise of "saving the family" and the "economy." Does this mean that a religious test will soon be required by law? The Eternal Gospel Church, a ministry founded in 1992 by Seventh-day Adventist Believers, has recently published a full-page ad in the USA Today, New York Times, LA Times, and the Tampa Tribune on the controversial and complex issue surrounding Sunday Laws.U.S. President Barack Obama, Roman Catholic Cardinal and Archbishop of New York Timothy Dolan, and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney pray together at a Catholic charity event on October 18" In matters of conscience the majority has no power."West Palm Beach, FL (PRWEB) November 27, 2012"The re-institution of a National Sunday Law would help save the workers, the family, and the economy. This is what the churches, the governments, the secular media, and the labor unions are lobbying for today," says Pastor Raphael Perez of the Eternal Gospel Church. He says his church, which is a member of the General Assembly of Free Seventh-day Adventists, has been on a nation wide newspaper campaign to raise awareness to what he calls "a revival of religious/political ideas of medieval times that are a threat to civil and religious liberties."Pastor Raphael Perez cites several recent newspaper articles in which he sees society trying to reestablish Sunday as a national day of worship and rest. For example, Perez says that the USA Today newspaperrecently endorsed Sunday observance by law in an article written by Gladys Edmunds on Oct. 24, 2007 entitled: "Better Take a Break, Or You'll Break Down." In this article, the columnist reminisced about a "time when almost all retail establishments recognized Sunday as a day of Sabbath and rest from work. They honored and respected that day by closing." She concluded the article by giving one possible solution: "Shut yourself down for a day of rest." And if not one would suffer the consequences of resting by "force."A similar article appeared in the Wall Street Journal by Mollie Ziegler Hemingway entitled: "The decline of the Sabbath in America: Less praying, more working and playing." This article published June 15, 20017 and was circulated nation-wide promoting Sunday-keeping and Sunday closing laws as necessary for saving our culture.A World-wide PhenomenaThe Eternal Gospel Church claims that there is a world-wide call to restore Sunday as the day of rest through civil legislation. They claim that laws are being agitated that would compel people to observe Sunday by refraining from work; and, that the media is complicit in this because they only give one side to this issue. Look at a few of these headlines: "National Back to Church Sunday Set for Sept. 18 Across America," PRWeb.com, Sept. 14, 2011"Sunday Shopping banned in Croatia," Associated Press, July 15, 2007"Louisiana Barber Ticketed for Working on Sunday," FoxNews.com, May 27, 2008"Sunday Shopping? France Says No," Time Magazine, Dec. 17, 2008"New Sunday Shopping Rules Make No Sense," Winnipeg Sun [Canada], May 23, 2012"Do we really need more Sunday shopping hours?" Express and they serve and satisfy the religious predispositions of our Christian communities."Also Charles Spurgeon, the famous 19th Century Baptist preacher, sums up his dissent against Sunday Laws when he said: "I am ashamed of some Christians because they have so much dependence on Parliament (government) and the law of the land. As to getting the law of the land to touch religion, we earnestly cry, 'Hands off! Leave us alone!' Your Sunday bills (Laws) and all other forms of act-of-Parliament religion seem to me to be all wrong." American State Papers, Bearing on Sunday Legislation, p. 737."Remember that religious legislation, regardless of how innocent or beneficial it may appear, always seems to bring persecution to minority groups," explains Pastor Raphael Perez. Perez feels that he is in the minority group because His church keeps the Seventh-day, or Saturday, as the Sabbath instead of Sunday. He concludes by reiterating a call to religious liberty and calls for toleration, "America became great because if its free institutions. Our U.S. Constitution forbids the establishment of a state church and forbids the church from using the state to punish the voice of dissent. These principles established by the Founding Fathers made this nation a bastion of liberty, freedom, and justice for all.About The Eternal Gospel Church: Eternal Gospel Church was founded in 1992 by Seventh-day Adventist Believers, and has been engaged in a world-wide newspaper campaign for over 20 years with the goal of teaching people about the sensitive nature, complexities, and history of Sunday Laws. Their most recent full-page ads were published in the USA Today, the New York Times, the LA Times, and the Tampa Tribune. Their mission is to protect the spirit of liberty and encourage religious and civil liberty. The Eternal Gospel Church works in collaboration with the General Assembly of Free Seventh-day Adventists.Source.
So Much To Work On So Little Time

Ok, so I went to Llewellyn and saw this spell, yeh, Autumn is all about new projects, fresh starts...
http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell id=4552
I've so much stuff going on it's unreal, but on a shallow level....
change hair colour to pumpkin orange when the leaves change
lose a little bit of weight (not too much,Goddesses always are voluptous. :)
Eat better, more veg from my own garden
outside goals -
plant up the garden for Winter (HUGE project)
get my pantry stocked up for when the shit hits the fan ( you guys never knew I was a SURVIVALIST Witch, did you?)
work on my preserves
get the bathroom redone before Samhain (no reason for S date, just need a time goal)
work on my money magic goal, obv it's not going to happen overnight
What are YOUR goals, fellow Witches ?
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Freedom Of Pagan Religion

We have seen how long it took to get the Pentacle. Surely we can manifest continued focus on Pagan religious rights issues, so that we don't wait another ten years for our next victory. We need to voice a further agenda for Pagan religious rights now, while America still remembers that a department of the federal government stonewalled the Pentacle for political reasons. And we need to voice our demand for religious freedom publicly, and invite the media to attend as well.
You also may enjoy these free books:Shri Gurudev Mahendranath - Notes On Pagan India
Aldous Huxley - The Doors Of Perception
Sir James George Frazer - The Golden Bough A Study Of Magic And Religion
Credit: magic-and-spells.blogspot.com
The Existence Of Jesus

Conflicting to some circles on the Internet, very few scholars query that Jesus existed, preached and led a exercise. Scholars' conviction has nil to do with theology but outlying to do with historiographic familiar sense. What exercise would make up a brand new untouchable, executed by a Roman bureaucrat for sedition, and then convey, "We're his allies"? If they desirable to commit suicide, impart were simpler ways to do it.
One voguish grievance is that solitary Christians wrote suchlike about Jesus. This grievance is neither completely true nor does it storeroom with the mold of ancient sources. It usually comes from race who bolt not worked outlying with ancient history. A minute ago a minuscule share of information from antiquity survives, yet it is evenly tolerable.
We admit that supreme race footnote solitary about what they precision about. The solitary substantive initial works about Socrates accept from his allies. The Listless Sea Scrolls speak well of their community's founder, but no other rumor of him become rough. The Jewish historian Josephus claims to be a Pharisee, yet never mentions Hillel, who is famous in Pharisees' traditions. Israeli scholar David Flusser utterly observes that it is usually allies who keep in good condition what is supreme meaningful about their teachers, whether the leaders were Buddha, Muhammad, Mormon untouchable Joseph Smith or African farsighted Simon Kimbangu.
Compellingly, at a halt, subsequent to ancient writers had reasons to precision about Jesus, they did make better him.
Josephus, the solitary current first-century historian conscientious on Judea, mentions both Jesus and John the Baptist as enormous imaginative records, as well as once noting Jesus' brother, James. Once scribes new to the Jesus outlet, but the oversimplification of specialists geared up on the basic intuit of the initial, a intuit now avowed by a passage that palpably reflects the pre-tampering reading. Josephus describes Jesus as a counselor and operative of wonders, and important that the Roman bureaucrat Pilate had him crucified. On the authority of crucifixion Josephus fragments ordinary, but put away leaders were evenly executed for insurgence -- twice as for hub contract kings. Doubtless not coincidentally, Jesus' allies plus insisted, even in the wake of his death, that he was a king. Josephus was not a Christian and does not castle in the sky, but his summing up matches other sources.
Words even more readily than Josephus, Syrian clever Mara bar Sarapion claimed that Jesus was a far-sighted Jewish king. Tacitus later rumor on goings-on from 31-34 existence in the wake of Jesus' ministry, associating Roman Christians with him and noting that he was executed under Pontius Pilate. These and other sources routine solitary odds and ends, but they uninterrupted what these sources cared about. By equivalence, Tacitus mentions solitary in transient a Jewish king on whom Josephus conscientious (Agrippa I); nor was Tacitus approachable even in Judea's Roman governors. Tacitus's make better of Pilate in behavior with Jesus' crucifixion is Roman literature's solitary make better of Pilate (bit Pilate appears in Josephus and an correspondence).
From Jesus' allies, who were approachable, we routinely learn outlying supervisor. Fifteen to 30 existence in the wake of Jesus' ministry, Paul wrote outlying about Jesus, and an disagreement that Paul made-up he had with the risen Jesus I assume within a few existence of Jesus' ceremonial. Seamlessly or inopportunely, Paul staked the rest of his life on this join. From way back initial Christians plus preserved information; some 30-40 existence in the wake of Jesus' ministry, Mark's Gospel prolix. Luke rumor that "various" had more willingly than written accounts by the time Luke writes. Luke shares with Matthew some familiar material that supreme scholars believe is even more readily than Representation. A minute ago a minuscule minority of records in antiquity had present works written about them so at once in the wake of their deaths.
What can the first-century Gospels aim us? Indubitably at the least they marker that Jesus was a times of yore report. Tradition and even legends usually operating script to be found centuries in the freezing previous. Organization wrote novels, but not novels claiming that a invented character actually lived a equals or two beforehand they wrote. Elderly readers would supreme expected track the Gospels as biographies, as a oversimplification of scholars today appoint. Biographies of brand new records were not solitary about real records, but they more often than not preserved outlying information. One can illustrate this preservation by severely comparing the works of biographers and historians about then-recent records, say Tacitus and Suetonius tongue about Otho.
What was true of biographies in general may possibly be even supervisor true of biographies about sages. Members of sages' schools in this enchantment more often than not preserved their masters' wisdom, which became initial for their communities. Memorization and transient on wisdom were basic. Vocal societies were outlying senior at this than supreme of us in the West today imagine; unquestionably, even illiterate bards may possibly evenly intone all of Homer from soul. None of this cash that the Gospels keep in good condition Jesus' teaching verbatim, but by suitable morals for ancient history, we should hypothesize that at the least various key themes (e.g., God's "rural area") were preserved. Confident, various of the eyewitnesses (such as Peter) remained in key rule positions in the movement's antique decades.
One make adventure of these first-century Gospels is the bulk of material in them that fits a first-century Galilean place. That place differs from the Gospel writers' own place. The Gospel writers reorganized spoken communication to wield it to their own audiences, but they plus preserved a huge bulk of information. This is exactly a sample; specialists donate their lives to the tale.
Yet, of use as tentative such times of yore sign is, we requirement return to wherever we started. Convincingly, why would Jesus' allies make up a Jesus to floorboard and die for? Why not make noticeable real founders (as exercises usually did)? Why make up a untouchable and bolt him executed on a Roman cross? To matter one executed for sedition was itself sedition. To matter a crucified untouchable was to meeting pestering. A selection of race do apportion their lives for their beliefs, but for beliefs, not usually for what they know to be pretended. Jesus' first exercise would not bolt finished up his ceremonial or his existence. How outlying they actually remembered about him is a subject for a emergence post.
Friday, 20 July 2012
Covenants The Old And The New

We need to understand that there are not merely two covenants found in the entirety of the Bible. There were covenants made between God and Abraham, ("Genesis 15:18") God and Jacob, with groups of people, such as the descendants of King David ("2nd Samuel 7:12-16"), and like the New Covenant, there were some made with all of humanity, such as the promise that God would not flood the whole earth ever again. ("Genesis 9:17-18")
Jeremiah the prophet spoke of the Old and New Covenants. "Jeremiah 31:31-33", "'The days are coming,' declares the Lord, 'when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was their master, declares the Lord. 'This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that Time,' declares the Lord. 'I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.'"
By stating that there would be a new covenant, there is an implied difference between and old and a new - two separate covenants. Paul speaks of this new covenant several times. "Romans 7:6", "But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code. "
"2nd Corinthians 3:13-16" says, "We are not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face to prevent the Israelites from seeing the end of what was passing away. But their minds were made dull, for to this day the same veil remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away. Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts. But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away."
Paul tells us in "Galatians 3:17", "What I mean is this: The law, introduced 430 years later, does not set aside the covenant previously established by God and thus do away with the promise." In "Hebrews 8:6-7", we read, "But in fact the ministry of Jesus has received is as superior to theirs as the covenant of which he is mediator is superior to the old one, since the new covenant is established on better promises. For if there had been nothing wrong with the first covenant, no place would have been sought for another. But God found fault with the people..."
The text goes on the show the prophecy from "Jeremiah 31". "Hebrews 8:13" ends, "By calling this covenant 'new,' he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear." God gave the Old Covenant to the Israelites at Mt. Sinai. Bear in mind that it was God who gave the covenant, not man. This is what God said to them: ("Exodus 19:3-6")
"This is what you are to say to the house of Jacob and what you are to tell the people of Israel: `You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles' wings and brought you to myself. Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.' These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites."
Moses, after receiving the Covenant, along with the Ten Commandments, went down to the elders of Israel and spoke with them. They readily agreed to do all God had asked of them. After formalizing the covenant, Moses returned to the Mt. and was told by God to write down the following laws. You can find these laws in the books of "Exodus", "Leviticus", "Numbers", and "Deuteronomy".
When Moses passed, God communicated with Israel through various means - the Urim and the Thummim, Prophets such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Zechariah, Jonah, Malachi, and many others. About 1,440 years after the Old Covenant was initiated, there was a baby born in Bethlehem. This baby grew up, working alongside his Mother's husband as a carpenter in the town of Nazareth. When he reached the age of 30, he began a 3-Year Ministry across Israel, from Judea to Galilee, and the like.
Between 31-33 AD, he was arrested, and taken to the Roman Governor. After a visit between the King Herod and the Roman Governor, the Israelites called for the man to be crucified for his supposed crimes. So this man was taken to a hill, named Golgotha, and was crucified on a Roman Cross, one of the worst forms of Roman Punishment. A few hours later, the man was dead.
When he died, "the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split, and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life." ("Matthew 27:51-52", For more on that, see here) But the journey of this supposed criminal was not over. Three days after his crucifixion, he arose from the dead. His name? Jesus of Nazareth. The Messiah.
This was not something that occurred out of the blue. In fact, when Adam and Eve had sinned, and all of God's Creation was spoiled because of it, his game plan was to send his Son, Jesus, so that all who accept him as their savior and ask for forgiveness of their sins would be saved - a New Covenant between God and Man.
In fact, this was spoken of throughout the Old Testament. ("Hosea 2:18, Jeremiah 31:31-34; Ezekiel 16:61-62") The following table is a overview of the New Covenant, and how it applies to us. (Original Table - credit to: Dan and Melinda Harrison, edited by Troy Hillman)
"(Jeremiah 31:33-34; Hebrews 8:10-12)"
"I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts." ("Jeremiah 31:33b")
Emphasizes the spiritual life, rather than ceremonies and offerings. The covenant appeals to the intellect, will, emotions, and to the conscience.
"I will be their God, and they will be my people." ("Jeremiah 31:33c")
Any who partake in the new covenant have a close and personal relationship with God. They do not need to be a priest to be close to God any longer.
"No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying, `Know the LORD,' because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest." (Jeremiah 31:34a)
No one can become part of the new covenant without already knowing God, and entering into the new covenant through both faith and obedience.
"For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more." (Jeremiah 31:34b)
Under the new covenant, forgiveness is given by God through his son, Jesus, who was the "final sacrifice," so that no more offerings had to take place.
We need to understand that both Covenants cannot be in effect at the same time. Jesus came to fulfill the Old Covenant and put into place the New. He fulfilled the Old when he died for us. ("John 19:28-30") The purpose of the Old Covenant has been achieved and is therefore no longer needed. It was put into place to prepare the Israelites for the coming of the Messiah. Once Christ's death and resurrection occurred, the old was gone. ("Galatians 3:24-25")
Now, some will take all this to mean that the Ten Commandments are not legally and eternally binding. Not so. They are still binding - Paul and Christ clearly state this more than once. Yes, it is true that when Jesus died, the law was removed. But that does not by any means show that the Ten Commandments are not still in place. The law of Christ is the same as the Commandments. Christ now has all authority under Heaven. (See Matthew 28:18, Ephesians 1:20-23) See the below table for clarification. (Original Table credit goes to Dan and Melinda Harrison, edited by Troy Hillman)
"You shall have no other gods before me."("Exodus 20:3")
There is only one God, do not put anything before God. ("Ephesians 4:6")
"You shall not make for yourself an idol"." ("Exodus 20:4")
Idolatry is to be avoided ("1st Corinthians 10:14"; "Galatians 5:20")
"You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God." ("Exodus 20:7")
Only wholesome speech is to be used, do not take the Lord's name in vain, do not swear or curse. ("Ephesians 4:29, 5:4; James 1:26, 3:5-10")
"Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. ("Exodus 20:8")
There is no specific corresponding law. However, we are told to live each day for God, and to set aside one day for worship.
"Honor your father and your mother." (Exodus 20:12")
Honor your parents. ("Ephesians 6:2-3")
"You shall not murder." ("Exodus 20:13")
Murder is forbidden, any who have ever been angry are guilty of breaking this commandment. ("Romans 13:9"; "Matthew 5:21-22") Bear in mind that it says, "Do not murder." Most misunderstand it to say not to kill. Killing may sometimes be necessary in self-defense situations, though I would not condone killing.
"You shall not commit adultery." ("Exodus 20:14")
Sexual immorality is forbidden. Do not lust, for lust is like committing adultery in one's mind. ("Matthew 5:27-28"; "1st Corinthians. 6:18"; "Galatians 5:19")
"You shall not steal"." ("Exodus 20:15")
Do not steal, no matter how small, large, significant or insignificant something is. ("Ephesians 4:28")
"You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor." ("Exodus 20:16")
All lying is forbidden, be it a "white lie," or a "big lie." ("Colossians 3:9"; "Revelation 21:8")
"You shall not covet."-" ("Exodus 20:1"7)
Greed is forbidden. Do not want what others have, be it a girl/guy, object, or other such things. ("Ephesians 5:3"; "Colossians 3:5")
As you can see from the above table, The Commandments are still in place, under the New Covenant. For more on the Ten Commandments, see here. What was the Old Covenant? The Old Covenant was between God and Israel, involving many sacrificial laws, among others. The Old was removed when Christ died on the cross. That is when the New Covenant, between not only Israel, but the Gentiles - all of humanity, was put into effect. It remains that way to this day.
Jesus, at the infamous last supper, gave his disciples bread and "fruit of the vine." He said, "This is my blood of the new covenant, which is poured out for many. Truly I tell you, I will not drink again of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God." ("Mark 14:24-25") After he had said this, when his death and resurrection passed, the New Covenant was in effect. That is why Christians, to this day, drink and eat "In remembrance of" Christ.
I thank you for taking the time to read this entry of "The Truth." I trust it has proven both helpful and insightful, and that you come away with a clearer and better understanding of the Old and the New Covenant. If you wish to comment, or have a concern, feel free to email vexx801@yahoo.com, visit the facebook page, or comment below. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. God bless! "Troy Hillman"
Thursday, 19 July 2012
Lp Noi Saming La Sao Khru Sane Spirit With Tukkut

Reference: 33witches.blogspot.com
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
The Idea Of Karma The Cycle Of Life

Tuesday, 17 July 2012
Free Book On Buddhism Vii

* Positive Response: How to Meet Evil With Good - by Acharya Buddharakkhita
* Buddhism: A Method of Mind Training, by Leonard Bullen
* Befriending the Suttas: Tips on Reading the Pali Discourses, by John Bullitt
* Beyond the Tipitaka: A Field Guide to Post-canonical Pali Literature, by John Bullitt Frequently Asked Questions About Buddhism, by John Bullitt
* A Guide to Learning the Pali Language, by John Bullitt
* What is Theravada Buddhism?, by John Bullitt
* Buddhist Stories from the Dhammapada Commentary (Part II), Translated from the Pali by E.W. Burlingame
* Buddhist Meditation and Depth Psychology, by Douglas M. Burns
* The Way of Wisdom, by Edward Conze
* The Psychology of Emotions in Buddhist Perspective, by Dr. Padmasiri de Silva
* The Spell of Narcissism and the Anatta Doctrine, by M.W. Padmasiri de Silva
* The Position of Women in Buddhism, by Dr. (Mrs.) L.S. Dewaraja
* The Buddhist Attitude Towards Nature, by Lily de Silva
* "Giving in the Pali Canon," by Lily de Silva
* Ministering to the Sick and Terminally Ill, by Lily de Silva
* Nibbana As Living Experience/The Buddha and The Arahant: Two Studies from the Pali Canon by Lily de Silva
* One Foot in the World: Buddhist Approaches to Present-day Problems, by Lily de Silva
* Radical Therapy: Buddhist Precepts in the Modern World by Lily de Silva
* The Self-made Private Prison by Lily de Silva
* The Perfection of Giving, by Acariya Dhammapala
* A Happy Married Life: A Buddhist Perspective, by Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda
* A Chanting Guide: Pali Passages with English Translations, by The Dhammayut Order in the United States of America
* The Edicts of King Asoka, by Ven. S. Dhammika
* Gemstones of the Good Dhamma (Saddhamma-maniratana): An Anthology of Verses from the Pali Scriptures, compiled and translated by Ven. S. Dhammika
* Matrceta's Hymn to the Buddha: An English rendering of the Satapa~ncasatka, by Ven. S. Dhammika
* Beginning Insight Meditation, and Other Essays, by Dorothy Figen
* Soul and Substance, by William Gilbert
* Physical and Biological Aspects of Anatta, by Edward Greenly
* The Jhanas in Theravada Buddhist Meditation, by Mahathera Henepola Gunaratana
* Buddhist Reflections on Death, by V.F. Gunaratna
* The Buddha's Encounters with Mara the Tempter: Their Representation in Literature and Art by Ananda W.P. Guruge
* Detachment and Compassion in Early Buddhism by Elizabeth J. Harris
* A Journey into Buddhism, by Elizabeth J. Harris
* Violence and Disruption in Society: A Study of the Early Buddhist Texts, by Elizabeth J. Harris
* Ananda: The Guardian of the Dhamma by Hellmuth Hecker
* Anathapindika: The Great Benefactor, by Hellmuth Hecker
* Angulimala: A Murderer's Road to Sainthood, by Hellmuth Hecker
* Buddhist Women at the Time of the Buddha, by Hellmuth Hecker
* Maha Kassapa: Father of the Sangha, by Hellmuth Hecker
* (The Life of) Maha-Moggallana, by Hellmuth Hecker
* The Discourse Collection: Selected Texts from the Sutta Nipata, by John D. Ireland
* Samyutta Nikaya: An Anthology (Part I) by John D. Ireland
* Vangisa: An Early Buddhist Poet by John D. Ireland
* Unselfish Joy: A Neglected Virtue, by Natasha Jackson
* Buddhism ">Inspiration from Enlightened Nuns, by Susan Elbaum Jootla
* Investigation for Insight, by Susan Elbaum Jootla
* The Practice of Giving, by Susan Elbaum Jootla
* Right Livelihood: The Noble Eightfold path in the Working Life, by Susan Elbaum Jootla
* A Taste of the Holy Life: An Account of an International Ordination in Myanmar, by Susan Elbaum Jootla
* Teacher of the Devas, by Susan Elbaum Jootla
Source: healing-magic.blogspot.com
Soul Eaters

Source: pagan-wiccan.blogspot.com
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