The charming amber and jet necklace in the photo, ready by Deborah Westmancoat, was in my brain the best pucker in the raffle at the Pagan Federations 40th Celebration Sight spate weekend - and I was lucky passable to win it with the first raffle carte blanche to be picked out of the box!
The PF 40th Celebration merriment ran pompous two days, with a pagan agreement on Saturday 8 October, a shrouded bit in the evening and a experience day on the Sunday.
I was abandoned impart for the agreement - my own experience popular me for the rest of the weekend - but I had a raise time even early I won the raffle.
As well as separation to some cool discussion and workshops by luminaries such as Professor Ronald Hutton, Rufus Harrington who runs Ridge of the Phoenix, and Mogg Morgan stall of The Rise of the Day in Archaic Egypt, it was great to aspect up with so haunt friends and informal faces.
Near is so widely superfluous I possibly will tone about that happened in the field of the day - and I will, pompous the neighboring few weeks. In exact, I am separation to be enactment superfluous research paper in the sphere of the magical import of amber and jet jewellery, which is usually tough by high priestesses in view of the fact that it symbolises the powers of the light and the dark and the associate surrounded by them.
"Deborah Westmancoat makes rock-solid amber and jet handcrafted jewellery which she above all sells at stalls at pagan endeavors. You can impress her via email at yarrow.taunton@googlemail.com or stay at 07974649794. "
Associates and other coupled postshttp://www.paganfed.org/anniversary.shtmlhttp://templthephoenix.co.uk/node/5http://www.ladybridget.com/w/amberjet.htmlhttp://www.mandrake.uk.net/moggmorgan.htmAmber: Blonde Gem of the Ages: Fourth Back copy
The Rise of the Day in Archaic Egypt: Calendars and Moon Magick