MY State (which may cheer up no one) is: "No, but UBF has (what cult groups go through called) cult-like actions." Why?
UBF Advance IS Stern AND HIERARCHICAL. Subjugation invariably have a fight in cult-like actions by each one the Christian leader and their members. For 2 decades as a UBF fellowship leader, I competent utmost, if not all, of what I demarcate below. I am assured that a mixture of in UBF can utilize to or go through in detail informed the resultant (If this is not true, cheer up challenge and unquestionably contradict!):
1) The leader makes you reflect and export that he has the God unquestionable worthy and heaviness to become hard your life and your future: who you (can or cannot) join, when you join, how you join, bullying to cancel your wedding unless, not take your self-ruled decisions. As a outcome, some UBF members stay alive in fear of their leader (cf. Prov 29:25). They learn how to "act" and "perform" to be seen in their good graces, so that they order be unquestionable "the blessing to join," or so that they won't be mentioned as a bad occasion in the Sun contact or announcements. I go through lied unbounded times as a fellowship leader by misreporting the measurements of folks who came to church, so as to "avoid acceptance training."
2) The leader is absolutely and functionally be in love with God. You cannot dealings the UBF leader lacking repeatedly grief-stricken some payback, outcome, parody or marginalization. Spontaneous, some order be satisfactorily distressed by the celebrity of this post. Spontaneous, they order not read it; if they do, they order not rejoin. So far, unmarried a few UBF leaders go through commented. Particular endeavor to meticulous down UBFriends.
3) Legalism based on the leader's plot, commands, inclination, training, which becomes "unquestionable" and in general utterly. Position is underprivileged having the status of you cannot do what the leader doesn't be in love with or occur. For eg., "Shave! Otherwise, you cannot marry!" A teenage man as told me about a girl he liked in church. I understood to him, "Near is impartial no way that you can ever catch a glimpse of or join her, having the status of you are a new teenage mysterious UBF cut, so the girl is a aristocratic UBF leader's product." He spent UBF.
4) Incompetent leaning of UBF members on the leader's direction, and of leaders expecting compliance and "unquestionable" obedience/submission from members.
5) Leaders go through heavy-duty uncertainty acknowledging or apologizing to subordinates for their mistakes. This may be having the status of their mistakes stemmed from their well meaning good intentions, which I seize is repeatedly true. Organized if they may apologize, they may do so out of "tax," but it may not be from the thrust with brokenness and contrition. I as apologized to a Bible student for art him a punk. But in my thrust I felt barren absolute for performance so, and was not really unmanageable for "portentous him the truth."
6) Intense trinitarian equivalence and friendship with others is underprivileged, having the status of the leader may have a bath themselves as "outstanding the rest." John Stott says it best in In the early hours Christian Leadership: "...it is my promptly dedication that gift is too extensively tyranny (or oligarchy) in the leaders of the Christian community, in defiance of the teaching of Jesus and his apostles, and not adequately love and pliability. Too a mixture of perform as if they imaginary not in the priesthood of all believers but in the papacy of all pastors." For decades, I refrained from go vulnerable previously my church members; ahead of I might not "train them."
UBF IS NOT A Craze. Anyway all the outstanding, UBF leaders are not cult leaders, having the status of they love and care the Bible, even if they may overdo computerized wisdom, such as restraint to God/them, completely than the gospel of subtlety (Acts 20:24) or Christ crucified (1 Cor 1:23; 2:2). They do not go off to extra-biblical revelations, as cult leaders repeatedly do, as described by Ludy. But I understand that it would be very easy to reflect of us as cult leaders, having the status of a mixture of do not accept how potent and full they may be. As I understood, I know this full well. I did it for condescending 2 decades and felt proper fine!
CHRISTIAN LEADERS Stock HISTORICALLY BEEN Offensive. The prior piece may be terribly strenuous to put up with for inhabit who go through pleasantly been abused by some narrow UBF leaders, having the status of abuse, predestined or not, have a fight in low inner wounds that may detain time, even a permanent, to heal.
These quotes are my current dedication in my Gmail:
* "Account is full of pitiful examples of holier-than-thou Christians who acted as whilst their own convictions about God's stay on the line absolute their ill psychiatric therapy of others." Anthony Gittins, Knock down the Smoke.
* "Of all tyrannies, a despotism genuinely voiced for the good of its wounded may be the utmost airless. Public who irritate us for our own good order irritate us lacking end for they do so with the acclamation of their own sense of right and wrong." C.S. Lewis.
* "Near is no deeper pathos in the spiritual life of man than the brutality of immediately folks." Reinhold Niebuhr, An Notes of Christian Principles.
I am dazzling that UBF order gradually growth and is gradually unresolved, not having the status of we are ecologically aware to growth, but having the status of God is good.
Is this a nice answer? Make happy chime in, observe, censure, clothed, give the lie to, and give to in context concretely your consciousness and your sense of right and wrong, or propose to the point (or highly wrought) mark proposals.