Under The 'Blairing' Satanic Rock
Sticking it To The Poobahs
by Sherman H. Skolnick
Facing military and financial impending disaster, George W. Bush is searching around in the blame game. The occupant and resident of the White House plans to rely on his public image. Mainly that he is a good hearted simple minded fellow relying on super-clever cohorts. To that end he wants to incriminate British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Bush, to save himself, wants to charge Blair with knowingly referring to false and forged documents to justify the Iraqi oily Crusade genocide adventure. According to Bush, Blair didn't reveal his sources but informed Bush that proof is in the hands of the highest authorities, including British Intelligence and Buckingham Palace.
More and more the popular press points to Bush relying on phoney British information, actually secretly supplied to the British Monarchy from Rome. Accidently reverting to his mind-set as a southern slave master, Bush also wants to lynch Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell, both black, for misleading Bush.
Although stupid enough to piss on his own shoes, Bush does recognize the black-white atomic racial bomb in his arsenal of pretended innocence. He also toys with the idea of rebuking the numerous advisors surrounding him who have Jewish sounding surnames that may not be a part of that religion. Some are dual citizens, U.S./Israel. But Bush, with only a two digit I.Q., nevertheless knows enough not to mess over "False Flag" experts, such as, The Mossad.
The blaming-Blair-scenario is the most dangerous of all Bush's options. After all, Blair, on behalf of and jointly with Queen Elizabeth II and her husband, are more accomplished blackmailers than Bush. Moreover, the Bush Crime Family is in a hundred billion dollar joint account with the Queen of England, jointly laundering Saddam Hussein extortion loot at her private bank, Coutts Bank London. (Secret bank document)
Is Queen Elizabeth II of England, with her Royal Storehouse of incriminating documents on Bush, threatening to set off a firestorm of impeachment-treason prosecution of him? TO FORCE BUSH TO SHUT HIS MOUTH!
[NOTE: Stories by Skolnick are archived on MAIN PAGE, left-hand side of page, COLUMNISTS Sherman Skolnick, of www.rense.com. The stories are often posted and archived there sooner than our own website www.skolnicksreport.com. ALSO, clicking on SECRET BANK DOCUMENT should bring it up on screen. If not, go to www.cloakanddagger.ca. ]
The Middle-Finger News -
Censored Bulletin
Sticking it To The Poobahs
by Sherman H. Skolnick
Breaking News.....Bush ponders arrest of alleged plotters who seek to arrest him for treason....Facing possible arrest according to sources are Albert Gore Jr., Senator Bob Graham and an unnamed Pentagon general...
George W. Bush Denuded
Eight days before Commander-in-Chief/President Nixon was stripped of all authority, the indication of it in the top most circles was that the 'football' was taken away from him. That is the term used for the nuclear code briefcase always carried next to the President by a Marine Guard. In Nixon's case, White House Chief of Staff General Alexander Haig, was ordered to do so by a Jesuit relative. Thus the Pentagon could not carry out the orders of President Nixon since he had been divested of all authority.
On the same day that George W. Bush verbally announced that "we are not leaving Iraq" a top group in the U.S. military has let it be known that Bush no longer has authority as Commander-in-Chief. Those well informed on the subject contend that three symbols of his authority were shorn from Bush's presence.
U.S. Senator Bob Graham (D.-Fl.) in recent days confirmed that Bush may have him arrested for violating national security in releasing 9-11 U.S. documents, which tend to incriminate Bush with treasonous prior knowledge. On the same day as Bush's Press conference, the media announced that Al Gore was running for President. One commentator, stating that Gore may run to be re-elected President sarcastically implied that Gore is already the actual President but not inaugurated as a result of the strange 2000 election.
As a result of financial emergencies and impending military disasters, Gore's confidante's contend that he may appear as part of a three part group of emergency administrators of the Central Government called a troika. For that purpose they are whispering Gore and Graham may return to military uniform along with another U.S. military General who is a member of an opposition group to Bush in the Pentagon. In the past Bush failed to show up for military service unlike Gore and Graham who served in the military.
Some key Democrats and Republicans privately accuse Bush of treason giving U.S. military secrets to the Red Chinese, a sworn enemy of the United States, who are reportedly blackmailing Bush on his alleged sordid private life traveling around with a male sexmate. To try to counter this Bush at his press conference said : "I believe marriage is between a man and a woman, and I believe we ought to codify that one way or the other, and we have lawyers looking at the best way to do that."
Top Democrats contend that Bush seeks to arrest Gore with Graham and an unnamed General for plotting to arrest Bush as a traitor. Bush may sidestep this opposition military group by a fake supposed terrorist attack. This is why some of the top brass at the Pentagon have apparently divested Bush of all authority.
NOTE: Skolnick's stories are posted and archived on MAIN PAGE, left-hand side of page, COLUMNISTS Sherman Skolnick on www.rense.com. Skolnick's own website often is slower to post the same.
The Middle-Finger News -
The Ballot Or The Bullet?
Sticking it To The Poobahs
by Sherman H. Skolnick
A tragic hoax is that there are supposedly free and open elections in America. At key turning points in U.S. history, the highest court and key state election board officials have been part of a cabal to install a fictitious occupant and resident of the White House. The actual winner of the presidential election was NOT inaugurated. (1876 and 2000.)
Each time, it was to shove in a candidate to carry out an evil purpose. In 1876, to reverse the post-Civil War Progress of blacks. In 2000, to use fake White House instigated "terrorism" to start supposed Imperialist Christian wars against Arab supposed "infidels".
To aid in this fraud against the consent of those governed, scrapped by the Aristocracy has been the so-called "Australian Secret Paper Ballot". It was generally replaced by computer-controlled voting machines owned and operated by foreign powers. They refused to divulge their secret computer codes which they deemed their private ownership, "proprietary".[www.whatreallyhappened.com has had documented items of the voting machine frauds.]
Before any of that, for the benefit of the British Monarchy and their efforts to obstruct the U.S. in their own development of power through vast industry and finance, there was the political assassination by supposed "lone assassins" of three U.S. Presidents. Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, and William McKinley.
Skolnick was widely heckled when in 1999, on Talk Radio, he predicted the Year 2000 Presidential Election may not be conducted in the customary manner, if at all. In 1999, there was a plot to kill expected Presidential Candidate Albert Gore, Jr., when his plane, as then Vice President, was set to be "accidentally" rammed over Chicago by three commercial flights. A week later, July, 1999, secret intended Presidential hopeful, John F. Kennedy Jr., was snuffed out in a bombed airplane.
Those behind the scenes who actually own and operate America, the Establishment, "the powers that be", the Aristocracy, the Ruling Class, THEM believe in the bullet not the ballot. They govern without our consent until such time as America has its first real Revolution, to throw off our soil and ownership, foreign bankers and industrial dragons.
Few Americans have books in their residences. Even less, copies of the U.S. Constitution. Article Six, Section One of the same provides for the U.S. to pay off all debts and arrangments pre-dating the U.S. Constitution. Hence, common Americans have been taxed forever to pay British bills.
If Americans have the complete guarantee of the Second Amendment, they have the major way open to them to throw off the tyranny of a fraudulent Central Government controlled by foreign scorpions.
The U.S. fundamental law, purchased with blood, may have to be restored the same way, now that the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights have been brutally cancelled.
Who else dares bluntly talk or write this way in North America?
[Scroll way down the www.skolnicksreport.com for items about the 2000 Election and the murder of JFK, Jr., "What Happened to America's Golden Boy'. Also read the entire "Overthrow" series.]
[NOTE: many of Skolnick's writings are often posted and archived through MAIN PAGE, left-hand side, COLUMNISTS Sherman Skolnick, of www.rense.com sooner than Skolnick's own website.]
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