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Saturday 25 December 2010

Navigating The Apocalypse 1 2 Tek Gnostic Apocalypse

Navigating The Apocalypse 1 2 Tek Gnostic Apocalypse
APOCALYPSE "(Greek: Apok'alypsis; "lifting of the veil" or "revelation") is a term applied to the disclosure to certain privileged persons of something hidden from the majority of humankind. In the holy book of the Christians, the Bible, the term apocalypse refers to a revelation believed by Christians to be of their God's will."- WikipediaThe concept of a "great revealing event" among the faithful is a pervasive and popular element, perhaps even a cornerstone, to many of the world's religions. Specifically, Earth's desert religions (ie:christianity, islam, etc.) are particularly prone to promotion of the event known as Apocalypse, as it lends itself to a warring theocratic culture. Over time, the concept has evolved from it's original application of a revelation of hidden or occult information, to a massive reckoning event whereby the faithful are judged for worthiness (Judgment Day). Further deviation from the original intent transforms revelation into an epic battle between forces of light and darkness with salvation of the victors souls being the spoils of war (Armageddon).Also born of and emerging from the desert is the spiritual path known as gnosticism. Like the other desert religions, gnosticism contains apocalyptic literature within it's writings. Unlike the "orthodox" biblical materials found in post Council of Nicaea christian literature, gnostic texts such as those found among the Dead Sea Scrolls illustrate a apocalyptic vision that seems to be focused upon individual enlightenment..."The end time described by the author does not manifest itself in the normal culmination of a battle, judgment, or catastrophe, but rather as "a steady increase of light, [through which] darkness is made to disappear or in which iniquity dissolves and just as the smoke rising into the air eventually dissipates" (Piper 1958:97). In this sense, wisdom is an inevitable force that needs to be yielded to by those who choose to accept it and are capable of understanding it. There is no mention of angels, or YHWH's coming, or resurrection of the wise, or any of the typical Messianic language that we usually associate with Judeo-Christian eschatological texts. It simply argues for a change in focus from folly to wisdom, and therefore righteousness."- The Book of MysteriesIt is this type of autonomous universal view that had caused the (post Nicaea) church fathers to label the practicioners of gnosticism as "heretics". Indeed, gnostics value individual experience of the divine as the only authentic communion with godhead. The gnostic does not subjugate to any doctirine that claims to mediate between the source and the individual. The gnostics did not recognise any authority above their own experience of the Logos. In addition, the gnostics claimed to have esoteric teachings designed to accomplish un-mediated communion with godhead.Likewise the Tek-Gnostics System places prime consideration upon the relationship between an individual sentient being (in most cases we are here refering to "earthling humans") and godhead, or more properly, that which shall remain nameless. This poses a problem in that traditional gnostic thought indicates that godhead is beyond the reach of phenominal universe and therefore unaccessable to the vast majority of sentient beings of the 3-D worlds. To put it more simply... "you can't get there from here."Tek-Gnostics identifies a conduit or interface that allows for the possibility of access to that which shall remain namless. This interface we term "Matrix". This is not some diabolical A/I interface as made popular in a recent mass-media box office production of the same name (although that analogy more closly resembles the gnostic concept of the Demiurge). The concept of "Matrix" within the Tek-Gnostics cosmology is typified as "the network of all things", as the all pervasive energy-information-manifestation system within and sustaining universe.A more succinct analogy of the tekgnostic matrix is found in the traditional gnostic concept of the "Holy Ghost". The third entity in the gnostic/christian trinity, the Holy Ghost is the most mysterious aspect of the early desert religions. Originally, the Holy Ghost was feminine in nature, hence the "Ma" in Matrix. Tek-Gnostics adheres to this feminine princaple. Consider the following fragment from the Tek-Gnostics Codex..."Before the creation of Universe, a presence existed."Silent, void ">"Though it remains nameless, it's vibration appears as...""Great Universal Womb."Giving it a name, I recklessly call it Matrix."The reference to reckless in the above illuminates the inherent trap in even attempting to speak of such ideas. How can one put a name on "that which shall remain namless"? The answer is that we do so recklessly... throwing all caution to the wind.Ultimatly, we return to the essential relationship between self and that which shall remain namless. The prime tekgnostic belief in un-mediated communion. As we peak at eternity, we broaden our understanding... allowing a little more light to shine. This becomes the Tek-Gnostic Apocalypse... the lifting of the veil... the great revealing event... one small epiphany at a time.