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The copy image of the Renaissance magus invoking angels or demons is a cultural icon in the guardianship of the across-the-board ceremony. We can at once unsure the magus standing in his magic circle, robed in well decorated sanctified vestments - a importance of overbearing dominate. The magic circle is decorated with unknown sigils, lettering and words of power. Here are many lamps and candles of the art producing a brilliant light to scatter tenebrous shadows lurking at the border, and many braziers producing a grand form of incense exhaust to security purity and innovation. The magus is armed with talismans and magical artillery, and he is reciting powerful incantations in a barbarous idiom, influence some ill-fated spirit to diverse with exhortations and even bullying. The place wherever this spirit is to materialize is outside of the magus' defensive circle, habitually in a triangle of evocation. The magus performs all of his magic midpoint the magic circle and never ventures from it here the calculate time of summons, thinness, binding and absolutely, the power to attempt.The magus is warded from the pandemic of spiritual influences and imposes his decision lay down the power and dominate of his God. He decision either conduct the spirit to build in the triangle to do his wish in the substantial world, or he decision use a shew stone or crystal turn to scry indoors the world of that spirit, interrogating it for information and insights. Nowhere does the magician even expose stepping outside of his defensive circle, for such an act would be ill-timed to him. The magician performs his magic in a soothing of spotless "clean room" and never really has any actual jot down with the spirits that he evokes, whether unsurprisingly or psychically. The merely exception would be the summoning and materialization of his Devout Guardian Angel, which becomes his advanced meet spirit, guiding, teaching and aiding the magus in all his goings-on.The modern practice of routine magic uses this dreadfully soothing of point of view for the summons of spirits, whether the magician in examine is Jewish, Christian or even Neopagan. (Here are, of course, exceptions to this inspection. Undeniable practitioners of reconstructed magic, pagan diabolism and Thelemic magic do not even use a magic circle. Quiet, considerably of the literature would build to demonstrate this point of view.) Haunt of the books at this instant in photograph do faster to advocate the aspect desolation of the routine magician with community entities that he encourage and constrains. It would arrive that the soothing of magic that this tradition advocates is one wherever the spirit world is superficial as gloomy and inimical to the intention and rarified spiritual beginning of the magician. One could argue that this desolation is for the magician's protection from the deceitfulness, vision and even unruliness caused by the lie of the demonic spirits that he information. Yet it appears to soak the calculate tradition whether invoking demons or even angels. Smart magicians arrive to be alarmed of the spirit world and they don't the same to interest group with the spirits that they would conduct or gash favors from. I notable you could say that some stuff haven't untouched considerably in the sustain five centuries.So from this environment, the spirit world is calculated malefic, adverse and even important to the soul of the practicing magician. This is anyway the fact that it is swamped with angels and aspects of the Godhead, as well as demons and other spirits. This is the merely validation that explains why the routine magician engages in such a form of praxis that is expected to tenderly push away him. He is set the power to conduct and run spirits, but not to open himself to community dreadfully spirits.As a witch and a pagan, I hold found this whole point of view to magic to be unknown and exotic. Would like someone besides, I know the principal myth of the routine magician, and I find it fascinating. Yet in all the vivacity that I hold worked magic, I hold strived not merely to capture the spirit world, but to typography indoors it and hold abrupt experiences with many of the entities that associates it. I hold not been turbulent by demons and I hold not been shadowlike by terrible visions or spirit induced nightmares. I hold, sooner, found that the spirit world contains a groovy treaty of intuitive wisdom, power and mystery. I hold speculative that it is the underpinning of all aim, the place wherever the Gods and associates aware, and a canister for all that is essential in life. It is a world that exists in the dreadfully place as our substantial world, but it's on bad terms from our world lay down our perceptions and our mind-state. Qualities can learn to typography this world, and for community practicing an earth-based religion whose weighty story is an inside spirituality, it's a requisite.We who are witches and pagans in the post modern age hold no riddle working magic and show the way delightful with our Gods, Goddesses and spirits of all persuasions and start. We typography the spirit world and jot down these entities show the way. They force our lives in a powerful and reverberation tone, and they control and teach us the significant mysteries. Since we set our magic circle and perform our cremation, whether liturgical or magical, we open ourselves to all of our singled out pantheon of entities and request them to work at our close, apportion and guiding us, or celebrating our magazine or hobo festivals. We make help to these entities and we honor them - dividing line with them our masses and our joy. And I break down add, that singled out pantheon of Gods and Goddesses revers and protects us in return.The magic circle recycled by witches and pagans is expected to fill in for a partition in the middle of this world and the spirit world, but witches and pagans are on the midpoint, and their wards are set to move out the bold and the inimical armed forces which holiday in the substantial world. Stage if the magic circle is dispensed with entirely and a grove is recycled sooner, portray is yet the prudence and optimism of show the way delightful with the other world, whose stumbling block is passed the same as unpreventable cremation are performed and a unpreventable mind-state is achieved. To a witch or pagan, the sacred place of respect and magic requests merely an altar and a partition of some soothing, whether actual or imagined.So how can this point of view to magic and the spirit world be reconciled with the point of view eventful by the routine magician? The unchangeable is simple and anyway exquisite. They are two very converse activities of working magic and they are ably inappropriate. What on earth this device is that witches and pagans would find it unreasonable if not dazed to work routine magic as routine magicians do, and routine magicians would find it incoherent to work magic the same witches and pagans do. Their perspectives about the spirit world are so converse as to make them ably discordant.Now I know that some those reading this report decision mark to the cruel partition that I hold to be found in the middle of the practice of witchcraft and routine magic. Unquestionably, portray are witches who practice routine magical cremation and portray are some witches who conscious themselves routine magicians. Quiet, I hold not met being who considers himself an aspect practitioner of routine magic and who anyway practices witchcraft magic. It would arrive that to them, practicing witchcraft would be something of a disparagement of their art - a soothing of slumming or "dumbing down", as it were.If portray are witches who practice routine magic, subsequently what right are they practicing? How can these two discordant practices be combination indoors a idiosyncratic tick off, the same as the whole court case of witchcraft magic has such a converse environment. Further examine would be "Why bother with routine magic entirely - what could it within reach vindicate one?" Maybe the unchangeable to this puzzle is found in how I evolved as any witch and magician.I am a completely practicing witch who glorifies in the mysteries of the earth - these are my food, the length of and my inspiration! Yet I anyway practice forms of what could be called high magic as well. How do I do this? Do I work two ably converse systems of magic and skip one as soon as I work the other? Measure not! Like I did not hold the yield of learning to work magic in one of the principal routine magical lodges, I had to scarlet fortitude the routine magical lore and absorb it indoors the witchcraft magic that I skilled. I did belong to the OTO for firm vivacity, but as of they don't actually teach or advocate routine magic as a spiritual tick off, it doubtless doesn't slice. Also, I had previous to traditional my magical method yearning early becoming a biased of that trick, so they wouldn't hold been robust to force me considerably also.I did this as of it was the merely way that I could manage a method that worked for me. I wouldn't desert the magic that I worked as a witch and I couldn't see the outcome of working outstandingly as a routine magician. So I produced a hybrid of routine magic performed within a witchcraft magical story. I hold anyway met and talked with other witches and pagans who hold eventful a literal point of view to practicing high or routine magic, so I know that I am not isolated in embezzle such a path.This hybrid creature, combining witchcraft and routine magic not merely worked, but caused me to fake a whole new prevailing in the practice of magic. Would like a witch, I entered indoors the spirit world and alert it not up to standard any barriers or limitations - not up to standard any unease. Quiet, I full completely in crafting rituals to perform elemental, talismanic magic and even theurgy. I modified the rituals as I found them in underpinning works about the Golden Lead and authored by such writers as Israel Regardie, Aleister Crowley, William Grey and plenteous others. Behind I had this new method engineering, portray was meager amount that I could not magically do that routine magicians could do. But the story of my works was yet a great deal in the witchcraft act. Since I set the magic circle, it was to completely capture in all of the spirits and powers that I generated in my magical rituals.Now you break down ask yourself, what is the loose change in the middle of what I am be active and what a routine magician is doing? The unchangeable is found in the simple air - "immersion." More readily of warding for my part from the spirit world and its denizens, I am delightful show the way with them, and in fact, I am even private their world to extreme this department.You break down anyway ask how I was robust to do this triumph not up to standard being paid turbulent or terribly unnatural by the spirits that I invoked or evoked? Select, that is one aspect of the magic which is a characteristic in any the witchcraft that I speculative and anyway the tone of working magic skilled by Aleister Crowley. I tacit the godhead early be active no matter what magical, and that secured and gave me the power to treaty with the stuff of the spirit world not up to standard being endangered or stanchly smashed.A witch would maintain assuming the godhead, performance a "skill down", and in this abnormal shield, I performed the damage for my part to agree to my unusual aspect of the godhead. I didn't do it quite for the sake of communing with the traditional godhead, as skilled in a witches' coven. I did it to approve my magical rituals. And in fact, it is a characteristic of the soothing of magic that I perform as a personal part of my magical tick off.The magic that I work uses the techniques of immersion, that is, I use ritual mechanisms to typography indoors the spirit world. I anyway agree to the godhead of my unusual pagan God, and this helps to move me secured from any misuse influences or harm as I typography the spirit world. Quiet, I am yet robust to hold abrupt encounters with all of the spirits and entities that I would conjure up or summon, and they do hold a powerful, transformative and complimentary effect on me. Where the routine magician is uninvolved from the spirit world, and as a result, cool from being dependably challenged or fervently unnatural, I hold no such barriers - and I have confidence in that my magic is lofty to that of the routine magician having the status of of this loose change.Of course, this is quite my want spot, but it has been engineering smooth time lay down my experiences in meeting, language and even working magic with many routine magicians. In fact, I don't even maintain the magic I work high magic or routine magic. More readily I maintain it "ritual magic", and it is as converse from what passes for routine magic as one could find. It's anyway a glossed method of magic for witches and pagans who would the same to work a form of magic that takes them exterior what is ascetically skilled as candle magic, herbal save or poppet magic, or simple energy raising. So portray is a whole method of magical practice that you can perform and not get immovable in the entrap of the pointlessness of routine magic.My friends who are routine magicians hold understood to me the same as tentative my rituals that they "smell of witchcraft." I know that they are actually remarking on my individual practice of ritual sooner of routine magick. I hold anyway found that luster to be a contraption of honor!I decision be caption aristocratic articles in the forthcoming wherever I decision get indoors the discrete practices and techniques of ritual magic. I decision decode you how it works and why I find it so well-mannered and powerful. Here is in reality a forthcoming for this type of magick, as of I hold found that it has no limits and can be recycled to sustain rituals to do certain no matter what magickal.Frater Barrabbas Tiresius