Tread 17 is the day generally hypothetical to be the death of St. Patrick, the British-born promoter who is credited with converting Ireland to Christianity. And as I wrote in one of my chief posts on this blog:
In Egyptian mythology, Osiris was killed on the 17th day of Athyr, the third month of the ancient calendar.
3/17 is likewise the come together of a Masonically-created holiday, St. Patrick's Day. The story has it that the holiday was club by high level Freemason, George Washington, so they say to reward Irish defense force in the Continental Armed forces.
But "St. Paddy's" has traditionally been a very not much Saint's day in Ireland. Since that the day has become America's defacto Bacchanal (which takes us back to Osiris) it's effectiveness noting some of the parallels of this day with Cosmological mythology.o Osiris was hypothetical to be the foundation of barley, which was used for brewing swallow in Egypt.
o It's unexceptional to wear green on St. Patrick's Day and Osiris was well-defined as the "Spiteful Man"
o The base word of Patrick is pater, the Latin word meaning boon. Osiris is the boon in the Egyptian Trinity.So moreover, I've been looking within the surprising origin of this holiday and carry found out some very obsessive facts...
Their chief beauty salon and indulgence to connect with St. Patrick was an image of their Protestant reliance as well as their go for to mend with fellow Irish 'emigr'es. Their 1775 beauty salon included British defense force of Irish abstract. All proceeded, or marched, to the King's Chapel to get together a native tongue recurring to the try, and moreover continued on to a indulgence in Emperor Sense. British defense force were heavenly the big perfect example of the chief St. Patrick's Day swagger in New York Town in 1762.
The chief celebration in New York Town was in 1756, at the Beat and Thistle block. Philadelphia open its chief St. Patrick's Day swagger in 1771. Total George Washington issued a command popular the Uncontrolled War, declaring Tread 17, 1780 a holiday for the Continental Armed forces, moreover stationed in Morristown, New Jumper, in connect with of the innumerable defense force of Irish family and people innate in Ireland.
It was reported that this was the chief holiday established the troops in two time. Washington's note down that the command was "as an act of solidarity with the Irish in their disagreement for womanhood," was perhaps the birth of St. Patrick's Day in America as an image of Irish nationalism as furthest as Irish heritage or of glorification a Christian saint.So innumerable lodges in Revolutionary-era America were chartered under the Illustrious Pied-?-terre of Ireland, I'm brave to bet people Irish defense force were generally Freemasons (learn by rote this is pre-Morgan Work, when Freemasons were hardcore). To perfect example how furthest a Masonic object the American Riot was, here's a list of the Freemasonic Generals in the Continental Armed forces
Depiction from Freemasons' Courtyard, 17 Molesworth Sense, Dublin
In modern-day Ireland, St. Patrick's Day has traditionally been a religious try. In fact, up until the 1970s, Irish laws mandated that pubs be congested on Tread 17. President in 1995, all the same, the Irish aim began a assert fight to use St. Patrick's Day as an break to forward motion going to places of interest and showing Ireland to the rest of the world. Seep year, collapse to one million human race took part in Ireland 's St. Patrick's Performance in Dublin, a multi-day celebration featuring parades, concerts, peripheral theater productions, and fireworks shows.
o New-fangled SAINT PATRICK'S DAY SHARES All A Tell AND A Source Next to A FAR, FAR Bleak HOLIDAY:
St. Patrick's Day is likewise frequently a time for eating. It used to be that this tradition was strung out for at smallest number of five days, the ostensible seachtain na Gaeilage or "Irish week."
That may outlet from Roman era, when Tread 17 started the variety store of the Bacchanalia, a celebration to the deity Bacchus, to whom wine was sacred. In olden time hope gone by, the Irish drank mead, ready from fermented honey. You force do way in today with a fierce Guinness, instead painted green.
The bacchanalia were confused and mystic festivals of the Roman and Greek god Bacchus. Introduced within Rome from truncate Italy by way of Etruria (c. 200 BC), the bacchanalia were ingeniously open in secret and only attended by women.
The festivals occurred on three days of the year in the grove of Simila come together the Aventine Ridge, on Tread 16 and Tread 17. As soon as, opening to the income was stretched out to men and partying took place five era a month. According to Livy, the spreading out happened in an era when the C.E.O. of the Bacchus cult was Paculla Annia - but it is now hypothetical that some men had participated up to that time that.o THE BACCHANALIA UNDERWENT AN Innovation FROM THEIR Offspring Partying. From "The Crucial Details of Rock ' Roll:"
"Historians today don't put a lot of limit in Livy's overheated accounts of the Bacchanalia, and generally call-up them off as politically motivated dismay. His story of a very good cult that sprung up out of nowhere and took the soil by typhoon is an what went before tale, intended to titliate his finish up. "The Bacchic cult had been certain -and been tolerated- for some time in Italy, and innumerable purchase that the witchhunt was whipped up exclusive for embassy reasons than definitely or felon ones. But Romans were well-defined to take their boozing and screwing to extremes the exclusive plain Greeks would not, so it's not hard to insist on these blow-outs feat out of hand.
But because the utmost terrible charge leveled vs. the Bacchanalia was of design vs. the Republic, it's by a long way realistic the definitely charges were innocently stop intended to turn the human race vs. the Mysteries. The fear plus the distinctive was that "newborn human race were about to jam" and transfer the communicate order.
The vital boogieman to the Roman dignity was the Demogogue, meaning self who may perhaps venture out women, slaves and other non-citizens vs. the landowning families who structured the Parliament. Given the magnificent socioconomic inequities even in the fairy-tale Republic, difference of opinion was constantly a force and illustrate bother that may perhaps be whipped up at any time.But contrary to Livy, the Bacchanalia weren't not allowed and its shrines weren't not working but more readily very much in harmony and structured by law. And but they never another time reached the hallucination be successful of the Republican era, the Bacchanalia would be revived by Julius Caesar and Mark Antony.
RENAMED THE LIBERALIA, THE NEW BACCHIC Adjourn WOULD BE A Greater than FAMILY-ORIENTED Lenient OF Sense Rectangle, Next to Like CAKES AND Well-to-do MEATS REPLACING BOOZING AND SCREWING. Diverse rituals and entertainments ready it a very adult years holiday. The boozing and screwing snuck back in listed the way, but in a less monster way.
The Liberalia are heavenly very furthest with us - in fact, our modern flow of air is eminent on the very dreadfully day that the Romans did. In our modern flow of air, human race heavenly operate and swig and stuff themselves and search flutes and drums and all the rest of it. We heavenly pig out on swallow, red meat and cabbage, which dates back to the Osirian blowouts in Egypt...
o OF Train, BACCHUS/DIONYSUS IS Right THE GRECO-ROMAN REINTERPRETATION OF OSIRIS. And eating of swallow was sacred to the followers of Osiris, the Spiteful Man:
In Egypt, swallow was regarded as food. In fact, the old Egyptian picture for "feast" was a multipart of people for "bread" and "swallow". This "bread-beer feast" good point a few onions and some shrunken buddy was the deal in healthy of the be more or less human race listed the Nile at the time. Cocktail came in eight marginal types in Egypt.
Furthermost were ready from barley, some from emmer, and innumerable were flavored with ginger or honey. The best beers were brewed to a color as red as human blood. The Egyptians high-pitched together with the marginal beers by their invigorating opulence and successful eat. None other than the god of the dead, Osiris, was hailed as the guardian of swallow, when to him grain - all emmer and barley - were sacred.
The Egyptians hypothetical that grain had sprung organically from Osiris' mummy, as a gift to mankind and as a symbol of life some time ago death. This was generous litigation for the god-like pharaohs to turn brewing within a check in throttlehold and in detail send on brewing care order to entrepreneurs and priests.
Copious temples eventually opened their own breweries and pubs, all in the service of the gods. The deduct of Pelusium at the chat of the Nile became a major brewing kindness, and trading in swallow became big setup.
o THIS ADMIXTURE OF EGYPTIAN Revels, IRISH Devotion AND FREEMASONRY Compel Semblance Outrageous TO Dependable, BUT IN Factor IT WAS Amount AND Narrative OF CELTIC Civility Before THE Fine OF THE ROMAN Minster. Namely in the...
... religion of the Druids, as up to that time expected, was the dreadfully as the religion of the ancient Egyptians. The priests of Egypt were the professors and teachers of science, and were styled priests of Heliopolis, that is, of the Town of the Sun. The Druids in Europe, who were the dreadfully order of men, carry their name from the Teutonic or ancient German language; the German for instance anciently called Teutones. The word Druid signifies a conscious man. In Persia they were called Magi, which signifies the dreadfully thing.St. Patrick himself was hypothetical to carry prompted the Druids of out of Ireland, but in fact druidry was lone integrated within Celtic Christianity, which was jagged from other varieties and would fall so until unevenly numerous on succinct from Rome.
o AND IT SEEMS THAT THE Performance OF THE Demise OF OSIRIS SHARES Distant IN Working class Next to Substitute Adjourn THAT THE IRISH BROUGHT TO AMERICA:
This ubiquitous delicate of the houses on one night of the year suggests that the variety store may carry been a celebration not lone of the dead Osiris but of the dead in public, in other words, that it may carry been a night of All Souls.
For it is a wide-ranging belief that the souls of the dead worry their old homes on one night of the year; and on that solemn try human race work on for the acceptable of the ghosts by laying out food for them to eat, and lighting lamps to guide them on their dark way from and to the sad.
Herodotus, who fast describes the variety store, omits to refer to its come together, but we can detect it with some chance from other sources. Hence Plutarch tells us that Osiris was murdered on the seventeenth of the month Athyr, and that the Egyptians consequently observed sad income for four days from the seventeenth of Athyr.
And what of the corned red meat and cabbage? In late antiquity the Apis bull was accepted with Osiris. The Apis bull would be sacrificed and eaten in ritual feasts. Cabbage is complete in the winter months in Egypt and was used to restrain intoxication at feasts.
"Astronaut canal "star sailor", which Osiris was evenly depicted measure..."
The Minster took the Bacchanalia on sale from the Irish and replaced it with a filling religious holiday and the old-school Freemasons used that to bring the Bacchanalia back, which we now understand traces back to Osiris. And Osiris- who came from and returned to the stars- brings us back to the ancient astronauts, which the complex adaptations copy Bacchus do not.
Enjoyable to the New Atlantis.
"Now hang on to this all a secret- I don't pine for you to be premeditated a "woo woo" (which is Skepdickish for "reflection felon") by the New Inquisition. The guardians of conventionality attention to get particularly hot-tempered when you charge them on sale from their organization fries and kiddiefap."