"Beginning from above and going downward, we come
first to Sat Desh (sat, 'true', and desh, 'country').
Many other names have been applied to it, such as Nij-
Dham, Sat Lok, Muqam Haq and Sach Khand. These names
are usually applied to the lowest section of Sat Desh,
but occasionally to the entire grand division. This is
the region, or plane, of pure spirit. All enjoying the
greatest conceivable happiness, its inhabitants are pure
spirits in such countless numbers as no man can
estimate. It is the supreme heaven of all heavens, but
it is quite unknown to many of the world religions
because their founders had never reached that exalted
region. It is known to saints only, who alone can enter
it. It cannot be described. In substance and
arrangement it is wholly unlike anything known in this
world. Neither can the human mind imagine it. This
section is so vast in extent that no sort of
understanding of it can be conveyed to human
intelligence. No mind can grasp it.
"All that the saints can say of Sat Desh is that it
is limitless. It is the only region which the great
saints insist is practically limitless. We can say,
although no mind can grasp the thought, that it embraces
all else, and is both the beginning and the end of all
else. It is the great center about which all other
worlds revolve. Anything which we might say about it
would be incomplete and only partially true, so declare
the saints. If the entire physical universe with its
countless millions of suns and their planets were all
gathered together in a single cluster, each sun being a
million lightyears distant from any other sun, yet this
entire ensemble would appear no more than a few dark
specks floating in the clear and luminous sky of Sat
Desh. In that happy country, a sun such as ours, but a
thousand times larger, would appear as a tiny dark spot,
so very great is the light of that world.
"This region is the grand capital of all creation,
the center of all universes, and the residence of the
supreme Creator--Lord of all.
"From this center of all light, life and power, the
great creative current flows outward and downward to
create, govern and sustain all regions. It passes out
from this region somewhat like the radio emanations
going forth from a great broadcasting station. It is
the audible life stream, the most important factor in
the system of the Masters. This stream permeates the
entire system of universes. A thing of great importance
to us is that the music of this ever-flowing current,
the stream of life, can be heard by a real Master and
also by his students who have advanced even a little on
the Path. And let us reiterate that unless a Master
teaches his students how this current is to be heard, he
is not a Master of the highest order.
"This grand headquarters of all creation is the
region of immortality. It is unchangeable, perfect,
deathless. It is forever untouched by dissolution or
grand dissolution. So are its inhabitants. This region
will be referred to many times in this book. It is
subdivided into four distinct planes, each having its
own characteristics and its own lord, or governor. But
the difference between these subdivisions is very
slight. From above downward they are named: Radha Soami
Dham, meaning 'home of the spiritual lord'; it is also
called Anami Lok, meaning 'nameless region'. The next
plane below the highest is Agam Lok (agam,
'inaccessible', and lok, 'place'). The third plane is
Alakh Lok (alakh, 'invisible', and lok, 'place'). The
last of these higher planes is Sach Khand (sach,
'truth', and khand, 'home'). The last one is also
called Sat Lok, 'the true place'. By the Muslim saints
it has been called Mukam Haq, meaning the same as above,
'the home of truth'.
"The light of all four of these regions is so very
intense that it is impossible for any mortal to get an
understanding of it. It cannot be described. The great
Soami Ji sums up his statements regarding this region by
saying simply that it is all love."
Copied from Chapter 4, Section 3 of the GREATEST
BOOK IN THE WORLD, "The Path of The Masters", by Dr.
Julian P. Johnson, 1939, published by the Sant Mat
organization, Radha Soami Satsang Beas, 458 pages,
hardcover, ONLY $3.00 PPD, available from Science of the
Soul Study Center, 4115 Gillespie St., Fayetteville, NC
28306; or 2415 E. Washington St., Petaluma, CA 94954;
whichever address is closer to you.
See also http://www.thewayoftruth.org (NEW Master!).
See also http://members.aol.com/rem460/deadxmas.txt,
or http://www.geocities.com/remspiral7/deadxmas.txt.
Robert E. McElwaine
Eckankar Initiate
B.S., Physics and Astronomy, UW-EC
http://members.aol.com/rem547 PLUS
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