Red Circle:
Motto/Koan: SEX IS Settle down.
Plane: Accepted, Body
Alchemical Element: Briny
Fair Commence Degrees: Greenhorn, Zelator, Practicus, Philosophus.
Taoist Principle: Yin
Power: To Encounter, To Take for granted
Weakness: To Control
Essence Period: Instinctive
Astrological Signs: Cardinal
Animal: Sphinx, Hawk
Uniform: Anything Red, zero fair or depressed.
Magickal Tools: Computers, Workout/Sports Equipment, Endeavor Apparatus, Artists Know-how
Chakras: Root, Temper.
Yellow Circle:
Motto/Koan: Relaxed Command NOT SLAVERY.
Plane: Mental, Cosmological
Alchemical Element: Sulpher
Fair Commence Degrees: Adeptus Trifling, Adeptus Obvious, Adeptus
Taoist Principle: Yang
Power: To Be Go out of business
Weakness: Aptitude
Essence Period: Heap & Collapse
Astrological Signs: Imprinted
Animal: Unicorn, Dolphin
Uniform: Anything Yellow, zero red or depressed.
Magickal Tools: Income, Any Vituperative Bludgeon
Chakras: Navel, Basis, Ravine.
Depths Circle:
Motto/Koan: CONCIOUSNESS IS Vividness
Unexciting(s): Stanch
Alchemical Element: Mercury
Fair Commence Degrees: Magister Templi, Magus, Ipsissimus.
Taoist Principle: Tao
Power: To Command
Weakness: Old Age
Essence Period: Old Age, Pasting and After
Astrological Signs: Variable
Animal: Phoenix, Chimpanzee
Uniform: Anything Depths, zero red or fair
Magickal Tools: Body, Essence Combine
Chakras: Height, Upper.
Friendly in communicating? Log to: Orgone Senate P.O. Box
614 Vanbrunt Ignoble Brooklyn, NY 11215
SEX IS Settle down
Relaxed Command NOT SLAVERY
Credit: witchcraftforall.blogspot.com