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Commemorated on September 13The Hieromartyr Cornelius the Centurion: Truthfully in the wake of the sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ on the Petulant and His Ascension featuring in Nirvana, a centurion by the name of Cornelius significant at Caesarea in Palestine. He had lived as soon as in Thracian Italy. Nonetheless he was a pagan, he grand himself by luxurious keenness and good deeds, as the holy Evangelist Luke says (Acts 10:1). The Lord did not roguishness his first-rate life, and so led him to the knowledge of truth and to expectation in Christ.Once, Cornelius was praying in his home. An angel of God appeared to him and intended that his prayer had been heard and touchstone by God. The angel commanded him to send high society to Joppa to find Simon, along with called Peter. Cornelius in a jiffy finished the discover.Point population high society were on their way to Joppa, the Apostle Peter was at prayer, and he had a vision: three grow old a pleasing tape was lowered down to him, thorough with all kinds of beasts and rooster. He heard a tell from Nirvana evocative him to eat everything. When the apostle refused to eat necessities which Jewish Law regarded as seedy, the tell said: "What God hath cleansed, you ought to not nickname everyday" (Acts 10:15).Dejected this notion the Lord commanded the Apostle Peter to harangue the Undertake of God to the pagans. When the Apostle Peter indoors at the parliament of Cornelius in the farmhouse of population sent to response him, he was time-honored with pleasing joy and stock by the heap together with his kinsmen and comrades.Cornelius strike down at the feet of the apostle and requested to be qualified the way of salvation. St Peter talked about the chronological life of Jesus Christ, and kid of the miracles and signs worked by the Rescuer, and of His knowledge about the Soil of Nirvana. Consequently St Peter told him of the Lord's death on the Petulant, His New start and Ascension featuring in Nirvana. By the uncertainty of the Religious Resolve, Cornelius hypothetical in Christ and was baptized with all his interest. He was the experimental pagan to combined Baptism.He retired from the world and went preaching the Gospel together with the Apostle Peter, who prepared him a bishop. When the Apostle Peter, together with his helpers Sts Timothy and Cornelius, was in the city of Ephesus, he instructor of a superfluous thick-skinned idol-worship in the city of Skepsis. Lots were cadaverous to see who would go bestow, and St Cornelius was singled out.In the city lived a prince by the name of Demetrius, instructor in the ancient Greek philosophy, hating Christianity and venerating the pagan gods, in easily upset Apollo and Zeus. Learning about the coming on of St Cornelius in the city, he in a jiffy summoned him and asked him the root for his coming. St Cornelius answered that he came to free him from the dark of opacity and lead him to knowledge of the Correctly Glow.The prince, not comprehending the meaning of what was intended, became unhappy and demanded that he final each of his questions. When St Cornelius explained that he served the Lord and that the root for his coming was to discharge the Motto, the prince became incensed and demanded that Cornelius submit sufferer for a cause to the idols.The saint asked to be dazed the gods. When he entered the pagan temple, Cornelius turned towards the east and uttered a prayer to the Lord. Contemporary was an earthquake, and the temple of Zeus and the idols situated in it were wrecked. All the people, seeing what had happened, were abysmal.The prince was even enhanced concerned and began to amble let know together with population in close proximity to him, about how to rub away Cornelius. They cutoff point the saint and took him to penal colony for the night. At this even out, one of his servants on the ball the prince that his partner and child had moldy underneath the wreck of the wrecked temple.At the back of a physical what, one of the pagan priests, by the name of Barbates, reported that he heard the tell of the partner and son somewhere in the corpse and that they were praising the God of the Christians. The pagan priest asked that the enslaved one be boundless, in recognition for the be amazed worked by St Cornelius, and the partner and son of the prince remained living.The nimble prince hastened to the penal colony in the farmhouse of population about him, declaring that he hypothetical in Christ and asking him to bring his partner and son out of the corpse of the temple. St Cornelius went to the wrecked temple, and through prayer the incapacitated were eclectic.At the back of this the prince Demetrius, and all his populace and comrades touchstone holy Baptism. St Cornelius lived for a long time in this city, influenced all the pagan individuals to Christ, and prepared Eunomios a presbyter in service to the Lord. St Cornelius died in old age and was dug in not far from the pagan temple he wrecked.Troparion - Aerate 4 O Fluky Cornelius,You were grand in works of fair dealing.You time-honored the lighting of goodness,And were a fellow-laborer with the Apostles,For you everyday in their work,Preaching Christ's epithet to all.With them pray that all who integrity your call back may be saved!Kontakion - Aerate 4 O Divinely minded Cornelius,The Place of worship, clarity you as a blessed first-fruit of the Gentiles,Is open-minded by your holy life,For you are a ideal seer of the Mysteries!SOURCE:SAINT OR Breakfast POSTED THIS Daylight 2008(with 2007's judgment into along with):