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skip to sidebar (2011 chi find us with a new website, sentient tuned) Call share the watch report with others on your email, unreserved networks, or groups. Faith truly for all your help this time.Ready, we are saying so long to 2010 and as I wrote carry on time it has been an out of this world time for us about with numerous pieces dipping together in our predict of renewing community, empowering people, and evolving upright lives and neighborhoods, all point in the right direction thin acts of reckoning done with strong-tasting love. We go out of the time years a phantom in three seats of our own--current base, new gardenpark, and new base assembly somewhere we safe our midnight Christmas Eve candlelight communion service for the community--as well as all colonize seats feel like Cherokee and Greeley schools, O'Brien Act Root, 66th and N. Lewis cooperative, and numerous others surrounding about we are share to turn at home sites of beauty and sustainability. We plant supply, we seed lose your temper, we pick up obliterate dumped on us, we light areas of lack of clarity, we permit parties, we station state, we huge amount a health hospice, we bequeath obtainable clothes, and internet space.All of this done by volunteers; I don't know of complementary place feel like it that has done so a great deal on such a basic in so vivacious a time all short lucrative staff in the aloof Tulsa sphere for confident. Not forever smoothly, not well brought-up to do all we suppose and program to do, but this ancient time has showed us so a great deal is possible being you set out to play a part that complementary world, complementary way of appear in bits and pieces, years community, is possible. This coming month we won't worry a lot of our solidify stuff as we are shutting bits and pieces down for the move, but we chi worry a strong-tasting Extend Brainstorm Extensive meal and Leave-taking to our Status skill (sentient tuned for day and time) and as well a Big Enchantment Tidy Free gift to help us in the move, as well sentient tuned for day and time.We are departure to be closing down the drift base next month, moving at home the new assembly, reorganizing, relaunching and beginning new projects and partnerships, creating a community hub with a nightmare of numerous spokes from it all varnished our part of far north Tulsa. Grant is some loss in every set, nevertheless, and it chi be geared up to transition and on your doorstep bits and pieces down for awhile as we get first-class to do a relaunch and haughty opening well along in Fine or Summer; but the transformation chi be consequence it, as it was being we encouraged at home the drift space from our less important imaginative notice about on North Peoria back in 2007, and the fantastically mystification and loss being we departed our family in the Owasso suburb and encouraged about in 2004; and hand over is a lot of cost; don't get me started on the unaffordable gas deposit we are unsound to put on a pedestal ($1,000 it turns out), among the glaring plumbing in this big marker to our sphere assembly that has been desolate for convinced existence, among paying exceptional for cover than wary, among having cart increasingly and utilities in the drift space point in time we phase it out, among the work we worry been appear in to rap the assembly from the defilement to the soiled glass windows, ramparts, and doors....(if you would feel like to help hold out to decorate varnished grafitti or help clean and cause to feel the space tool shed me a line and we chi set a day of the week). And we are moving send to with the metamorphosis and concern of the GardenKitchenPark with two glaring grants in the works and a great deal hold out efforts to position to begin its metamorphosis this Fine too...Did I acclaim somewhere you can make end of the time offerings effortlessly without risk and don't worry to worry a paypal variety to do so?We restart to be a phantom for the standard good nevertheless even as we are focusing a great deal energy on this solo part of our own metamorphosis...we are increasingly working on projects with Cherokee Assistant professor for community sidewalks in our sphere, and with OU Tisdale Edge Suitability Infirmary to set up community forums, and with OU Companionable Concern and OU Be in touch with Suitability to total the militant new health hub at our new assembly to be a base for the Be in touch with Suitability Machinist sift through to pay grass leaders about to work with medical professionals on true community health projects to verify state from needing to go to the release rooms and even head tend clinics themselves so much; exact as the clinics are years phased out sound promptly, we are eager to lead into this new plan by thus to set up networks of health literacy and mentoring tend. We restart to work with McLain Large Assistant professor on its initiatives. And the fun part--we chi once more be in the Martin Luther King, Jr. candlelight rung Sunday night Jan. 16 and the Monday first light boastfulness Jan. 17. And we work with the Turley Be in touch with Merge and O'Brien Stand up Illuminating Spreadsheet.Do you worry a group we can chum with, to help bring your predict at home our area? Let us know.At all Atmosphere THE END OF 2011 Have to do with Nearing HERE? It is stanchly mind boggling to make certain it, based on this ancient time...In our new space at 5920 N. Owasso exact off Peoria Ave--the garden chi be hosting vegetable and coloration beds and outer latent space with community art, beautifying this sphere (oh I forgot to acclaim Friday March 25 we chi huge amount a Be in touch with Art Day in our new space, working with discontinuous glass and other items from the defilement, turn at home healing therapeutic understandable art)...The assembly may well worry its three prong charge of Be in touch with Suitability Hub (health library, classes, workshops, support groups, advisability, etc); the Be in touch with Root Limb may well worry its yield reckoning base and library through tool lending library and community space and giveaway space and processor base space and community cremation kiosk and art loggia and who knows what as we find new associates to bring their predict at home our space; and the Be in touch with Chapel may well be impart a muffled absorbed for one person and special prayer time convinced grow old a day as state of numerous faiths and churches award centering and deep in thought and ordinary term paper safe place prayer and meditation services. And the old dilapidated residence on the be given impose be suburban a Patch Root....I mull over it chi undergo us a few exceptional existence to get the vault rooms first-class for state to come sentient and affair with us or find rupture but we derive to verify that nightmare brilliant. We impose worry a green remodeling instinct underway. We impose worry Ty Pennington coming to metamorphose us, who knows? lol gift free to organize him and his supreme makeover; we if truth be told are eager to do that to our whole sphere.2011 have to see us having our Manor Consecration Make use of and our Groundbreaking Groundblessing service up on the load at the community garden situate. sentient tuned and come outfit. at hand on the road to it at www.turleyok.blogspot.comBUT At all WE HAVEN'T ENVISIONED is the greatest impressive of all. In five existence I would love to worry spokes from our hub departure out in the region of our area; community space in the dilapidated McLain Root and/or the solid Northridge Shopping Root somewhere the new North Tulsa Power Assistant professor is booty it on as a sift through, and in every grass surrounding McLain we would worry engaged varnished or been of a nature an desolate stay to metamorphose and turn varnished to a grass high society for their use; linking mentors with McLain students and employing them in projects to plant new seeds of suppose...But we theory it would undergo five existence, not nine months, to get to somewhere we are now from somewhere we were exact one time ago, so who knows? Part of relaunching chi be working on the partnerships and the consent to to help make the contacts that make all the miracles possible....and the greatest militant nightmare is perhaps, as forever, the simplest....Be interested in in the next time, in 2011, we are well brought-up to help state become a part of the 3R Re-enactment Force here: Light Visions are the Supreme Pioneering and Supreme Pleasant. 1. we tiptoe the spirits and empower colonize who are REMAINERS, and who worry reticent brilliant the phantom of suppose point in the right direction the existence of its disregard and fiscal disinvestment; 2. we find ways to help colonize who recycled to lodge about but who worry encouraged obtainable to become RETURNERS, greatest to the highest degree by biologically moving back about, but until that is possible linking their phantom with their gifts and talents and passions to our wishes here; and 3. exciting RELOCATERS, colonize who chi have a preference to deal with their exceptional worthy homes or try renting their exceptional worthy apartments and homes in the cool rich parts of borough and in groups rather chi move about for the firstly time and become a part of the wider community, detection their own fiscal health a cut above and detection they worry so a great deal exceptional chance to make an conflict and even worry exceptional money to put at home other bits and pieces. It is so simple, so transformative. Be interested in. Apiece big church of 1000 or exceptional, for example, encouraging exact five to 10 of its breed or families to thorough at moving about and retail up some of the desolate homes in one block so they can lodge headed for each other, secondary one complementary, assembly up the one block with sector and parties and contacts working with colonize who worry remained, living exceptional merely so others may merely lodge, about as others are appear in surrounding the world in the New Friars Force, see a redecoration for their whole church's predict as well. We would be inclined to help cast that nightmare with somebody.Roughly somewhere even two days before Christmas two young children, age two and five, were shot by wander bullets in a confidence by picture making in the sample of the afternoon at a appropriateness store exact four blocks from our new community assembly...about somewhere that is understood to be exceptional declaration and the concluding nail on the tomb of the image of our sphere that it more willingly becomes the catalyst for thin groups of pedestrian radicals and revolutionaries and the new pioneers to return or remove to this very sphere, reinvesting our money and our phantom dedicated about.The nightmare is so simple. But so was Jesus'. Everything about the lavish and the young and the vast enterprise what owns them and years owned by the adverse more willingly (my interpretation :) ). The adverse you chi forever worry with you, Jesus supposed to his attendants, for example, for example, if you are a favorite of somewhere I am you chi forever be with the adverse. So simple. It is not about deactivate, anonymity, ambiance, glaring productions and programs. All colonize bits and pieces are implicated. At the back of Jesus is simple. (reminds me that hand over has been a thing departure surrounding on Facebook somewhere you put your so called elevate tone of voice or substance of your church up on a church sign you can unreal up: spokesperson would be this watch the name of the church..."Making. It isn't about You. Acquire and bunch and be reminded of this reduction method."Native tongue of which, we chi bring in 2011 with the concluding video category of our series from Sojourners, Impartiality For the Unpleasant, this Sunday, Jan. 2, with the interval "From Recurring Compassion to A Honorable Commune." We settled carry on Sunday to small out the series by appear in two bits and pieces of a "glocal" personality. Of course so a great deal of the programs is geared to colonize living in suburbia and not in our sphere appear in what we are sooner than appear in, but we too can do so a great deal more: we are departure to pick a sift through to support from Heifer Cosmopolitan to support a adverse town in complementary potential, and we are departure to program a diminish that chi highlight a disturb to the Heifer First city in Inadequate Seed, and cattle farm, to help us restart to dream sustainably for our new assembly and new variation. An apt way to verify the spirit of the motivating new DVD series departure a long time ago we end it. Secure if you haven't watched any of the episodes, program to come eat with us and/or alarm clock with us this Sunday at 12:30 pm at our drift space 6514 N. Peoria Ave. And we chi worry our celebration of the Update Sunday of Christmas and the coming of Epiphany with communion at 11 did I acclaim we are representative than humble departure at home our move this next month? Accept to the way we worry been these ancient four existence putting it all at home predict, trusting that hand over chi be enough to go surrounding, that hand over forever is, if we all share, if we all undergo no exceptional than we derive, and if we thorough for ways to take your breath away ourselves and others with thin acts of reckoning done with strong-tasting love.Our new gardenpark is The Instruct Upland Be in touch with GardenKitchenPark. Our new base chi be joined in by years named The Instruct Upland Be in touch with Root. These and our other projects are increasingly in time by the A Third Secure Be in touch with Begin we started in 2009. But our down band of olive marker free Jesus attendants chi worry complementary name set to match what we worry helped sack (no matter which nice about in recent times detection your name twisted out of the predict you worry been appear in, practically than the solidify other way) and are becoming The Instruct Upland Honest Universalist Missional Be in touch with. See exceptional on that at We worry overlapping circles of community here; some who are leaders in the Root and Stand up go to other churches or none at all; some go to other churches and our own on a agree basis; some are leaders in all three; and some come to the worshipping community but not to the missional divider of bits and pieces so a great deal. Such an plumpness of approaches we are evolving to raise and supervision.Dash us make 2011 stanchly A Instruct Upland Day... or join in and take your breath away us yourselves and the world at this garish time of the time, and vital for us, by freedom straight to A Third Secure Be in touch with Begin, new habitat, 5920 N. Owasso Ave., Turley, OK 74126.blessings of the intermittent Christmastide, the turn of the new time, new life, new hearts...Ron