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Monday 26 December 2011

Former Thomas Road Evangelical Now Catholic

Former Thomas Road Evangelical Now Catholic
Here is Renee's story published at the Why I'm Catholic Site. She has a very compelling and well- thought out journey to the Church. Please take the time to read this great conversion story. Karl Keating's book "Catholicism and Fundamentalism" was instrumental in helping dispel the mythology and reveal what it is that Catholic's actually believe. I too read this book shortly after my decision to revert and his section on the Eucharist was powerful and difficult to refute with the usual Protestant objections. I now buy used copies of this book from Amazon and give them out when someone expresses interest.

"One Sunday morning when Dr. Falwell proclaimed that "everything we believe and do here at Thomas Road comes straight from Scripture," I took that seriously, too. Everything we believe and do.... "Everything?"My mind began to wander as some obvious exceptions came to mind. "Asking people to receive Jesus Christ into their heart as their personal Lord and Savior?" I knew that Peter and Paul certainly had never read someone the "Four Spiritual Laws" and invited them to ask Jesus into their heart as their personal Lord and Savior. "Repent and be baptized" was actually the approach taken by the apostles."
