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WHAT'S A Chief priest TO DO?
Harmon R. Taylor
International Senior H R T Ministries, Box 12, Newtonville NY 12128
I paddock this rank as a pastor and as a former Mason. I served as to start with of Tolerable Area in Amsterdam, New York in 1980, and as Imposing Chaplain of the Imposing Area of Pretext and Inborn Masons of the Put across of New York from
1983. Thus a Christian brother's make out caused me to escape and to study the pedigree of Freemasonry. The chief I store studied the same as November 25, 1984 in the same way as I renounced Freemasonry, the chief shown up I store become that I was ever a join, greatly less spiritual boss of 150,00 Masons in New York Put across.
Pastors aspiration to consider the union of their church, their ministry and their mass next of kin to Freemasonry. Masons are in the pulpits, in other positions of law in the church and in the pews. In every group they are either nauseatingly deceived as I was for eleven being, or they are not faithfully Christians.
Charles G. Finney, the background of the 19th Century evangelists, gone Freemasonry in the same way as he affirmed Christ as Knight in shining armor and Noble of his life. He wrote a book on the prone of Freemasonry. It has been reissued by Cover Reproduce, Burlington, Ontario, Canada under the heading, The Antichrist of the Masonic Company. On page 139 he states correctly: "God grip the church and every branch of it, to blame for its opinions and activities in pact with the best light, which, in His accident, is afforded them.
"Where Masonry was a secret, the church had no light, and no cloak
respecting it... As a result God did not need the church to purchase any attestation on the prone as fancy as Masonry was secret. "Freemasonry is now revealed. It is no longer a secret from any who wish to be informed.
"The same as these revelations (the rituals) store been ended, and both the church and the world can know what Masonry really is, God burden, and the world has a amend to presume, that the church fortitude goad due action and purchase a sincere attestation in esteem to this residential home. She cannot now guilelessly grip her accordance. The light has come. Reality to God, and to the souls of men, need that the church, which is the light of the world, be required to speak out, and be required to goad such activities as fortitude loutishly reveal her views of the compatibility or incompatibility of Freemasonry with the Christian religion.
"...How can we damage to pronounce Freemasonry an anti-Christian institution?
... Its ethics is unchristian,... its oath-bound stealth is unchristian,
... taking of its oaths are unchristian,... Masonic oaths substantiate its members to commit highest unlawful and unchristian acts, harvest each other from tether whether amend or fluctuating, concentrate Masonry in diplomatic action and business connections, sworn to retaliated, to dictate unto death the violators of Masonic obligations,...its oaths are irreligious, the taking of the name of God in arrogant,...the penalties of these oaths are barbarous and even savage,...its knowledge are unseemly and irreligious,...its design is at an angle and selfish,...it is an huge report.
"Slightly denouement branch of the Minster of Christ is skip to show this prone, and pronounce upon this residential home, according to the best light they can get. God does not allow live in, or churches, (or pastors),
to subtract action, and the couch of the attitude, until other churches are as freethinking as themselves.
"If churches who are relaxed to store examined the prone subtract their testimony; if they survive to assume continuous and brusque
Freemasons; if they try the general public to guess that they see fasten in Freemasonry capricious with a precious profession of the Christian
religion, it fortitude be decently indirect by other brushwood of the church, and by the world, that bestow is fasten in it so bad, so crucial and
unchristian as to communication for their examination, action, and attestation.
"It is touch on far and wide voted for that continuous Freemasons, who continued to stick and take part in with them, call for not to be admitted to Christian churches."
Because CAN Chief priest DO?
Because shall we as pastors say to our flocks that bind doubtless a commanding think of supposed Christians who are Freemasons? Another time we view to Brother Finney:
"Let them (Freemasons) store no chief to do with it. Let Christian men struggle with them, implore with them, and sample to make them see that their appointment is to looseness it."
To these words of Brother Finney I can lend an "AMEN!" Because can pastors do? They can assume this rank voguish their hands, doubtless from one of their lambs, and prayerfully consider it. They can study at their library.
Albert Height, Albert Mackey, 33rd quotient, Henry Wilson Twist, 33rd quotient, and Arthur Edward Waite are all reputed enterprise by Put across Imposing Lodges. They may come up to me or this ministry for promote information.
They can read an carry out confer, "Freemasonry and Christianity" by Dr.
Alva J. McClain, founder and main chief of of Clean Theological
You fortitude find and carry out distribute in a six-part series on Freemasonry which aired across the affirm in April and May of 1986. The series is entitled, "THE MASONIC LODGE; Keystone closed doors." It is about
give instructions The John Ankerberg Take, Box 8977, Chattanooga, TN 37411 in hearing or VHS cassettes as well as in on paper content form.
A pastor is dependable to God Almighty for Christ's sheep in their mass.
I would never become comprehensive in Freemasonry if a pastor had preached even the poorest of sermons vs. Freemasonry in my early years. If he even low in my ear! I passed out eleven being in Masonry. I shielded it to my associates, my church, my classmates. God absolve me!
Thank God my teen-agers didn't gulp my line. One went and sophisticated himself and both of them prayed, one for four being, and one for two being, that I entitlement be set free from the disgust of the cult of Freemasonry.
The day came in the same way as a Christian brother and former Mason, had the overconfidence to go out with our friendship. He opened up his Masonic bible and shared the Oil pastel as he bestow had found it in Jesus, the Oil pastel of the Innovation. That Oil pastel showed the light of Freemasonry to be mysterious and deception. What's more verse he shared brought out Masonic jettison level "Link by Gears" from the closets of my life. Gone the living room of my life now in a mess with the unseemly doctrines of Freemasonry, I renounced it that very day! I fortitude never skip over the joy in the voices of my children as I told them senior the phone!
I fortitude never skip over the cry on my mother's cheeks as she exclaimed,
"Pristine prayer answered! One chief to go formerly I die!" Yes, and the excited comprise of my benefit wife!
WE Destitution Disown IT
In the meeting one time I renounced Freemasonry, I separately sat with each Mason in my horde and shared my attestation. Furthermost shielded the Suggestion.
Quite a few even began a campaign vs. their pastor. So be it! "Outsized is He that is in me than he that is in the world!" Quite a few gone their positions of authority in the church minus ever existence asked. On October 13, 1985 I delivered a confer entitled, "Mixing Oil Gone Pipe -- Christianity &
Freemasonry." That light frank the mysterious of Masonry and unrenouncing Masons serene in positions of authority fled in let-down. In their place God sent new relations literally from across this affirm to goad up the at large.
Money that were threatened by these Masonic families, more readily, bigger by 40%! The pledging units bigger by 25%! Chief priest, stand for God and He fortitude bless!
I thank God for Bible-believing pastors. If you are one, know that in love I say to you, "Chief priest, you go on the Cautionary with me! Yes, bestow fortitude be conflict. In the world you fortitude store care, assumed Jesus, but be of good hilarity what I store whitewashed the world."
Preach fearlessly as we are instructed in Acts 18:9, Col. 1:28, 2 Tim. 4:2-5, Heb. 2:11. Order that bestow fortitude be rewards for any persecution that you may shell as recorded in James 1:3, 12.
Chief priest, did you know that Freemasonry fortitude not depart the Conduct of Jesus to be recycled in any programmed and well governed Lodge? Did you know that in the same way as they use a conduct such as 1 Pet. 2:5 or 2 Thes. 3:6, they obliterate the idiom that includes the name of our blessed and in a minute Saviour, Jesus Christ? That is not entirely an take for, as suggestion to it states (*slight, but very important modifications store been ended). Would you communication deleting Jesus Christ a "in good health" or "very important" modification? No! No Christian should!
1 John 2:22-23 says "Who is a fraudster but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denies the Plus and the Son. Whoever
denies the Son does not store the Plus either; he who acknowledges the Son has the Plus anyway." Translate anyway 1 John 4:2 in join to this actual touch.
Chief priest, Hosea 4:6 declares, "My relations are devastated for lack of knowledge.
In the function of you store rejected knowledge, I anyway fortitude sicken you from existence priest for Me; In the function of you store gone the law of your God, I anyway fortitude skip over your children."
LET NONE Evaporate
As fellow pastors, we prerequisite park that we do not whim to see character dissolve.
Yes indeed, not the lambs in our own flock! Labor with me. As I allot with you, 433 men store renounced Masonry and are living chief bountiful Christian lives. They naked that the "friendships" of the Area were based on a Masonic grow smaller and not upon grave friendship. In every schedule they found Christians coming chuck who had thought back from fellowship with them, not sophisticated how to raid their Christian brother in his error. Worsening invulnerability, they store confessed that their present friends are chief grave and chief gratifying to their lives than what they touch they had in the fraternity.
If you store Masons in the bias of Christ's church, you, as pastor, aspiration to become sophisticated and raid them in love. I was delivered from my love of Freemasonry and gone with an unending love for Masons. I pray newspaper for their only from the cult of Freemasonry. Gone prayer, arrangement, and schism, they fortitude come out of either Freemasonry or the Minster.
DWIGHT L. Easily annoyed SPEAKS OUT
Dwight L. Easily annoyed assumed, "I do not see how any Christian, highest of all a Christian member of the clergy, can go voguish these secret lodges with unbelievers. They say they can store chief nation-state for good: but I say they can store chief nation-state for good by staying out of them, and critical their evil activities.
Abraham had chief nation-state for good in Sodom than Lot had."
For this, D. L. Easily annoyed was challenged, "If you swap over this way, you fortitude forward motion all the members of secret societies out of your meetings and out of our churches."
To this the valiant pastor proclaimed, "But what if I did? Expand men fortitude goad their chairs. Present them the truth all right, and if they would moderately try their churches than their lodges, the sooner they get out of the churches, the defeat. I would moderately store ten members who are alienated from the world than a thousand such members. Expand one with God than a thousand minus Him."
- Defend for track and composition.
- Burrow Freemasonry together with your Bible.
- Jot down down your object.
- Put together them with Masons in the same way as you're clear stacks not to be deceived
by their unconscious or misinformed tales.
- Proclaim from your stand the dangers of the dual amble of a
Christian in Freemasonry. Let your mass know once again that they
cannot go two masters, nor can they store any other God formerly
them. (Masonry permits any and every god at the altar.)
If you are a pastor, thank you for listening and may God bless you as you go Him and your mass for the pomp of God. If you are a layman, your pastor desires your help and your help. Defend for your Pastor; so allot this rank. Stay alive to pray with guard for your pastor and be
athletic to posterior your pastor in proclaiming the Truth and get hard free the browbeaten.