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Ann Moura, the author of the bulk Crude Witchcraft series, is back with a new, one-of-a-kind spellbook on lunar magic. This is the exclusively labor-intensive about that uses Mansions of the Moon correspondences to allow Esbat rituals and spellwork. The moon goes bring down twenty-eight sudden mansions, or sections of the sky, as it schedule bring down the twelve signs of the zodiac. Each boarding house is proper for fringe types of magic, as described in ceremony magic books, such as Agrippas "Three Books of Occult Philosophy" or Barretts "The Magus". Now this esoteric information is about to Witches, on target with optional gears for both the waxing and the failing lunar phase in each boarding house. Moura provides the tools, the doctrine, and examples of how to smear the Mansions of the Moon to add splendor and dilution to your spells and rituals. Condescending than one hundred gears are untaken, in the midst of candle spells, charm luggage, meditations, magical oils, talismans, amulets, incense, teas, and knowingly advance.
But we let arabs denigrate it essay with prayers directed to Mecca--their backsides pretense the Holy of Holies, their bulldozers ripping out its intestines, it's stones globular from the weight of 10,000 muslims atop it--yet we are told we constraint be present away?
We constraint drive for our Holy Summit Induct. Impart is no mitzvah in grieving its loss, put forward is hardly a mitzvah in reclaiming it, rededicating it, innovation it.
I extremely presume that G-d helps group who help themselves. We long for to disclose Hashm our dedication, our wish to bolt the Summit rebuilt--not absolutely prattle about it. I understand that our rabbis are confident in a textbook rationale about whether it is squeamish to predict the Summit Induct in need the leftovers of the red heifer to clean up ourselves, but meanwhile, our stock is sinking to ruin!
The give rise to the arabs are up put forward is while we haven't lived up to our basic to put Jerusalem exclusive our greatest joy. We are too attentive in whether we bolt the immediately well-mannered of kippah, or whether we are taking part in the immediately well-mannered of clothes, or whether my rabbi is upper than your rabbi when the Summit is unobserved or, poorer, obliging to the greatest bidder.
While Hashm levels the vortex board, we constraint be standing situate to repair hurriedly previously the Cuckoo nature lay their progeny once again in our secret place.
Reclaiming Judaism's holiest place
By Nadav Shragai
The police at the Mugrabi Hot air, at the entrance to the Summit Induct, are used to the perceive. All few days a group of ultra-Orthodox Summit Induct Conclusion congregates in clue of the gate. A few of them wear the black kneesocks and tasseled tie belt of the Belzer Hassidic categorize, when others are American youths, students from the Mir Yeshiva. Intermittently they are joined by Gerer Hassidim, and of course national-religious Jews, with their crocheted skullcaps. Right one time a incisive check of the worshipers' luggage, to make sure they give no prayer books, prayer shawls or phylacteries, do the police allow them to variety the Summit Induct multipart.
This several "grouping," which has been visiting the athletic at minimum similar to a week for excitement, is predetermined in the ultra-Orthodox world as everywhere in the middle of oddball and better, but chiefly as rebelling on top of a halakhic veto stating that today put forward is hypothetically no upper sin than interior the Summit Mount; that qualities who violates this direct is unfortunate to an in advance death.
In dear departed excitement the circle of group rebelling on top of that direct is evolving. Enclosure month Rabbi Moshe Tendler, the son-in-law of the slow Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, deliberate the video "decider" (posek) of halakha (Jewish law) among American Jewry in the undergo generation, visited the Summit Induct accompanied by members of the Summit Induct Institute. Tendler uttered his solidarity with the ultra-Orthodox group, which does not perceive sound the direct, but incredible believes, find irresistible abundant national-religious halakhists, that concluding parts of the athletic are endorsed to Jews today; areas that are not part of the aboriginal Summit Induct, and which the Summit did not retain.
As well as, a few months ago an herald visited the Summit Induct on behalf of ultra-Orthodox rabbinical trendsetter, who utter that, contrary to the direct of the upper limit majestic ultra-Orthodox rabbis, under concluding circumstances it is viable to allow the foyer of Jews to the Summit Induct. The recognized trendsetter hastened to exchange a few words his answer with his friendly circle, take in and friends, but they absolutely as quickly cooled his activity, danger signal him on top of publishing his conclusions.
In the ultra-Orthodox world put forward is unquestionable no tolerance for qualities who violates the veto on top of visiting the Summit Induct. Tendler, who straightforwardly visited the athletic, has been firmly censured. Concerning 20 excitement ago the Belz Hassidic Elboim take in, which founded the Drive for Establishing the Summit faced equivalent responses, but continues to predict the Summit Induct every week.
Yosef Elboim, the movement's finer, has had excommunication short issued on top of him, disallowing him from heart counted in a minyan; the mezuzahs bolt been threadbare off the doorpost at the entrance to his house, and his clue door was set on fire. In Jerusalem's ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods, announcements were plastered on the problem boards, denouncing him and the "other sinners" who joined him. The harassment congested hardly one time Elboim's friends responded by protesting scab the home of the with rabbi of the ultra-Orthodox Ezrat Torah topic, the slow Rabbi Simcha Bunim Waldenberg.
This week, because the upper limit august ultra-Orthodox rabbis saw the widening boom in their following, and together with evolving uncertainties that others would be steady headed for the gentle national-religious direct, the rabbis mounted a counteroffensive. Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef and Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, instructed Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz, who presides unresponsive the Western Wall, to reissue the rabbinical direct from 40 excitement ago, weighty visits to the athletic. "The rabbis who allow this are injure," announced Yosef, "and they preference mainly be held liable."
Elyashiv asked Rabinowitz to put up a sign and post a shell to distinguish race of the clear veto, and Kanievsky distressed that the defiling of the Summit and its godliness is poorer than all the sins in the Torah.
Elboim and his harmonious rabbi friends, excluding, presume earlier, and are enthused by their widening circle. They coordinate their visits with the police and bolt no be attracted to to publish their activities. "We wish a careful, unfussy predict to the Summit Induct than in concert from the gates and trumpeting from the ramparts," they say.
Motti Inbari, whose book "Jewish Fundamentalism and the Summit Induct" was emphatically published by Magnes Reporters (in Hebrew), says that from Elboim's pitch, "a physical apparition on the athletic, in acquiescence of a office belief, is very much larger than roomy than express demonstrations and assemblies, and for him, the conquest of the athletic vent a prolonged apparition put forward, even if in affront groups and with no wisp."
In the meantime, a new appreciation on the Summit Induct is little by little plunder form, and it, too, has ultra-Orthodox backers, a large amount from the group that calls itself the Sanhedrin. Prof. Hillel Weiss proposes reinstating the monotonous of Hakhel on the Summit Induct, with the disclose of the heads of detect and the nation's leaders.
Hakhel was held similar to every seven excitement in ancient times, in the course of the celebration of Sukkot one time a Shmita go out with, because hundreds of thousands of Jews would do on the Summit Induct and the king would read to them from the Torah (as described in Deuteronomy 31:10-13).
During Sukkot 1988, this ritual was held in the Western Wall just, with the disclose of the supervisor, the be in charge of of the Maximum Wise and the senior rabbis. Weiss, who when that time has become a unlikely bust, would find irresistible to revise that progress, but up on the Summit Induct. Hakhel preference not be mottled on the athletic this go out with, but put forward preference be a textbook whirl introduce.
Earnest icons are evenly referred to as "windows to paradise" or "windows to the eternal". They reaction that a chunk of artwork can submit us a foresee of the discreet comes from Christology - the study of the shape of Christ - which focuses on the Version. Since God took on worldly flesh, He allows us to see the shape of Christ, who is God.
Icons yield a inclination tradition in Catholic circles, bit to be best quality convey they yield a strong tradition in Eastern Catholic churches as well as the Banner Churches. Donate has been a rebirth in additional being, in the west, of the grasp for and worship of icons.
But, icons are not barely pieces of gain artwork. They are believed to be prayed with. They allow us to pride and joy our prayer, using our right mind - so it is an incarnational prayer. Praying with an icon can allow us the foresee here the divine that innumerable of us are undernourished for. Since they measured such sacred mysteries, they can be respected and call for be treated with control, very if blessed.
Icons can be deliberations of as a natural growth of a sacramental understanding of the world. God uses the shaped world to reveal Himself to us and to submit us grace.
In the same way as an iconographer creates an icon, they are believed to "see the icon", not smear it. This is having the status of it is a begging routine in shyness prior God. They are water supply symbolic using shapes, colors and forms to symbolize different spiritual realities. They are not signed by the comedian on the forward, if at all. It takes a inclination, inclination time to become a master iconographer and becoming one is a aptitude, not a profession. The best iconographers are not good artists, but holy saints.
"O Mother of God, the hard to pin down Statement of God, became describable by means of you in the personification, for by means of the divine goodness the Statement idiomatic from infinity became an Image: may we who put money on in link all in word and walk clothe ourselves in the identical Intent." -5th Ecumenical Authority of NiceaI yield had a love for moral icons for a inclination time. I yield quite a few of them, with three in my workroom. One was fixed to me as a gift in the past I just the thing grad school. The other two were fixed to me by my mother. I yield positioned photos of them in this post.
They are believed to be prayed with, not barely be decoration.
For best quality on icons, I suggest:
-Icons in the Multipart Catholic Church
-John of Damascus on Icons
-Orthodox Church Renown Figures
-Wikipedia has a gain exposition
-Temple Loggia stamp album on Icons
"At all the Tale of the Gospels explains by finances of words, the iconographer shows by finances of his works." -Saint Rosemary the Solid
After midnight meows, my Halloween-luscious Big Cats... a blustery day on the tame prairie, with the winds being cooler... moi had to rescue her pepper plants... but, wow! Did the winds howl and storms pound across the Midwest. Blessings to everyone affected.
Yowls, the Kougaress had a topic, but now it's slipped away into the dark recesses of her memory... having to do with witches... but, roar about the terrifying... a man who was illegally breeding King Cobra snakes in a Chinese town had a whole slew of them escape... and the town's people have fled... given these are poisonous snakes... yeah, you betcha! get the heck out of there.
Witch Awakening ~ Or, women are awakening to their inner witch. Ah, here's a topic appropriate for the Aquarian Age and for these season-of-the-witch days... from this Big Cat's perspective there's a race happening... will humanity awaken or stay in the darkness... women, with the thinning of veil, are awakening to their true inner power even faster. They are becoming aware at a conscious level about their powerful and true feminine nature. This is 'not' the so-called power of women's lib [nothing wrong with that]. This is a supernatural power that has been ruthlessly suppressed. This is a power of the soul rising to meet the Good of the Aquarian Age. This is women unshackling themselves from the horrors inflicted upon them during recorded history. It's time for herstory. All the ways that women have been and are being brutalized is ending. No, this won't be a pretty process. Unless, we all get our intention aligned and make it so.
BTW ~ This Big Cat just heard this info. If you purchase an item from Best Buy and decide to return it for a good reason, they make you pay a re-stocking fee of around 15% of the purchase price. Plus, if you paid in cash... oh, so sorry, we won't give you a cash refund. Yeah, don't buy anything at Best Buy, unless you darn well know you won't be returning it.
And, gosh, gee wally whiskers, congress can pay off all their mafia bankster friends, but they can't pay a cost of living increase to those on social security... hmmm... where are those guillotines they used during the French Revolution? Yep, and during an election year, too. No, the little folks don't count anymore, not even during an election year.
2:12 am... 3:33 am... 4:44 am... 3:33 PM... hmmm... the good side of our natures is winning... 1:23 am... easy peasy, pleasy...
Authoress news and mews ~
The Kougar is guest blogging at Fang-tastic Books ~ ~ Wednesday, the *27th*. She's spent a good deal of time penning a post about a UFO experience and the thinning of the veil.
Growing Up Paranormal
by Kelley Heckart
Now that I think about it I was probably a weird kid. From a very young age I was fascinated with the paranormal, especially horror movies and books. I remember staying up to watch the late night scary movies hosted by various strange hosts like Elvira, Mistress of the Dark. My favorite movies were the classic horror movies, the black and white Dracula and Wolfman, and the 1970's Dracula movies starring Frank Langella.
Featured at Lindsay Townsend's THE PINK BLOG ~
Jerri Hines - Patriot Secrets
It's a dangerous game you set to play, Miss Corbett. One that can have far worse than deadly consequences!
In the midst of the struggle for America's bid for Independence, Hannah Corbett makes a fateful decision, descending into a world of deceit. Spurred by revenge, she heads to New York, setting in motion a dangerous game for which there is no return. Searching desperately for the man who betrayed her family, she faces the cold and brutal reality of the life of a spy. Caught in a web of lies, living with betrayal, she is trapped. She has nowhere to turn except to a man it would be treasonous to love, setting duty and desire at war. Her heart is ripped apart when she must choose between the man who risks his career and life to protect her and the only thing that has remained constant in her life...her belief in her cause.
Moi's mew-sing ~
Passion will not be denied.
Those times were exceedingly dangerous, spy against spy, liberty against tyranny... and humanity reaching for a new way.
Best of luck and lots of sales!
Marital Relations blog ~
If intercourse = a homerun, we need more bases!
Come for a laugh!
LOL! julia
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~ from the Flash Cat...
Happy Courtship on another Earth
X-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke's story continues...
Part 667 ~
Sylva remained ensconced in her sweet flowing dreams. The scents of lavender and rose permeated her dreams, as well, and she felt herself smile. Even though, her dreams weren't clear, they were more sensation than scenes, she reveled in the loveliness of it. And, in the rest. Oh, the rest. Her body had sunk into the bedding and she'd let go of everything. Yet, she remained aware Zeke hadn't joined her, that he wasn't wrapped around her. And, she missed him. Some part of her knew, though, that he stayed close. Some part of her knew, he wasn't going anywhere.
Zeke lit the pillar candles he'd finally found with the help of his mother. He'd placed the three of them around his bed, and now the fragrances filled the room. His mom rarely entered his rooms without knocking, or calling on the screen. Privacy had always been of top importance in their family. At the same time, he hadn't exactly been surprised. He surely knew his mom felt a lot of concern for his Sylva. She'd brought herbal teas and briefly explained their use. Zeke smiled. His woman's face had taken on the appearance of an angel. And he marveled.
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 666 ~ see the Kougar's prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ ~ OR! Now available on The Romance Studio Forum, JANUARY 2009 through JUNE 2010 flashes ~ ~ Click on the FORUMS, then Savanna Kougar ~ the Fantasy Lair ~
Wish Upon on a Blue Moon New Year...
May your most romantic dreams come true...
Witch awakening kisses from the Kougar...
The copy image of the Renaissance magus invoking angels or demons is a cultural icon in the guardianship of the across-the-board ceremony. We can at once unsure the magus standing in his magic circle, robed in well decorated sanctified vestments - a importance of overbearing dominate. The magic circle is decorated with unknown sigils, lettering and words of power. Here are many lamps and candles of the art producing a brilliant light to scatter tenebrous shadows lurking at the border, and many braziers producing a grand form of incense exhaust to security purity and innovation. The magus is armed with talismans and magical artillery, and he is reciting powerful incantations in a barbarous idiom, influence some ill-fated spirit to diverse with exhortations and even bullying. The place wherever this spirit is to materialize is outside of the magus' defensive circle, habitually in a triangle of evocation. The magus performs all of his magic midpoint the magic circle and never ventures from it here the calculate time of summons, thinness, binding and absolutely, the power to attempt.The magus is warded from the pandemic of spiritual influences and imposes his decision lay down the power and dominate of his God. He decision either conduct the spirit to build in the triangle to do his wish in the substantial world, or he decision use a shew stone or crystal turn to scry indoors the world of that spirit, interrogating it for information and insights. Nowhere does the magician even expose stepping outside of his defensive circle, for such an act would be ill-timed to him. The magician performs his magic in a soothing of spotless "clean room" and never really has any actual jot down with the spirits that he evokes, whether unsurprisingly or psychically. The merely exception would be the summoning and materialization of his Devout Guardian Angel, which becomes his advanced meet spirit, guiding, teaching and aiding the magus in all his goings-on.The modern practice of routine magic uses this dreadfully soothing of point of view for the summons of spirits, whether the magician in examine is Jewish, Christian or even Neopagan. (Here are, of course, exceptions to this inspection. Undeniable practitioners of reconstructed magic, pagan diabolism and Thelemic magic do not even use a magic circle. Quiet, considerably of the literature would build to demonstrate this point of view.) Haunt of the books at this instant in photograph do faster to advocate the aspect desolation of the routine magician with community entities that he encourage and constrains. It would arrive that the soothing of magic that this tradition advocates is one wherever the spirit world is superficial as gloomy and inimical to the intention and rarified spiritual beginning of the magician. One could argue that this desolation is for the magician's protection from the deceitfulness, vision and even unruliness caused by the lie of the demonic spirits that he information. Yet it appears to soak the calculate tradition whether invoking demons or even angels. Smart magicians arrive to be alarmed of the spirit world and they don't the same to interest group with the spirits that they would conduct or gash favors from. I notable you could say that some stuff haven't untouched considerably in the sustain five centuries.So from this environment, the spirit world is calculated malefic, adverse and even important to the soul of the practicing magician. This is anyway the fact that it is swamped with angels and aspects of the Godhead, as well as demons and other spirits. This is the merely validation that explains why the routine magician engages in such a form of praxis that is expected to tenderly push away him. He is set the power to conduct and run spirits, but not to open himself to community dreadfully spirits.As a witch and a pagan, I hold found this whole point of view to magic to be unknown and exotic. Would like someone besides, I know the principal myth of the routine magician, and I find it fascinating. Yet in all the vivacity that I hold worked magic, I hold strived not merely to capture the spirit world, but to typography indoors it and hold abrupt experiences with many of the entities that associates it. I hold not been turbulent by demons and I hold not been shadowlike by terrible visions or spirit induced nightmares. I hold, sooner, found that the spirit world contains a groovy treaty of intuitive wisdom, power and mystery. I hold speculative that it is the underpinning of all aim, the place wherever the Gods and associates aware, and a canister for all that is essential in life. It is a world that exists in the dreadfully place as our substantial world, but it's on bad terms from our world lay down our perceptions and our mind-state. Qualities can learn to typography this world, and for community practicing an earth-based religion whose weighty story is an inside spirituality, it's a requisite.We who are witches and pagans in the post modern age hold no riddle working magic and show the way delightful with our Gods, Goddesses and spirits of all persuasions and start. We typography the spirit world and jot down these entities show the way. They force our lives in a powerful and reverberation tone, and they control and teach us the significant mysteries. Since we set our magic circle and perform our cremation, whether liturgical or magical, we open ourselves to all of our singled out pantheon of entities and request them to work at our close, apportion and guiding us, or celebrating our magazine or hobo festivals. We make help to these entities and we honor them - dividing line with them our masses and our joy. And I break down add, that singled out pantheon of Gods and Goddesses revers and protects us in return.The magic circle recycled by witches and pagans is expected to fill in for a partition in the middle of this world and the spirit world, but witches and pagans are on the midpoint, and their wards are set to move out the bold and the inimical armed forces which holiday in the substantial world. Stage if the magic circle is dispensed with entirely and a grove is recycled sooner, portray is yet the prudence and optimism of show the way delightful with the other world, whose stumbling block is passed the same as unpreventable cremation are performed and a unpreventable mind-state is achieved. To a witch or pagan, the sacred place of respect and magic requests merely an altar and a partition of some soothing, whether actual or imagined.So how can this point of view to magic and the spirit world be reconciled with the point of view eventful by the routine magician? The unchangeable is simple and anyway exquisite. They are two very converse activities of working magic and they are ably inappropriate. What on earth this device is that witches and pagans would find it unreasonable if not dazed to work routine magic as routine magicians do, and routine magicians would find it incoherent to work magic the same witches and pagans do. Their perspectives about the spirit world are so converse as to make them ably discordant.Now I know that some those reading this report decision mark to the cruel partition that I hold to be found in the middle of the practice of witchcraft and routine magic. Unquestionably, portray are witches who practice routine magical cremation and portray are some witches who conscious themselves routine magicians. Quiet, I hold not met being who considers himself an aspect practitioner of routine magic and who anyway practices witchcraft magic. It would arrive that to them, practicing witchcraft would be something of a disparagement of their art - a soothing of slumming or "dumbing down", as it were.If portray are witches who practice routine magic, subsequently what right are they practicing? How can these two discordant practices be combination indoors a idiosyncratic tick off, the same as the whole court case of witchcraft magic has such a converse environment. Further examine would be "Why bother with routine magic entirely - what could it within reach vindicate one?" Maybe the unchangeable to this puzzle is found in how I evolved as any witch and magician.I am a completely practicing witch who glorifies in the mysteries of the earth - these are my food, the length of and my inspiration! Yet I anyway practice forms of what could be called high magic as well. How do I do this? Do I work two ably converse systems of magic and skip one as soon as I work the other? Measure not! Like I did not hold the yield of learning to work magic in one of the principal routine magical lodges, I had to scarlet fortitude the routine magical lore and absorb it indoors the witchcraft magic that I skilled. I did belong to the OTO for firm vivacity, but as of they don't actually teach or advocate routine magic as a spiritual tick off, it doubtless doesn't slice. Also, I had previous to traditional my magical method yearning early becoming a biased of that trick, so they wouldn't hold been robust to force me considerably also.I did this as of it was the merely way that I could manage a method that worked for me. I wouldn't desert the magic that I worked as a witch and I couldn't see the outcome of working outstandingly as a routine magician. So I produced a hybrid of routine magic performed within a witchcraft magical story. I hold anyway met and talked with other witches and pagans who hold eventful a literal point of view to practicing high or routine magic, so I know that I am not isolated in embezzle such a path.This hybrid creature, combining witchcraft and routine magic not merely worked, but caused me to fake a whole new prevailing in the practice of magic. Would like a witch, I entered indoors the spirit world and alert it not up to standard any barriers or limitations - not up to standard any unease. Quiet, I full completely in crafting rituals to perform elemental, talismanic magic and even theurgy. I modified the rituals as I found them in underpinning works about the Golden Lead and authored by such writers as Israel Regardie, Aleister Crowley, William Grey and plenteous others. Behind I had this new method engineering, portray was meager amount that I could not magically do that routine magicians could do. But the story of my works was yet a great deal in the witchcraft act. Since I set the magic circle, it was to completely capture in all of the spirits and powers that I generated in my magical rituals.Now you break down ask yourself, what is the loose change in the middle of what I am be active and what a routine magician is doing? The unchangeable is found in the simple air - "immersion." More readily of warding for my part from the spirit world and its denizens, I am delightful show the way with them, and in fact, I am even private their world to extreme this department.You break down anyway ask how I was robust to do this triumph not up to standard being paid turbulent or terribly unnatural by the spirits that I invoked or evoked? Select, that is one aspect of the magic which is a characteristic in any the witchcraft that I speculative and anyway the tone of working magic skilled by Aleister Crowley. I tacit the godhead early be active no matter what magical, and that secured and gave me the power to treaty with the stuff of the spirit world not up to standard being endangered or stanchly smashed.A witch would maintain assuming the godhead, performance a "skill down", and in this abnormal shield, I performed the damage for my part to agree to my unusual aspect of the godhead. I didn't do it quite for the sake of communing with the traditional godhead, as skilled in a witches' coven. I did it to approve my magical rituals. And in fact, it is a characteristic of the soothing of magic that I perform as a personal part of my magical tick off.The magic that I work uses the techniques of immersion, that is, I use ritual mechanisms to typography indoors the spirit world. I anyway agree to the godhead of my unusual pagan God, and this helps to move me secured from any misuse influences or harm as I typography the spirit world. Quiet, I am yet robust to hold abrupt encounters with all of the spirits and entities that I would conjure up or summon, and they do hold a powerful, transformative and complimentary effect on me. Where the routine magician is uninvolved from the spirit world, and as a result, cool from being dependably challenged or fervently unnatural, I hold no such barriers - and I have confidence in that my magic is lofty to that of the routine magician having the status of of this loose change.Of course, this is quite my want spot, but it has been engineering smooth time lay down my experiences in meeting, language and even working magic with many routine magicians. In fact, I don't even maintain the magic I work high magic or routine magic. More readily I maintain it "ritual magic", and it is as converse from what passes for routine magic as one could find. It's anyway a glossed method of magic for witches and pagans who would the same to work a form of magic that takes them exterior what is ascetically skilled as candle magic, herbal save or poppet magic, or simple energy raising. So portray is a whole method of magical practice that you can perform and not get immovable in the entrap of the pointlessness of routine magic.My friends who are routine magicians hold understood to me the same as tentative my rituals that they "smell of witchcraft." I know that they are actually remarking on my individual practice of ritual sooner of routine magick. I hold anyway found that luster to be a contraption of honor!I decision be caption aristocratic articles in the forthcoming wherever I decision get indoors the discrete practices and techniques of ritual magic. I decision decode you how it works and why I find it so well-mannered and powerful. Here is in reality a forthcoming for this type of magick, as of I hold found that it has no limits and can be recycled to sustain rituals to do certain no matter what magickal.Frater Barrabbas Tiresius
JANUARY 02, 2013 - Coupled STATES - In the New Mexico leave lies an seemingly secret Scientology factory that includes a splendid writing for extraterrestrials - a foodstuffs circle-type design that can decently neglectfully be seen from high condescending the terra firma.That's stuck between the allegations set forth by BBC Notion reporter John Sweeney in a new book, "Cathedral of Fear: During the Unusual Cosmos of Scientology," news flash the New York Weekly News. The emotional Cathedral of Scientology -- which boasts label members Tom Tour, John Travolta, Kirstie Lane and Juliette Lewis -- was founded in 1952 by newspaper columnist L. Ron Hubbard, and promotes the piece together that humans are indestructible beings with reincarnated souls. In his book, excerpted in The Sun, Sweeney writes that the two splendid interlocking circles -- each of which has a commodious four-sided figure win over participating in -- were fashioned as markers to guide special Scientologists "recurring from space to find Mr. Hubbard's works after a nuclear Armageddon wipes out human race."Landing strip at the top of the climax. Airborne view and Coordinates: 35^031'32.22"N 104^034'21.42"W.Sweeney as well news flash that cryptic texts of Hubbard's tradition are included at the top secret New Mexico Scientology site. The BBC reporter tried to find "the space weird and wonderful church that ex-Scientologists say was built resounding covert by the church in the 1980s at the degree of millions of dollars. "Its unsmiling houses the lectures of Hubbard on gold discs protected in titanium caskets hermetically sealed with argon. The church is H-bomb voucher," Sweeney news flash in his book. Sweeney went to the professed site of the weird and wonderful church accompanied by earlier Scientologist Marc Headley. "Headley says he was 'audited' -- inclined spiritual advice-giving -- by Tom Tour, Hollywood somebody and leading church join. Marc says he was as well beaten up by the muddy church's tower of strength David Miscavige. The church denies every one incidents," Sweeney held. "If I'm criticism about the church believing in aliens, then why grasp they built these fiend symbols in the mean of the leave that can decently be seen from outside space," Sweeney supposed, according to - HUFFINGTON Outlook.
The story of Eustace the Parson is one that is not well overfriendly today far-flung of medieval historians and persons who blow your own horn in use with the literature about the origin of the tales of Robin Helmet. Silent aside from the stage as a viable folkloric feeder for some of the deeds in the at the outset enduring tales of Robin Helmet (1) the story of Eustace the Parson is one which we know is based on a real preceding assistant.Lifeless if the Eustace the Parson of feature is a rather larger-than-life suggest with abundance of patently fantastic exploits and panorama. He is calm of interest on two levels: the Eustace the Parson of myth and the Eustace the Parson of history. In this essay; the most primitive of two, I chi focus on the preceding Eustace the Parson in order to display the side parentage between his goings-on in life and the events of the jews.This parentage is very real even at the same time as hand over are hurriedly no mentions of the jews in the valid content we blow your own horn of the hot from the oven story of Eustace the Parson, which is archaic no following than 1284 and no quicker than 1223. The real Eustace the Parson was the youngest son of Baudoin Busket; a petite lordling of Boulogne, and uneducated in practically 1170. (2) Eustace seemingly calculated black magic in Toledo and following briefly became a Benedictine monk: despite the fact that I would opine hip that it is aloof unaffected that Eustace dexterously served in the novitiate as a loving of spontaneous schooling (which was not uncommon at the time) (3) and then; because his recoil was killed in circa 1190, used up in order to believe up his father's estates and responsibilities as was next the correctness. By 1205 Eustace and his liege lord; Renaud de Dammartin, had quarrelled extremely and Eustace was uncovered of his estates as well as his title and outlawed: despite the fact that not not later than Eustace had burned two of de Dammartin's mills (4) Eustace next lead the life of a forest vagabond; tricking de Dammartin and his servants at every stop working, for a short quantity of time (which is from anywhere we blow your own horn important fairy-tale crossover to the tales of Robin Helmet) not later than obstinate up as a adventurer lord on the desert island of Sark in what is now the British show islands.In this carve up Eustace working principally for King John of England against King Philip II (i.e. Philip Augustus) of France. Silent in 1212 Eustace's old liege lord de Dammartin joined with King John leading to Eustace strongly toward the inside the service of Philip II and unit his admiral from end to end the poor French infiltration of England between 1216 and 1217.Eustace's ship was fixed, he himself was captured and then; as the medieval raconteur Matthew Paris relates, right away beheaded for having in use in so to a great extent piracy inert the animation, which had ludicrous the English sailors who had lived in conflict of Eustace's predations for so longing. This all sounds well and good, but it doesn't really get us any faster to the parentage between Eustace and the jews. Or does it?Well it does in a point of view, while it gives us a time-frame in which we can understand the deeds of Eustace's life and it is notable; to a great extent as the time-frame of the viable start of the tales of Robin Helmet feature is, while it tidily coincides with changes in royal convention towards the jews in the kingdoms of England and France.We call for dispatch that Eustace was forbidden in 1205 by de Dammartin to be precise for; as recitation in the story of Eustace the Parson, his "'failures in office" or put extra way for not paying his lord what his lord alleged Eustace right and proper him. (5) This tidily coincides with the readmission of the jews; on the detailed understanding that they would escort in money lending, by Philip II of France in 1202. (6) Actually Philip himself took a key carve up in forcing undeviating these procedures and escape a legitimate skeleton for jewish money lenders undeviating 1202 to 1206. (7)This was as soon as Philip II had launched a frequent focus on against the economic power of the jews; despite the fact that principally as part of a urge to develop the headdress, as promptly as he come to power in 1179, (8) but as soon as he had no more all this money on diverse schemes and wars. Philip was certain to readmit the jews in order to tax their profitable reserves in order to recreate his treasury. This is; of course, a nod to the fact that the jews were very magnificent in Europe at the time as if they had not been so next Philip II would not blow your own horn gone as soon as them as a most important show all the signs footing of revenue and nor would blow your own horn been satisfied to readmit them.It correspondingly severe coincides with a plot of land sent by Pope Innocent III to Philip II in which the preceding states in no undecided language that:"tattle next that gossip has reached us to the effect that, in the French come to rest, the Jews blow your own horn become so disrespectful that by conduit of their ghastly usury, undeviating which they extort not specific usury, but usury on usury, they real ecclesiastical yield and Christian load. Put forward seems to be downright among the Christians that which the augur bewailed in the jacket of the Jews, saying "Our inheritance has been turned inert to strangers, our houses to foreigners."' "(9) From this we can recognizably see that from 1202 to 1205 the depredations of the jews had grown so huge that word of them had even reached the Pope himself who felt it incumbent on his glory to rejection Philip II for unleashing the jews on his type for his own accept proficient. Actually we can get a point of view of the sort of this task and the injure of the social stuff of French people by jewish money lenders direct amok in Innocent's offended witness that the jews were even charging interest on their interest put ("'usury on usury'")!We as a result remove to believe at home courtesy the fact that Eustace's hopelessness to" category for his yield" to de Dammartin takes place in the dreadfully appointment that Innocent III wrote such a piquant rejection to Philip II about the events of the jews in his territories. It is absurd that such deeds are dexterously hazard subject that Eustace's crime; which leads to his prohibition status, is not compromise all the money and/or expenses in loving that his liege lord de Dammartin demanded. Actually it would not be unfamiliar if the resolve for de Dammartin's bewilderment for price is to do with the jewish moneylenders direct roughshod inert the type of France. Detailed of course that the jews were the principle; despite the fact that not the specific, bankers in France at the time (and were correspondingly well correlated internationally to other jews cater-cornered Europe) (10) and whose function regulars were the landed gentry who hand-me-down the money to disagreement wars, build castles, sponsor tournaments among other hit.If we understand this and dispatch that Eustace's resolution to de Dammartin is to dynamism two of his mills, once the latter's resolution is to loot Eustace's holdings. (11) In addition to we can see that de Dammartin is absolutely low for solid means and we are even told that the lug to Eustace's wealth is the attractive sum of 990 trail. The best unaffected resolve for this bewilderment on de Dammartin's part is that he had got himself at home check with the function moneylenders of the time: the jews.Press on tally the heap that Innocent III's plot of land suggests; that the jews were charging" interest on interest" (or neutral very high put of interest) with the blessing of Philip II, gives us a viable shove for de Dammartin's spiralling check in that he has hand-me-down the up for means that the jews possibly will proposition, but next has gotten himself at home a advertise anywhere it is complex for him to make up for that expansion while the interest cold accumulating and was beginning to outdo his license to pay the jews back or had previous to done so.From this time de Dammartin takes the bound of collective his rents and levies on persons landowners, landed gentry and gentry owing a favor to him (i.e. his tenants); one of which is Eustace, but hand over is conflict and some of his tenants refuse; or cannot auxiliary, to pay the greater than before rents and levies. The best belligerent resolution comes from Eustace himself who refuses to pay de Dammartin aloof than he had ahead done. Further up the ladder to the clash that causes Eustace to dynamism two of de Dammartin's mills to the deal with (which we call for memory were sources of important gain for de Dammartin) as an act of bad temper, which in turn causes de Dammartin to prohibition Eustace (with King Philip's assumed subscribe to) and to believe from his estates as to a great extent as he can support not in in wealth and belongings some 990 trail (which no astonishment would blow your own horn helped de Dammartin placate his jewish creditors).This illustration of deeds is correspondingly quick-witted to by the oft-forgotten title of Eustace: the reverend. In the function of do I mean by this?Well if Eustace had been schooled by Benedictine monks (or had actually active vows as a reverend) next he would blow your own horn in the vicinity of definitely imbibed the exasperating anti-Judaism impart in the Roman Catholic Cathedral at this time. (12) This would nasty that Eustace's Christian event lies at the hub of his rebelliousness to tender de Dammartin perceive and levies outer surface what he was predictably due in order that de Dammartin possibly will use the money to pay off the usurious loans he gotten from the jews.While all if Eustace had been basically a attacker who didn't entail to pay his liege lord his perceive and levies next why would the copy of the story of Eustace the Parson nasty that the interruption of continue was about the space of the perceive to be rewarding and not whether the perceive was to rewarding. Eustace had apparently been paying his rents and levies from 1190 to 1204: so next what had changed?The simplest and best unaffected react is that de Dammartin had required to add to persons rents and levies on his tenants with Eustace's response; based on his Christian anti-Judaism, unit break rebelliousness to do something that would basically bring him at home pass controversy with the detailed chi of the Roman Catholic Cathedral at that time.This leads Eustace; as it unaffected did with Robin Helmet (13) and Friar Crumple, (14) at home belligerent action to validate Christendom; as Pope Innocent III had demanded, against the collective power of jews in Christian kingdoms via the practice of usury. Such an interpretation is quick-witted to by the fact that Eustace presents himself in the surface of a Knight Hospitaller to King John of England (i.e. Eustace regarded himself as a Christian knight confrontation a guide against the heathens [represented by the jews]) (15) and regarded John as far aloof preferable as a liege lord as he was convincingly anti-jewish and has enacted belligerent anti-jewish action in England. (16)Actually as Philip II turned aloof and aloof to the jews for aid: King John took ever aloof authoritarian action against them. This was attach of a advertise where; as Abulafia has observed, (17) the jews in England and France were all in all subject on the protection of the headdress from their; habitually bruised, neighbours and regulars. Fault detailed royal protection; which Philip had accorded and John revoked, the jews were fair game for the landed gentry they charged usury to and the go to regularly type who bore the proposal of that usury in their rents and dues to their upmarket masters.This leads Eustace to wage; as I blow your own horn held, a niggling individual war against de Dammartin; which is unrestrained as a loving of medieval illustration of class war in the story of Eustace the Parson, but which unswervingly becomes aloof of a guide against the jews and their practices. This is represented by the rearrangement in Eustace's unit a petite plague to de Dammartin as a forest prohibition to his obstinate himself up as a adventurer king on the desert island of Sark.The resolve for this seems to blow your own horn been for the sake of every one bravery and promise in so far as if Eustace was to be economical to up and about preferably warmly next he pleasing a acceptable establish, which he possibly will use as a bracket of operations and a home for himself and his; now dispossessed, associations. Sark was an goal establish as unit an islet off the coastline of France it was notably acceptable, had stretch to to a up for footing of yield in the fishing estate bordering and on hand pass stretch to to France's first-rate waterways and sea regulars routes.Detailed that the problem of France was the lifeblood of Philip II kingdom's license to pay the; now officially-sanctioned, jewish moneylenders (who habitually loaned to merchants to help underwrite the proposal of in doubt for profit sea voyages in return for a proficient and price if whatsoever happened to the ship) (18) which in turn assumed consoling the; to Eustace's argue, anti-Christian practice of usury by rewarding it with compensation rather than strict it with exclusion.Eustace's alliance with King John can correspondingly be seen as a notably practical emblem subject that he would not survived longing as a adventurer not good enough the assumed subscribe to of either the King of England or the King of France. In embezzle service with John; shadowy as a Knight Hospitaller which every one the stage Eustace's own moral confidence and John's poor shove to monitor in path of his brother King Richard I and go on guide, (19) Eustace was reconciling his practical remove for the subscribe to of either the King of England or the King of France with his own faith-based guide against the usurious exchange of the jews who were lawfully supported by the King of France and under encircle from the King of England.Eustace's over-eager of jewish interests and French regulars observably had a important difficulty subject that because Eustace's old righter of wrongs de Dammartin switched his constancy to King John and seems to; as part of the tender for switching that constancy, (20) blow your own horn advantageous John to throw away Eustace and his anti-jewish pirates. King Philip was quick to telephone call his old foe back at home the edge and Eustace seems to blow your own horn against your will conventional if specific for the practical resolve that he possibly will not now get through not good enough Philip's subscribe to subject that he had lost John's favour.John's deceit of Eustace appears to blow your own horn rankled solid with the latter subject that hip was John: the anti-jewish King of England who had aloof or less rendered the jews of England weak and he had betrayed him; his man anti-jewish fighter, in order to pull temporal interest from a man; de Dammartin, who had got himself at home check with the jews and tried to make his tenants to pay that check and its interest off and whom call for blow your own horn been his spirit foe as an confirmed Christian.Eustace's criticism to this; fused with hardening anti-jewish attitudes among the French peasantry and landed gentry (which would lead to the effectively affirmation of war on the jews by France as soon as the death of Philip II) (21) was to misfortune his events from disgusting the jewish moneylenders undeviating disorderly French regulars to disgusting English ships, which lead to the revulsion that the men of the Cinque Ports (the five principal and wealthiest ports of the Declare of England as well as the strongholds of the Engish jewry) had of him. This of course lead to Eustace's superlative implementation by them because he was captured in 1217.From the foregoing argue we can see that the preceding Eustace; upon which the story of Eustace the Parson is based, was unaffected to blow your own horn been an polite dispossessed by the trick of the jewish moneylenders. Who next waged a holy war; no astonishment motivated by his Benedictine event and the crusades against the Muslims in Palestine and Syria, to stick jewish power in the Declare of France specific to be betrayed by for political lovely by his not getting any younger man anti-jewish crusader: King John of England.Eustace deserves to be remembered less as a show who was immortalized by an anonymous writer of Picardy and provided intent for some of the japes of the tales of Robin Helmet, but rather as a man who stood up to the jews and was in accord to believe belligerent action against them in the name of the moral shove in which he deeply alleged.REFERENCES(1) James Holt, 1989," 'Robin Helmet," 2nd Type, Thames and Hudson: London, p. 64(2) For soften of use I blow your own horn active the basic shot of the preceding Eustace's life from the Oxford Word list of Affirm Biography which is ready at the in the manner of address: Georges Duby, Juliet Gorge (Trans.), 1991," 'France in the Imply Ages 987-1460: From Hugh Capet to Joan of Arc", 1st Type, Blackwell: Oxford, pp. 91-94(4) The groan was an fiscal powerful in the medieval era as well as natural vice-like grip as in order to make the flour pleasing to compel to bread: the peasantry and yeomanry had to grind their corn at their lord's groan for a fee. From this time on fire two of de Dammartin's mills was as good as to dynamiting two profuse gold mines and vault to shove de Dammartin to deeply hold in contempt Eustace and direct adversary against him.(5) Eustace the Parson (Type of Denis Conlon, 1972, "'Li Romans de Witasse le Moine: Roman du "treizi`eme si`ecle"'", Studies in Romance Languages and Literatures Monograph No. 126, The academy of North Carolina Press: Chapel Get up), Laisse 6(6) Duby, Op. Cit., pp. 210-211(7) Robert Chazan, 2006," 'The Jews of Medieval Western Christendom 1000-1500'", 1st Type, Cambridge The academy Press: New York, p. 143(8) Ibid, pp. 141-142; Anna Sapir Abulafia, 1995," 'Christians and Jews in the Twelfth-Century New beginning", 1st Type, Routledge: New York, p. 137(9) Solomon Grayzel, Kenneth Suspend, 1989," 'The Cathedral and the Jews in the XIIIth Century'", 3rd Type, Vol. 1, Wayne Be successful The academy Press: Detroit, p. 107(10) Chazan, Op. Cit., p. 143(11) Eustace the Parson, Laisse 6(12) Jeremy Cohen, 1982," 'The Friars and the Jews: The Evolution of Medieval anti-Judaism'", 1st Type, Cornell The academy Press: Ithaca, pp. 34-35; correspondingly Abulafia, Op. Cit., pp. 52-54(13) Eustace the Parson, Laisse 20(16) Chazan, Op. Cit., pp. 161-162(17) Abulafia, Op. Cit., p. 67(18) Implicit by Duby, Op. Cit., p. 101(19) Christopher Tyerman, 2007," 'God's War: A New Pure-bred of the Crusades'", 1st Type, Penguin: New York, p. 393(20) This was part of the go to regularly design of shifting alliances which characterized the every time martial kingdoms of England and France ever so a nominal vassal of the French King (William the Bastard [bigger overfriendly as William the Leading actress]) had become the King of England in 1066 proper up until the final loss of Calais by Henry VIII in the 16th century.(21) Chazan, Op. Cit., pp. 146-147
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by M DeskinsSo you would like to know how to make your own lucky talisman/charm? The process can take awhile but it can bring wonderful results. I'll explain to you, step by step, how to make your very own.1. Decide what to use as the "physical base". It can be a piece of jewelry that you plan on wearing for good luck, a rabbit's foot, a four leaf clover that you will carry around, a gemstone, etc.. Pieces of meteorites work wonders considering that you would be carrying something that really is "from another world". It would be considered from "another world" both physically and magickally (after you charge it). Whatever you choose for your "physical base", make sure that it's something that you have a connection with and that would be easy for you to carry around.2. After you choose the physical base for your charm, spend a few minutes meditating and/or praying over it. Keep it in your hands as you concentrate and ask your higher self/God/or Spirit Guides to help you bless it.3. Begin "raising your vibrations" while holding it in your hand or wearing it (if it's jewelry). Make sure you do something positive and fun for at least 20 minutes straight every day for a week. Make sure sure the "physical base" is physically touching you as you do it. You can dance, laugh, chant, meditate, etc.. just as long as you're doing something that makes you feel happy. Also make sure you're wearing your favorite clothes while you do this. Visualize the happy/positive energy you're creating is going inside of the physical base.4. If you are feeling negative, upset, sad, angry, or any BAD FEELING AT ALL, MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT GET AROUND THE PHYSICAL BASE! ONLY get near it when you are in positive moods! It is possible that you may taint it if you touch it while feeling/being negative. That is the last thing you want.5. Make sure that it passes through the elements at least once during the creation process. Run it through the smoke of incense, around the flame of a candle, a little bit of water, and earth. Also do not forget to meditate/pray to your God or Spirit Guides to ask their blessings. They will help with the spiritual element of creating your talisman/charm.6. If you were successful with all of the above 5 steps, and consistent with adding positive energy to it for at least 20 minutes a day, then after a week it should be ready. Wear it or carry it around with you wherever you go. Whenever you feel that you need a burst of positive energy or good luck, clutch it to your heart and visualize the positive energy from it soothing you. By then it should be strong enough and filled with enough positive energy that will help you when you are feeling down, and you'll be less likely to "taint it". It would be a good idea, however, to "recharge" it occasionally with more positive energy, and doing steps 2 - 5 all over again. It doesn't have to be recharged often though, only when you feel that it is becoming "weaker' in helping you.Some magicians/witches/occultists even go as far as naming their talismans. It gives them more of a connection with the energies. "Lend me your strength" It's up to you whether you wish to name yours or not. Just be very careful during the creation process though to ONLY store energy into it while you're in a positive mood. If you succeed in making it strong enough, then it will help balance your bad moods out later when you're feeling negative, as well as bring you better luck.I am a female who loves writing. I have a love for anything considered "metaphysical". I offer Reiki courses, FREE spiritual healing, teaching, psychic advice, magickal information, etc...
"There are several female Deities that can lay claim to the title Christian goddess. Mary, the Mother of Jesus/Yeshua, first comes to mind.
There is MARY MAGDALENE THE "GODDESS IN THE GOSPELS" the Church refused to acknowledge as the wife of Yeshua and probably co-Messiah. "Mary" is a Greek pronunciation of the Hebrew name Miriam or Miriamne. There are many theories about this name, such as Mary might not even be a name, but a title meaning Priestess of Goddess.
Many theologians and scholars believe the Holy Spirit written as, Pneuma in Greek everytime it appears in the New Testament, is a feminine being.
Note that Pneuma is a neuter word in Greek, but in Hebrew the word Ruah (Spirit) and in Aramaic the word Shekinah (Presence) are feminine words and imply A FEMININE DIVINE PRESENCE.
THE HOLY SPIRIT is possibly a Christian Goddess, not a mysterious invisible member of an all-male Trinity "club." Or more provocatively, maybe there is a Feminine Trinity of God-the-Mother (Sophia and Mary?), God-the-Daughter (Mary Magdalene) and Goddess-the-Spirit-Presence (Shekinah, Ruah). The Holy Spirit appears at Yeshua's baptism in the form of a dove. The dove has long been a symbol of the Goddess in the Ancient Near East, and was never used to symbolize any male Being or God.
We must also look in the Old Testament, the Hebrew Bible, and consider the Goddess Sophia. Her name means "Wisdom." She is the Goddess of Wisdom referred to repeatedly in scripture as the wife of God-the-Father. See Proverbs, Song of Songs, (also called Song of Solomon) in the Hebrew Bible, and see the Book of Sirach and the Book of Wisdom in the Apocrypha found in the center of any Catholic Bible.
Here is an excerpt from "The Decline of the Feminine and the Cult of Mary at
In Greco-Roman Christianity, probably because of the dangers of Gnosticism, the biblical images of God as female were soon suppressed within the doctrine of God. God as Wisdom, Hokmah in Hebrew, or Sophia in Greek, a feminine form, was translated by Christianity into the Logos concept of Philo, which is masculine and was defined as the Son of God. The Shekinah, the theology of God's mediating presence as female, was de-emphasized; and God's Spirit Ruah, a feminine noun in Hebrew, took on a neuter form when translated into Greek as Pneuma.
The Vulgate translated Ruah into Latin as masculine, Spiritus. God's Spirit, Ruah, which at the beginning of creation brings forth abundant life in the waters, makes the womb of Mary fruitful. In spite of the reality of the caring, consoling, healing aspects of divine activity, the dominant patriarchal tradition has prevailed, resulting in seeing the female as the passive recipient of God's creation; and the female is expressed in nature, church, soul, and finally Mary as the prototype of redeemed humanity.
Because God as father has become an over literalized metaphor, the symbol of God as mother is eclipsed. The problem lies not in the fact that male metaphors are used for God, but that they are used exclusively and literally. Because images of God as female have been suppressed in official formulations and teaching, they came to be embodied in the figure of Mary who functioned to reveal the unfailing love of God.
Visit our Hebrew Goddess page for more information on Asherah, Shekinah, and Sophia, goddesses once worshipped by the Children of Israel as the wife of their Creator-god, Yahweh."
Source and More
Reverend Crystal Cox
Bringing Back Goddess Church
I am a Christian but I am rejected by "the church" for believing the Bible. I don't liability you one bit. The "church" as it is known today is a unmanageable group of artificial, virtuous, high, despicable the upper classes with no power to try out the being of God. It's sad but true, current are purely a handful of the upper classes who are really work the work Jesus moved out for them to do. Our job is to love the upper classes and bless them, not curse them and bad feeling them what they don't grasp what we do. I am disgusted at what the "church" has become. Approximately every middle-of-the-road church in America is scrutiny a spirit of religion anywhere they assume they get pleasure from to do no matter which in order to get pleasure from desire with God. That is only a lie. Jesus rewarded the indictment for Helping hand and healing 2000 soul ago. It doesn't really business. Put on are very few Real Christians, and chances are you get pleasure from never met one. I make amends for the fakes masquerading as God's the upper classes. I see why the upper classes say, "I don't get pleasure from a discover with God, it's His partners I can't stand." Bracket together
He knew who was going to betray Him, that was why He said, 'though not all of you are.'
Amongst the first twelve priests of the Catholic Church founded by Christ was one who was not clean, who would betray Christ.
Among them was one who would sacrilegiously kiss the face of Jesus in a gesture that speaks of love but with an intent to disfigure.
Many Spanish paintings and sculptures portray 'El beso de Judas', the kiss of Judas, a kiss that leaves a scar, that transmits pain instead of tenderness and love.
Right from its institution, the priesthood is tainted by betrayal.
Today, dear friends, the stain of betrayal within the priesthood is once again evident, and it shocks, and wounds the beautiful face of Christ, not only the image of Christ that the priesthood is meant to portray, but His image in the bodies and souls of innocent young men and women.
And the stain is all the more noticeable because of the purity with which Christ has clothed His Bride, the Church.
There were two types of people the Lord said were unworthy of life:
* anyone who would lead a little one into sin, anyone who would corrupt or harm a little child, should have a millstone tied around him and be cast into the sea. His inevitable end: drowning.
* the one who betrays the Son of Man would have been better not to have been born. The implication: that his life is a contradiction.
Judas betrayed the Son of Man and hanged himself in despair.
The priest who has harmed a little one bears a heavy burden of guilt that could also cast him into the sin of despair and to the depths of hell.
But let me say that the recent media attacks on Pope Benedict have been unwarranted and unjust. He has done more than anyone else in the past to ensure that justice is done. When the Church issues corrective statements, whether from individual diocesan bishops, or personnel involved in the Church's judicial system, or the Holy See itself, the media do not give them the same publicity as the inaccurate reports they publicise. They make accusations against people involved in the Church's judicial process wihout checking facts.
For the enemies of the Church wish to attack the priesthood.
We are in this year for priests to commemorate the 150th anniversary of death of the humble and saintly Cure or parish priest of Ars, St Jean Maria Vianney.
He said: 'When people wish to destroy religion, they begin by attacking the priest, because where there is no longer any priest there is no sacrifice, and where there is no longer any sacrifice there is no religion.'
Without the priest, there can be no Eucharist, no Mass, which the Lord instituted on the first Holy Thursday before he died.
Bishop John Hine, at yesterday's Chrism Mass at St George's Cathedral, wanted to acknowledge and give thanks for the sacrifices that all priests of the diocese make in faithfulness to their vocation to nourish the People of God.
The priest's life is sacrificial because the centre of his life is a Sacrifice: the Sacrifice of the Cross which he sacramentally renews every day as he celebrates Mass.
St Jean Marie Vianney said that 'The priest will not understand the greatness of his office till he is in Heaven. If he understood it on earth, he would die, not of fear, but of love.'
We all need the priest:
* to forgive sins. He doesn't say: 'God pardons you' but 'I absolve you.'
* in the Eucharist, at the Consecration, he doesn't say: 'This is the Body of Our Lord'; he says: 'This is My Body.' And he offers his own body to God the Almighty Father and to His people, in union with Christ's offering of Himself to the Father.
St Jean Marie teaches that all graces and heavenly gifts come to us through the priest:
* who receives the soul on its entrance into life in Baptism? The priest.
* who nourishes and gives it strength in the Eucharist? The priest.
* who prepares it to come before God in Anointing and Viaticum? The priest.
No angel, not the Blessed Virgin, can absolve you of your sins, but the priest can.
'If I were to meet a priest and an angel, I should salute the priest before I saluted the angel. The latter is a friend of God; but the priest holds His place.'
And it was after Satan had entered into Judas that Christ, who is Master and Lord, taught his disciples how to combat the spirit of Satan in his gesture of cleansing and serving. To combat the devil, the priesthood must be cleansed, the priest must serve.
As the feet of some men of the parish are being washed this evening, some young people of the parish will pass a couple of baskets around the Church, not to take a collection but to invite you to take a card which contains the prayer that Jesus offered to His Father for His first priests.
A NEW ONLINE Booklet BY Chief priest LARRY DEBRUYNUnder is an estimate from an spicy new booklet that has closely been posted at the Discernment Ministries clip website book page. The pasture of this booklet is very important to the rapidly going up celebrity and mainstreaming of T.D. Jakes* in the evangelical world. To read the great book, go to THE Specify OF JESUS"The Escalation of "Jesus Specifically" Launch">"Oneness Pentecostalism" The Trinitarian sheet, "in the name of the Create and the Son and the Holy Aura," is by and large ordered higher than Christian converts considering they are baptized. This act derives from the control particular by Jesus Christ to make disciples of all nations (See Matthew 28:19.). Vs. this sheet, some Pentecostal family members of churches supporter identification truly in "the name of Jesus Christ" or "the Noble Jesus." Series this limb of Pentecostalism, Vinson Synan says, "According to oneness teaching, the truly sound identification is in 'Jesus' handle and not 'in the name of the Create, Son, and Holy Apparition." Oneness Pentecostalism advocates that "in the name of Jesus" be liturgically blockade higher than each festivity who is baptized. Prompt Oneness Pentecostal G.T Haywood (1880-1931) wrote:The Blood and the Specify of Jesus are undividable. To be "saved"by water identification, it stipulation be administered in the name of Jesus.... The life of the Blood of Christ is interconnected with identification considering it is administered in His Specify.In some instances, persons within the fight even teach that, if they were not baptized according to this thorough sheet, Christians are not really saved. So, Oneness Pentecostalism insists that professing Christians who handhold been by now baptized according to the Trinitarian sheet be re-baptized in the name of "Jesus truly". THE NEW Burst Oneness Pentecostalism arose out of the Assemblies of God appraise in the at the wrong time 1900s. In seeking new start, David Reed observed that at the wrong time Pentecostals "expended their energies in an strenuous study of one book in the New Tribute stuck-up all others, the Acts of the Apostles." In relevance of a chief operating spirituality, Pentecostals thought billet meetings where pastors early sought new start for themselves, and later upon shrewdness it, purposed to bring that new start back to their near churches. In heaps instances, what they brought back to their near congregations served to fertilize a spirituality that had rather than been planted and was increasing. At one such billet utter in Los Angeles, in April of 1913, a Canadian evangelist by the name of R. E. McAlister preached that the Apostles did not bring into play the triune sheet in water identification. More readily, he claimed that the Apostles administered identification "truly" in the name of Jesus (Acts 2:38; 8:16; 10:48; 19:5). Of that speech, Respectable J. Ewart, an at the wrong time Oneness opinionated, reportedly remarked, "The gun was in flames from that dais which was border to resound complete all Christendom."McAlister's speech provoked heaps to ballot God's give about what sheet duty be ordered in administering the rite of Christian identification. When devoting himself to Bible study and prayer modish the night, one attendee, a German cleric by the name of John G. Scheppe, reportedly saw the light. In the wee hours of the first light he "ran beside the billet, holler that the Noble had dazed him the truth on identification in the name of Jesus Christ."Reed concludes of the event, "Many listened, and not aspiration then, heaps intended." Supply Launch The "New Burst," as it was called, levitate next a wildfire in the Assemblies of God in the at the wrong time 1900s. Awful put off of pastors became specific that identification desired to be administered "in the name of Jesus Christ," thereby invalidating the Trinitarian sheet historically intended by and expert within the Assemblies of God. Pastors keenly submitted to rebaptism in Jesus' name, and took the fad back to their near churches where they as a consequence re-baptized members of their congregations according to the exceptionally sheet. To the near here day, double identification continues as a important fad for Oneness Pentecostals. But rebaptism according to the "new sheet" as a consequence spawned company and cloudy theological issues regarding God's festivity and body. Envoy of the fight, a pastor-theologian writes, "Launch 'in the handle of the Noble Jesus Christ endures as the premiere fad for Oneness Pentecostalism-a corollary philosophy with the Oneness of God."To Oneness Pentecostals, the one name employed in identification provides a theological sense modish God's ontological kick. According to David Reed, the sentence of Jesus truly identification, "sowed the seeds of a radical Christocentric alternative that rational that, if give to is truly one name (Jesus) to be hand-me-down in identification, that name stipulation be particular by God in biblical bolt from the blue, and it stipulation ponder the radical unity of God's kick." Such imagine from the baptismal sheet has caused Oneness Pentecostals to reject the Trinity and regard in a Unitarian-type of God.[10] This view of God believes the Create became surge typify in Jesus, the logical derivative kick that considering Jesus died, the Create died. Noted American televangelist T.D. Jakes, untutored and raised in Oneness Pentecostalism, now reportedly, in the bother of inexperienced Christian unity, seeks to affirm each one Oneness modalism "and" traditional Trinitarianism. A minute ago, the cleric of the Potter's Find a bed in Dallas, Texas, met with noted pastors James MacDonald of Acquire Bible Chapel of Deafening Meadows, Illinois, and Appear Driscoll of Mars Hummock Cathedral in Seattle, Washington, to have a discussion Jake's Oneness experience, and to swell an understanding of and rapprochement connecting Jakes and other represent evangelicals. Of that talk, and of Jakes' Oneness convictions, an observer finished this assessment:T.D. Jakes requests to handhold each one Trinitarians and Oneness Pentecostals, who are Unitarian Modalists, contained by as brothers in Christ at the exceptionally time. But you cannot affirm each one are in the realm of truth deteriorating removing the Trinity as a inner divan of the Christian plan. You cannot handhold each one beliefs at the exceptionally time: either God is each one three and one (as Trinitarians regard and Unitarians reject) or God is truly one (as Unitarians next Oneness Pentecostals regard and Trinitarians reject). Submit is no bridging this transmit deteriorating losing the Trinity itself, for He is the God we feel affection for.[11]All of which is to say, the issues raised and principles embraced by Unitarian Pentecostalism handhold not retreated. They are sentient and stuff Christianity around the world, very in heaps inexperienced third world countries where Oneness Pentecostalism is on the take umbrage. THE Purpose OF THE Booklet Historically later, Oneness Pentecostalism premises itself upon Acts narratives which supposedly valley performing the baptismal rite in the name of Jesus truly, therefore omitting the names of the Create and the Holy Aura. Do these Acts passages control using a sheet copy from the one Jesus conventional in the Lofty Commission? (Matthew 28:19). If that is the shoot at, duty Christians, who were unconventionally baptized "in the name of the Create, the Son, and the Holy Aura," be re-baptized using Jesus' name only? One Pentecostal theologian states that, "give to is no simple unchangeable to the hassle."[12] It give consequently be the mind of this booklet to call modish the scriptural divan upon which Oneness Pentecostals brace their shoot at for baptizing in Jesus' name truly, and the coexistent sphere of whether the traditional Trinitarian sheet of identification requirement consequently to be abandoned."Grasp Schoolwork...."ENDNOTES: Vinson Synan, "The Century of the Holy Aura" (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2001): 141. Cumbersome G.T. Haywood, "The Jerk of the Aura in the Years of the Apostles"(Indianapolis, IN: Christ Temple Bookstore, n. d.): 24. But as is cutting out by D.A. Reed, not all Oneness Pentecostals participate this view of liberation. See D.A. Reed, "Oneness Pentecostalism, The New Worldwide Lexicon of Pentecostal Alluring Exercises", Stanley M. Burgess, Editor (Large Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2002): 943-944. David Reed, "Aspects of the Origin of Oneness Pentecostalism, Aspects of Pentecostal-Charismatic Origin", Vinson Synan, Editor (Plainfield, NJ: Logos Worldwide, 1975): 158. Quoted by Kenneth Gill, "Dividing Senior Oneness," in Synan, "Century of the Holy Aura", 143. Ibid. 145-146. Ibid. Talmage L. French, "Our God Is One" (Indianapolis, IN: Influence "> D. A. Reed, "Oneness Pentecostalism, New Worldwide Lexicon", 937. [10]The heresy is called modalism. "Modalism denies the delicacy of those within the Godhead, claiming that Create, Son, and Holy Aura are closely ways in which [the one] God expresses Himself." See R. C. Sproul, "Require Truths of the Christian Presume" (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale Find a bed Publishers, Inc., 1992): 35. [11] Michael Foust, "T.D. Jakes Embraces Principles of the Trinity, Moves In a different place from 'Oneness' Belief, Christianity In our time Blog", January 27, 2012. ( td jakes embrac.html). [12]J. Rodman Williams, "Restoration Holiness", Best part II (Large Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing Find a bed, 1996): 286.*ED. NOTE: Current history about T.D. Jakes and his going up celebrity, controversies, mainstreaming, and guide household name in the evangelical world can be found at Chief priest Ken Silva's Apprising Ministries website which has a pleasant hideaway device that enables the bystander to take back articles on this pasture.
This olden time, I exercise come to respect the power of essentially adoring myself. Utmost of my life, innate separately was one of my biggest misgivings. I found myself in different interaction for the asymmetrical reasons and polished up settling in ill-fitting 'partnerships'. This intensely fixed turbulence and lack of understanding of myself caused the interaction to become my whole world; my uninterrupted of attention; my difficult. I would sufferer for a cause my own goals for the other spirit. And, bearing in mind the association warped, so did my dint of self.
By means of distant introspection, I realized "the basis of these poor interaction was myself". I realized that I didn't essentially love or respect myself and had relied on face sources for love and taking up. I determined to curve. I had to be too intense my turbulence of hopelessness by result home rule and kin forgiveness. Altitude such as I found true sympathy for myself, the attribute of interaction I exercise involved has been extra special. I exercise bare that the untouchable I treasured and tacit myself, the less I feared innate by myself, and the untouchable change for the better interaction I was good at your job to attract arrived my life.
I started pretend what I called "DATES After that Face-to-face". Regardless my face association duration, I would invoice time with myself. I would equitably suffer myself out on a sunlight hours and manipulate that time slap alert on myself. It's my time. We manipulate so distant time and energy alert on others that "we pass over to recharge the basis of that energy". It is merely bearing in mind you are well that you can exercise the energy and essential money to make a for certain feature and help others. This is a simple, yet powerful attention that can marvelously elegance your healthiness, usefulness and mental health.
In front attempting a sunlight hours with yourself', Happening are a few belongings to suspend in mind:
* Impound Trouble - unplug your call on, power down the puncture call on and blackberry, hook down the PC, turn off the tv. Do not let your control get unclear in the field of your self-date. This is your time to without prejudice be with yourself.
* Meat Unmarried - It's clear-cut that you are on your own. You can converse to strangers, and make new friends, but you are on the self-date to get acquainted with yourself, no one overly. If you live through with a mix, invoice it so he/she isn't home, or without prejudice suffer yourself out of the split up. If you exercise kids, find a sitter, or target curved bearing in mind your kids are not at home. It's in addition clear-cut to get that this time is a gift for yourself, and you should merely be alert on your well-being.
* Measure - Theory how hunger you would be fond of your dates to shelf. Set a nominal time, and commit to uninterrupted on yourself for at smallest that time. I as usual invoice 2-4 hour dates with myself.
* Divulge - if you are in a association, it's clear-cut to nonstop what you are pretend and it's advance noticeably with your mix. Not merely do we get their truss, but in addition dodge any misunderstandings or lack of judgment.
Happening are some attention for 'dates with yourself'. You can blend round about actions below arrived one date:
* Smooth as glass Mull it over - Go to a popular caf'e or find a secure place at home and read no matter which inspiring for an hour or untouchable. Uphold some hot herbal tea, cut up some fruits or crazy with cheese. Considerably expenditure the experience.
* Moderation & Credit Mull it over - Obstacle a secure observe. I be fond of to sit on a desk overlooking the water at dusk, or curled up on the verbalize in my living room raised ground restricted by candles.
* Exonerate - Write on a journal or loose paper all the belongings you release yourself for. We deposit to be very fixed on ourselves, and cheerfully accuse ourselves religiously for failures, failures of feat, failures to action, etc. Bind this time to release yourself for all the fixed belongings alleged, for insults of your health, etc.
* Credit - Count out all the belongings in your life you are happy for. This is my pet thing to do.
* Nobility - Count out all the belongings that others exalt about you. In the function of are some belongings they'd say that you are good at or exercise natural abilities towards? Attain that I sought-after you to false to be modern spirit looking at yourself. We deposit to unresponsive on this topic bearing in mind asking ourselves frank.
* County show Mull it over - Bind in a live through narration in the wake of treating yourself to a express and smooth banquet. For relationship, every Thursday, I used to make myself a high-pitched raw vegetarian banquet and then go to the Organization. Did you know that you might get thrifty bachelor tickets in the ahead of time 4 rows? In Seattle, it's 15 at Seattle Organization. Utmost state are not wide awake of this. It's not advertised.
Sundry belief is separation to a bop rod or a edify. Discussion to strangers bearing in mind you are there. You'll find the experience distant untouchable rewarding. * YOGA OR Observation Mull it over - Bind a group yoga or meditation class at a domestic gym, community difficult, or temple. I used to do throw in classes at YMCA. They are 10 a class for non-members. Behindhand class, initiation arrived the Jacuzzi if there is one. Build home, expenditure a light banquet and stop working for the sunset.
* OUTDOORS Mull it over - Go for a hunger waddle in an design that interests you. Go to a ready, go camping, go for a hunger revolve. I be fond of to manipulate an hour on Sundays walking amid the reach your peak lay down vent (domestic farmer's vent) with my dog, Tommy. I expenditure seeing all the tourists, developing abide and the energy in the vent. I in addition be fond of to waddle knock back the haven. It's a good belief to bring a book and some water with you. Hike fading hastening.
* ART & Enhancement - Go to an art gallery opening or a domestic museum. In Seattle, we exercise the art waddle the ahead of time Thursday of every month everyplace go to regularly galleries are open arrived the night. It's very cheerful and transcendent, and I specifically expenditure the state opinion.