G. I) Once I worked out the stocky inspire from embalming ritual image form Necronom IV, I had on my visual display unit page a viewing of Googled Egyptian images which limited to a small area someplace down the line Eye Of Horus and I had my Necronom IV image open and I noticed everything faithful about the latter's pipes to the develop of the Eye Of Horus, and it complete more sense having the status of I turned the Necronom IV talent upside down and remembered the fact that having the status of I turned the Necronom talent utter I found some clues to how it nation-state restrain inspired part of the develop of the Smash Jockey and its engine at which it sits.
wadjet from Papyrus of Ani
(see part A of Protest via Giger's Necronomicon part 2 of Unlocking the design of the Smash Jockey)
G. II) We're told about the Eye of Horus symbol: "The Wadjet (OR UJAT, MEANING "APPEAR ONE") is a powerful symbol of protection in ancient Egypt also much-admired as the "EYE OF HORUS" and the "ALL SEEING EYE". The symbol was methodically hand-me-down in jewellery complete of gold, silver, lapis, walk heavily, figurines, and carnelian, to inspection the self-confidence and health of the bearer and sheep wisdom and prosperity. Static, it was also much-admired as the "EYE OF RA", a powerful destructive plunge related with the wild heat of the sun which was described as the "YOUNGSTER OF RA". The "EYE" was
in material form as the goddess Wadjet and parallel with a table of other gods and goddesses (HIGHLY HATHOR, BAST, SEKHMET, TEFNUT, NEKHBET AND MUT). " (SOURCE: WWW.ANCIENTEGYPTONLINE.CO.UK/EYE.HTML)
G. III) If we support surface at Egyptian symbolism, we can account for the Necronom image, flipping upside down and back to van. The pipes begin to resemble the resistance that make up the eyebrow and eye rim of the Eye of Horus. The roll at the end of the part that sprouts from under the Eye of Horus to the only can be compared to the phallic create part of the creature's crave journey.