Calling Freyja Birchta the 'Goddess of Fertility' is much like calling Humanity 'a species of primate'. It's ultimately insulting, and somewhat incorrect. Freyja was (and is) primarily seen as a goddess of war and battle, just like her husband. She takes half the spoils, and the Valkyrie serve her (all Disr serve the Lady of Seidh, after all). But that's only one TINY aspect of her.
Norse deities, the Vanir most of all, don't fit into the archetypes of modern paganism. There is no 'Norse God of Fire' for example. Instead you have Loki, a Jotunn, who is associated with primordial, destructive flame. Not really the same, and you can hardly call Loki a God, let alone 'the God of Fire'.
Odin as a solar deity is a total misnomer. Sol is the Teutonic deity associated with the sun, and is completely unrelated to the Alfadr, just as M'ani is associated with the moon, not Freyja Birchta OR Frigga (I'd like to point out that some schools of thought see Freyja/Freya/Frigga as the same entity here), and they're certainly not any kind of 'triple goddess' figure, seeing as there are two of them. These concepts are entirely New Age, and have no historical basis at all.
And can you please show me where the 'horned moon' symbol is used to represent Odin. His pictographic representation is often horned, or at least wearing a horned helmet, but there are no iconographic representations of the Scandinavian or Teutonic Odin/Othinn/Grimnir/Woden. Any links you have would be appreciated, or perhaps the name of the archaeological/anthrological study itself.
If you have any questions on this subject, I would be happy to assist you. But please, if it's not in the anthropological record...don't tell a seeker that it's true...
Aniyra said:Your in luck. The Vanir Gods (a particular group of Norse Gods) were heavily linked to fertility.
Freyja is the Goddess of Fertility, and thats her prime assosiation, the full moon is one of her symbols. Shes heavily compared to Isis and Aphrodite -though both slightly pale in comparison to her- if your struggling to understand her. Frigg and Freyja together form the Triple Goddess symbolism.
The Wiccan symbol for the Sun/God is a circle with a creasent moon ontop, thats the same symbol as Odin, Odin is also the God of the Sun.
Story's of Birth, Life, Death and Re-Birth are found throughout their mythology.
I follow a Wicca-Based practice. I follow the Wiccan Rede and alot of it's teachings/principles and allow myself to be influenced by whatever feels right. Prehaps this is where the confusion is comming from and I should have explained this before.
Though I know of many Wiccans who follow select gods that arn't "Traditional" Wiccan dieties.
Reference: ceremonial-magic.blogspot.com