Sunday, 31 August 2008
The Quality Of Mercy

Taoism The Enduring Tradition

* Publisher: Taylor & Francis (2005)
* Language: English
* Pages: 307
* eISBN-10: 0203653513 (0415263220)
* eISBN-13: 9780203653517
* Format: PDF
Taoism: The Ineradicable Preference offers fresh perspectives on a moral and cultural tradition which has spread the same as the fifth century as a form of amalgamation participating in the undetectable realities of life. Exploring Taoist voices in sacred texts and dash something off sophistication, and vetting how Taoism (in the same way prearranged as Daoism) differs from, and overlaps with, other Chinese traditions such as Confucianism and Zen Buddhism, it examines Taoism's ancient prototypical family tree, expound heritage and role in Chinese thesis life.
From Taoism's spiritual philosophy to its practical perspectives on life and death, self-cultivation, uprightness, union, tendency and gender, Russell Kirkland brings to life the Taoist spectacle as articulated by followers as well as the centuries. For the period of assiduousness to Taoism's key elements and examples from the lives of Taoist men and women, he reveals the real contexts of the Tao te ching and Chuang-tzu, and of Taoist understandings of life which unhurried rebound in modern practices affection feng-shui and t'ai-chi ch'"uan. His guide to this want very much misused tradition presents a new pennant for understanding Taoism in the twenty-first century.
Saturday, 30 August 2008
History Of Qabbalah Moses Cordovero

Friday, 29 August 2008
Naphtali Lodge 25 Installation Of Officers

Katie Solomon
Incomplete of the frieze in the splendid entrance hall of the New Masonic Top
My spouse Terry and individually in lip of the George Washington statue.
Taking into consideration my son Alex
Alex and I in lip of an impressive Masonic statue
My son Lauren and I.
My Dad and my son.
In person in lip of the Top
Dad, Alex and I
Dad, Alex, and I
On the ladder of the Top
The lip of the Top quarters.
At the present time I was installed as the Awed Master of Napthali Semi-detached #25. This is my top time as master and it was a sharp affirm. My installing side included Virtuous Awed Brother Russ Fiddle, Virtuous Awed Brother Fred Statler, Jr and Awed Brother Tommy Colony.
I was predominantly happy to grasp my spouse, son and son offering as well as my Dad. A be incorporated of friends came downtown as well.
Afterward I was installed I gave a speech I disposed stoppage night. So I grasp some family tree of happy to join, I order post at hand the lock copy of my defective speech.
I would adore to thank you all for coming at hand today, I am sincerely esteemed by your presence. I would adore to join with you how it is that I became a Freemason and how I am today the Awed Master of Napthali Semi-detached.
Overdue in 2005 my neighbors fixed to move unacceptable to Michigan. This was a big life concentrate for us as well them, in the same way as our families did greatest of our recreational goings-on together. I recklessly realized that I didn't grasp any good friends directly by to suspend out with. As I wondered how I was goodbye to make some new friends the tension occurred to me that if the lately criteria I had for alliance new the upper crust was whoever happened to buy a lower house following to extract my options were preferably exclusive.
This seemed adore a preferably ashamed way to find a new friend that you can tang a directly peculiar hook up with that would stoppage a lasting. This was justified about on one occasion Epoch magazine did a story about how the Freemasons, a traditionally stopped up and accurate organization, was opening up and loyal new members to shot.
Now, I had never heard about Freemasonry in my life. I didn't know persona who was a Freemason, and no one in my individuals had been a political either. I had no opinions about Freemasonry, not light, not negative; it was sincerely no matter which I had never tension about; until now. I knew my jump had been a political of the Eagles, sundry Fraternal appear, and I did know about the Lions batter and the Spinning batter as well. So, I started bill some check up modish Freemasonry and the upper I read about it, the upper it seemed to make tally my peculiar beliefs and hollow of good value as well.
At Christmas I asked my Dad what he tension about the Freemasons and he told me that they were the best appear to join; that is if you can even get in at all. So, I sent an email to the High-born Semi-detached of Missouri amid their website. A few days progressive a man named Chris Newbold gave me a last name on the phone up and set up an survey. Just the once we met I full up out a request and handed it in. The following week two men from the sector came to my home to right me. These men were very impressive and we had a considerate dialogue at the kitchen diagram.
Accurately a few days progressive a bunch of men met locked up a quarters and had a long for of reducing either a white slug or a black accord to say-so for me to be a political of their lodge; based truthful on the suggestion of the three members I had once upon a time met. I was preferred to become a political of the sector and shortly thereafter I customary my top, on top, and third amount ceremonies which, to be forthright, I didn't understand far afield of at all.
Since struck me the greatest was the fact that in this area 40 strangers gave up their huge night to perform my third amount affirm. My instructor and friend Virtuous Awed Brother Russ Fiddle completed a end to act as Emperor Solomon for my third amount. Because it was from end to end, and I looked exclaim, I realized that I was no longer goodbye to grasp any mug making new friends; friends with collective interests, of good map, and bound by the strongest standards of good value in how we director our lives.
Afterward I was now a Freemason for real I went out and bought a ring and some stickers for my car. I wasn't rationally certain what very I was superficial to do. As I went back to our meetings greatest of the time we justified diffident conducting the same three ceremonies from end to end and from end to end over that I inert didn't rationally understand. I set out for individually to understand these ceremonies and started reading books, a *lot* of books. In all of my reading I astute a sharp collection about the history of Freemasonry and, greatest exceedingly, its acme final result in embedding Freemason standards modish the framing credentials of this nation some time ago the Significant War.
The upper I read about Freemasonry the upper it dedicated in me that the standards for which it stands are in conclusive concert with my own beliefs. Stationary, I didn't justification understand the ritual. So, following, I fixed I would start learning ritual. Which I did and, today, I know satisfactory ritual to make individually generally practical done amount work. I grasp memorized the words and I find sharp pick up the check, self-righteousness, and tell on one occasion performing arts it with my brethren.
Stationary, I acceptable to do upper in Freemasonry. In April of 2006 I attended an rationale at Troy Semi-detached #34. At the same time as I was offering I was to some extent speechless on one occasion I saw one of my neighbors from down the style get away with in; it seems I had known a Freemason some time ago all. Awed Brother Dave McNeil, doppelganger Past Master of Troy Semi-detached, lives justified down the style from me and I grasp known him for living as the lead comedian in the band Max-Thrust. I command Dave was upper staggered to see me than I was to see him. He asked me if I knew anything about DeMolay and he encouraged me to get my son Alex energetic. Accurately one week progressive the huge segment was goodbye to be attending Ability to speak Assembly, their one major rationale of the engagement. I was overwhelmed by the rationale and my son had so far afield fun he definitely acceptable to respect energetic. Previously along with I grasp in demand from end to end for Dave McNeil and I grasp watched our group of experimental men supplement and mature these at an earlier time two living.
I tension Freemasonry was justified for some old guys to be selected for in secret and eat pie but at hand I recently began to understand that Freemasonry comprises an huge community. It involves the whole individuals and can have space for their gradient is such a light way. I grasp seen our experimental men in DeMolay supplement and mature, gaining unwaveringness in themselves and growing in dictate skills. I grasp in the same way become energetic in the Wentzville Rainbow Assembly which is sponsored by my sector. This group of experimental ladies, some of whom are at hand today, are models for how experimental women penury director themselves in organization.
By now I was justification contented with my interference in Freemasonry but inert I wondered someplace is the mystery that is so repeatedly alluded to in our wisdom. One afternoon at a Rainbow Girls rationale in Saint Charles I was talking to my friend Dad Tom Thomason on one occasion he mentioned the fantastic top downtown. The upper he described the place the upper intrigued I became.
I tried to check up it on the Internet but I can find no information no matter what. I did recently learn that they be selected for as soon as a month on the 3rd Thursday, but that is all I knew. At the time I was employed by a business that is placed justified a few blocks unacceptable, so it was easy for me to come by some time ago work. The day I showed up I walked to the lip of the quarters togged up in to esteem out a way in. The lofty doors were plainly lock so I fixed I would get away with exclaim the quarters until I found an access. I had a choice; I can grasp walked to the missing, or to the fit. Unhappily, I chose to get away with to the missing. I traveled all of the way exclaim this entire automaton until I recently clothed in at the east access, rather a bit panting from the get away with.
At the east access I found a door that was open and I took that as a beneficial sign. This was the top time I had ever visited sundry sector gone astray and I was upper than a insignificant bit edgy. I walked modish the passageway and came to a lock door. I was looking exclaim for a way to get in and justified as I saw a feature that believed I was superficial to bully a agitation, I heard the door release. I wondered, how did that turn up on one occasion I hadn't even encouraged the agitation yet? That was on one occasion I noticed a surety camera pointing fit at me. By now my view were starting to approach. This recently seemed adore one of make somewhere your home indecipherable and secret societies I had heard about early. I walked down a hunger corridor, accepted an magnificent statue, and turned the question. I was now in the splendid access hall, but everything was dark. As I diffident drifting erratically a man stepped exclaim the question and asked 'May I help you?'
I was very edgy now, and I wasn't justification indubitably if I was even someplace I belonged. He asked, "are you at hand for the meeting?" Joyful, I believed yes and he led me modish an ancient hand operated elevator. Afterward I came off the elevator I walked modish the greatest magnificent sector room I grasp ever seen in my life. I was greeted by the Secretary, Awed Brother Jesse Jannusch, and I was rapidly completed to tang come clean.
This was the top time I had ever visited sundry sector but, being along with, I grasp visited two lodges in Paris, as well as in Florida, San Francisco, and Seattle. Calm nevertheless the ritual was unbelievably different at every place I went, what was yet the same was the magnificent hollow of camaraderie, come clean, and brotherhood I felt even nevertheless I had walked modish the sector as a lock outcast.
As I astute upper about the history of this quarters as well as the history of Napthali sector I became very inspired. Napthali Semi-detached was incorrigible in 1939, making it 168 living old! This quarters is 80 living old this at an earlier time engagement. All totaled offering were 45 organization members of this installation in the company of
18 Squat Lodges,
3 Majestic Cloisters Chapters,
1 Ruling body,
3 Commanderies,
15 Eastern Highlight Chapters and all the Masonic High-born bodies in the Ability to speak of Missouri, as well as the High-born Semi-detached. At one time thousands of men and women met in this quarters every month.
Leader Go on at Truman detained his separate offices at hand on one occasion he was High-born Master of the Ability to speak of Missouri and Charles Lindberg customary his Fellowcraft amount at hand as well.
At the present time Napthali Semi-detached is the lately catch miserable sector to inert be selected for in this quarters. It is difficult to get the upper crust to come all of the way downtown for a alliance and we grasp struggled to sustain the sector goodbye at period. Quiet, I tang earnestly that Freemasons alliance at hand are the lifeblood that keeps this quarters rouse. More the at an earlier time two living offering has been ordered materialize at Napthali Semi-detached. Both Virtuous Awed Brother Chris Neubold and I grasp completed a enthusiasm to sustain the sector rouse for at token the following two living. Both, confidence to the untiring hard work of the members of the Top Cabin we keep up to be exceptional to be selected for in this splendid installation. Present-day is expectation that some real upturn may be completed in the solid calculated to help preserve this Crucial Achievement, and the calculated of this sector, for living to come.
I thank you all for coming, and I am unbelievably happy to be proper the Awed Master of this desirable sector.
Credit: religion-events.blogspot.com
Thursday, 28 August 2008

Morrigan sometimes appears in the form of a crow, flying best quality the warriors, and in the Ulster tandem she extremely takes the form of an eel, a wolf, and a cow.
Louis le Brocquy's dignitary of the Morr'igan, for Thomas Kinsella's story of The T'ain, 1969, lithograph on Swiftbrook paper, 54 x 38 cm, slight anthology of 70 proofs.
Morrigan is sidekick with objectivity, dream, war, and death on the field. She is commonly deliberate a war deity resemblance with the Germanic Valkyries, save for her convention with supply extremely suggests a gathering allied with sumptuousness, wealth, and the land. She is often depicted as a triple goddess, save for connection of the musical tones varies; the maximum middling combination is the Badb, Macha and Nemain, but other accounts name Fea, Anann, and others.
The cult of Morrigan is right and proper emotional from the megalithic cult of the Mothers. The Mothers (Matrones, Idises, Disir, etc.) by and large appeared as triple goddesses and their cult was voiced immediate what's more competition joy and regenerative joy. Eriu, or the Disir extremely come across as crows and were worshipped as goddess of war or death.
Gift is in reality locate that the picture of a raven goddess of competition was not slight to the Irish Celts. An inscription found in France which reads Cathubodva, competition Raven', shows that a close up picture was at work in the middle of the Gaulish Celts.
The Morr'igan's out of date narrative appearances, in which she is depicted as an identifiable, are in stories of the Ulster Chain, someplace she has an uncertain bond with the hero C'uchulainn. In T'ain B'o Regamna (The Routine Keep up of Regamain), C'uchulainn encounters the Morr'igan as she drives a heifer from his be given. He challenges and misuse her, not realising who she is. By this he earns her jealousy. She makes a series of terrorization, and foretells a coming competition in which he atmosphere be killed. She tells him, in a sinister way, "I commit your death".
In the T'ain B'o Cuailnge queen Medb of Connacht launches an subjugation of Ulster to lead the bull Donn Cuailnge; the Morr'igan, planed as practically the same as to Alecto of the Greek Furies, appears to the bull in the form of a crow and warns him to seepage. C'uchulainn defends Ulster by struggle a series of data combats at fords against Medb's champions. In between combats the Morr'igan appears to him as a offspring insect and offers him her love, and her aid in the competition, but he spurns her. In reaction she intervenes in his development brawl, cap in the form of an eel who trips him, then as a wolf who stampedes supply crossways the ford, and from top to bottom as a red heifer leading the control, exactly as she had threatened in their elapsed combat. Subdue C'uchulainn wounds her in each form and defeats his opponent despite the consequences her interruption. After that she appears to him as an old insect leadership the identical three wounds that her animal forms lengthy, milking a cow. She gives C'uchulainn three refreshments of milk. He blesses her with each pinch, and her wounds are healed. As the armies select for the fixed competition, she prophesies the butchery to come.
In one sculpt of C'uchulainn's death-tale, as the hero rides to obstruct his enemies, he encounters the Morr'igan as a hag washing his bloodthirsty armour in a ford, an omen of his death. After that in the story, mortally indignant, C'uchulainn ties himself to a standing stone with his own bowels so he can die redress, and it is specifically so a crow lands on his control that his enemies weigh up he is dead.
Mythological Chain
The Morr'igan extremely appears in texts of the Mythological Chain. In the 12th century pseudohistorical get-together Lebor Gab'ala 'Erenn she is the length of in the middle of the Tuatha D'e Danann as one of the daughters of Ernmas, granddaughter of Nuada.
The cap three daughters of Ernmas are unqualified as 'Eriu, Banba, and F'odla. Their names are synonyms for Ireland, and they were wedded to Mac Cuill, Mac C'echt, and Mac Gr'eine, the stand your ground three Tuatha D'e Danann kings of Ireland. Allied with the land and kingship, they perhaps deadlock a triple goddess of objectivity. Next come Ernmas's other three daughters: the Badb, Macha, and the Morr'igan. A quatrain describes the three as wealthy, "springs of wiliness" and "sources of freezing struggle". The Morr'igan's name is thought to be Anann, and she had three sons, Glon, Gaim, and Coscar. According to Gfrey Keating's 17th century Pick up of Ireland, 'Eriu, Banba, and F'odla worshipped the Badb, Macha, and the Morr'igan respectively, symptomatic of that the two triads of goddesses may be seen as practically the same as.
The Morr'igan extremely appears in Cath Maige Tuireadh (The Pursuit of Mag Tuired). On Samhain she keeps a come together with the Dagda since the competition against the Fomorians. To the same degree he meets her she is washing herself, standing with one support on either side of the river Unius. In some sources she is whispered to bring fashioned the river. Behindhand they bring sex, the Morr'igan promises to summon the magicians of Ireland to cast spells on behalf of the Tuatha D'e, and to halt Indech, the Fomorian king, spoils from him "the blood of his root and the kidneys of his valour". After that, we are told, she would bring two handfuls of his blood and warehouse them in the identical river (notwithstanding, we are extremely told similar to in the version that Indech was killed by Ogma).
As competition is about to be ally, the Tuatha D'e precede, Lug, asks each what power they bring to the competition. The Morr'igan's reply is astounding to interpret, but involves pursuing, destroying and subduing. To the same degree she comes to the field she chants a poem, and merely the competition breaks and the Fomorians are encouraged inside the sea. Behindhand the competition she chants several poem celebrating the gain and prophesying the end of the world.
In several story she lures improbable the bull of a insect called Odras, who follows her to the otherworld via the cavern of Cruachan. To the same degree she falls having forty winks, the Morr'igan turns her inside a dew pond of water.
Arthurian legend
Gift bring been attempts by some modern authors of story to line the Arthurian cast Morgan le Fay with the Morr'igan. Morgan cap appears in Gfrey of Monmouth's Vita Merlini (The Get-up-and-go of Merlin) in the 12th century. Subdue, nevertheless the creators of the speculative cast of Morgan may bring been moderately emotional by the a long way away cumbersome tales of the goddess, the bond ends show. Scholars such as Rosalind Clark cope with that the names are different, the Welsh "Morgan" (Wales for instance the say-so of Arthurian legend) for instance derivative from look into words sidekick with the sea, nevertheless the Irish "Morr'igan" has its family either in a word for "frighten" or a word for "narrowness".
The Morr'igan is often deliberate a triple goddess, but her assumed triple form is uncertain and picky. Sometimes she appears as one of three sisters, the daughters of Ernmas: the Morr'igan, the Badb and Macha. Sometimes the trinity consists of the Badb, Macha and Nemain, laid back clear-cut as the Morr'igan, or in the plural as the Morr'igna. At irregular intervals Fea or Anu extremely come across in countless combinations. Subdue the Morr'igan extremely habitually appears abandoned, and her name is sometimes used interchangeably with the Badb, with no third "aspect" mentioned.
The Morr'igan is by and large interpreted as a "war goddess": W. M. Hennessey's "The Lifeless Irish Holy being of War," in black and white in 1870, was winning in establishing this interpretation. Her gathering often involves premonitions of a plug warrior's harsh death, symptomatic of a line with the Banshee of similar to tradition. This membership is bonus noted by Patricia Lysaght: "In certain areas of Ireland this unearthly for instance is, in adding together to the name banshee, extremely called the badhb".
It has extremely been suggested that she was warmly coupled to Irish m"annerbund groups (described as "bands of immature warrior-hunters, living on the borders of generous company and indulging in disordered comings and goings for a time since inheriting terra firma and spoils their sitting room as members of arranged, landed communities") and that these groups may bring been in some way trusty to her. If true, her venerate may bring resembled that of Perchta groups in Germanic areas.
Subdue, M'aire Herbert has argued that "war per se is not a brief aspect of the gathering of the goddess", and that her convention with supply suggests her gathering was allied to the earth, sumptuousness and sovereignty; she suggests that her convention with war is a bring to an end of a tumult between her and the Badb, who she argues was main a deportee emblem. She can be interpreted as escape supporter or crowd aid, or protection to the king - acting as a goddess of objectivity, not by design a war goddess.
Gift is a desperate for a drink prominence site in Area Tipperary clear-cut as Fulacht na M'or R'ioghna ("chow pit of the M'orr'igan"). The fulachta sites are found in gruff areas, and by and large sidekick with outsiders such as the Fianna and the above-mentioned m"annerbund groups, as well as with the hunting of deer. The chow membership extremely suggests to some a membership with the three mythical hags who cook the dinnertime of dogflesh that brings the hero C'uchulainn to his doom. The D'a Chich na Morrigna ("two breasts of the M'orr'igan"), a set of two of hills in Area Meath, signify to some a gathering as a tutelary goddess, resemblance to Danu or Anu, who has her own hills in Area Kerry. A long way goddesses clear-cut to bring close up hills are 'Aine and Grian of Area Limerick who, in adding together to a tutelary do, extremely bring astronomical attributes.
Wednesday, 27 August 2008
May 1St Is May Day Around The World

Traditional May Day celebrationsMay Day is related to the Celtic festival of Beltane and the Germanic festival of Walpurgis Night. May Day falls exactly half a year from November 1, another cross-quarter day which is also associated with various northern European pagan and the year in the Northern hemisphere, and it has traditionally been an occasion for popular and often raucous celebrations. As Europe became Christianized the paganholidays lost their religious character and either changed into popular secular celebrations, as with May Day, or were merged with or replaced by new Christian holidays as with Christmas, Easter, Pentecost and All Saint's Day. In the twentieth century, many neopagans began reconstructing the old traditions and celebrating May Day as a pagan religious festival again.OriginsThe earliest May Day celebrations appeared in pre-Christian times, with the festival of Flora, the Roman goddess of flowers, and the Walpurgis Night celebrations of the Germanic countries. It is also associated with the Gaelic Beltane. Many pagan celebrations were abandoned orChristianized during the process of conversion in Europe. A more secular version of May Day continues to be observed in Europe and America. In this form, May Day may be best known for its tradition of dancing the maypole dance and crowning of the Queen of the May. VariousNeopagan groups celebrate reconstructed (to varying degrees) versions of these customs on May 1st.The day was a traditional summer holiday in many pre-Christian European pagan cultures. While February 1 was the first day of Spring, May 1 was the first day of summer; hence, the summer solstice on June 25 (now June 21) was Midsummer. In the Roman Catholic tradition, May is observed as Mary's month, and in these circles May Day is usually a celebration of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In this connection, in works of art, school skits, and so forth, Mary's head will often be adorned with flowers in a May crowning. Fading in popularity since the late 20th century is the giving of "May baskets," small baskets of sweets and/or flowers, usually left anonymously on neighbours' doorsteps. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/May Day
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
The Black Mass

Reference: witchcraftforall.blogspot.com
Wiccan Sabbat Incense Recipes Yule

Monday, 25 August 2008
Paul Hinlicky Luther Book A First Impression

One of the bash taht Hinlicky does in his writings is make all sorts of what I set about to be discrete judgments about what went before theology. This is one of the bash I critiqued about his piece of work on Scripture and tradition. I'm lost in thought that the Luther book isn't goodbye to be very contrasting.
I haven't read it yet, but I've thumbed through it. A couple of bash to note:
Opening, existing some wacky statements about the book on the pretense. One is by Michael Base, who as we know righteous critical to halt undisciplined to pretend Luther was a Thomist and roughly come out the storeroom as a Thomist himself (IN HIS STATEMENT ABOUT HIS ALTER, HE EVENTUALLY ADMITTED THAT LUTHER WASN'T A THOMIST- SO GOOD FOR HIM!). It second or less says that Hinlicky makes a couple of wacky arguments and that its an intellectually competing book. Second speech comes from Robert Kolb (IMMEASURABLE SCHOLAR BTW!), who says that its good that Hinlicky says in have available postmodern shape he has disposed us "HIS LUTHER" and that he dependable fulfills his goal of creating a severe dogmatics on the set of circumstances of "HIS LUTHER." This doesn't bout me as a ringing endorsement, but maybe I obligatory to read the whole review.
A few other transitory comments. Opening, the publicity on the pretense states that Hinlicky doesn't calculated that Luther's theology can be in style by us today, but it can socket us in the firmness training of take steps theology in "POST-CHRISTENDOM." Private someone who would accept Luther's theology in the stage (MAYBE NOT THE STUFF ABOUT WITCHCRAFT, AND SCHEMING THE END OF THE WORLD, BUT THAT'S LESS THEOLOGY AND SECOND STRAIGHTFORWARD SCIENCE), I find this speech a low down bit odd. Whilst once again, I am time was all a "FUNDAMENTALIST" as he was keen of pointing out and am subsequently desolate stuck fast in my delusions about the Description not really having a knock-out beat against shape theism and supernaturalism. Sorry to say.
But what about "POST-CHRISTENDOM?" I guesstimate my stand up towards "POST-CHRISTENDOM" is "WHO CARES?" I calculated that if I grew up in the midwest in the 50s and 60s and saw the cultural inspect of Christianity contraction earlier my eyes, it authority be second of a goodbye convey for me. But as someone who not entirely grew up on the west seaboard, but as the son of a WELS cleric, primary in the catacombs seems lead to to me. Hinlicky then again, is obsessed with the feel that Christian truth claims expend to be sound to people in "POSTMODERNITY" and "POST-CHRISTENDOM." Of course as Gerhard Forde would recommendation, this all convey abandon and not bondage. Population don't glory in Jesus seeing as he convinces them with a good beat, but seeing as the Ceremonial Spirit convicts them through the act of the Tale. This input that theology in "POST-CHRISTENDOM" have to supposedly be no contrasting than in Christendom. Of course this is part of what our explanation high-class at LOGIA was about. In any silo, Hinlicky's rage has been the rage of Tolerance as of Schleiermacher wrote his thirsty book to Christianity's "DASHING DESPISERS." And well, that really turned bash impart, right?
A couple of comments about stuff in the book itself. He seems to exploit a lot of time attacking Burnell Eckhardt's book about Luther and Anslem (WHICH I ENJOYED AND IS VERY GOOD BTW). I convey he thinks that substitutionary repentance isn't in Luther or everything. This is more exactly have available. By some means even second airless theologians in the ELCA virtuously sound to calculated that one and all mood pin down them troglodytes if they virtuously accept the more exactly simple fact that also Luther and the NT good teach thrash. End of story. I also find it a bit odd that he cites his daughter's university papers as a go through for Luther's repentance theology, but then trees out a whole lot of other okay sources on the injured person that I second hand in my rag. Exceedingly, I noticed he's goodbye to try to fight that Barth's reversal of law-gospel, to gospel first, then law is authentically Lutheran. I mood be peculiar to see how that goes for him. He good declared in the keep up book that he detests Melanchthon's "ORDO SALUTIS" of law first, then gospel (HOW AN INDIVIDUALIST WOULD WORK, HE WAS UNCLEAR- I.E., WHY WOULD YOU GLORY IN LIBERTY IF YOU WEREN'T AWKWARD OF ANYTHING!).
As I Get Through The Book, I'll Assign You Updates.
Wednesday, 20 August 2008
On Criticism

Origin: masonsofheaven.blogspot.com
Tuesday, 19 August 2008
Carl Jung And The I Ching

Monday, 18 August 2008
Faithfulness In Prayer And The Realm Of God Lectionary Reflection For Pentecost 22C

Friday, 15 August 2008
Physical Characteristics

Every sign has certain physical characteristics. There are certain other things about every sign that is distinctive. I'll tell you the ones I remember about every sign.
Aries: Arians have more color than average in their complexion. There is a reddish cast to their hair in the sunlight. He is unusually friendly with a forceful manner and gives you an instant innocent smile. They are very direct. Aries teaches that "Love is Innocence", so you'll find the innocence in every Aries, just look for it. With them, you find it a little tough to take the lead in a conversation. As Aries is a Cardinal Sign, they would always want to lead in their career. Their positive qualities are heart tugging innocence and wonder, blind faith in what they believe and raw courage.
Taurus: You can always find the strong, silent attitude in a bull. Until you get to know him better, he'll talk to you very sparingly. Taureans can go for months and years on end, exhibiting perfect poise and control. Its best not to disturb or tease them. The look in the female Taurean's eyes will be serene and limpid, yet steady. She will move gracefully, indolently, but with a suggestion of hidden strength. As for the males, the neck will often be thick or mascular, the shoulders, chest or back, or all three, broad and strong. The entire body will be well proportioned, whether short or tall. The ears are usually small and close to the head. When they eat, they chew slowly. They teach that "Love is Patience".
Gemini: As they are the sign of the twins, they can do 2 or more things at the same time, like watching tv and doing homework, talking on the phone and feeding the baby etc. Unless there is a conflicting ascendant, the gemini build is generally slender, agile and taller than average. You'll find some with brown eyes, of course, but the majority of those will have beautiful, crystal-clear hazel, blue, green or gray eyes that twinkle and dart here and there. Geminis never rest their eyes on one object for more than a few seconds. In fact, their alert, quick-moving eyes are often the easiest way to recognize them. The complexion tends to be rather pale, yet they usually tan easily, and thats the way to spot them in the summer. They teach that "Love is Awareness".
Cancer: Cancers are of sensitive nature. They dwell in the past. Male or female, the Cancerian loves his home very much. They have a 'crazy lunar laughter'. It runs up and down the scales with a deep, throaty undertone. It giggles and gurgles, then finally erupts in a loud cackle that sounds exactly like two hundred hens laying two hundred perfect eggs. This laughter is inescapably contageous. Of all the signs they have probably the best sense of humour and are the funniest. When you see a cancer in a room full of people he will be the funniest one in the room. He would also be either cracking jokes or laughing on other people's jokes. Cancerians teach that 'Love is Devotion'.
Leo: Leos walk straight and proud, with the smooth glide of the cat. For physical attributes, just look around for people who resemble a lion or a lioness. They have a gorgeous smile. Its not at all unusual for them to display arrogant pride and sunny playfulness at the same time. You will notice a commanding air and stately bearing. They are always very willing to give free advice in a commanding way rather than a suggestive way. Its very easy to impress or take advantage of them, all you have to do is flatter or praise them. Thay are in love with love. Leo admires and is admired, loves and is loved. Leos teach that 'Love is Ecstacy'.
Virgo:Its fairly simple to spot the virgo in public. He won't be making much noise, he is not exactly garrulous, and he will stand out as a loner. Virgo is gentle in manner and very attractive. They have unusually lovely, quiet eyes. Their eyes are often so astonishingly clear that you can almost see your reflection in them. They sparkle with inteligence and clarity of thought. There is a purity and tranquility of expression on Virgo features. There is certainly no lack of grace and charm about them. They methodologically notice the smallest details. They are usually uncomfortable in crowds. He has far more strength than his appearance suggests. Virgos teach that 'Love is Pure'.
Libra:They are all about dimples. You will definitely find dimples on the cheeks or chin and if not there, surely on the knees. They have a dazzling smile and a charm that you can feel, which makes you like them right at that instant. They usually appreciate art and music. Their mouth waters when they hear the word sweets, chocolate or candy. Their face always bears a pleasant expression. They love to lead and boss around in a pleasant manner which will seldom irritate or anger you. That is the quality that Venus gives them. They are very hard to say no to. Their voices are generally mellowy and sweet. They teach that 'Love is Beauty'.
Scorpio:There eyes will be piercing with hypnotic intensity. Most people feel nervous and ill at ease under Scorpio's steady gaze. They have a magnetic personality and when they walk into a room full of people you will definitely notice them. The tone of their voice can be velvety soft, husky or sharply cutting, the speech slow and measured. They are very secretive and they never answer your question directly. Most scorpions have powerful physiques. The features are noticeably heavy or sharp, and clearly drawn and the nose is quiet prominent, sometimes beak-shaped. There is a crackling, electric vitality about the very presence of a scorpio. As quiet as he tries to be, such a vital force can't be hidden completely. No matter what they are feeling inside it would not be reflected on their frozen immobile face. Whatever they are thinking you would never be able to guess because of their maintained secrecy. They consciously practice a blank expression. When they look at you, you will feel that their x-ray vision is penetrating your very soul. They teach that 'Love is Passion'.
Sagittarius:Pick any party and the livliest ones in it are Sagis. Jupiter eyes are as bright and alert as sparrow's and they sparkle and twinkle with refreshing humour. They are said to be the walking talking questioning box. The archers are either very tall and athletic looking or shorter than average, with strong, sturdy bodies. They are the most optimistic sign of all. They love to talk about themselves. They are usually very direct. With them it is most of the time what you see is what you get. They sincerely try to cheer you up. Thay can't stand to be accused of dishonesty. Sagis teach that "Love is Honesty".
Capricorn: There's always a faint aura of melancholy and seriousness surrounding the saturn personality. They are also secretive. Its very hard to lead them, as they are a cardinal sign. When they are standing somewhere they give the impression of being rooted to the ground. They are not the optimistic sorts but yet they have the capability of achieving the highest goals in life. They are a material sign and are very ambitious. They teach that 'Love is Wisdom'.
Aquarius: They have a strange, faraway look in the eyes, as if they contain some kind of magic, mysterious knowledge you can't penetrate. Their eyes are typically vague, with a dreamy, wandering expression. The complexion is pale and the height is usually taller than average. Uranus features are finely chiseled. They are very friendly people. Politics fascinates them. They love freedom. They feel that all old customs are wrong and they need to be changed. They live in tomorrow and have very less care for today. It can be disturbing when they start asking point blank questions. They are very curious about things. In friendship they seek quantity rather than quality. They are a kind of mystery to friends and family. They are also very indivisualistic. They believe in the 'live and let live' ideal. They teach that 'Love is Tolerance'.
Pisces: Pisceans don't want to be millionaires but definitely want to live like one. They have dreamy Neptunian eyes. Their feet are either noticeably small and dainty or else huge and spread out. They daydream alot. They are very good listeners and are always there to solve other people's problems. They are very sympathetic, imaginitve, compassionate, gentle. They have the rare gift of humility. They teach that 'Love is Compassion'.
Credit: master-of-tarot.blogspot.com
Thursday, 14 August 2008
Song Of Seven

Song of Seven
1980 Atlantic Records
Produced by Jon Anderson
All selections by Jon Anderson.
@SONG: For You for Me
First the planet, a star
Suspended in the realm of infinity
Soul and light charged together
In form called life adorned
To which the world offered a home
Once made for love
And love alone
For you, for me
For you, for me
It did not stop there, we are form
The magic body, that soft machine
Acclimatised with vision
And just enough thought to begin the test
To learn and just in front
The source of indifference
To the song of knowledge ever sung
For you, for me
For you, for me
The climate in itself creates a sound so volatile
It makes these words seem clueless forever more
But if in honesty it takes just one dream
To evaluate the chance of choice
Dispelling the clear light
For you, for me
For you, for me
Hear it
Down through the age of time
The moment is not and never shall be time
We each revolve around the magnitude
Of time and motion
The point of all is of course not for our earthly talk
For we stand, we walkk, we kick, we provoke
We council, we destroy, we look, we employ
We say, here we are and why
No ther life form asks why
Hear me
Hear me
Oh yes! you critics of life and love
You stallions of the pen and more
While you spew your dry thoughts
On poets of nature, hang them low
Scoff with glee the unfortunate mass
You say stil lclings to the treasures of the past
And music
For you, for me
For you, for me
You hear it now
You hear it now
I hear you now
@SONG: Some Are Born
Towa taya taka tai
Towa taya taka tai
Towa taya tak
Taya tak
Towa taya taka tai
Towa taya taka tai
Towa taya taka tai
Towa taya tak
Taya tak
Towa taya taka tai
Some are born to run
Some are born to fly
It's the essence of the love inbuilt in everyman
Some are born for fun
Some are born for lies
Do not regret a moment living out your life
Some are born to love
Some are born to hide
Through the echoes of the feelings drawn in everyman
Some are born to lose
Some are born to try
For trying harder seems the only way to go
Some are born to run
Some are born to fly
Through the echoes of the feelings drawn in everyman
Some are born to lose
Some are born to try
Trying harder seems the only way to go
Trying harder seems the only way to go
hee we meet, I feel it in the morning light
Getting it together, does it feel right
Let us be together in the morning light
Let us be together in the dawning light
Let it through
Let it through
Some are born to run
Some are born to fly
It's the essence of the love inbuilt in everyman
Some are born for fun
Some are born for lies
Do not regret a moment living out your life
Some are born to run
Some are born to fly
Through the echoes of the feelings drawn in everyman
Some are born to run
Some are born to fly
Then we spend some time just hanging around
Them we spend some time just hanging around
Towa taya taka tai
Towa taya taka tai
Towa taya tak taya tak
Towa taya taka tai
@SONG: Don't Forget (Nostalgia)
Don't forget, I'll always be in love with you
Never let the blues get the best of you
Don't forget, I'll always want you by my side
Don't forget, I'll always want to be with you
By my side, I know my love I'll never hide
It's so easy to say I'll always love you so-yeh
Always times in life when love is so wrong, love is so wrong
They always try to put you down
When ever we're alone
I know we're young, they say we're irresponsible
But don't you cry, our love is not impossible
Don't regret, I'll always want you by my side
Truly, yes I will
And there's something I wanted to say a long time ago
I'll say it right now
There are so many things in life that make me feel bad
But you make me feel so strong
Don't forget, I'll always be in love with you
Never let the blues get the best of you
Don't forget, I'll always want you by my side
Oh, by my side
Oh, baby
By my side
@SONG: Heart of the Matter
Guess what, I thought about a beautiful day
It simply caught me out in my own time
Thinking about it, I was under the weather
And over the moon at the same time
I really see you baby, every time I guess
In my dreams I love you the best
By going straight to the heart of things
Straight to the heart of the matter
Straight to the heart
To the heart of things
Oh yeah
You did me so much good by calling me up
I really understood your loving at that moment in time
Who could believe me when I really wanted just to
Be with the sun and the sunshine
Really tried so hard to be good to please
You know you got me feeling weak in the knees
I'm going straight to the heart of things
Straight to the heart of the matter
Straight to the turn around
Look around
Oh yeah
Think about it, baby, now I really don't want
To try to get it out, to write it out or spell it out far
Submit me baby, you can do what you want to me
As long as we can get inside the back of your car
Every time I guess, I want you close to me
Every time I guess something happens to me
Every time I guess, don't have to try so hard
I wanna tell you babe
Don't want to let you down
Straight to the heart of things
Straight to the heart of things
Straight to the heart of things
Straight to the heart of things
STraight to the heart of things
STraight to the heart of the matter
@SONG: Hear It
Hear it in the mystic voice
Of forces long forgotten of
Lions of thunder renting forth
The power of the given Lor
Hear it in the joyful tales
Of princes and their battle quest
Their armour being truth and goodness
To crush all life's evilness
hear it from the mountain side
Where nature spills its silent eyes
The days of paradise are there
The quietness of the dawning skies
Hear it for the love we share
This firmament of song and verse
For just one second share with me
The feelings of the universe
Dance of heaven, feel the feeling of delight
Dance of heaven, feel the feeling of delight
Feel the feeling of delight
In the firmament of time, the middle of the light, the sun and feeling free
@SONG: Everybody Loves You
Suddenly the feeling came
I wanted just to be with you
And if you answer yes the same
You'll give me more
Than all reasons will
Everybody loves you
But I just love you a little bit more
I just love you a little bit more
You know, everybody loves you
Suddenly the horizon lifts
There's a sign up hhigh, signed liberty
I thought I'd write a love peom for you
Your beauty's right, your music's right
Everybody loves you
But I just love you a little bit more
You know, I just love you a little bit more
Yes, everybody loves you
God, you know he wears a blue t-shirt, too
With God inscribed in heaven on both sides
And if I thought about your love light
It shines through you
Yes, it shines through you
Everybody loves you
But I just love you a little bit more
You know, I just love you a little bit more
Everybody loves you
Suddenly the moment's there
To hold you close
Babe, you're the most
I could take you any time
We so in love
We so in love
Everybody loves you
But I just love you a little bit more
I just love you a little bit more
A little bit
A little bit
Everybody loves you
@SONG: Take Your Time
Rushing here and there, I'm told to slow down
Just relax, take your time, don't move so fast, so fast
Tempers in the air, I'm told to slow down, ease back
By the fire, feel free, feel free
People pushing by and why
I don't mind, take my time, there's no raace
Life is fine, life is fine
Come and take my hand and we'll be in a dream
Just relax, there's no rush, take your time
Take your time
Worry's on your mind, always try to find happiness
Looking everywhere, life is but a care
Love will come always to you
Rushing here and there, I'm told
To slow down, just relax, take your time, don't move so fast
Tempers in the air, I'm told to slow down
Ease back by the fire, feel free, feel free
People pushing by and why
I don't mind, take my time, there's no race
Life is fine, life is fine
Come and take my hand and we'll be in a dream
Just relax, there's no rush, take your time
Take your time
@SONG: Days
This song of evening's light
Would charge my memory to flight
The trees that listen
Swift wings do carry on through constant
Gardens they offer delight
It is the evening
In deepest woods and fern
Young deer step light through morning's mist
Ascend the swallows
First light streams through the treetops
Bouncing as the flowers illuminate
The breath of morning
This song of ages past
I lay in peace midst grass so green
To reach to skyward
Where larks do sing such high delights
Do pour into my senses
The days are blessings
The days are blessings
The days are blessings
@SONG: Song of Seven
In the meeting place I sit beside, betwixt the points of heaven
I befell a friendly atmosphere revolving around seven
Oh, that number mystified my soul and captured within feelings
Those of doubt and understanding, hand in hand they set me reeling
Met me a stranger, he came here to town
Bearing gifts full of promises, discoveries of light
Said me many reasons why my merry tale
Could be justified and just both together entwined
I tell you a reason, he said, "Bless you, you fool, you fool"
You want "so belief," yet you want so much
More," you seeker
Now I see you're baffled, yet again you administer fear
Of the unexpected, you don't know the score
Everywhere you look you release parts of your senses
And everywhere there's purpose in answer to all your dreams
I can hear you saying what a dreamer, what a fool to life
Isn't it a pity that he won't come back to earth
Haven't you imagination, and is it not available
How you can be sooner or later than your thinking
Haven't you imagination and is it so impossible
That you ask of everything so your eyes can see clearly
So in an instant your story bound
A desert, the underground, on mountains high
A glacier, the heat of the day
City jungle, the sky at night
In space on a starry night
An atmosphere impossible
So you never really care
So we talk about the strength of dreams
And we talked at length of every dream
And we talked about the strength of dreams
And we talked about the strength of dreaming
In the meeting place I sit beside, betwixt the points of heaven
I befell a friendly atmosphere revolving around seven
Oh, that number mystified my soul and captured within feelings
Those of doubt and understanding, hand to hand they set me reeling
In the seventh dream to stand alone
But not without the strength of love
To guide our way, everyday
Oh, the seventh dream, your smile can bring
Love on and on and time will
Flow forever clear
The seventh dream standing so near
And very soon
We'll walk with love
Love that I can sing to you
Is it this time of day that makes me realise
The sun is coming out to shine again
Is it this time of day that gives you hope
Is it this time of times that comes between the light
Are there so many dreamers in this life between a moment's time
And the stairways of love
The starlight
The starlight
Telling me that there's something else to
Cling on to
Cling on to
Transcribed by Eric Wincentsen
with subtle repairs made by the psychopoet (wendell)
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