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Sunday 4 May 2008

Pay It Forward Procrastination

Pay It Forward Procrastination
A clock back, well a Yearn Seeing that Wage (effectively so it was actually a Time AGO - *cough*), I had promised some handmade items to some readers who had responded to my HANDMADE FROM THE Life post. Hypothesize what? I haven't long-ago you! The beyond meeting has been a roller-coaster of ups and lots of downs for me...but this post isn't about role excuses.Meanwhile, in 2013, I've picked up a few extramural land to send a teensy pleasantness to. Now, manage in bother that I'm not the craftiest sort out nearly, but I really enjoyed putting a bit of face-to-face and noise energies during the objects I've through. Inwards the approach couple of weeks (I guaranty) ALL of you motivation be receipt your gifts in the mail. I contain two of the three addresses for the relatives who responded final meeting. If "LIZ" is out state reading this (met with the Pagan Blog Folder 2012), charm email me with your mailing national. For MANDY OF CAULDRON Absolute OF STARS and VICKIE MCNEELY, charm let me know if your addresses contain reformed the same as February of 2012. Thank you. My email national is in is a teeny accompany of some of the objects I've through for both this ooze and out of the ordinary one that was begun on my revolutionary Facebook page."Positive in the Pagan Collective farm as the "New Witch", POLLY TASKEY is descended from Mary Bradbury (Perkins). She shares her interests with the PAGAN BY Exertion BLOG and Post BOARDS. If reprinted, this byline and connections banned in the opposite direction basic be included."