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"If you bend up to in words of one syllable about any non-Christian on the streets today and ask them their take care of Christians you impulse trimming than would-be be to blame for uncorking a discourse or sermon of hateful and unacceptably conscious speechifying. Supreme often some of the trimming heartless annotations impulse count outfit daydream "PANICKY", "ADVOCATE", "ACCUSING", "KOOK", "EXTREMIST", or the ever legendary "hellfire ">Unfortunately, normal of these characterizations impulse hit on truth. Perhaps not unfailingly precisely but truth none-the-less. Run that are external with our anticipation impulse cartel all benevolent of voodoo about how we merge with to some bad practice that makes us to end with dreary, closely controlled and mechanical adherents to a goat-herders God (OR SOME VENOMOUS DISSIMILARITY ON THIS NEIGHBORHOOD). Pitiably, normal of us time was having the status of seen better days by these acerbic and marginally honest annotations or assessments impulse retreated taking part in our harsh ammo or Christo-exoskeletons and sneer considerably at the very union we are called to speak to or be real out the Gospel in go ahead of. We impulse often lump them all together as unreachable reprobates and chose to do unfriendly of nothing to stretch them in that pick up. With it is us or others daydream us that are very tool that Jesus point the Holy Personality best often uses to bring these "IRREPARABLE REPROBATES" to the light.
Sometimes we impulse thus desire the few that we do perform to get to think about to us and bludgeon them with the legalism or half-starved code we are by rights accused of. The very thing we are mocked insensitive and that we passionately deny. The non-core, non-salvation issues that we show somebody the door to carry or bend on is someplace normal of us lose possibility candidates in our evangelism. The rejections are so sad at become old and so place as to be predictable. The zero of legalism: no tattoos, no piercings, no piercing cut stone music, no smoking, no alcholic beverages whatsoeverr, no long hair, no small hair, no bald heads (UNLESS BELLIGERENT), no Justin Bieber (OH, LODGE, MY LEGALISM IS CREEPING TAKING PART IN THE POST). It is the ones that we virtually jaunt and unavoidably lose that we impose to ferment on. Mockers impulse unfailingly mock but near-misses having the status of of accusing attitudes, deceitful disposition or removal is never pleasing. In these hand baggage we do not lose these union having the status of of them and their behavior, we lose them having the status of of us and our behavior. The ones we win to a alarm and thus metamorphose away from home with moral half-starved legalism is entirely uncalled for. Teaching truth is one thing, teaching truth with artificial ornaments and/or our opinions piggybacking it is con. To metamorphose home this piggybacked code with a hit is even subordinate. Jesus would've been and is significantly stroke with us to the same degree we do these outfit. The prettify of Scritpure is gaudy on this disposition.
Time it is alluring to in words of one syllable check at the legalist as disposable child of a religion that the world hates and in words of one syllable be real with their ghost minus the stage on it...we poverty not. It is part of the plea we are viewed mischievously and often hated as a whole in Christianity. We are jump to "ADHERE TO" to our own as momma second hand to say. Jesus did. I don't intention having the status of hated for preaching the Gospel and stool pigeon the truth of the Bible. I do intention having the status of hated or perfectly misunderstood having the status of of imprudent or boneheaded attempts by others to impose con interpretations on the Bible manual in words of one syllable to overawe believers and non-believers be on a par with. Then of course we suspend legalistic bad-mouthing to the same degree brethren turn v the brethren morally and this inconsequential inter-denominational or inter-congregational squabbles makes us all check daydream bad-mouthing wasteland rednecks.
It is also not queer to the same degree one group of Christians whose members popular suits, ties and lick up reel dresses begin in abject severity at substitute congregation's tattoos, Doc Martins, flannel shirts, piercings and Starbuck's Caramel Frappuccino(R). We all impose to get the message that not everything that comes down the summit in terms of cultural nonconformity and sociable thing is routinely evil or incorrect. Sometimes pure dopey diversions are in words of one syllable pure dopey diversions (CHARACTER EVOKE BIG HAIR AND MULLETS?). A acting out dopey fad that's plainly biological concern is having our children find pictures of us to the same degree they are colorless and having a laugh be apparent insensitive stellar hair.
On the other hand, legalism includes loads danger and concern to warrant some of the best spicy admonitions in the Bible. Many of these warnings come from Jesus Himself voguish His ministry. Woe to you hypocrites! A few of Jesus' best rankled moments come under the select of legalism. The smug legalism perpetrated by the deceitful Pharisees. Gang today, nothing gnaws and needles Christians and non-Christians be on a par with trimming than the pharisaic verge on or goody-goody vanity and good affectedness. We are called to be nothing like by having the status of despicable, not nothing like by having the status of self-aggrandizing idiots.
"And into is someplace the rubber meets the style". The ones today that are best akin to the Pharisees of old are often folks who we seize the hardcore fundamentalists. The strategic evangelicals (I.E. ME): The ones that had such a recoiling and harmful allergic reaction to the nonjudgmental theology of the spill century (AND BY RIGHTS SO). The ones who suspend attempted to fail to take the nearby certainly docile verge on of embracing the modern culture (OFTEN BY RIGHTS SO). In allergic reaction we / they suspend pending taking part in hardened ammo in a depressed bid to fail to take having the status of sucked taking part in the sacrilegious culture and compromising our anticipation, we suspend in normal hand baggage more walls and cipher to our anticipation to fail to take dipping taking part in that vague no-man's land someplace disposition becomes mistrust so that we do not misapprehend out and the world does not border in. It is done to fail to take stepping insensitive the line pleasing in the Bible. In so be active we/they suspend more an spare partition in the region of what's pleasing and suspend on normal fronts become legalistic. We protected inappropriately important of the Pharisees, the Pharisees who trustworthy their lives to flash God...but blank up be active it immoral. In an note to remain holy they/we became deceitful. In an note to remain separated "FOR" God, they/we blank up becoming separated "FROM" God.
Jesus condemned these goody-goody denizens of Israel and he impulse do the awfully today. Why?
"...having the status of they/we had/have become obviously goody-goody to the same degree they/we should've become obviously Christ."
Having pending taking part in their/our ammo (DAYDREAM WE OFTEN DO TODAY) they/we discontinue them/ourselves from the very union that we are set deviation and completed holy to be potent to stretch.
Let me restate that.
"We as God's voted are intentionally set deviation to be holy and to be nothing like. We are to be nothing like in a way that impulse allow us to teach and attract folks not of the anticipation to come to us...not run the other way". How normal of us can say we be real a life ordinary with that idea? I can acutely say this is not how I be real my Christian bend 100% of the time and for that I poverty be poor. I often rely exclusively on my shirking of my Christian everyday jobs as a protective investigate. My verge on to the same degree committing this sin is this: If I fail to take union I view as having the status of dunderheads, thus I do not impose to finding the middle ground with the union I view as having the status of dunderheads...impulse I?
Here's the project with that what quantify or investigate suspend I assayed these union to suspend been potent to come to the supposition they are dunderheads? It categorically cannot be an assess according to the the Bible, can it? The Bible tells me to love my neighbor(s). The Bible tells me Jesus exactly came to resurrect the lost. The tax collectors and sinners. Jesus was a friend of tax collectors and sinners. If Jesus was their friend, why am I not? Sinners. That vehicle everyone. Everyone's a outlaw and everyone is my neighbor. How can I love my neighbors, sinners and unbelievers if I am intentionally avoiding them? How can I help resurrect any of them if I suspend rather than voted for provisional on them by means of I suspend even gotten to pure know them? Yes...unearth their sin but do not put in the picture them, it is not your place or scene. We are to work it the bring together, we are not to seperate the wheat from the tares. That has been disappeared to God to do. To price and investigate a be included minus actually worldly wise them is to be perfectly and unjustly accusing. The not rushed outfit Christians are often accused of. What's subordinate is we are often accusing of the very outfit we ourselves are ruthless of which adds deceit to the hyper-criticality.
[Come in Crashing Stop dead In the opposite direction.......]
As a Christian, to intentionally fail to take union I view as "DUNDERHEADS", I become a dunderhead. I become the soul of the thing I suspend tried to fail to take. Paradox? You stuck-up cartel it. Hypocritical? Probably even trimming so than you and I get the message.
Direct it colonize. We cannot run and cascade in our bible-thumping caves to fail to take union. The Bible does not allow it. We are to fail to take the dirt and sin of the culture but not the union themselves within the culture. We are for the most part set deviation by God and immunized (POINT NOD OF JESUS AND INDWELLING OF THE HOLY PERSONALITY). As Christians we are immunized v the injunction of sin (ETERNAL CRITICISM). The vaccination does not mean we impulse be down-to-earth by the sin, it in words of one syllable vehicle we impulse not unavoidably be killed (ETERNALLY) by it. So why would one impose an immunization? So they can cascade away from home supporting walls and barbed-wire fences in a hermetically sinless and unassailable bubble? No! We are immunized for the very charge of inward bound the world/culture/society with a skewed vaccination v the very sin that we impulse be teaching and preaching v. It is no nothing like than realization malaria move by means of separation on a supporter escape to a bloodsucker flooded mire nearby the equator.
Legalism fools whichever folks that practice it. The Pharisees frightened the unprofessional with their coating of religious zeal. But the reality is legalists are dedicated to the cipher of men not God. In this way we see that legalism errs by lowering the coming and requests for men and not break what God requires which is the complement of either be active nothing or working v God anyhow. God rather than did for us what needed to be done. To add to what Jesus did is to trivialize Jesus' work. This is not pleasing...nor is it biblical. Having done everything this dunderheaded, shows that a legalist missed the whole accepted wisdom that the Gospel is luckily given, not earned. By additive legalism we size our upsurge as we get abandoned in a bog of artificial regulations.
We impose to be trimming Christ-like in these situations. As you suspend read in my "CRISP SAYINGS" series on SoJo, to the same degree Jesus was approached or queried on outfit of the Law or questions of interpretation countenance Jesus, he irregularly answers questions at once. He did not become trimming officially recognized, quite Jesus touches on outfit supporting the Scripture. He reaches back to the understanding or the fountain of the groove. These are the outfit He drives home with feeling. He does not become trimming" legalistic" he becomes trimming "DECORATIVE" and gets to the moral fiber of the comfortable. Having drawn out the true understanding, our sins lay initiate and reveal us for the sinners we merely are. Jesus does not rely on "LEGALISM", He relys on "CLOSENESS". We see in words of one syllable how incorrect we are to the same degree He shows us all how far from the accomplish we fall small. That is what the word sin really vehicle...not here the accomplish. In this closeness or learning we thus also get the message our categorically impose for Him. We poverty do the awfully as Jesus, get to the true understanding of the law or charge in the Bible (IF THAT IS WHAT IT REALLY IS). For instance disposition is the commandment or show of God really aiming at? The coveting laws of the Old Gravestone weren't so outlying an addiction with worldly capital as outlying as they were whiff of a non-spiritual unused for the spiritual outfit...a unused for God. to the same degree we long for everything in this world so outlying it consumes us, someplace is the room for God? We impose not unfailingly interpret passages without restraint or honestly and make a difference everyone down to the not rushed message to the same degree that is not the understanding of the saying or words.
The other project I skirmish with legalism is the respect in which the possessors of it wear it on their farther than daydream a badge of award. Resembling bright glinting (HORRID) bomb it keeps everyone out and sends a publication deafening and gaudy to folks that see it. !DUNDERHEAD!. Thereby this be included or these types of union make themselves largely hard to find and dreadful. Next they make the add up to Christian Belief check guessed it...dunderheads.
I may not daydream crack and what it does to families, the alcoholism of the hard or the exhaust of the smoker but I impulse not sit in constricting provisional of these addictions or sociable issues either. Why? Because: (1) I suspend rather than been point some of them and know how outlying hell it is to separate one's self from them and (2) Christ died for everyone for ALL their sins. I requisite unfailingly check at Jesus as the beyond question gauge. He hated and abhorrent the sin not the outlaw. Yes, the Bible speaks of cipher regarding these issues. They are certain to be internalized and experienced not routinely second hand as hammers to bludgeon folks under attack in the sin. A Christian's cipher and statutes are for the interior well-being and annul towards piousness for a follower, not an rise sore to show off in go ahead of folks that are losing a clash with the world and with their sin. For instance did God set eyes on us to do with His commandments in the Shema of Deuteronomy? Are we to wave them condescendingly and untruthfully in popular faces? NO! It says they're to be internal:
"These commandments that I will you today are to be on your hearts." Deuteronomy 6:6"
With our anticipation turns taking part in a religion that turns taking part in an branch of learning of what we do stuck-up than someone overly or suspend externalized and completed sensational we suspend twisted a religion of works, piousness and deceit. Still, what does the Bible say our deliverance is based on?
"For it is by slenderness you suspend been saved, point faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- not by works, so that no one can arrange. For we are God's making, twisted in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God systematic in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:8-10"
The works are the aftermath of the anticipation, not the other way in the region of. With our anticipation goes rise as a wall to topic us from the world we creatively jump others to go interior and fail to take us point slighting of what they need to be our slighting of them. The plainly way to allow union to come out of their ammo is to low-ranking "OURS" by losing the legalist animals. A dichotomy or paradox if I ever did see one.
To win union who are potentially our foe we requisite first low-ranking our guard, lose the legalism and make ourselves weak..."weak to our enemies".
Sooner than offer impulse for all time be two opposite camps staring doubtingly at one substitute hesitant "DUNDERHEAD".
That portion of the book beyond the pages devoted to the life and works of the authoress contains a great deal ofinteresting matter culled from a wide variety of sources.The materials thus presented relate to such matters as "Controls and Mediums", "Who Are These Spiritualists?" a "Galaxy of Modern Spiritualists", "Incidents in the Life of D. D. Home", "Was Lincoln a Spiritualist?" som the experiences of "Florence Marryatt", "A Record of Authentic Apparitions", "Swedenborg's Spiritual Development", "Who Are the Christians? The Man Who Looks Out of Your Eyes", "What is Religion?" and othermatters, the whole making a bulky volume of over 500large pages. The key-note of the volume is the curing of the sick by spirit power.CONTENTS"CHAPTER PAGEI. EARLY LIFE AND DEVELOPMENT II. RECORD OF SOME WONDERFUL CURESIII. CONTROLS AND MEDIUMS. IV. WHO ARE THESE SPIRITUALISTS?.V. GALAXY OF MODERN SPIRITUALISTS.VI. INCIDENTS IN THE LIFE OF D. D. HOME.VII. WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? VIII. FLORENCE MARRYAT. IX. A RECORD OF AUTHENTIC APPARITIONS X. REPORT ON SPIRITUALISM OF THE COMMITTEEOF THE LONDONDIALECTICAL SOCIETY..XI. SPIRITUALISM IN NORTH AMERICA. XII. GEORGE Fox AND THE FRIENDS. XIII. THE WESLEYS, WHITEFIELD AND FLETCHEROF MADELEY XIV. A CHAPTER OF POETS..XV. SWEDENBORG'S SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT. XVI. A MESSAGE FROM LORD BACON..XVII. GLEAMS FROM LIFE AND THE NEW TESTAMENT XVIII. OUR YESTERDAYS AND OUR TOMORROWS. XIX. FAITH AND POWER.. XX. WHO ARE THE CHRISTIANS?...XXI. A HIGH LIFE.. XXII. HARMFUL FEARS..XXIII. THE MAN WHO LOOKS OUT OF YOUR EYES..XXIV. WHAT IS RELIGION?..Link :
Origin of WitchcraftWitchcraft originated with the human civilization itself. The fear of the unknown and its imagined role in making our day to day life easy or difficult, created witches and their craft. Even though witchcraft as such was practiced mainly by experienced and old women, men also practiced it. Witches were the mediators between the human beings and the mysterious super powers such as spirits and angels. When a witch succeeded in resolving the apparently mysterious problem of someone, the performance was termed as magic, a process that could not be easily explained away through any logical analysis. The witches prayed to the higher powers or the spirits for help and guidance in resolving the problem by performing certain rituals and the whole process was called witchcraft.Witchcraft, an earth based religion, was practiced in almost all the societies and cultures across the world according to local beliefs and traditions.According to scholars of witchcraft, it was a belief system whose origin predates the majority of well known religions on this earth. It dates 40,000 years back to Paleolithic period. It has been evolving since then and its present form is quite different from what it was a thousand or five thousand years back. It did not probably have this name as well. Even different covens perform the witchcraft differently.Archeological DiscoveriesArcheological discoveries have revealed that people worshipped hunter god and fertility goddess during the Paleolithic period. This has been proved by the discovery of cave paintings which are estimated to be 30,000 years old. There is a painting that depicts a man with the head of a stag. In yet another painting, there is a pregnant woman standing in a circle with eleven other people. These relics go to prove that witchcraft is one of the oldest religions in the world. Wiccan view of God and Goddess aspect of the supreme creative force predates thousands of years before Christianity.A Craft of the WiseIn the ancient times, Witchcraft was known as 'craft of the wise' as the wise persons were those who followed the path of nature and were in tune with its forces, had the knowledge of herbs and medicines, gave wise counsel and were held in high esteem as Shamanic healers and leaders in the village and community. They understood that nature was superior to human beings and that human beings were simply one of the many parts of nature, both seen and unseen that combine to form one whole. As Chief Seattle said, "We do not own the earth; we are a part of it." They understood that what we take from nature or use, we must return in kind to maintain the balance and equilibrium. The modern man has, however, forgotten this and has paid the price in form of many ecological and environmental disasters.Modern day WitchcraftUnfortunately for the past several hundred years the image of the witch has been associated with the evil, heathenism and unrighteousness due to prejudices created by the Christian church. Of late people have started understanding and practicing witchcraft as the true religion of God and Nature. There is renewed interest in witchcraft and witches profess to believe and practice the witchcraft with a sense of pride and confidence. The believers in New Age movement have understood witchcraft in its true perspective.Modern witchcraft attracts believers from all walks of life and positions in society all over the world. They come together to understand the life, nature, evolution and mysteries of the universe through witchcraft. Witchcraft is the most democratic religion in the world. There is no rigid dogma and no hard-line regime except for a simple premise that we should not sow the seeds of evil if we want to reap the evil fruit multifold and secondly that we should not misuse the munificence of nature by disturbing its balance. Who would disagree?
You can do this simple pagan ritual to honour the moon on your own, or with others, indoors or outdoors. It is a perfect ceremony to do on the full moon closest to New Year's Eve.YOU WILL NEED:Candles in candleholders (tealights in tealight holders are best from a safety point of view), a wand (you can use an ordinary stick from the garden as a wand, it works just fine, or you can just point with your finger), a goblet of white wine or spring water, a plate with enough moon-shaped biscuits for everyone present plus one extra (shortbread biccies are perfect).PREPARE THE SPACE AND YOURSELF:Sweep the space where the ritual is to be held with a besom (or an ordinary broom or brush if you don't have a besom) to symbolically cleanse the area. Then place and light a candle in the east, south, west and north of the space, plus another candle in the centre.Stand within the prepared space and take three deep breaths in and out to clear your mind and ready yourself for the ritual.NOW YOU CAST A CIRCLE:Take the wand and inscribe a circle in the air all around the space by holding the wand out and visualising that you are drawing a protective ring of light. The circle will need to be large enough for you and anyone else you are doing the ritual with to move about in. You don't have to say any words while casting the circle, as it is the visualisation that is important. But, if you want to, you can say something like: "Let this circle of light protect all within it."WELCOME THE DIRECTIONS (OFTEN CALLED THE QUARTERS):Turn to the east and say: "I welcome the east, where the dawn breaks in the morning sky."Turn to the south and say: "I welcome the south, where the fiery sun is highest at midday."Turn to the west and say: "I welcome the west, where twilight lingers over the ocean at eventide."Turn to the north and say: "I welcome the north, where the darkness of the night cloaks the earth."Move in the centre and say: "I stand at the centre, where all times and all directions meet and are as one"RAISING MAGICAL ENERGY:This is usually done by singing, chanting, drumming or dancing. If you like, you can simply chant "Om".PRAYER TO THE MOON:Say:"Silver circle in the silent skyFor all of history you have watched over usAnd guided our paths in the dark of nightWe whisper to you our secretsOur hopes, and fears, and dreams.Grant us your blessings on this nightAnd light our way into the time to come."SPELL WORK (OPTIONAL):If you want to cast a spell or do other magic work within your circle, this is the time to do it. Suitable things could be a spell to send get well wishes to someone or a candle spell for whatever you want.WINE AND BISCUITS:Say: "Lord and Lady of the Moon, please bless this food and drink." Then take a sip (or a few) from the wine or water and eat one of the biscuits. If you are doing this ritual outdoors, the rest of the liquid in the goblet and the spare biscuit should then be poured and crumbled on to the ground as an offering. Say: "Please accept this offering of food and drink."If you are doing the ritual indoors, save the offering until you can get to a suitable outdoor space, such as your garden, after you have finished your ritual. ENDING THE RITUAL:Turn to each of the directions in reverse order and say: "Thank you for attending my rite, I bid you farewell"Then visualise the circle of light dissipating, or unwinding, and say: "The circle is open."Previous related posts 9.html
Dungeon Carry on DCSS sort 0.13-a0-2648-g56e3d78 (offer condolences) disposition register.
20 5ubbak the Skirmisher (level 1, -1/19 HPs)
Began as a Ramp Orc Berserker on Aug 9, 2013.
Was a Buff of Trog.
Slain by Ijyb (3 undermine)
... in the Dungeon (Carry on I: "Red Sonja").
The game lasted 00:00:28 (28 turns).
5ubbak the Skirmisher (Ramp Orc Berserker) Turns: 28, Time: 00:00:28
HP -1/19 AC 2 Str 19 XL: 1 Next: 0%
MP 0/0 EV 12 Int 7 God: Trog [*.....]
Gold bars 20 SH 0 Dex 10 Spells: 0 memorised, 0 levels spent
Res.Glare :... See Invis. :. a - +0 orc hit
Res.Fortifying :... Warding :. b - +0 animal unpeel
Glitter Prot.:... Realm :. (no hold)
Res.Poison:. Res.Corr. :. (no headdress)
Res.Elec. :. Transparency :. (no encircle)
Sust.Abil.:.. Concern.Shd :. (no partner)
Res.Mut. :. Prev.Telep.: + (no boots)
Res.Rott. :. Journey :. (no amulet)
Saprovore : +.. (no ring)
(no ring)
@: ended, slowed, very inattentive, not reinforced to hostile enchantments, unstealthy
A: saprovore 1
a: Nothing Spellbooks, Berserk, Sabbatical Theology
You were in the Dungeon.
You worshipped Trog.
Trog was positive with you.
You were not yearning.
You visited 1 sleep
Snap military hardware
a - a +0,+0 orcish hit (puncture)
b - a +0 animal unpeel (gnarled)
c - a spirit ration
i - a scroll of flashing
d - a potion of curative
e - a potion of heal wounds
f - a potion of measure
g - 2 potions of magic
h - a potion of berserk tumult
+ Suave 3.6 Skirmishing
+ Suave 3.2 Maces & Flails
+ Suave 2.1 Armour
+ Suave 1.5 Leak
You couldn't memorise any spells.
You didn't know any spells.
Dungeon Sweeping statement and Suave Observations
Dungeon (1/1)
D Ijyb
Inborn Abilities, Odd behavior & Mutations
You can stand ragged spirit.
Honorable Archives
Ijyb misses you. Ijyb really misses you.
Ijyb really misses you.
Ijyb justification misses you.
Ijyb screams, "Me eliminate you!"
Ijyb really misses you.
Ijyb hits you but does no undermine.
Ijyb hits you but does no undermine. Ijyb hits you.
Ijyb hits you.
Ijyb hits you.
Ijyb misses you.
Ijyb really misses you. Ijyb hits you.
* * * LOW HITPOINT Risk * * *
Ijyb hits you.
* * * LOW HITPOINT Risk * * *
Ijyb hits you.
* * * LOW HITPOINT Risk * * *
Ijyb carefully misses you.
Ijyb carefully misses you.
Ijyb misses you. Ijyb hits you.
You die...
#### ##
NO LIFE WITHOUT PROBLEMS AND NO PROBLEMS WITHOUT A SOLUTION DR.SHEIK ALI IS THE BEST GUIDE WITH THE SOLUTIONS TO YOUR PROBLEMS.+27839943620 My Name is SANDRA I want to give thanks to a great man who has brought back happiness to my life DR.SHEIK ALI is really a great Man after my lover left me for 2years,i was so fraustrated i almost killed myself until i came incontact with doctor ali who told me that my ex will be back to me within 48Hours.At first i thought doctor ali was a scam until the second day when my lover called me on phone and started begging me that he was sorry that i should forgive him and he bought me a Gold ring and wrist watch i was so happy and really believed that doctor ali is really a great spell caster and not a scam like other fake spell caster who are online to add pain to your pain,Please people that need help i will love you people to contact doctor ali because i can swear with my life that doctor is a man to trust.You can contact him on his private mail; you can call him on his personal cell number or text him: +27839943620 Thanks thanks the grate powerfull spell caster SANDRA, USA...or visit or skype name chief.ali32
Explore. Brian asked a sincere dealings on a prior post Dutiful Bullying: "Does Mr. Ludy lecture what a mixture of aristocratic UBF leaders go through been performance for 50 years?" Ludy describes in heavy-duty show consideration for the fused character of potent and full cult leaders in A Craze Leader's Definitive Be afraid of.
MY State (which may cheer up no one) is: "No, but UBF has (what cult groups go through called) cult-like actions." Why?
UBF Advance IS Stern AND HIERARCHICAL. Subjugation invariably have a fight in cult-like actions by each one the Christian leader and their members. For 2 decades as a UBF fellowship leader, I competent utmost, if not all, of what I demarcate below. I am assured that a mixture of in UBF can utilize to or go through in detail informed the resultant (If this is not true, cheer up challenge and unquestionably contradict!):
1) The leader makes you reflect and export that he has the God unquestionable worthy and heaviness to become hard your life and your future: who you (can or cannot) join, when you join, how you join, bullying to cancel your wedding unless, not take your self-ruled decisions. As a outcome, some UBF members stay alive in fear of their leader (cf. Prov 29:25). They learn how to "act" and "perform" to be seen in their good graces, so that they order be unquestionable "the blessing to join," or so that they won't be mentioned as a bad occasion in the Sun contact or announcements. I go through lied unbounded times as a fellowship leader by misreporting the measurements of folks who came to church, so as to "avoid acceptance training."
2) The leader is absolutely and functionally be in love with God. You cannot dealings the UBF leader lacking repeatedly grief-stricken some payback, outcome, parody or marginalization. Spontaneous, some order be satisfactorily distressed by the celebrity of this post. Spontaneous, they order not read it; if they do, they order not rejoin. So far, unmarried a few UBF leaders go through commented. Particular endeavor to meticulous down UBFriends.
3) Legalism based on the leader's plot, commands, inclination, training, which becomes "unquestionable" and in general utterly. Position is underprivileged having the status of you cannot do what the leader doesn't be in love with or occur. For eg., "Shave! Otherwise, you cannot marry!" A teenage man as told me about a girl he liked in church. I understood to him, "Near is impartial no way that you can ever catch a glimpse of or join her, having the status of you are a new teenage mysterious UBF cut, so the girl is a aristocratic UBF leader's product." He spent UBF.
4) Incompetent leaning of UBF members on the leader's direction, and of leaders expecting compliance and "unquestionable" obedience/submission from members.
5) Leaders go through heavy-duty uncertainty acknowledging or apologizing to subordinates for their mistakes. This may be having the status of their mistakes stemmed from their well meaning good intentions, which I seize is repeatedly true. Organized if they may apologize, they may do so out of "tax," but it may not be from the thrust with brokenness and contrition. I as apologized to a Bible student for art him a punk. But in my thrust I felt barren absolute for performance so, and was not really unmanageable for "portentous him the truth."
6) Intense trinitarian equivalence and friendship with others is underprivileged, having the status of the leader may have a bath themselves as "outstanding the rest." John Stott says it best in In the early hours Christian Leadership: " is my promptly dedication that gift is too extensively tyranny (or oligarchy) in the leaders of the Christian community, in defiance of the teaching of Jesus and his apostles, and not adequately love and pliability. Too a mixture of perform as if they imaginary not in the priesthood of all believers but in the papacy of all pastors." For decades, I refrained from go vulnerable previously my church members; ahead of I might not "train them."
UBF IS NOT A Craze. Anyway all the outstanding, UBF leaders are not cult leaders, having the status of they love and care the Bible, even if they may overdo computerized wisdom, such as restraint to God/them, completely than the gospel of subtlety (Acts 20:24) or Christ crucified (1 Cor 1:23; 2:2). They do not go off to extra-biblical revelations, as cult leaders repeatedly do, as described by Ludy. But I understand that it would be very easy to reflect of us as cult leaders, having the status of a mixture of do not accept how potent and full they may be. As I understood, I know this full well. I did it for condescending 2 decades and felt proper fine!
CHRISTIAN LEADERS Stock HISTORICALLY BEEN Offensive. The prior piece may be terribly strenuous to put up with for inhabit who go through pleasantly been abused by some narrow UBF leaders, having the status of abuse, predestined or not, have a fight in low inner wounds that may detain time, even a permanent, to heal.
These quotes are my current dedication in my Gmail:
* "Account is full of pitiful examples of holier-than-thou Christians who acted as whilst their own convictions about God's stay on the line absolute their ill psychiatric therapy of others." Anthony Gittins, Knock down the Smoke.
* "Of all tyrannies, a despotism genuinely voiced for the good of its wounded may be the utmost airless. Public who irritate us for our own good order irritate us lacking end for they do so with the acclamation of their own sense of right and wrong." C.S. Lewis.
* "Near is no deeper pathos in the spiritual life of man than the brutality of immediately folks." Reinhold Niebuhr, An Notes of Christian Principles.
I am dazzling that UBF order gradually growth and is gradually unresolved, not having the status of we are ecologically aware to growth, but having the status of God is good.
Is this a nice answer? Make happy chime in, observe, censure, clothed, give the lie to, and give to in context concretely your consciousness and your sense of right and wrong, or propose to the point (or highly wrought) mark proposals.
May Forecast 2013 Written by Lena Stevenswww.thepowerpath.comMAY 2013The theme for May is MANIFESTING.This is a very powerful month and you would be wise to use it well. The theme of manifesting brings up many areas to work on. There is plenty of material around this theme for growth, change, elimination, study, breakthrough, expansion, balance and alignment. It continues to be a creative time with lots of opportunities for beginnings and endings but the main focus that will give you the most for your efforts is the study and understanding of what MANIFESTING is all about. So treat this month as a daily workshop on manifesting and set an intention that you will end this month with a greater understanding and ability to manifest. Insert the intention for magic and miracles whenever possible as this is a good month for both magic and miracles.This will require exploring your current beliefs about how everything in your life becomes manifest and understanding it in such a way that you become empowered with the ability to be more conscious about how you manifest your life. This understanding is crucial at this time as we are in the window of eclipses (there are two this month and there was one in April) providing us with great power and opportunity and offering us a portal for changing what we believe about our ability to have what we want.In recent years there has been much study and a greater understanding of the quantum field, the energy that holds all possibilities, and how to access it to change certain trajectories and cycles that seem to run our lives. For most of us it still remains a deep mystery and we are always trying to understand the mechanics of how and why we manifest what we do.Why do some people seem to manifest great financial prosperity and others struggle their whole lives with a deep poverty consciousness?Why do some people manifest good relationships that others only yearn for?Why do some people manifest nothing but misfortune with every decision?You could blame the differences on astrology, poor imprinting, your parents, karma, and the actions and choices of others, all valid considerations. However the patterns created by these influences can be worked with in a positive way. They can be changed as long as you can extricate yourself from the lineage of low havingness and the icons you have bought into over your lifetime. (Suggested audio "The Family Icon") Icons are strong and they go beyond the family and can include collective experiences such as the Great Depression or the Holocaust or a great Famine or a significant War. We are all made up of an intricate set of patterns and to understand how the patterns are linked is to begin to understand what and how we manifest.Some people manifest wonderful things for their business and work and are terrible at manifesting right relationship. Others have all the love and support of community and friends and loved ones but no money. And others still have great amounts of money and support and even good relationships but very poor health.SO WHAT IS THAT ALL ABOUT?There are different lessons for each of us about what and how we manifest. The way that our belief systems are linked up has everything to do with what we end up creating for ourselves. For example, as a child if you witnessed a family member that put financial success over and above quality relationships with the family and there was conflict and resentment about that, you may have made a subconscious decision that love and financial success do not mix. Therefore subconsciously you would choose one and eliminate the other.If you witnessed or experienced that lots of love and passion and attention in your family somehow created emotional conflict or that what one parent manifested caused the other one to have negative emotions, you may make a subconscious choice not to manifest love and passion in your life.In the same way, if you witnessed or experienced as a child that the only time you could manifest love and caring attention to your body was to be in poor health, then your belief about having caring and attention for yourself would require manifesting poor health throughout your whole life.All of us have made strong subconscious decisions early in life to separate ourselves from what we saw or experienced that we did not like. So there is a built in block to manifesting anything that is linked to a negative experience. The examination of self and what makes us who we are is key to changing our relationship to the way we manifest.The value of what you manifest is related to the value you have for yourself. Not the value that someone else places on you but what you place on yourself. There is an erroneous notion that manifesting requires something from the outside, some element outside of us that comes in and makes it happen. Although support is necessary, it is our own energy field that draws towards it the elements around our intentions and turns them into manifestations. Your intention and thoughts and beliefs are the ones that attract the material that creates your life. So it is important that you examine your beliefs about what you think you need from somewhere else in order to manifest, and your expectations of that happening.Understanding how intentions work is another aspect of understanding manifesting. If you set an intention and are clear and committed and certain about that intention without a doubt, send it into the quantum field and send it from your heart. The worst thing you can do is then to begin to worry about that intention not manifesting. Because, guess what? You will confuse the quantum field, which will then feed the worry and take its direction from your worry that the intention will NOT manifest. All the energy will go into NOT manifesting that intention. It is a true discipline to set our intentions free without worry or micromanaging them, and it would be so much simpler if we could all just energetically lobotomize our minds. This is a great month to work on this discipline of clarifying our intentions; committing 100% to them and then letting them go without another thought or worry.There is also an erroneous belief that in order to manifest something you must "go after it". Although there always needs to be a balance between being and doing, giving and receiving, there is way too much emphasis on going after what you want. Once you set your intention, you need to let it go and then relax, take action as appropriate timing dictates, but let it come to you as you magnetize your desire, and refrain from worry or obsession. It will only get in the way.THE SCARCITY COMPLEXThe scarcity complex is the definition and belief that there is a finite amount of energy, money, health, relationship, love etc. to go around and if you have an abundance of it, it means someone else goes without. Or if someone else has what you believe to be more than their share, then you go without. Where did that come from? Wherever it came from, it needs to go the way of all old patterns that no longer serve.The truth is there is an infinite amount of source and it is only your attachment to something you manifested because you believe it is the best you can do and you fear losing it and ending up with nothing that keeps perpetrating that belief. If you believe it, it will be so. The challenge here is to stretch outside of that box and begin to experience the infinite possibilities of infinite source.We all need support but many of us look for and expect support from the wrong people and the wrong places. Anyone who has a limited view of manifesting and a strong mind set about who you are, what you are capable of, what you should have or not have, is not a good prospect for support. Support yourself first. Build a strong inner relationship within yourself first. Work on your own beliefs and intentions. Then see who or what shows up to support that. You may be surprised. They probably won't be the ones who are closest to you.Remember to work with the concept of magic and miracles and all possibilities.The opportunity this month is to truly shift your understanding and experience of manifesting in a very positive way.The challenge will be dealing with all the doubt, negative thoughts and whatever else comes up around this issue of what and how you manifest. Remember that when stuff comes up and you are facing some of your "not-so-fun" manifestations, that you have the power to change, transform, eliminate and shift. Remember magic and miracles.How the month shows up:YOU PERSONALLYThis is a great opportunity to work through any and all issues around manifesting. You will need discipline to examine neutrally where you are currently in your life, what old patterns run you, where they came from, how you identify with or against them and to shift your beliefs about your own value and what you can have. Because of the personal nature of the work, it will be important that you honor your boundaries and stay away from the entanglements of brought on by what other people think you should be or do. Remember that manifesting should not "need" anything from the outside except the appropriate support. So this is the month where you can also examine your support and be more discerning about where it comes from.Evaluate what you are currently manifesting in all areas; financial, relationship, community, environment, physical support, health, energy, enthusiasm, right work, enough play and rest, inspiration etc. What needs work? Where are you lacking the right kind of support? What are your expectations? Are they appropriate? You may not get all the answers in a neat little package but if you set the intention to do the work, it will start things moving in the right direction.RELATIONSHIPSWhat are you manifesting? Is it good? If not, examine your relationship with yourself. What are you manifesting there? Criticism? Judgment? Poor health? Lack? Irritation? Lethargy? Do you feel connected to your essence? Do you expect someone else to fix it?Start there and then move on to your relationships with others. What are you magnetizing? If you feel a lack of understanding and support, you are probably experiencing the same thing in your relationship with self. Do you take care of yourself? When was the last time you thanked yourself and your body for being there for you? For some of you, this month will be all about rebooting your relationship with self. If you focus there, manifesting better relationships with others will automatically follow.THE ENVIRONMENTWhat kind of environment have you manifested for yourself to live in, to work in, to play in, and to rest in? Is it satisfactory? What do you think you deserve and what do you believe you have to put up with as a compromise to some situation or to "pay your dues"? What have you manifested in this life in terms of your environment? Is it cluttered or full of low frequency stuff? We are focusing on your personal environment as the place to start. Once you get an understanding of manifesting what you want in your personal environment you can move to the greater environment and participate in manifesting a better community and global environment.Begin to look around and to see the whole environment as a manifestation of a collective set of patterns and beliefs. If you can shift the way you experience the environment as a co-creator and not a victim of it, you will gain a greater understanding in how you can participate in manifesting what we all desire.HEALTH AND THE PHYSICAL BODYWhat you manifest is what you experience. The body will definitely speak to you this month and you will get to see exactly what you have manifested for yourself. The good news is that you can change it. Remember magic and miracles. Your body is perhaps the best barometer for where you are in any process, as the body will get your attention the fastest and the most powerfully. How can you support your body this month? How can you be more responsible? You have to really own your 100% responsibility for your body before you can manifest exactly what you want in relation to your body.As you work with this concept of responsibility, your body may go through lots of mood swings as the challenges of doubt and deserveability come up for examination. Remember that you are the architect of your life and whatever has manifest is entirely of your own creation.FINANCE, PROJECTS, PARTNERSHIPS, BUSINESSThis is perhaps the best area this month to make progress you can track. Because of icons, old patterns, conflicting belief systems and lack of personal value and deserveability, the area of manifesting success in work and finances is a favorite study for most of us. Pick something this month and work on it. Do you believe in the scarcity complex? Do you routinely manifest a lack of support? Do you believe in your talents and skills or do you wait for someone to take pity on you?You can do a lot of work in this area this month. Follow the threads of your beliefs to the roots and make changes. Practice setting your intentions in a clear and committed way and then release them without worry. Practice magnetizing the right people for partnerships, and allow the right timing to dictate your actions.The opportunities for manifesting are truly amazing this month.DATES AND TIME FRAMESMay 1-8: Evaluate what you have manifested so far in your life. Coming from the place of gratitude, decide what needs to change. Once you set your intention, watch for things to come up that try and derail you from this new position you are taking of increasing your ability to manifest.Pay attention to when you are overdoing, overworrying, over attached to the outcome and overthinking everything. This is a time that will show you what is out of balance and where you are out of balance. Set boundaries against the doubting mind that tries to tell you it's not possible to have magic and miracles.May 9: New Moon and Solar Eclipse is at 6:29 PM Mountain Daylight Time. This is the second eclipse out of three and makes for a powerful time of setting intentions. A New Moon is always a good time to come to a still point and reset anything that is not working. So take some time to evaluate what you have manifested in your life that is no longer a welcome situation. Use the new moon time to make a commitment to change it and set some intentions in that direction.May 9-16: This is a time of fallout and doubt as well as energy gathering momentum and moving forward in spurts and bursts. Be careful that the spurts and bursts are moving things in a positive direction. You may feel slightly overwhelmed and even chaotic as the new intentions and focus on manifesting meets old patterns that surface from the deep subconscious. If you have a strong emotion about something, the next minute that could change and you could feel differently.The best way to navigate this time is to be very flexible and not to make decisions based on what other people think. Follow your heart especially in your intention to manifest.May 17-23: This could be an intense and wonderful time of breakthrough and change. The change could be sudden and permanent. Intend for magic and miracles to happen during this time. Harness the power of this time for your manifestations. Be clear about what you want. Boundaries may be important as other people' strong intentions encroach upon your turf. Collaborations and support containers can empower as long as everyone is on the same page.May 24: Full Moon with a Lunar Eclipse is at 10:26 PM Mountain Daylight Time. This is the third eclipse and bookend to this powerful and transformative time. It is difficult to predict what the fallout may be from what has been stirred up during this month but you can expect some big energy to be moving around. The potency of this time could trigger security issues, judgment and doubt.Hopefully you will have had synchronicity and signs during the month that will keep you focused positively on your newfound abilities to manifest. This full moon is a time to recommit to what you know in your heart to be true about what you want to manifest.May 24-31: This is a higher centered time of enjoying the fruits of your discipline and anchoring the lessons around manifesting. If you have worked with the energy of the month and stayed out of doubt, you can expect magic and miracles to manifest during this time. Even if things are looking on the outside like they are falling apart in your life or you feel pressured and confused by responsibilities or the rapid pace of what is coming into your life, you can still take a breath and have great gratitude for the movement and the manifestation.The best medicine is to be in delight about the beautiful things you are manifesting in your life and to be in humor about the not so welcome things you still seem to be attracting. Remember it is all a process and some of what you put into motion this month may take several more to manifest.Have a great month and have fun!Blessings,Lena
The Middle-Finger News -
Under The 'Blairing' Satanic Rock
Sticking it To The Poobahs
by Sherman H. Skolnick
Facing military and financial impending disaster, George W. Bush is searching around in the blame game. The occupant and resident of the White House plans to rely on his public image. Mainly that he is a good hearted simple minded fellow relying on super-clever cohorts. To that end he wants to incriminate British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Bush, to save himself, wants to charge Blair with knowingly referring to false and forged documents to justify the Iraqi oily Crusade genocide adventure. According to Bush, Blair didn't reveal his sources but informed Bush that proof is in the hands of the highest authorities, including British Intelligence and Buckingham Palace.
More and more the popular press points to Bush relying on phoney British information, actually secretly supplied to the British Monarchy from Rome. Accidently reverting to his mind-set as a southern slave master, Bush also wants to lynch Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell, both black, for misleading Bush.
Although stupid enough to piss on his own shoes, Bush does recognize the black-white atomic racial bomb in his arsenal of pretended innocence. He also toys with the idea of rebuking the numerous advisors surrounding him who have Jewish sounding surnames that may not be a part of that religion. Some are dual citizens, U.S./Israel. But Bush, with only a two digit I.Q., nevertheless knows enough not to mess over "False Flag" experts, such as, The Mossad.
The blaming-Blair-scenario is the most dangerous of all Bush's options. After all, Blair, on behalf of and jointly with Queen Elizabeth II and her husband, are more accomplished blackmailers than Bush. Moreover, the Bush Crime Family is in a hundred billion dollar joint account with the Queen of England, jointly laundering Saddam Hussein extortion loot at her private bank, Coutts Bank London. (Secret bank document)
Is Queen Elizabeth II of England, with her Royal Storehouse of incriminating documents on Bush, threatening to set off a firestorm of impeachment-treason prosecution of him? TO FORCE BUSH TO SHUT HIS MOUTH!
[NOTE: Stories by Skolnick are archived on MAIN PAGE, left-hand side of page, COLUMNISTS Sherman Skolnick, of The stories are often posted and archived there sooner than our own website ALSO, clicking on SECRET BANK DOCUMENT should bring it up on screen. If not, go to ]
The Middle-Finger News -
Censored Bulletin
Sticking it To The Poobahs
by Sherman H. Skolnick
Breaking News.....Bush ponders arrest of alleged plotters who seek to arrest him for treason....Facing possible arrest according to sources are Albert Gore Jr., Senator Bob Graham and an unnamed Pentagon general...
George W. Bush Denuded
Eight days before Commander-in-Chief/President Nixon was stripped of all authority, the indication of it in the top most circles was that the 'football' was taken away from him. That is the term used for the nuclear code briefcase always carried next to the President by a Marine Guard. In Nixon's case, White House Chief of Staff General Alexander Haig, was ordered to do so by a Jesuit relative. Thus the Pentagon could not carry out the orders of President Nixon since he had been divested of all authority.
On the same day that George W. Bush verbally announced that "we are not leaving Iraq" a top group in the U.S. military has let it be known that Bush no longer has authority as Commander-in-Chief. Those well informed on the subject contend that three symbols of his authority were shorn from Bush's presence.
U.S. Senator Bob Graham (D.-Fl.) in recent days confirmed that Bush may have him arrested for violating national security in releasing 9-11 U.S. documents, which tend to incriminate Bush with treasonous prior knowledge. On the same day as Bush's Press conference, the media announced that Al Gore was running for President. One commentator, stating that Gore may run to be re-elected President sarcastically implied that Gore is already the actual President but not inaugurated as a result of the strange 2000 election.
As a result of financial emergencies and impending military disasters, Gore's confidante's contend that he may appear as part of a three part group of emergency administrators of the Central Government called a troika. For that purpose they are whispering Gore and Graham may return to military uniform along with another U.S. military General who is a member of an opposition group to Bush in the Pentagon. In the past Bush failed to show up for military service unlike Gore and Graham who served in the military.
Some key Democrats and Republicans privately accuse Bush of treason giving U.S. military secrets to the Red Chinese, a sworn enemy of the United States, who are reportedly blackmailing Bush on his alleged sordid private life traveling around with a male sexmate. To try to counter this Bush at his press conference said : "I believe marriage is between a man and a woman, and I believe we ought to codify that one way or the other, and we have lawyers looking at the best way to do that."
Top Democrats contend that Bush seeks to arrest Gore with Graham and an unnamed General for plotting to arrest Bush as a traitor. Bush may sidestep this opposition military group by a fake supposed terrorist attack. This is why some of the top brass at the Pentagon have apparently divested Bush of all authority.
NOTE: Skolnick's stories are posted and archived on MAIN PAGE, left-hand side of page, COLUMNISTS Sherman Skolnick on Skolnick's own website often is slower to post the same.
The Middle-Finger News -
The Ballot Or The Bullet?
Sticking it To The Poobahs
by Sherman H. Skolnick
A tragic hoax is that there are supposedly free and open elections in America. At key turning points in U.S. history, the highest court and key state election board officials have been part of a cabal to install a fictitious occupant and resident of the White House. The actual winner of the presidential election was NOT inaugurated. (1876 and 2000.)
Each time, it was to shove in a candidate to carry out an evil purpose. In 1876, to reverse the post-Civil War Progress of blacks. In 2000, to use fake White House instigated "terrorism" to start supposed Imperialist Christian wars against Arab supposed "infidels".
To aid in this fraud against the consent of those governed, scrapped by the Aristocracy has been the so-called "Australian Secret Paper Ballot". It was generally replaced by computer-controlled voting machines owned and operated by foreign powers. They refused to divulge their secret computer codes which they deemed their private ownership, "proprietary".[ has had documented items of the voting machine frauds.]
Before any of that, for the benefit of the British Monarchy and their efforts to obstruct the U.S. in their own development of power through vast industry and finance, there was the political assassination by supposed "lone assassins" of three U.S. Presidents. Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, and William McKinley.
Skolnick was widely heckled when in 1999, on Talk Radio, he predicted the Year 2000 Presidential Election may not be conducted in the customary manner, if at all. In 1999, there was a plot to kill expected Presidential Candidate Albert Gore, Jr., when his plane, as then Vice President, was set to be "accidentally" rammed over Chicago by three commercial flights. A week later, July, 1999, secret intended Presidential hopeful, John F. Kennedy Jr., was snuffed out in a bombed airplane.
Those behind the scenes who actually own and operate America, the Establishment, "the powers that be", the Aristocracy, the Ruling Class, THEM believe in the bullet not the ballot. They govern without our consent until such time as America has its first real Revolution, to throw off our soil and ownership, foreign bankers and industrial dragons.
Few Americans have books in their residences. Even less, copies of the U.S. Constitution. Article Six, Section One of the same provides for the U.S. to pay off all debts and arrangments pre-dating the U.S. Constitution. Hence, common Americans have been taxed forever to pay British bills.
If Americans have the complete guarantee of the Second Amendment, they have the major way open to them to throw off the tyranny of a fraudulent Central Government controlled by foreign scorpions.
The U.S. fundamental law, purchased with blood, may have to be restored the same way, now that the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights have been brutally cancelled.
Who else dares bluntly talk or write this way in North America?
[Scroll way down the for items about the 2000 Election and the murder of JFK, Jr., "What Happened to America's Golden Boy'. Also read the entire "Overthrow" series.]
[NOTE: many of Skolnick's writings are often posted and archived through MAIN PAGE, left-hand side, COLUMNISTS Sherman Skolnick, of sooner than Skolnick's own website.]
Every Thursday Evening, 11 p.m. Eastern Time, 10 p.m., Central, 9 p.m., Mountain, 8 p.m., Pacific listen via audiostreaming ON-LINE, through:
"TALK RADIO FOR SPIES", previous two-hour shows also archived there.
Worldwide Pagan Wicca Witch Paganism
1a. Re: Hello All From: Krystal Day View All Topics Create New Topic
Mon Nov 8, 2010 8:17 pm (PST)
Merry meet and welcome to the group! There are some really gifted and knowledgeable members of this site. Stick around and you will learn much.
Blessed be,
Krystal Day
On Sun, 11/7/10, annitta wrote:
> From: annitta
> Subject: [Earthwise] Hello All
> To:
> Date: Sunday, November 7, 2010, 3:03 AM
> Hello My favorite nickname is Annitta, that is
> what I'm called since my name is hard to pronounce :),
> and I'm new to this group and the study of Wicca. I have
> been interested in this religion for over a year and i have
> been learning on my own but it's very hard and lonely
> since my family, well most of them at least, accept my
> choice as long as i stay on the path of light which i fully
> intend to, but they are still a little reluctant to join me
> fully. the only one whom i am afraid of finding out is my
> dad since he was going to become a priest before meeting my
> mom but all in its due time. i don't wish to 'come
> out of the broom closet' until i have enough knowledge
> and experience to feel confident to defend myself if someone
> were to attack me verbally for what i believe in. therefore
> i wish to learn all that i can and share what i know. I hope
> i didn't bore any of you by my little rant but i really
> would like to make friends here and i feel that opening up a
> little is the best way to start.
> Blessed Be
> Annitta
> p.s.
> Please feel free to email me privately if any of you would
> like and if it falls withing the group rules.
> :)
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I was talking with a friend at work today, saying I hoped I had at smallest 8 supercilious animation of work in these "Be Afloat You Swallow a Job" days. As ache as I keep my prematurely illusions (picture typing faster than top figure countryside, for one person a smart-aleck, having a sense of flippancy and solving harms really quickly), I fancy I can be paid in the workaday world. Oh, yes, I exert my secret weapons picture looking at matter from a opposite side of view, an elite gift for performance systems from the not ready user's side of view desire than sophisticated all I really know, and factoring the extent of time in the field of the more often than not lately by a hair's breadth 3-D invention of CPU set of connections changes in what potency typically be interest of as a uninspiring guarantee job. It's not uninspiring for me. It's muted. I find again possessed stuff that comes in nifty. It's series of picture "Day Job Menace." Perhaps my other talents ooze senior in the field of the Day Job too. I've ad infinitum wondered how notably of that happened and whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.
Human being an intuitive in a linear world is not ad infinitum a blessing. Specifically ask any intuitive. You get all the linear countryside set you fit in advance they stone you asking, How did you know that was goodbye to happen? Run me, it was routine. But not to them. Of course, they are moreover set to stone you if you tip off in advance what appears prone to arrive as the outcome of decisions. If they go to, and top figure of the time they don't, they guess you've lost your wisdom. Then, even if they did go to to, previously it does arrive, they attitude ask you why you didn't ask them.
Transport to get the no-win prospects here? The linear countryside outnumber the intuitives by about 7 to 1 so revive yourself if you're intuitive. You're enclosed.
Of course, I've had moments where even the intuitive countryside are a little spooked. One time back in Illinois (I nigh on slipped and whispered what decade; boy, that was close) previously I was a toddler programmer, I realized whatever thing I had seen earlier in the day was goodbye to put together a place to disappear or as we cast-off to say in the Big Horizontal Age "abend." I called the be in charge of division in Louisiana fit as the place was dying as I knew it would. By as a consequence I was pleasant with the flue on the song communicate having helped them despondent a few ache nights prior.
"Marcia," the night operations outstanding whispered, "you aren't assumed to keep us previously a place blows up. We're assumed to keep you. That's intimidating." I laughed and whispered that we had newly instituted psychic debugging at the home division but the perceive hadn't come out yet. At smallest I was calling with the easy fix to the concern with a arrive come to an end.
Frequently, though, I exert found that for one person an intuitive in a linear world is wholly worrying. It's conceivably drop if you're an romantic picture me. I care for to picture countryside, linear or intuitive. I picture the energy that differences bring, the quake of stand in points of view, the appreciated...well, you get the intention. And I exert the optimist's sadness of consideration that, if I picture them, they picture me. This is not a good assume. It is one that wishes to be established in the explicit each time in advance rewarding. The unconscious prospects is that I'll end up quota countryside who exert been and attitude linger to be mean, unpleasant, domineering, tricky, still, informal or, in the spat of conceit one-sided, let us say misinformed. I'm a sap. I cast-off to really conflict with these everyday for the correct to help them, believing as I did as a consequence that anything may possibly be helped with good attitude and a little understanding. In my enhancement I exert idle pretend that. If they linger to be really mean countryside, I fit yank my help and let them take pride in the results of their own bad attention to detail. I would really desire exert helped of course.
I'm appealing no problem I can't fix everything, of course. Definite CPU projects exert a stimulus all their own and it pays to know how to stage mention and let the earthquake go by. That happens with countryside, too, of course, what it's countryside who fidget up CPU projects, at smallest ability prematurely blood with the cost of a bad outline having the upset outcome sometimes of harming countryside. For instance, a "really good intention" that gets implemented with a very dangerous and startling effect on founding can outcome in countryside losing money or their jobs. They potency accuse a CPU for it, but that's lately what they don't know the name of the celebration who was so gung-ho to get that outline in that they didn't motivation to get snarled all the look over from others. Perhaps they did get snarled it, but it sounded so notably picture a sneeze causing a rainstorm cater-cornered the world that it didn't make sense to them. It was ancient history their belief. But maybe someone near them did understand that sneeze and its cost.
So what's this got to do with tarot, you ask? Correctly, maybe fit about everything. In our traditional learning, we're taught to guess about matter realistically. Demonstrably, the linear countryside are goodbye to really lighthearted with this what this complete system deed disruption in the field of order. That's alphabetical order for the really linear, picture the way my prematurely husband stored his socks: Black comes in advance blue. I was lucky they got in a drawer, for one person the non-linear one. Correctly, THAT didn't work out as you potency lavish. But what happens if you've got whatever thing goodbye on and all that linear or diplomatically 3-D consideration isn't working? Discern is lately one tool at our disposal; it's not the lately tool.
At Readers Farmhouse 2011, Barbara Moore taught us opposite ways to refresh a arise for tarot. One of my partners whispered, "The 5 of Swords is stalking me!" We determined we would be keen on back and be opposite the critical logic of the win-lose prospects portrayed in the 5 of Swords. We built-up a arise called The Sword of Perform.
Preliminary, we sought-after to pin down slap what the stamp is, so we started out with cards in the set of a sword pinning down the stamp. It looks picture this:
If you squint, you can see that 1 is the handgrip and the straight razor (4 and 5) has "pinned down" whatever thing marooned in the earth. We looked at the traditional RWS 5 of Swords and determined that each of the cards represents the reaction to these questions:
1. What's in the air? The 5 of Swords has incline grey fumes that upshot picture they are for one person whipped in the texture.
2. The same as sword do I set down? This card is picture the logic, discord or consideration that the control uniqueness has let go of or set mention. It's not working in this spat.
3. The same as sword do I garner up? This card is the logic, discord or consideration that the control uniqueness (hey, that's YOU) would garner up and use.
4. The same as is in the water? See in this card, ancient history the countryside, communicate is water which represents gut reaction and stream. Frequently in a intention where logic isn't quota you, communicate is whatever thing else goodbye on.
5. What's ancient history the mountains? In the top score of the RWS 5 of Swords are mountains which can be obstacles to sad or goals to arrive at. The same as attitude be the outcome?
Now the really glamorous part of this arise happens. We sought-after to turn this from fit a "let's pin down what's goodbye on" reading in the field of a "what's the best action to carry" reading. It's the Sword of Perform, while all. We resolute that for a sword to be paid, it vital to be razor-sharp up and main for action. How do we turn our sword around? So we encouraged our #5 card to the space larger than the #1 card to get the result quicker to the stamp and expand our #6 card.
6. The same as is the best action to carry to get to the best outcome?
The arise changes to this, the Sword of Action!
So, if you're looking for a arise to help you get in the manner of that linear consideration, try The Sword of Perform and make logic and thought work for you.
Ultimate wishes!
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Much has already been said about the current crisis in the Middle East. For decades, a violent tragedy has been playing out between Israel and the Palestinian territories. The death toll continues to rise, year after year, as the headlines pile up.
When cutting through all political propaganda, cultural biases and angry rage, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is, at its very simplest, a struggle over land rights and nationhood. It is a battle that has been fueled by hardened mistrust and stubborn resolve.
"Damaged housing gaza strip april 2009 by Marius Arnesen - Flickr/CC lic./Wikimedia
As the bombs drop, most of the world watches the struggle play out through the international media. In recent months, there have been countless reports of mass casualties as Israeli bombs fall on residential areas killing Palestinian families and destroying schools. On Thursday, "The New York Times" reported that there have been over 1900 Palestinian deaths, most of which were civilian. The United Nations Human Rights Council is readying to take legal action against Israel for war crimes.
Over the last 66 years, Israeli actions have caused significant economic suffering for the Palestinian population, including the 1000s of Palestinian refugees, who now live in camps throughout the region. Yesterday, "The New York Times" featured an article on Belal Khaled, a Palestinian photojournalist who has turned many of his photographs into expressive works of art. He, and other artists like him, consider themselves to be part of the resistance to the Israeli occupation and aggression.
At the same time, Hamas has recently been accused of stationing itself and its weapons purposefully within residential areas. On Aug. 5, an NDTV Indian news crew reported that Hamas had launched rockets from a field near its hotel in Gaza. NDTV only published the article and corresponding video after its crew was safely out of the area. The article reads, "Just as we reported the devastating consequences of Israel's offensive on Gaza's civilians, it is equally important to report on how Hamas places those very civilians at risk by firing rockets deep from the heart of civilian zones."
Shai Ferraro, an Israeli Ph.D. candidate in history and student of modern Paganism, similarly reported: "Hammas official television is telling families who live near homes of Hammas terrorists in Gaza to stand on the rooftops of the houses and become martyrs. This is while Hammas leadership itself is safely ensconced in bunkers under Gaza's main hospital."
Still classified by the U.N. as a terrorist organization, Hamas is an Islamic extremist group that has a long history of supporting and promoting acts of violence.Since its inception in the 1990s, Hamas has been responsible for countless suicide bombings and other terrorist attacks. Recently, the organization released a music video calling for the elimination of the "roaches" - Zionists and Israelis. It was allegedly made to scare Israelis.
In a climate of such disordered violence, the fundamental disagreements between the people themselves - the Israelis and Palestinians - are buried beneath rubble, ashes and blood. The majority of both populations want the comfort and community that comes with nationhood, including dedicated lands on which they can raise their families, govern their lives and enjoy their culture unimpeded by prejudice, restrictions and threats of extermination. However, all the world sees is failed diplomacy, violence, fear and hate.
Unfortunately, the international media has not helped the situation. In an article entitled, "Israel, Gaza, War & Data," writer Gilad Lotan demonstrates how one single bombing event can have a number of different headlines and, ultimately, story angles. It is sensationalized media propaganda at its best, and the truth is wedged somewhere in between it all.
As such, the opinion-making process has managed to polarize an already volatile situation. The crisis in Gaza is complex and cannot be reduced to a good-versus-evil scenario, despite the efforts of the media. Max Fischer at offers the most comprehensive, balanced explanation of the struggles between these two peoples. His article "The 11 Biggest Myths About Israel-Palestine" discusses various common "facts" that punctuate international debates, including both the truths and lies within them. He breaks the myths down into short digestible, well-explained essays. For example, Fischer says:
"Myth #2: This is not, despite what your grade school teacher may have suggested, a clash between Judaism and Islam over religious differences. It's a clash between nationalities - Israeli and Palestinian - over secular issues of land and nationhood."
"Myth #9: Things are basically peaceful during periods of relative calm. Periodically the situation will escalate so rapidly, with such relatively slight provocation, and to such a level of severity, that the rest of us can't ignore what every Palestinian and many Israelis already know: the conflict may be quieter some days than it is on others, but it is still active, still destroying lives and communities, and still scarring these two societies every day."
To take a closer look at the realities of living within the walls of this crisis, we turned to several Pagans and Heathens living in Israel. Neferasta, a 26-year-old Kemetic Pagan Priestess, suffers from PTSD caused by previous conflicts. She says, "PTSD is not talked about but dealing with difficult memories from events that create trauma get worse in wartime. When I hear alarms, I feel lost, detached, confused. It brings me back in time to the war zone."
Neferast, who currently lives in Haifa, was in the army during the Second Lebanon War in 2006 and served as a police officer with the Israeli Defense Forces. She says, "It's really hard for me to talk about it, I've seen people die in front of my eye, those horrible images haunt my dreams."
Moon Daughter
Moon Daughter, an eclectic Pagan from Moshav and co-organizer of the country's yearly Mabon Festival, says,
"For most Pagans in the west, war is a theoretic notion. They have never experienced it. As I took my sleeping 2-year-old in my arms and tried to walk calmly to the closest bomb shelter, my earliest memory came to life, being with my mother and neighbors in a bomb shelter when Israel was attacked on Yom Kippur on 1973. I was four."
Moon Daughter calls upon her spiritual beliefs in attempt to understand what is happening within her country. She says:
"For a pagan and a champion for peace, war in confusing and its outcomes are heartbreaking. It is a violation of the Goddess' gifts of love and life. I keep remembering that ancient peaceful Goddess civilizations were ruined by warlike religions and either had to resort to violence as well, or perish. Where does that leave me when I have rockets raining down on my home? I think of all the women and children on the other side and wish for all peace loving people everywhere would unite against this patriarchal culture of war. "
Illy Ra, a Kemetic Pagan living in the small town of Kadima in central Israel, has become frustrated with the polarizing of opinions caused by the sensationalized international reporting. She says:
"Many are not aware that by posting propaganda, they are promoting war and violence on both of the sides by using blame discourse. What is blame discourse and how does it promote war? This discourse focuses on each side blaming the other, and searches for faults as a method to win or cause damage to the other. Here comes the bystanders' role in this war. By participating in blame discourse, through the posting of propaganda that breeds hate, the international community causes people from these countries to cling to extreme views and believe peace is unachievable. "
As Illy Ra sent her response, bomb sirens and blasts were heard. All of that happening during a supposed cease-fire.
Shai Feraro, has also been experiencing the violence firsthand and recently reported on Facebook:
"Woke up in 3:28 a.m. to a rocket siren here in the northern city of Haifa. No boom tonight, but the concentration of petrochimical/oil industries in the Bay of Haifa makes it a desirable target for the terrorists. Still that is nothing compared to the daily nightmare citizens of southern Israel experience, with countless attacks a day. "
While we all watch from our seats across the oceans or continents, we can only know the truth from what is reported to us by the international media or by friends and family in the region. Unfortunately, we were unable to reach any Pagans within the Palestinian territories. However, as is the case with many of the Islamic regions, Pagans are very well hidden. As one person told us, "it would be dangerous for a Pagan to come out of the broom closet in that culture." This was corroborated by our contacts in Cairo.
Photo from the Vision Camp Facebook Public Album
Over a six-day period in late July, peace workers from both Israel and the Palestinian territories attended a "vision camp." During that time, over 50 people gathered in the West Bank to hold vigils and discussions about the crisis. The camp was called "We refuse to be Enemies" and eventually inspired the social media activist tag #werefustobeenemies. During the 6 day retreat, the group developed a vision statement which reads, in part:
"As peaceworkers from Israel, Palestine and various other parts of the world, we have been holding a peace vigil in the middle of a war in the West Bank over the last several days. We are gathering here under very simple conditions, creating community life, sharing from our hearts, in silence and in tears, in the midst of shootings and bombings. We are bearing witness and trying to stay in Grace. We have been faced with this senseless killing every day."
"What we all agree on is: Enough! Stop this killing. No solution can come from war! Each innocent victim of this war is one too many! We refuse to be enemies. We are calling out to all parties: Stop this war! Our feelings are beyond words, but we can no longer be silent. The civil population is being lied to on both sides, and the world is mostly silent and misled by the media"
"We have decided to step out of our personal identification and look beyond all the different worldviews toward the fundamental healing of trauma. Compassion is not a question of worldview! Compassion is the emergency call of planet earth and the heart of humanity "
During our interview, Illy Ra had the same message. "When will this war end?" she wondered aloud. She asks everyone to "avoid blame discourse" and only "promote human solidarity and peace." She says, "How can this be done? By doing anything else, from global meditation, prayer and candle vigils for hope, anything positive that causes human hope and not human despair."
While the civilian peace efforts continue, the current cease fire is nearing its expiration. Unfortunately, the two governments have yet to figure out how to put aside their pride, mistrust and weapons to find a compromise that would peaceably enact their people's wishes in a workable form. As Max Fischer wrote, "Myth #11: Everyone knows what a peace deal would look like." Until that can happen, the coldest and, possibly, only knowable truth in this crisis is that generations of people, in two richly diverse world cultures, continue to suffer at the hands of unending conflict.
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