1. Honoring the Elements 1.4 Earth. From: Blackbird View All Topics Create New Topic
Mon Dec 6, 2010 8:23 am (PST)
Hi All,
Today we complete the circle, as we honor the Element of Earth; for
today's exercise you will need a small stone, and a handful of
potting soil if at all possible. I suggest you put the potting soil in a
small bag, or baggie as we will be going outside again, if of course
your circumstances allow.
So I've wandered down to "Doggie Walk Park" as my wife calls it and
found a good thick tree to stand near.
We begin my centering, I begin by chanting the Ama*
7 times.
We settle into a sacred space and being our quarters call.
As we complete our Quarters call we slip our feet out of our shoes, and
stand for a long moment on grass; feel the earth, even now in November
feel the softness of the earth, it is not yet packed hard by frost. Feel
the cold embrace of it, you may have to shift a step, but strive to be
still and just experience the earth. Focus your gaze forward; the green
grass of the park, the bones of the trees as they retreat into winter
Be mindful of the moment.
Repeat the Call to the Watchtowers of the North.
Hail Guardians of the Watch Towers of the North,
Powers of Earth,
Corners stone of all power,
We invoke you we call you.
Great Lady of the Outer Darkness,
Black Bull of Midnight
Center of the Whirling Sky, Come!
Stone, Mountain, Fertile Field Come!
by the earth that is her body.
Put forth your strength be her now.
Relax, be mindful of the words,
be mindful of the moment,
Do you feel the power your invoking,
Do you feel the warmth rising into your feet.
Be mindful of the words you are saying,
be mindful of the power you are invoking.
Take a moment just to breath and observe your senses.
Take the Potting soil from your pocket.
Hold it in your (right) receiving hand,
Notice how it feels,
Raise it to you nose, opening your hand,
Smell the richness of it,
Is it good, rich, black, fertile?
Is it all "Earth" or is it still full of Plant Humus.
Take a long moment be mindful of the soil.
Then saying, "What comes of the Earth, We return to the Earth"
Let it go, gift it to the place your standing.
Now take out the stone,
Feel how hard it is, how strong it is,
Its just a little thing,
but a grown man could not break it, not with his bare hands.
The Earth is immensely strong, each little part of the earth is strong.
Take a moment,
Be mindful of the Trees around you,
Notice how the mother Effortlessly holds them up.
Thick Trunks, Wide Branches, Broad Canopies,
She simply holds them up.
It is an immense statement of her enormous power
that we almost never think of these things,
we simply take it for granted, Of course,
of course the Earth is strong enough for the roots to
grasp and hold the tree up, as she reaches for the heavens.
Kiss the stone,
Touch it to your Brow, Your lips, your heart.
"What comes of the Earth we return to the Earth" 3x
Now hurl it away, don't watch it land, let it go.
Re-Center yourself a moment.
Thank the Powers of the Earth for their presence and protection.
Release your Circle.
Hot Chocolate is probably in order! or Piping hot Coffee. (If your me.)
"* I've never gotten a recording of the Ama I'm quite happy with, it
sounds a bit different and more resonant when done well.
I do hope some of you are doing these exercises as opposed to reading
them, you are again invited to share your experiences if you do... Our
Path is a Craft, like the path of the Carpenter, or Silversmith it is
about the doing.
Consider this if you will;
Imagine a man, he is born with Palsied hands, he has not the strength to
lift a hammer, drive a nail, or saw a plank. Yet he loves wood work, he
loves the beauty of well carved things; he reads every book he can on
wood working, watches every show and video; in time he has such a wealth
of knowledge friends come to him and ask him how to get a certain bevel
or fit an awkward join, and he helps them. Eventually he even writes a
book summarizing all he knows, and it sells well.
Now I ask you, at the end of the day, is this man a Carpenter, or simply
an Author?
Don't expect and Answer tomorrow, you have to find that in yourself.
Brightest Blessings, BB.
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