The greatest day in history, death is beatenYou have rescued meSing it out, Jesus is aliveThe empty cross, the empty graveLife eternal, You have won the dayShout it all, Jesus is aliveHe's alive
"[Chorus:]"Oh happy day, happy dayYou washed my sin awayOh happy day, happy dayI'll never be the sameForever I am changed
When I stand, in that placeFree at last, meeting face to faceI am Yours, Jesus You are mineEndless joy and perfect peaceEarthly pain finally will ceaseCelebrate Jesus is aliveHe's alive
"[Bridge:]"Oh what a glorious dayWhat a glorious wayThat You have saved meOh what a glorious dayWhat a glorious nameJesus!
Indeed, what a glorious name Jesus! By the Glory and Grace of God, Jesus!
I wish all a Blessed, Peaceful and Happy Easter!
Thanks go to "JESUS CULTURE" for all their Good Work.
Origin: lilith-dark-moon.blogspot.com