After we all got up one at a time and introduced ourselves and how we awakened etc, we got to talking. I must say alot of the talking mirrored Project Avalon as it seems many are understanding this spiritual journey and what is going on, in and on our Planet. Anywho getting back to Topic. One of the people in this group had asked me to research the website Aircrap.org. i had never searched this site prior. To my discovery i felt it important to post this information here. As you know im a big supporter of Dr. Hulda Clark Re: (kill the parasite and you kill the disease, cancer etc.) and all her work.
So here goes have a read of this thread concerning how to detox from nano-engineered biologics that are sprayed in our skys. I truly resonate with this, so i had to let this out to all my Kolas (Friends) on the forum. Its rather a long read that may be worth your while, but please give it a read and see if it resonates with you.
The ruling elite have devised chemtrails as a means of covertly microchipping us all in order to create antennas inside of us via nanotechnology so as to make us totally controllable via a psychocivilized (electronically mind controlled) society. Using HAARP microwave antennas, the National Security Agency (NSA) can establish a seamless computer link direct to our brains, but first theyre using chemtrails to get the nanoparticles into us which are reassembling in our bodies to form the antennas. WE CAN STOP THIS OUTRAGEOUS INVASION OF OUR BODIES the general population is involved whether they would like to know of it or not. The pathogens found have now been discovered repeatedly across all major body systems and functions, including skin, blood, hair, saliva, dental(gum), digestive, ear and urinary samples.
The pathogenic forms were, however, first discovered as a result of examination of these same skin anomalies. The segregation of only certain individuals as having the Morgellons condition is completely and totally false; the general population is involved whether they would like to know of it or not. The pathogens found have now been discovered repeatedly across all major body systems and functions, including skin, blood, hair, saliva, dental(gum), digestive, ear and urinary samples.
-Clifford Carnicom, Mar 15 2008
Please do not hesitate to contact Ian Revson for clarification. This is not a joke.
To keep the nano particles in the chemtrails from being able to assemble in the body so that you cant be microchipped from the inside and thereby mind controlled- and to protect from the parasites and heavy metals in the chemtrails, it is necessary to do the following herbal cleanses:
I cant provide a one size fits all protocol for everyone on the IAHF list to follow when it comes to doing a parasite/bowel cleanse, a kidney cleanse, and a liver cleanse for the simple reason that there are thousands of people on the IAHF list with every imaginable health situation- but I can provide basic guidelines. Its up to you whether or not you think you need to consult a Naturopath or an MD when doing these cleanses but if you have any sort of serious health situation, I would strongly recommend it.
My starting point was to read this information on inner body cleanses/ detox protocols by Hulda Clarke, ND http://curezone.com/cleanse/ I dont have cancer though, so I dont need to do everything suggested here and odds are neither do most of you.
An herbalist/ Naturopath on the IAHF list has advised me to follow the instructions shown below, so this is what Im going to do, but it might not be right for you, youll need to decide this yourself. If in doubt, please consult a professional:
1. Parasite/Bowel Cleanse-
Youll need to get 4oz of an herbal tincture called Clarkia which is a combination of Black Walnut Green Hull, Cloves & Wormwood leaves and flowers! Those 3 herbs have been traditionally used as a herbal remedy against human parasitic animals, parasitic bacteria, parasitic viruses and fungi. Beside herbs, Clarkia contains purified water and 30% grain alcohol.
These three herbs must be used together. Black walnut hull and wormwood kill adults and developmental stages of at least 100 parasites. Cloves kill the eggs. Only if you use them together will you rid yourself of parasites. If you kill only the adults, the tiny stages and eggs will soon grow into new adults. If you kill only the eggs, the million stages already loose in your body will soon grow into adults and make more eggs. They must be used together as a single treatment.
You can get Clarkia here http://drclarkia.com/ Using tincture is better than capsules because it makes it easier to adjust by backing off a bit if you get headaches from the wormwood in it. Instructions for doing Parasite/Bowel Cleanse:[/B][/COLOR]
Colon Cleanse via vegetable juice fast for 48 hours in beginning of parasite cleanse. Suggest drinking organic pineapple juice, also plenty of water, and add garlic which is an antifungal, anti parasitic agent.
You must maintain regular bowel movements throughout cleanse very important: at least one per day if not use coffee enema. 4 oz of Clarkia tincture will cover one person for full cleanse. Wormwood can cause headaches. If this happens when following the program below, back off by a few drops til headache stops and complete program at that dose.
The dose is 10 drops (not dropper full) 3 times daily diluted in small amount of water (bad taste) increasing up to 20 drops 3 times daily if no negative reaction. 7 day break after every 14 days of usage 2 weeks 1 week break, another 2 weeks then 1 week break, 2 weeks 1 week break then last 2 weeks. (11 weeks total 8 active weeks) keep diet clean absolutely no added sugar, sugar substitutes or caffeine. Drink lemon water.
If you see any rice looking things or round worms that look like long pasta in toilet etc that continue to appear in each bowel movement through mid way point of cleanse then I would tell you to add 10 drops of Clarkia into Coffee and perform enema.
You can purchase enema bags at most pharmacys they allow for adding own ingredients. Yes you are able to self administer but wear gloves it is messy. Actually performed this task in the woods. Dont laugh did not want mess in house carried bag for trashing gloves, bucket of fresh water and clean disposable cloth (baby wipes). If someone did see me going into woods would not think anything since I am avid hiker. Again, I do not think you are a chronic parasite case one enema is probably enough unless constipation begins.
2. Kidney Cleanse: Take 2 quarts of distilled water and a bunch of parsley. Simmer the parsley in the water and allow to cool. Drink two glasses per day until gone.
3. Liver Cleanse: Purpose is to loosen up and remove gallstones and remove intestinal parasites.
First one must complete steps 1 and 2 do preliminary parasite killing and cleanse your kidneys. Your liver can get infested with intestinal parasites. If you not kill these first liver purge will not be as effective.
Next, must soften liver stones before the purge. A week before liver purge drink as much apple juice as possible. Apple juice contains phosphoric acid that will soften stones helping them to clear during purge. Could cause rise in blood sugar and increase Candida if prone to yeast infections.
Can purchase ortho phosphoric acid tablets from health food store and take for a week if concerned about increase in blood sugar or yeast infections.
Choose a day when you do not have to be anywhere. Be warnedpurging the liver releases lots of toxins. You will probably feel very sick. It will go away as soon as your body expels toxins.
You will need:
Epsom salt, 6 to 8 tablespoons
2 or 3 fresh pink grapefruits
Unrefined sesame, walnut or flax oil (1/2 to ? cup)
On the day of liver purge take no medications, herbs or vitamins- anything that will have to go through liver. Eat no fat of any kind that increases EFAs. In order for the purge to work you must build bile pressure. If you eat fat the liver and gallbladder will rebile to digest the fat lowering the bile pressure.
For breakfast have some fresh fruit or raw vegetables. Same for lunch.
Mix the Epsom Salt into 5 cups of water. Refrigerate improves taste.
6:00 pm It is time for first dose. Take 1 cup of Epson Salt. Drink some fresh water and a little taste of honey to get the bad taste out of your mouth.
7:00 pm Take your second dose of Epsom Salt 1 cup
8:00 pm Take another dose 1 cup
9:45pm Poor ? to ? cup of unrefined sesame, walnut or flax oil into jar. Squeeze the pink grapefruit by hand into cup should be ? to ? cup. Add to oil. Close and shake hard until watery.
Now go to bathroom. Finish anything you need to do before bed. Timing is critical.
10:00 pm the big moment has arrived. Plug your nose and down as quickly as possible the grapefruit mixture. Follow with plain water and a little bit of honey to remove bad taste. Down in 5 minutes or sooner.
Oil causes the liver to release a surge of bile. This is what forces the stones out. You will probably feel very nauseous shortly afterward. Just think about the way you feel now the next time you are tempted to eat a liver clogging food.
Lie down immediately. The sooner you lie down the better. Do ten very deep breaths will create a suction-type action in your abdomen.
You may be feeling stones roll down your bile duct. Now it is time to blast the little buggers out of the park. Need to create pressure on the liver located middle to right side of body in the top of your abdomen. Just below lungs & diaphragm. It should be completely full of bile right now.
Place both left and right palms down on your upper abdomen slightly to the right below ribcage. Press down with the fingers and palms like you?re pumping something should hear squishing sound. This is the sound of the bile being forced out of liver.
Note if you do not hear this sound do ten more deep breaths and wait fifteen minutes.
Now little more forcefully press down again. Continue this pumping action slowly to the left.
Continue to do this until you?ve forced all the bile out. You will be able to feel and hear when the bile has been forced into GI tract.
Time for bed. Sleep flat on your back. The next morning drink last cup of Epsom Salts. Wait a few hours then eat.
If everything worked you will find toilet bowl full of liver stones. Vary in size and color. Benefit with one purge but will see additional benefits of purging every 2 weeks until liver is completely clear. Then do this purge at least once a year for maintenance.
I coincidentally found a pill form with all Three Herbs contained in it by a company called Gaia Herbs. Its called Para Shield, research it when you can. It couldnt hurt to give this a try. www.gaiaherbs.com
Here is the direct link to Para Shield