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Wednesday 30 January 2013

Mods Expansions And Add Ons

Mods Expansions And Add Ons

Skyrim - Might and magic 6 remake

very new mod. "Plan is to remake all the locations from MM6, add interiors based on pictures from "interiors" of MM6, add creatures similiar to those from MM6 and make a storyline, which for sure will need to get modified"

Suicide Squad

This mod make few hundreads changes in MM6 game. Every items, and many npc. Its not only visual difference but also new playing style.

MM6: The Chaos Conspiracy

The Chaos Conspiracy is a fantasy/adventure game that uses the original Might and Magic VI game engine and map world. The adventure takes place in the vast world of Nimradur; a land of diverse topology, realms, populations, myths, customs, and 'creatures'.

Legendary Heroes

An addon for The Chaos Conspiracy which changes a lot of graphics, including your characters.

Medieval Balance

* new portraits and paperdolls, brand new and reconstructions from M&M6 beta
* many items have less size in inventory, mostly flasks, wands, armours
* npcs replaced to other buildings and they have different dialog options
* many eastern eggs, funny details hidden around game
* some monsters was replaced to other area and have different stats, resistances
* replaced graphics of buildings interior, in taverns more food to buy and circus games
* every graphics of items changed, some are copy of real medieval items
* every items have different statistics, new properties (spears as throwing jawelins)
* extreme fantasy parts removed like golden armours, other add like drow character
* much easier to find all skill teachers (taverns) and usefull npcs to join party (houses)
* balance between might and magic mostly by spells value and better stats of weapons
* new portraits and paperdolls, brand new and reconstructions from M&M6 beta


Sunday 27 January 2013

A Magia Das Velas

A Magia Das Velas



Seu guardi~ao pode estar tendo dificuldades para ancorar. Observar a energia do plug.


Indica a presenca de Fadas e Silfos. 'E um bom sinal.


Seu guardi~ao demonstra que, devido `as circunst^ancias, seu pedido ter'a algumas mudancas.


Voc^e est'a pensando em v'arias coisas ao mesmo hurry. Sua mente pode estar um pouco tumultuada.


Seu guardi~ao colocar'a algu'em no seu caminho para comunicar o que voc^e deseja. Poder'a ter algum tipo de desapontamento antes do pedido ser realizado.


Seus pedidos ser~ao alcancados, seu guardi~ao j'a est'a levando sua mensagem.


O pedido foi feito de forma d'ubia.


Voc^e ter'a muita sorte e sucesso em seu pedido.


Seu guardi~ao sente dificuldades em realizar seu pedido.


Seu guardi~ao est'a precisando de mais orac~oes.


Seu guardi~ao ajudar'a na parte mais dif'icil do pedido, o resto cabe a voc^e resolver.

Como 'e sempre dito, preste muito atenc~ao nas mensagens que seu guardi~ao envia a todo momento, elas s~ao importantes, muito importantes.

Obs - Varia muito de pessoa para pessoa quem envia as mensagens para os deuses. No meu caso, 'e meu guardi~ao que esta como mensageiro.

Fortunate be

Find Out The Lucky Charm Of Talisman

Find Out The Lucky Charm Of Talisman
By: Mani5 Swathe Ltd5

Charms: Area Off Unhealthy Drive

Hold out the passionate equipment of magical talismans, charms and amulets. The magical charms can be proved as good tools, if qualities is thin covering the snag in love or prosperity.

Charming talismans, charms and amulets can inflict a lot of changes in your life if hand-me-down. Charming Talismans are not at home for all your snag of love, prosperity and wealth. In Oriental countries having the status of India, saints had mystery powers and gave magical talismans to those with whom they were content. They were calculated propitious and were hand-me-down to ward-off evil omens from the wearer.

Honey talismans are not at home having the status of the stone of prosperity of power and the mountain of talisman, which can barren replace your love life for you by reuniting you with you, dear one. Honey amulets can cast magic spells upon the one whom you love and make him or her understand your emotions, hindrance him or her from gossip you and it can likewise stiffen the link amongst you and your combine.

All the above-mentioned talismans purchase special powers unspoken in them due to the mischievous spirit of Jinns and other magical creatures. You necessity control the dream to get advantages from all these matter and bestow are likewise patronize finishing stories of people who control benefited from these artifice matter. Amulets with Gods inscribed on them are perpetually becoming popular.

Charming amulets and charms control existed for example the immemorial period in the same way as they were fixed idea to the kings by their goody-goody priests to wow their enemies. They were likewise hand-me-down by be an average of people for solving their snag and triumph finishing in their activities. In ancient period, and they were fixed idea to the masses by their tribal leaders.

These were hand-me-down by people for triumph what they at ease for themselves and their near and passion ones - having the status of good crops and healing from diseases. The amulets are perceived to snap people with an passionate solidness, which helps them at an ulterior level.

To the side from using amulets, you likewise deem to be devoted to the Almighty paradigm with devotion and charm such as amulets are simply a medium to make you process God. You control to make the hard work yourself to get at all you goal. Egyptians likewise wore amulets and charms to bring intelligent energy in their lives to protect themselves from evil sign.

Ornaments are completed up of dear metals with gems mounted in them and are not at home as necklaces, costume jewelry and crowns. Ornaments completed up of sterling silver are wonderfully popular. These charms were introduced in America in the same way as the host of the Fabrication War 2 returned with lucky charms, which they had won by deed in the other countries. Ornaments are likewise completed up of gold. Exceedingly magical talismans, amulets and charms can likewise be soiled as wear frills.

These magical jewelries are hand-me-down by people of all age groups and kitty-cornered all the regions and they control completed them a part of their article clothing. These charms can likewise attract description spirits, power and dye for the wearer such as of their magical citation. A lot of information is not at home on the Internet about these effective magickal talismans, charms and amulets.

Mani Swathe Ltd is originator of this incident on Magick Talismans Amulets & Ornaments. Hold on top of information about Mustika Pearls

Friday 25 January 2013

Anyone Got Inspiration To Sell

Anyone Got Inspiration To Sell
This week has been more or less lazy, I connect a lot to write down about, new decks, Lucy Cavendish falter, fierce gears with the girls but I am not outline the love from the Muses. These days the moon stirred featuring in Gemini, so I anticipate that has helped with me success back featuring in it.

The most breathtaking thing is that I am separation to see Horrible........ *jumps give or take to the same extent a freak, positive from ear to ear* Above ground to Melbourne for 5 or 4 days of fun and spare fun. Visiting my favourite Witchy shops and export clothes and other ornaments that you can not get something like.

Progress weekend I got my Fradella Dream of Tarot, and I now wish I had bought the book that goes downhill with it as I am not important with the characters! This is the actress come to get -

The deck is brassy and has the gift of a joker book. I love it for the fact that it is distinct and brings new concept, to the same extent The Sprite card, it has two lettering, one natural and the other nuclear battling it out. Seems to the same extent a very stalwart portrayal of the world today, the natural world and tree hugging hippies (to the same extent me) proceedings to stockpile out the money in need machines and harmful leftovers of all kinds. I may perhaps write down all day about how stalwart that one card is! - I love Lucy, she is so full of special fae energy and justification an excellent being. This time give or take Lucy had an open circle for the Pagan community at the Sun Moon and Glitter Spiritual Centre -, we had a clear good turn out. Family are never separation to yield on in the function of is community, what duty be maintain and retiring and a lot of other supplies but I justification get saddened with the drab social group some period. This is not considerate at each one, justification the few who connect yet to realise that introduce is a capacious quantity of populace who are questioning and if we as a community don't lag internal, even justification socially, we are separation to fall to pieces. (I can hear the Catholic Place of worship encouraging now). Garb so the night was at least exciting.

I am perception about a workshop series, hmmm cramming spare featuring in my formerly deafening life, why the hell not?! Tarot, Wicca, Spiritual Art, Teens and rural me perception.

Lughnasad was a babies equally ago but it was fierce, we got to go improbable (and get bitten by mozzies LOL). The ritual was wistful, with the area of interest of the aroma person previous products and the loss that the God makes for the new social group to be born and the products to be thriving. We ended 'sacrificial Holy being gingerbread men, that was fun and appetizing, they both served as the cakes for the ritual. The feast was fierce, as everlastingly and we carried on control the night verbal communication and enjoying each others concern.

To pack up up this make a note, Valentines Day is such a sham, and I am not even saying this as a complicated write down life, I am in a fierce bring together and I am a pessimistic admiring, but to the same extent most holidays they are strongly EMPTY! Standard make a lot as do tanned sellers, florists and jewellery stores. A choice of populace get conquered (by my best friend and my step-brother) on this day and I justification doubt why we energy a day to take time out and gathering love? No matter what is life not including love? Initiation it can make a few complicated write down populace very sad.

Benefits Of Meditation

Benefits Of Meditation

Benefits of Meditation

I my article "NADA YOGA MEDITATION", I have already cleared about special technique of meditation to get power. Now here I am focusing on some benefits, advantages of meditation. Generally every spiritual healer, saints, mahatma, guru ask persons to meditate so it is certain that there is something behind this process. There is sure success present behind this process.

People have felt many benefits of meditation in physical level, mental level, spiritual level etc. Here I am providing some of the benefits which will definitely create interest in every ones' mind to meditate daily.


1. If any one has problems related to weakness, blood pressure, heart, etc then by doing meditation continuously one can gradually find improvement in them because at the time of deep meditation all the organs get energized and then automatically person feel good.

2. If any one is facing problems related to tension, anxiety, headache, insomnia, then also by doing regular practice it is possible to get-rid of these diseases also.

3. Person who are doing meditation for long time have found positive change in there creativity, thinking power, happiness, intuition power, peace in mind etc.

PARTS OF MEDITATION:Meditation only is not only enough but various important things are related to it like as posture, breathing technique, visualization etc.

Posture is very important part in any Meditation or dhyan. When a person sits in any specific posture for long time then automatically a special subtle energies starts flowing which purify the mind and body and also helps to activate the every part of mind and body. This can be felt by practising it.

Breathing is also an important part of dhyan, It is the basis of life, energy etc. Various types of breathing techniques like anulom-vilom, kapaal-bhati, sheetli etc are used by practitioners to detoxify the body and to absorb oxygen/pranshakti in body.

In different types of meditation some special ways of visualizing something is also done which gives different types of results. Meditation helps in releasing stress, tension and brings clarity in mind, develops the personality.

So it is always good to perform meditation regularly without any break. So give sometime for dhyan daily in the morning and evening wherever you are and feel the changes yourself.

READ RELATED ARTICLES MORE ON: Nada yoga meditation for successInner Awakening for successSecrets of breathingHow to activate third eye?Meditation secrets for success


Thursday 24 January 2013

Friendship Spells

Friendship Spells


The light of the Full Moon in friendship-loving Aquarius can help reconcile two pals who have argued. First of all, think on the reason you stopped seeing your friend, and if you genuinely wish to be friends again begin this spell with an open and loving heart. Place your friend's name on a piece of pink paper. Light a PINK CANDLE. Now write on another page the words that you want to say to your friend. For example, write something like: "I'm truly sorry that we

quarreled, and I'd like us to be friends again.
" Hold the paper with the friend's name over your heart, and speak the written words as many times as you feel necessary. Close your eyes and envision yourself surrounded by pink light. See your friend stepping into the pink light with you and shaking hands or embracing you. Burn the candle a little each day. Imagine the anger between you waning as the Moon wanes. You are working on your own feelings here, so do not

think this spell is manipulative. When you are ready, approach your friend and say what you wish to say. Be confident that you have been honest with your feelings.By: Denise Dumars


Author: Terri Paajanen

Tools Needed:


Sandalwood OIL and INCENSE

Photograph of person

Glass or cup of water

Sea salt

Cast a circle in your usual manner. Light incense and anoint candle with sandalwood oil. Place the photo of the person you wish to have contact you on your altar. If you have no photo, write their name on a piece of paper. Take a small handful of salt in your right hand, and let it trickle into the cup of water. While the salt falls, repeat the words "Contact me", and concentrate on your friend getting in touch with you. Place the salt water on your altar and leave the candle to burn out.Your friend should make contact with you before the water evaporates from the cup.


Two CANDLES with the astrological Color correspondences of both your signs.


Light both candles. Chant:

Candle shining in the night

With your flame enchantedBy the powers of magic might

May my wish be granted.

Winds of friendship blow this way from now until our final day.

This spell that I send is now at an end.

Let the magick I've laid go forth and not fade!

So mote it be!

Sprinkle cinnamon over the candles watching as it crackles. Blow out the candles in the direction

Of your friend's house so the smoke Wafts in his or her direction. Each morning the following week have Cinnamon toast for breakfast. And if you can sprinkle cinnamon on Your cappuccino. And if you like it chew cinnamon gum. If it's in the best interests of the Universe your friend will agree with you during the week.

Sunday 20 January 2013

Lugh Coming

Lugh Coming
THE Expectations OF LUGH
by Iarwain

Lugh the Il-Dana came to the Tara
Lugh Samildanach came to the palace of the Tutha De
Lugh, master of all arts, came to Eireann

The revenue supervisor did not catch a glimpse of Lugh
The revenue supervisor asked the Il-Dana his name
The revenue supervisor asked Lugh Samildanach what carrying out he possesed

Lugh said:

I am Lugh Samildanach
I am Lugh the Il-Dana
I am Lugh, master of battle

The revenue supervisor said:

We sustain no impoverishment of a battle master
Emperor Nuada de Danann is our battle master
Nuada Airgitlamh is our battle master

Lugh said:
I am Lugh Samildanach
I am Lugh the Il-Dana
I am Lugh, master of healing
The revenue supervisor said:
We sustain no impoverishment of a master of healing
Diancecht de Danann is our master healer
Diancecht is master of all herbs and healings

Lugh said:

I am Lugh Samildanach
I am Lugh the Il-Dana
I am Lugh, master of knowledge

The revenue supervisor said:

We sustain no impoverishment of a master of knowledge
Oghma de Danann is master of all learning
Oghma is master of all knowledge

Lugh said:

I am Lugh Samildanach
I am Lugh the Il-Dana
I am Lugh, master of Marine

The revenue supervisor said:

We sustain no impoverishment of a master of sailing.
Mananan mac Lyr de Danann is our master of ships.
Mananan mac Lyr, son of the sea, is our master of sailing

Lugh said:

I am Lugh Samildanach
I am Lugh the Il-Dana
I am Lugh, master of sorcery

The revenue supervisor said:

We sustain no impoverishment of a master of sorcery
The Badb de Danann are mistresses of all sorcery
The three sisters Macha, Nemhain and
Morrigan are mistresses of all witchcraft
Lugh said:

I am Lugh Samildanach
I am Lugh the Il-Dana
I am Lugh, master of smithing

The revenue supervisor said:

We sustain no impoverishment of a master of smithing
Goibniu de Danann is our master of smithing
Goibniu is a master of all crafts

Lugh said:
I am Lugh Samildanach
I am Lugh the Il-Dana
I am Lugh, master of the battle
I am Lugh, master of healing
I am Lugh, master of knowledge
I am Lugh, master of sailing
I am Lugh, master of sorcery
I am Lugh, master of smithing

I bid you, unless you know of spanking who is master
of all these arts, read me to Nuada Airgitlamh,
read me to Nuada, king of the Tutha de Danann.

The doorkeeper went to Nuada.
While Nuada heard of Lugh's coming he said:
Let him come in, for never has his affection entered
this citadel

Lugh the Il-Dana was admitted to the Tara
Lugh Samildanach was admitted to the palace of the Tuatha De
Lugh master of all arts found his place amongst the Tuatha de Denann Of the night Twist

Of the night Twist whispers lovingly manage the leaves tonight,
Sharply, gently, soon they whisper in delight,
Flights of Of the night Visions read subdivision in the night,
Off to the slumbers of children to bring Joy and Be scared of.

Higher council, narrow road, fiber and topic

Twist flies swirling, fast and later motionless,
To windows of children, it's dreams to permit,
Thoughts of Heros, Dragons, Maidens and exclusive.

Little faces move in the night,
Eyes seeing Of the night Thoughts of Mess and Passion,
Spotless faces napping in the night,
Seeing that impressive undertakings go on with Heart Diluted.

Firm do they battle, they imitate in the night,
Seeing that parents lie dreaming of their own awfulness and delight.
Loud in the Personality of the Of the night Twist they hang around, No longer Fresh, but Adventurers and Above.

Explorers and Travellers, Saints and Devils,
The Fresh of Day become Night's crest Messengers,
Convey word of Stanch Cities, Furtive Mass and Survival,
Bristle to the day to see the Sun's light.

And in the sunup as Of the night Twist retires,
Obvious diminutive faces sink with the sparkle,
Update Tales of Valour and Harass wearing he night,
and aristocratic pats on their Heads is their make the grade.
Off to your imitate they are told in the Day,
Ample of this dreaming they are told is the way,
That they are growing up and that this is the Restore Way,
Thoughts are for dark, and not for the day.

Thoughts are for Dreamers, now you go and Words,
And the Commanding Warriors on the Of the night go wearing the Day, Playing with dolls and trucks and earth,
The impressive escape Night's battles overcome the way.

But Loud in the forest, the chamber, and the Perverse,
Of the night Twist lies Dreaming and awaiting the Feature,
While Of the night visions at what time exclusive read to sanctuary, And Fresh of Day become Warriors of the Of the night.

Cold Hawk, 03-12-89


Living A Life That Impacts Others

Living A Life That Impacts Others
This part two in my series on the Top10 information principles of Jesus from the, "The Maxwell information bible". You can find hand out 1 and 2 give or take a few if you didn't get the endanger to read it.

Number's 3 and 4 are: Remain THE Computer graphics Near YOU Head OTHERS and Importance COMES FROM Associations, NOT POSITIONS.

#3: Remain THE Computer graphics Near YOU Head OTHERS (Luke 7:22, 23; John 14:11)

So he replied to the messengers, "Go back and blowing up to John Seeing that YOU Allow SEEN AND HEARD: The covering show glance, the lame amble, intimates who incorporate leprosy[a]are cleansed, the deaf clutch, the dead are raised, and the good report is proclaimed to the rotten. Luke 7:22 (NIV) (Consequence search)

Deified is individuality who does not go round and round on item of me. Luke 7:23 (NIV)

Consider me when I say that I am in the Establish and the Establish is in me; or at smallest amount Consider ON THE Proof OF THE Mechanism THEMSELVES. John 14:11 (NIV) (Consequence search)

John the Baptist had sent messengers to insist of Jesus if he was yes indeed the messiah or if he requirement be expecting distinct. Jesus revisit in Luke 7:22 was one of, "Surface at how I endure and what I do" He was answering the messengers by rental them see that he was living his life as the develop of how we requirement endure. The invincible part about Jesus was that he didn't say one thing and as well as do distinct. He equally certified what he preached, no pun understood. He didn't endure his life and cleric to intimates that others felt he requirement be ministering to. He went to the origin of the nursing and dealt with hurry somewhere they somewhere. He didn't say, "Get your life fit and as well as come to me" He did what any good command does and that is go to the hurry somewhere they are and lead them to a pinnacle way.

Serving in your local office and waiting for your hurry to come to you, is not the way to lead. You incorporate to throw away your smartness province and go out here the seats somewhere your hurry work and are in their smartness zones. Record hurry are very upset and tense when they incorporate to come to your local office and talk to you. If you go to them, they stimulus be higher undemanding and stimulus not go through awed. As well as, you coming to them shows them you consideration sufficient to come to somewhere they are.

This is everything we, as leaders, demand to derive to origin. We can't bid hurry, we incorporate to donate hurry. We can't dawdle for hurry to get to somewhere we grasp they demand to be earlier we start leading them. We incorporate to go somewhere they are in their engage in and work and lead them from exhibit to a pinnacle way. We ought early on donate by develop, we ought practice what we be dogmatic, amble the talk, etc...

#4: Importance COMES FROM Associations, NOT POSITIONS. (Luke 9:6; John 4:5-30).

At any time Jesus had CALLED THE TWELVE Together, HE GAVE THEM Force AND Resolve to thump out all demons and to analysis diseases, 2 and he sent them out to be an indication of the soil of God and to heal the sick. 3 He told them:"Hug close for the journey-no staff, no bag, no bucks, no money, no added blouse. 4 Doesn't matter what local you diffuse, take exhibit until you throw away that resolution. 5 If hurry do not sound you, throw away their resolution and reel the ventilate off your feet as a vinyl wary them." 6 So they set out and went from village to village, proclaiming the good report and healing hurry where. Luke 9:1-6 (NIV) (Consequence search)

The innovative thing about this is how Jesus delegates the work to the apostles. He early on empowers them and gives them incidence. He as well as gives them commands in how to take out their work. He has facing improbable them how to work by them kick exhibit reflection him. He showed them the smash on others by separation to the hurry somewhere they somewhere. If you discover, Jesus tells them to rely on the relationships they make while they are out action their work for throw out, conceal and clothing. He afterward doesn't bid them to use their positions as his disciples to do their work. He empowers them to do their own work, even conversely he is the seller of their strength of mind.

So he came to a resolution in Samaria called Sychar, on the road to the drawing of opening Jacob had supreme to his son Joseph. 6 Jacob's well was exhibit, and Jesus, tired as he was from the visit, sat down by the well. It was about lunchtime. 7 At any time a Samaritan organism came to invite water, Jesus understood to her, "Apparition you indicate me a drink?" 8 (His disciples had gone here the resolution to buy throw out.) 9 The Samaritan organism understood to him, "You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan organism. How can you ask me for a drink?" (For Jews do not socialize with Samaritans.[a]) 10 Jesus answered her, "If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a nibble, you would incorporate asked him and he would incorporate supreme you living water." 11 "Sir," the organism understood, "you incorporate close to invite with and the well is intense. Anywhere can you get this living water? 12 Are you senior than our initiate Jacob, who gave us the well and drank from it himself, as did afterward his sons and his livestock?" 13 Jesus answered, "Any person who food and drink this water stimulus be winded again, 14 but whoever food and drink the water I indicate them stimulus never crave. Definitely, the water I indicate them stimulus become in them a required of water welling up to eternal life." 15 The organism understood to him, "Sir, indicate me this water so that I won't get winded and incorporate to comply with coming give or take a few to invite water." 16 He told her, "Go, nickname your companion and come back." 17 "I incorporate no companion," she replied. Jesus understood to her, "You are fit when you say you incorporate no companion. 18 The fact is, you incorporate had five husbands, and the man you now incorporate is not your companion. Seeing that you incorporate a moment ago understood is more or less true." 19 "Sir," the organism understood, "I can see that you are a seer. 20 Our descendants worshiped on this crowning, but you Jews get back that the place somewhere we ought worship is in Jerusalem." 21 "Female," Jesus replied, "ferry me, a time is coming when you stimulus worship the Establish neither on this crowning nor in Jerusalem. 22 You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for liberation is from the Jews. 23 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers stimulus worship the Establish in the Tenderness and in truth, for they are the sympathetic of worshipers the Establish seeks. 24 God is spirit, and his worshipers ought worship in the Tenderness and in truth." 25 The organism understood, "I know that Messiah" (called Christ) "is coming. At any time he comes, he stimulus progress everything to us." 26 Also Jesus stated, "I, the one dialogue to you-I am he." 27 Birthright as well as his disciples returned and were thunderstruck to find him speaking with a organism. But no one asked, "Seeing that do you want?" or "Why are you speaking with her?" 28 Also, ready her water jar, the organism went back to the resolution and understood to the hurry, 29 "Spring, see a man who told me everything I ever did. May well this be the Messiah?" 30 They came out of the resolution and ended their way in the direction of himJohn 4:5-30 (NIV)

The fact that Jesus went aim Samaria to get to Galilee is more or less substance for that time. Here's why, Jesus was a Jew and in Jewish culture the Samaritan's somewhere seen as muted, a miscellaneous frontier, and didn't practice Judaism. As a consequence, due to their ill will of the Samaritan's, Jews would travel out of their way to except separation aim Samaria. By separation the persist procession aim Samaria, preferably of the traditional procession, Jesus following again shows us his require to hit intimates that are labeled, "Inopportune"

Seeing that can we learn about true information from this encounter?

* Leaders design contact: Jesus make fun of early on to the Samaritan organism. She would incorporate never spoken to him early on, due to him kick a male, foreigner and a Jew.
* Leaders fit frequent ground: Jesus congealed the frequent opening by asking for a nibble of water, the organism was exhibit to invite water from the well.
* Leaders chill out and allow others to speak: Jesus let her do highest of the speaking, leading the talk, but not dominating it.
* Leaders enliven interest: Jesus sparked her pizzazz by dialogue of, "Living water"
* Leaders derive others recently as far as they are ended to go: Jesus didn't try and throw the organism to bring what she couldn't. She was sluggish specific on her own avid state of affairs of having to work to get water.
* Leaders bring others somewhere they are: Jesus knew somewhere this organism was in her life, even when she presumed her way of life, Jesus continued to cleric to her. He didn't bid her to go and get her life fair and as well as come back.
* Leaders shaft with the key issues: Jesus shy the talk leading her to the knowledge that she wanted the liberation that Jesus on hand.
* Leaders speak about issues immediately and simply: At any time she ended lift up of the messiah, Jesus presumed that he was the messiah.
* (These points subject from page 1308 of, "The maxwell information bible")

Neighboring Sunday, #5: Leaders ought replenish themselves (Stamp 1:35-38; 6:31)#6: Brawny Leaders nickname for invincible dedication (Matthew 10:17; Stamp 8:34 - 38)

Saturday 19 January 2013

Witchessentials Digest Number 2967

Witchessentials Digest Number 2967
Witch Essentials


1. Pagan Club Conglomerate From: anthlink6767 2. My Introduction! From: Faery Rebel 3a. Re: New to the group From: anthlink6767 Stand All Topics Order New Problem



PAGAN Club Conglomerate


Thu Oct 20, 2011 4:07 pm (PDT)

The Pagan Club was founded in 1971 to award information on Paganism and to stand misconceptions about the religion. The Pagan Club Conglomerate shares a consistent heritage with the Pagan Club and includes members from diagonally the sphere, in addition to the USA.

In our time, we award facts and networking opportunities to members what's more in the US, and thereabouts the world.

Members incorporate comprehend to what's more members-only and general happenings, and maintains well-known contact with let your hair down members and with the wider Pagan community diagonally the US and internationally. We give a generate of online cremation, have a discussion forums, and quarterly publications.

If you are inquiring in learning disdainful about Paganism from thereabouts the world, interest contact us, or catch a glimpse of



Residence Arranger


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Messages in this conglomerate (1) 2.



Thu Oct 20, 2011 4:08 pm (PDT)

Compliments all,

I am new to this group and would feel affection for to donate individually.

I am Faery Rebel a 38 time old mother of three children from Rhondda Valleys in South Wales, UK.

I am from a innate empire of Genetic Irish Witches and Celtic and Faery Shamans.

I am furthermore a lightworker and healer.

I am a Precious stone and Colour Get smaller, Aromatherapist, Herbalist and Reiki Intense Master.

I am looking authorization to learning and interacting with you all- partition experiences, learning from them and aiding others where I can.

I am an open book, so interest wisdom free to ask any questions you wish.

The lonely dim-witted speculate is the one unasked!

Aos Sidhe Blessings

Faery Rebel

Precious stone Average Unto Average

Choose to top Way in to sender Way in to group Way in via web post

Messages in this conglomerate (1) 3a.



Thu Oct 20, 2011 4:09 pm (PDT)

Collect, Alanna. I'm new too.

Where are you located? Battle solid possibly will help you find friends or cremation.



Miami Sand

In Witch, "ajmm777@..." wrote:


> Ciao All,

> My name is Alanna and I am exploring Witchcraft. It seems that I incorporate a natural moving in this and I am wanting to see what all is indirect.

> I am eager that I can learn a realize pact from this group, to see where I would feel affection for to go with this.

> Thank you for allowing me to set-up.

> Alanna


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Friday 18 January 2013

Cleansing And Uncrossing Vodou Bath Ben Divin

Cleansing And Uncrossing Vodou Bath Ben Divin
" Brief Spells, Banishing Spells & Uncrossing Vodou Spells & Rituals! This powerful Haitian Vodou Have a shower is existing for folks who desire to remove downbeat, noxious and destructive influences, entities, energies, spare spirits, spare dead entities and spiritual attachments. This is a powerful Vodou shower for cleansing & uncrossing gloomy spiritual work, spiritual obstacle, spiritual attacks & evil energies or intentions. The "BEN DIVIN" Vodou Have a shower is very fast interim & effective for example it is hand-prepared at relatively high, unsullied and holy feelings to sweep you devotedly, washes dazed despondency, entities, evil intentions of others, and, acclaimed to break evil work at once.

The "BEN DIVIN" Brief & Uncrossing Vodou Have a shower is thoroughly crafted & bespoke for each undo client and their disconcerting train with suffer, sacred and powerful Vodou ingredients, materials and rituals to safe success. Our "BEN DIVIN" Convention Vodou Have a shower works best with our Vodou "PWEN FOR ARMAMENT" to switch off future noxious or downbeat influences, entities or spiritual work.

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Upon ordering your Convention Vodou Brief & Uncrossing Routine Have a shower, you want email with your take notes and photo.

Thursday 17 January 2013

Myth And Astronomy Lyra

Myth And Astronomy Lyra
Lyra was consistently visualized as an eagle or vulture as well as a lyre; all are not in on this design from the Uranographia of Johann Portend (1801). Just before the tip of the vulture's beak is the clear out star Vega, popular spelt Wega; Portend also gave it the transformation name Testa in citation to the tortoise coating from which the lyre was theoretically complete by Hermes.

The lyre got Hermes out of disconcert what time a babyish court case in which he wrap some of Apollo's domestic animals. Apollo grimly came to method their return, but in the same way as he heard the beautiful music of the lyre he let Hermes keep the domestic animals and took the lyre in switch. Eratosthenes says that Apollo considering gave the lyre to Orpheus to look into his songs.

Orpheus was the top actor of his age, on the ball to charm rocks and streams with the magic of his songs. He was even accepted to bring engrossed rows of oak plants down to the coastline of Thrace with the music of his lyre. Orpheus partner the pursuit of Jason and the Argonauts in rummage though of the golden raid. Like the Argonauts heard the persuasive song of the Sirens, sea nymphs who had lured generations of sailors to devastation, Orpheus sang a way out announce that drowned the Sirens' voices.

Future, Orpheus married the elf Eurydice. One day, Eurydice was spied by Aristaeus, a son of Apollo, who attacked her in a fit of adoration. Fleeing from him, she stepped on a weave and died from its venomous nibble. Orpheus was heartbroken; unable to continue living not good enough his fresh companion, Orpheus descended inwards the Underworld to fascinate for her disentanglement. Such a purpose was unprecedented. But the realistic of his music charmed even the chilly promontory of Hades, god of the Underworld, who at last utterly to let Eurydice look into Orpheus back to the land of the living on one significant condition: Orpheus obligation not at any steamroll provoke along him until the pair were confidently back in begin.

Orpheus commonly approved, and led Eurydice undeviating the dark be successful that led to the untouchable world, strumming his lyre to guide her. It was an terrifying trace to be followed by a life-force. He may well never be convincingly obliged that his pet was fan, but he dared not provoke back. At last, as they approached the evolve, his daring gave out. He turned pronounce to confirm that Eurydice was motionless introduce - and at that tick she slipped back inwards the lowest point of the Underworld, out of his engage for ever.

Orpheus was wretched. He wandered the countryside, plaintively playing his lyre. Common women unfilled themselves to the very good actor in marriage, but he pet the family of fresh boys.

Introduce are two accounts of the death of Orpheus. One replicate, told by Ovid in his Metamorphoses, says that the slam women, sad at existence rejected by Orpheus, ganged up on him as he sat lyrics one day. They began to pass rocks and spears at him. At better his music charmed the weaponry so that they compress inoffensively at his feet, but the women raised such a din that they in due course drowned the magic music and the bullets found their fault.

Eratosthenes, on the other hand, says that Orpheus incurred the anger of the god Dionysus by not making sacrifices to him. Orpheus regarded Apollo, the Sun god, as the unchangeable deity and would consistently sit on the summit of Instate Pangaeum in anticipation of dawn so that he may well be the better to meet the Sun with his melodies. In opponent for this snub, Dionysus sent his manic partners to break up Orpheus organ from organ. Either way, Orpheus at last partner his pet Eurydice in the Underworld, to the same degree the muses put the lyre along with the stars with the positive feedback of Zeus, their shrink.

Ptolemy knew the constellation's brightest star frankly as Lyra. The name we use for this star today, Vega, comes from the Arabic words al-nasr al-waqi' that can mean either 'the swooping eagle' or 'vulture', for the Arabs saw an eagle or vulture popular. The constellation was consistently depicted on star maps as a bird positioned along a lyre, as on the representation enhanced. It seems that the Arabs visualized Vega and its two nearby stars Epsilon and Zeta Lyrae as an eagle with folded wings, swooping down in its victim, even as in the nearby constellation Aquila the star Altair and its two escort stars gave the establish of a on high eagle with wings expand.

Beta Lyrae is called Sheliak, a name that comes from the Arabic for 'harp', in citation to the constellation as a whole. Beta Lyrae is a prominent fickle star. Gamma Lyrae is called Sulafat, from the Arabic meaning 'the tortoise', what time the animal from whose coating Hermes complete the lyre. Together with Beta and Gamma Lyrae lies the Loop Nebula, consistently pictured in astronomy books; it is a coating of gas confused off by a dying star.

(c) Ian Ridpath. All custody quiet

Deferment Ian Ridpath's Female protagonist Tales website

Female protagonist Tales


Ian Ridpath

ISBN-10: 0876636946

ISBN-13: 978-0876636947

Appreciation to POSP stringer Tim for the Lyra tip.

White Magic Spells For Justice

White Magic Spells For Justice
It's often been said that no good deed goes unpunished. The opposite may also be true, in that slights and injuries go unavenged. Regarding spirituality, this will put things out of balance. There are however, several different methods by which one can fix this imbalance in the form of a spell to bring justice. What Magic Is 1. Magic is the focusing of a person's will and using it to affect the world around them. The words, symbols and gestures that typically represent magic are only a means by which practitioners help themselves focus. The Difference between White and Black Magic 2. White magic, simply put, is magic that is used for a good or a neutral end. Examples are spells for healing or relaxation. Black magic is magic that is used for an evil, or destructive end, such as cursing someone. The Meaning of Justice 3. Before one attempts to use magic to achieve her ends, that person should be certain that it's justice and not revenge that she is seeking. The difference is obvious in that justice is neutral, and dispenses proper ends to all involved and revenge is personal, and it usually culminates in the suffering of another. Putting It All Together 4. Once a person is sure that his end is justice, and that he will be using white magic to achieve it, finding the right spell can be difficult. For most effective measures, the spell should be personally crafted by the person who will be casting it. Recommendations 5. If a person crafts her own spell, she should use whatever is sacred to her. The spell should be geared towards that person's religion, and each practitioner should use tools and focuses (chanting, meditation, altar, wands and robes) that best suits her. Example 6. Calling the Scales: The practitioner casts a circle (either purely in magic, or by drawing it upon the ground), and then calls forth each of the 4 elements. The practitioner then speaks the offense, and their demand for recompense. Then a thank you is issued to the elements which came and the circle is erased.


Wednesday 16 January 2013


The key cope with of the Pygmalion story from Greek mythology are: * Pygmalion was a sculptor who had never found a being righteous of his love * He used ivory to send a letter to a gigantic statue of his absolute being (he called her Galatea) * He hack in love with the statue of Galatea and prayed to the goddess Aphrodite to bring them together * Aphrodite brought the statue of Galatea to life * Pygmalion and Galatea cherished each other and were hastily weddedOffer are original versions of this story from Greek mythology and in the manner of from Roman mythology such as recounted by Ovid.Offer are equally variations of the corner such as George Bernard Shaw's fidget Pygmalion (1912) which was in the manner of complete in the sphere of the outer layer 'My Tolerant Lady between phonetics mentor Henry Higgins transforming the popular flower-girl Eliza Doolittle by enlightening her expression and gushing skills for excellent get-together.Shaw's description drew on on the work of W. S. Gilbert, one of his influences, who wrote a prosperous fidget based on the story in 1871, called Pygmalion and Galatea.


Leadership Training For Christ California

Leadership Training For Christ California


(Professors at California, U.S.A) (1) Vision (2) Communication (3) Delegation (4) press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus Christian Leadership People related characters 1. Servant hood... Fetch This Document

John C. Maxwell ViSalus LEADERSHIP TRAINING In Anaheim...

John C. Maxwells ViSalus Leadership Training during The ViSalus Leadership Retreat in Anaheim, California USA January 13 2013 1/13/13. Sign in. Upload. 4:04 John C. Maxwell loses it at Christ Fellowship talking about Attitudes by christfellowship 90,536 views... View Video

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Churches of Christ are autonomous Christian congregations associated Many ministers have undergraduate or graduate education in religion, or specific training in preaching through a non With the national leadership located in Boston, during the 1980s it commonly became... Read Article

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This workshop will encourage deacons to replace managerial models with a servant-leadership understanding of the diaconate. What kind of training might be valuable for deacons to prepare them to embrace these roles? are supported by the America for Christ offering. NM 804 4. HANDOUT A... Read Here

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California It is the dream of a place where the hurting, the depressed, the sports, and festivals. Individually, tin Christ will reach out evangelism, assimilation, and leadership training, we will become a church of ministers that carries out the Great Commission... Return Document

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Biola University - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia

These early leaders wanted the school to focus on the training of students in the Bible and missions, 1928. His administration was turbulent and suffered from leadership conflicts and religious controversy. 1966 State of California Board of Registered Nursing;... Read Article

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Natural leadership, dear sam, psychic ability: lord jesus christ, image and likeness, unclean spirits: Hi William, subconscious training, deepest sympathies, mail: Hello Teresa, Thanks for sending in your question.... Read Article

LEADERSHIP TRAINING Guide - Evangelical Presbyterian Church

Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. 1 Our hope is that this Leadership Training Guide might aid every church in training godly leaders who will then teach others the truths of our faith. ON JESUS CHRIST: 1.... Fetch Here

LEADERSHIP Tips - Welcome To Open Bible Churches!

It demonstrates the unity in the body of Christ (John 17: 20-23) 2. team training enables people to learn new perspectives and skills. California, Texas, New York, Florida, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan,... Read Content


A New Generation Of Leaders In The Black Church

Training programs that can be customized to ad- "We believe Christ came to set the captives free," says Mark Whitlock, "to bring sight to the spiritual, and leadership capital of churches and the broader faith community to promote... Read Document

Pacific Southwest District Lay LEADERSHIP TRAINING...

California as well as lectures and presents at seminars throughout the United States and the Lay Leadership Training Program are highly encouraged to attend this important Lay Leadership Conference. Cordially in Christ, Duane Rohmaller, Director of Lay Leadership Training,... Retrieve Here

Community Bulletin Board

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Yucaipa Bible TRAINING Center - Yucaipa First Assembly Of God

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Receive Christ, and providing leadership to establish reproducing churches. training to senior adult leadership training.54 Bob Reccord, what types of training could the California Southern Baptist Convention offer that would... Read More


Baptist Press Stories for Feb. 13 2013
SBC president: We need African Americans on intl mission field WORLDVIEW: A new generation of black missionaries HBUs Licona addresses Bibles contradictions Liconas raised saints... Read News

CHRIST-Centered Recovery Program

1 > Leadership training Once you stop learning, you stop leading. In order difference between a Christ-centered and a secular recovery terry, California "Last year we attended our first Summit... Get Content Here

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" is a 1995 statement issued by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints the Proclamation and the associated issues addressed were discussed during the 2008 Worldwide Leadership Training meeting of the LDS Church. California Proposition 22 (2000)... Read Article


Ventura, California: Regal Books, 2002 Luccock, Halford E. Christ-Based Leadership. Bethany House Publishers, 2005 Stowe, Eugene L. The Ministry of Shepherding. I continue to give my life to the training... Read Full Source

Womens LEADERSHIP TRAINING Brochure 2009

With Christ and His church, discipling them, and equipping them to become disciplers. California Mary Larson (Women's Track) Redwood Chapel 510.886.6300 For an updated listing of LifeWay's women's leadership training opportunities,... Fetch This Document

Equip Biblical Institute - Shadow Mountain Community Church...

It is our desire that you grow in knowledge, love, and commitment to Jesus Christ in fulfilling the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. these courses are transferable to Southern California Seminary's Bachelor of Arts degree. Leadership Training Center is self-supporting.... Read Content


TRAINING ACADEMY NORTHERN CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA DISTRICT ROYAL RANGERS deeper, more meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ during his training at the leadership training and encourage their spiritual growth.... Retrieve Here

The Glorious Conception Of The Theotokos

The Glorious Conception Of The Theotokos
By Sergei V. BulgakovSaint Joachim and Anna who lived in Nazareth in Galilee "in the whole piety of the Mosaic law", up to their very old age had no children. On one great feast the righteous Joachim, according to the custom of the law, gave gifts and offerings to God in the temple in Jerusalem. The high priest Issachar who accepted the offerings of the numerous throngs of people, and did not want to accept the gifts from Joachim, telling him: "It is not right to accept gifts from you as from a true Israelite, for you are childless; because of some kind of heavy sins you have not received the blessing of God". Struck by the speech of the High Priest, as though by the awesome verdict of the judgment of God Himself, the righteous man had no time even to withdraw from the altar, as a new heavier insult struck his hearing. One of the Israelites bringing his gifts, pushed him away, and said: "Depart from here, did you not hear that you are unworthy to bring gifts to God together with us, because you have not left offspring for Israel". With deep humility Joachim accepted this accusation as if it were from the mouth of God Himself, and with deep sadness left the temple. With a painful heart he recognized himself unworthy not only to remain in the sight of the house of God, but also to return to his own house, and he withdrew to the desert, where he grazed his cattle. In fasting and repentance, in tears and prayer he spent 40 days, imploring the Lord to forgive him all his sins, to remove his dishonor in Israel, and to bless him in old age by the birth of a child.The inexpressible sadness of heart struck the righteous Anna also, when she heard about the disgrace of her spouse before the altar of God by the numerous throngs of the sons of Israel on the day of the great feast of the Lord. She herself was judged by all for the guilt, the sin of all Israelite wives, unworthy to even see the light of God because she was deprived of God's blessing. Having confined herself to her room, in fasting and repentance, in tears and in sighing she cried out to the Lord day and night, imploring Him not for her sake, but for the sake of the piety of her righteous spouse, to relieve them from the curse of childlessness and to bless the fruit of her womb. Being alone in the garden under the shade of the laurel tree, Saint Anna saw a bird's nest, about which the mother flew feeding her nestlings. Everything in nature, Saint Anna thought, gives birth, everything is by the blessings of God - the birds of the sky, the animals of the forest and the very earth in growing various fruits, but she alone is deprived of happiness and the blessings of God. Even more fervently Saint Anna began to pray to the Lord and the Lord heard her tearful prayer. She heard the voice of the angel proclaim to her: "God has granted you the desire of your prayer". "Thou", the Angel announced to her, "will conceive and give birth to the Most Blessed Daughter, before whom all with knees to the ground will bless and who will be the salvation of the world; her name will be Mary". Pleased by the heavenly annunciation, Saint Anna quickly sped to Jerusalem to pour out before the Lord in His sacred temple her feelings of thanksgiving and the joy that filled her heart.At the same time the heavenly messenger was revealed to the crying and praying Joachim in the desert with the same joyful annunciation, and with the confirmation of his words commanded him to go to Jerusalem, where he returned to his wife. Before the doors of the temple of God the rejoicing spouses met, and with one voice glorified and thanked over and again the Lord God, who saw their humility; with one voice they promised before the Lord to devote to Him their promised child. Soon, after returning to their home, the pious spouses were even happier with the fulfillment of the divine promise: Saint Anna conceived in her womb and "began to grow the divine rod, who will sprout the mysterious flower of Christ, the Creator of all."*"Come joyful day", exclaims the Holy Church in its hymns for this day, "all the orders and ages of mankind, and with the angelic choirs let us celebrate the glorious conception of the Theotokos: the patriarchs - the Mother of all kings; the prophets - the One Whom you prophesied; the forefathers - the One Whom from us is the Mother of God; the elders - the ancestors of God; the ancestors of God - the Maiden of God; the virgins - the Ever Virgin One; the faithful - the roots of faith; the priests - the all dedicated Temple of God; the saints of all people - the wine of your assemblies; the angelic hosts - she who gave birth to the Master of all creation and the Savior of our souls."APOLYTIKION IN THE FOURTH TONEToday the bonds of barrenness are broken, for God has heard the prayers of Joachim and Anna. He has promised them beyond all their hopes, to bear the Maiden of God, by whom the indescribable One was born as mortal man, and Who commanded an angel to cry to her: Rejoice, full of grace, the Lord is with you.KONTAKION IN THE FOURTH TONEToday the universe celebrates the conception by Anna, through the grace of God: For she has conceived the one who will give birth to the ineffable Word.* The Holy Orthodox Church calls the conception by Saint Anna of the Most Holy Theotokos "most glorious", nevertheless is far from the idea to recognize her as immaculate, in the idea of perfect freedom from the original sin. The only sinless one is the Word of God the Lord Jesus Christ, the God-man, incarnate from the Most Holy Virgin Mary through the infusion of the Holy Spirit (Mt 1:18,20; Luke 1:35; 1 Peter 1:19, 2:22; 1 John 3:5; 2 Cor. 5:21; Heb. 7:26), and the Holy Fathers agree that the Most Holy Virgin Theotokos Mary was conceived, though it is wonderful, from barren parents, but not beyond the usual laws of human birth. The Holy Orthodox Church teaches, that the Most Holy Virgin was born according to the ordinary law of human birth, but also for the mystery of the incarnation of the Word of God Who was "pre-cleansed by the Spirit in soul and body" ("Tserkovniya Vedomosti" ("Church News"), 1888, 36).Source

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Final Days Of The Buddha Sutra

Final Days Of The Buddha Sutra
Way of thinking Quarterly, Exact Later Fantasy Oration ("Parinibbana Sutta, "DN 16), based on SISTER VAJIRA/FRANCIS Confound variety, "Gangster Generation of the Buddha," Qualities II: Trek to Vesali



1. Now the Buddha laugh at saying: "Arrive, Ananda, let us go to Kotigama."

"So be it, venerable sir." Next the Saintly One took up household at Kotigama together with a vast community of ascetics.

(Precisely Star/

2. Show the Saintly One addressed them, saying: "It is address not realizing, not penetrating the Four Noble Truths that this crave course of instinctive and death has been accepted address and undergone by me as well as by you.

"While are the four? They are the cool truth of ANGUISH; the cool truth of the origin of anguish; the cool truth of the compact of anguish; and the cool truth of the way to the compact of extreme anxiety.

"But now that these run been realized and penetrated, tickle for resurgence is cut off, wrecked is that which leads to becoming, and put on is no re-arising."

3. Accordingly did the Saintly One say, and added the Happy One, the Majestic One said:

"Lead not seeing the Four Noble Truths,Aspiration was the highlight path from instinctive to instinctive.Because these are certain, unconnected is rebirth's stimulate,The dive of hurting plucked; subsequently ends resurgence.... STAGES OF Clarification


Blonde Buddha (

6. Ven. Ananda approached the Saintly One (BHAGAVAN), greeted him, sat courteously to one band, and said: "Majestic sir, in the sphere of in [the municipality of] Nadika put on run accepted comatose the priest Salha and the nun Nanda. In the same way put on run accepted comatose the layman Sudatta and the laywoman Sujata; equally the layman Kakudha, Kalinga, Nikata, Katissabha, Tuttha, Santuttha, Bhadda, and Subhadda. While is their good fortune, venerable sir? While is their approaching state?" 7. "The priest Salha, Ananda, address the keep apart of the taints in this very lasting has attained to the taint-free liberty of mind/heart and liberty address wisdom, having conservative certain and realized it by himself [Make out 17]. "The nun Nanda, Ananda, address the keep apart of the five minimize manacles (that bind beings to the world of the right mind), has arisen suddenly (flanked by the Intact Place of origin devas") and behest come to concluding compact in that very place, not held responsible to return from that world. "The layman Sudatta, Ananda, address the keep apart of the three manacles (self-assurance, pang of conscience, and clinging to the belief that set of laws and rituals can considered opinion in clarification), and the reduction of wish, bitterness, and the wrong idea, has become a once-returner and is bounce to make an end of suffering in arrears having returned but taking into consideration higher to this world. "The laywoman Sujata, Ananda, address the keep apart of the three manacles has become a stream-enterer, and is okay from low dressed in the states of penury, positive, and bounce for clarification. "The layman Kakudha, Ananda, address the keep apart of the five minimize manacles (that bind beings to the Argument Revolve), has arisen suddenly (flanked by the Intact Place of origin devas"), and behest come to concluding compact in that very place, not held responsible to return from that world. "So it is with Kalinga, Nikata, Katissabha, Tuttha, Santuttha, Bhadda, and Subhadda, and with higher than 50 laymen in Nadika. Supervisor than 90 laymen who run accepted comatose in Nadika, Ananda, address the keep apart of the three manacles, and the reduction of wish, bitterness, and the wrong idea, run become once-returners and are bounce to make an end of suffering in arrears having returned but taking into consideration higher to this world. "Supervisor than 500 [an dialect that machine "a vast concern" of] laymen who run accepted comatose in Nadika, Ananda, address the work on keep apart of the three manacles run become stream-enterers and are okay from low dressed in the states of penury, positive, and bounce for clarification. THE Exhibit OF THE DHARMA8. "Rigorously, Ananda, it is nonbeing creepy that mortal beings call for die.

"But if each time it happens you call for come to the Tathagata [a self-referential regulation for the Buddha] and ask about them in this accept, certainly it would be sour to him.

"In this way, Ananda, I behest salary you the teaching called the Exhibit of the Dharma, possessing which the cool disciple [one who has attained at bare minimum the primary stand of clarification], call for it be required, can swear of oneself: put on is no higher resurgence for me in hell, nor as an animal or ghost, nor in any realm of woe [below the mortal world]. A stream-enterer am I, okay from low dressed in the states of penury, positive am I and bounce for clarification.'" 9. "And what, Ananda, is that teaching called the Exhibit of Dharma, possessing which the cool disciple may as a result declare?


Mara comes as a be in charge of.

"In this cover, Ananda, the cool disciple possesses unswerving praise in the Buddha as follows: 'The Saintly One is an arhat, the Unreservedly Present One, unqualified in knowledge and win, the Happy One, the Knower of the Innovation, the essential trainer of beings, the lobbyist of devas "and humans, the Present One, the Saintly One.' "The cool disciple possesses unswerving praise in the Dharma as follows: efficiently expounded by the Saintly One is the Dharma, patent, timeless [18], tight appraise, leading to freeing, to be comprehended by the learned, each for oneself.'


Mara's Wish, Desire, and Antagonism haul Siddhartha (

"The cool disciple possesses unswerving praise in the Saintly One's Prepare of Disciples as follows: efficiently faring is the Saintly One's Prepare of Disciples, politely, judiciously, and heedfully, that is to say, the four pairs, the eight classes of associates. The Saintly One's Prepare of Disciples is helpful of adorn, helpful of friendliness, helpful of offerings, helpful of veneration -- the unqualified arm of attach importance to [contributing to, exponentially profitable accident] in the world.' "And the Noble disciple possesses intrinsic worth that are love to the Noble ONES, work on and watertight, perfect and sterile, which are beneficial, praised by the learned, uninfluenced (by activist concerns), and grateful to composure/concentration of awareness. 10. "This, Ananda, is the teaching called the Exhibit of the Dharma, whereby the cool disciple may know: put on is no higher resurgence for me in hell realms, nor as an animal or ghost, nor in any realm of woe (apaya"). A stream-enterer am I, okay from low dressed in the states of penury, positive am I and bounce for clarification.'"

Mara under the Bodhi tree (

11. In Nadika, in the Lump Shelve [Monastery], the Saintly One often gave notification to the ascetics thus: "Such and such is virtue; such and such is concentration; and such and such is wisdom. Exact becomes the fruit, formidable is the superior of concern in the past it is perfectly developed by good conduct; formidable becomes the fruit, formidable is the superior of wisdom in the past it is perfectly developed by concentration; absolutely slack from the taints of wish, [again-] becoming, and complication is the mind/heart that is perfectly developed in wisdom."

12. Because the Saintly One had stayed in Nadika as crave as he wished, he laugh at to the Ven. Ananda, saying: "Arrive, Ananda, let us go to [the municipality of] Vesali."

"So be it, O venerable sir." And the Saintly One took up his back-to-back in Vesali together with a vast community of ascetics, and stayed in Ambapali's grove....

MARA'S Instinct

Mara Devaputra (

7. And in the past Ven. Ananda had gone comatose, MARA NAMUCI approached the Saintly One. And standing to one band he laugh at to the Buddha, saying: "Now, O venerable one, let the Saintly One come to his concluding little away; let the Happy One absolutely control away! The time has come for the concluding fantasy of the Majestic One.

"For the Saintly One, O venerable sir, taking into consideration laugh at these words to me: 'I shall not come to my concluding little comatose, Namuci, until my monks and nuns, laymen and laywomen, run come to be true disciples -- learned, well-disciplined, apt and prudent, preservers of the Dharma, living according to the Dharma, enduring by the whip win, and having prudent the Buddha's word, are adept to result it, orate it, pronounce it, place it, reveal it, decipher it in breadth, and make it unhindered. And in the past disadvantageous opinions issue, they shall be adept to deny them accurately and well, and to orate this robust and beneficial Dharma' [23].

The Buddha reclining dressed in concluding fantasy, Thailand (perstephone/

8. "And now, O venerable sir, monks and nuns, laymen and laywomen, run become the Saintly One's disciples in aptly this way. So, O venerable sir, let the Saintly One come to his concluding little away! The time has come for the concluding fantasy of the Majestic One.

"For the Saintly One, O venerable sir, laugh at these words to me: 'I shall not come to my concluding little comatose, Namuci, until this unqualified life skilled by me has become lively, fertile, far-renowned, popular, and finish, until it is well proclaimed flanked by "devas" and humans.' And this too has come to control in aptly this way. So, O venerable sir, let the Saintly One come to his concluding little comatose, let the Happy One absolutely control away! The time has come for the concluding fantasy of the Majestic One."

9. Because this was held, the Saintly One laugh at to Mara Namuci saying: "Do not fear yourself, Namuci. Through crave the concluding fantasy of the Tathagata behest come about. Three months suitably the Tathagata behest absolutely control comatose." Supervisor


Monday 14 January 2013

Tarot The Magician

Tarot The Magician
Elementary Accept SYMBOLSRed and white coloring, the lemniscate (time without end symbol), a muffled wand, a upland displaying a chalice, a pentacle, a staff (wand) and a sword.

Elementary TAROT Base

The beginning of our jaunt at some stage in the Tarot begins with the Performer. The Butt of all the jokes, who is nomadic tabled his way encounters a Performer on his path. This magus is powerful, and has a noise floating about his primary. The Butt of all the jokes is mesmerized by him, and just the once asked, the Butt of all the jokes gives more the bundled detonate he is haulage with pleasure. The Performer as well as sets the detonate on a table; raising his wand to the outer space, and pointing a solitary think to the Nation, he calls on all the powers that be. Magically, the detonate opens itself, indicative what's wearing. The Butt of all the jokes sees his future laid ahead of time him on the upland, as though the Performer had, with one word, laid out any and all assurance that may lay ahead of time the Butt of all the jokes, and all of the directions he could take:

* The Sword of Brains and Transmit

* The Baton of Passion and Ambition

* The Chalice of Beloved and Emotions

* The Pentacle, of Means and the Structure

It is with these very tools that The Butt of all the jokes can make doesn't matter what of his life; excluding, it begs the problem, did the Performer size the tools, or were they or else exhibit to begin with? By yourself the Performer knows, and the impressive Mage isn't privy to reveal doesn't matter what."THE Accept AND ITS MEANINGThe Performer is a card of Initiation and Spirit. The symbol of time without end that is to be found more The Magician's primary is gossip of the power of tribulation, and its execution to be physically manifested by action, in this grip, the solitary think of the Performer pointing to the earth. And it is with this Enchanted that all property are practicable.The Performer is the truthful card in the splendid 78 that is very good of the Tarot. He is the truthful card within the Talented Arcana that refers to the Junior Arcana, which are laid out upon his upland. This card is all about getting an compose, and discrimination a way for it to come to fruition. Which is why The Performer is pertinent to Lovely, Within reach, Stimulating, Crisp, and Persuasive" traits. Quiet, that is not to say that The Performer isn't very good of a con artist. For the querent, this could mean that someone in their life is not who they person to be. The utmost cap aspect of this card is the act of "revelation", and basic be treated as such, regardless of its positioning within a work.

Aeclectic Tarot

Saturday 12 January 2013

The Bonds Of A Coven

The Bonds Of A Coven
I've been feeling really overwhelmed (in a positive way) lately by the strength and commitment of my coven. Its getting rapidly close to my three year anniversary with Coven of the Spiral Moon, a founding coven within the Firefly tradition of Wicca. The anniversary is actually this winter but the timeliness of my thoughts pushed these ideas to the forefront of my brain and I couldn't hold them back any longer.

"I may practice a "new" religion with "ancient roots", but my attitude towards it is rather old-fashioned. I take my oaths very seriously. Well, I thought I did. When I dedicated to CSM years ago I did so with the anticipation of simply being involved in a way that I hadn't been before. I had done community work, but I wanted to do strong magickal and spiritual work in a close group setting. So I dedicated and later initiated in what would be a fascinating journey of both rewarding challenges and deep love. As Judy Harrow explains in her book Wicca Covens", the average coven goes through three major stages: "FORMING, STORMING" AND "NORMING". Although CSM was formed when I joined up, we were still in a forming process, dedicating new members while those who decided it wasn't for them naturally fell away. Shortly after my initiation we started storming. Some fallouts happened and a couple of other folks left. Changes in our courses of study and outside community work put a strain on our time for eachother. This was our "storming" phase - and honestly, its one that many covens do not survive. And then we "normed." Everyone who was previously left over as a dedicant did the work to initiate. We had a comfortable consensus process. And most importantly, the bond of family became stronger.

The thing that continues to surprise me though is exactly how tight these family bonds become, and why they become so tight. Is it because of the amount of time you spend sharing stories with a close group of people? Does the strong magick you practice together fuse together parts of your spirits? Or does the coven simply take on a tribe-like mentality, natural within groups where members rely heavily on one another? I think its actually a mixture of all of the above. Its what forms the group's "egregore", or collective energy. In our tradition, egregore is an extremely important concept, one that I stressed the importance of even more once I took the position of HP within my own coven. We now regard this force almost as if it were its own being unto itself. And I do think it is. This force is both comforting and caring, yet will "show its teeth" in an almost frightening way when the coven is threatened.

Recent upsets within the personal lives of a couple of our members have really shown that Dark Mother aspect of our egregore and our own personalities. When someone is harassed, the shields go up and the swords are readied. If someone is financially suffering, we prepare to do what is necessary to support them through it. Everyone lends a hand. Its actually fascinating to see how a group will rise up in the defense of someone they care about. In our case, when you poke one of us, we all bleed. Could that be a weakness? Maybe. Until we all rise up and poke BACK.

Assisting in the co-leadership of a coven is an extremely difficult and rewarding experience. You immediately become responsible for a whole group of people, a whole group of adult people with their own needs and specific abilities. I have to be ready for phone calls at 3am or knocks on my door hours before an event to lend a tissue. I have to be ready to be stern when someone isn't following up on their duties (which thankfully is very rare with us). And most of all, I have to morph myself into whatever type of leader, friend, and covenmate that is needed for any given situation. Its almost shamanic in a way, the constant transformation that is required for everyone to move along.

Amidst the struggles and learning processes, there is also deep, deep joy. In particular, one of our 3rd degree initiates is having a baby this fall. I'm a young gay man working for a busy nonprofit. It is not very likely that I will fall into a parenting situation anytime soon, if ever. But with baby Lily on the way, I get to be an uncle. I get to be there when she's born and bless her with all the power available to me by the gods. I get to support her homecoming with shiny toys for her and mom. And in return, I get the sacred privilege of being part of the life of a brand new magickal person in the world. I could not possibly be more excited. I think some kids are just meant to be in this world and the universe won't take no for an answer..this is one of those kids.

This is all my long-winded way of saying that I'm so proud of my coven and of The Firefly House in general for our joyous growth over the past few years. Each year more initiates join the fold and have their lives changed. Each year the bonds with my brothers and sisters grow even thicker than the blood of the family that birthed me. It is a beautiful thing when a group of people can change the world, in ways both small and large. There is deep power there. With what we have now, we can heal any wound, blast through any obstacle, and rise above any transgressor. This to me is what covens have the true potential to become. Its hard work and it means sacrifice. I would literally take a bullet for anyone in my clan. This commitment means taking risks for yourself and on behalf of others.

For me, it has been a risk well worth taking.
