Part of activating, or waking up, a mojo bag includes "smoking "and" feeding" the bag accompanied by the recitation of prayers/petitions. To smoke your bag, hold it in the smoke of burning incense. Like conditions oils, the incense you use typically corresponds to your goal. For example, if you are making a mojo to win a lawsuit, you may wish you use Court Case Incense Powder. To feed your mojo bag, simply place a drop of condition oil, or whiskey on the bag.
Once your mojo is fixed, it should be carried on you for the first week and you should sleep with it near you at night. After the first week, you may continue to carry it on you during the day, or you may put it away in a secret place.
It should also be fed each day for a total of seven days and at the same time it was originally fixed, if possible. After that week, feed the mojo once a week for four weeks on the same day of the week that it was made. After that month, it should then be fed once a month when the moon is new.
A mojo bag is more than just an accumulation of herbs, and curios in a bag. A properly fixed and prepared mojo bag is believed to be a living entity. The act of preparing and fixing a mojo bag can be compared to creating life. Think of the individual ingrediants in a mojo bag as tiny cells that when come together create the body of a baby. The act of smoking the mojo bag awakens the spirit of the bag and brings it to life.
In some instances, spiritual workers follow God's example in Genesis 2:7 and literally breathe life into their mojo bag by blowing their own breathe into the bag, then sealing is shut. I've also heard some workers instruct others to light a match and drop it into the bag, symbolizing the spark of life, however this is not my practice.
Mojo bags are believed to be the physical manifestation of a spiritual entity and therefore alive. All living beings require sustenance to live and mojo bags are no different. The act of feeding your mojo keeps it alive and strong to work for you and help bring about your goal.
This aspect of fixing and preparing a mojo is seldomly touched upon, but I feel that it is important that it is addressed. As I stated above, the act of preparing and fixing a mojo bag is alot like the act of giving birth. A properly prepared and fixed mojo bag is believed to be a living being, your spiritual ally, and as such it should have a name just like all other living beings.
You can either name your mojo yourself, or it may communicate its name to you during the processes of making the mojo bag. Once you know the name of your mojo bag, use that name when addressing the bag communicating your needs or asking for its assistance.
You should never allow another person to see or touch your mojo bag as it is believed that it will kill the power of the bag. If this occurs, you have two choicess
* Bury the entire bag with honor.
* Open the mojo bag and set any undamaged hard items aside such as roots, lodestones, coins, etc... Discard any items that are damaged or worn. Wash the re-usable items with Whiskey or Hoyt's Cologne and use them to make a new mojo bag.
Over time, a mojo bag can become worn and may need to become refreshed. This is traditionally done around the Fall Equinox and entails taking the mojo bag apart, saving hard curios, replacing leafy/dried herbs. The contents are then reassembled into a new mojo bag accompanied by prayer and followed by smoking and feeding the mojo.
Carolina Dean
"Note: The mojo in the photo above is an old, unused one which I keep in order to stage photos for my blog, websites, etc.. "
Source: witchnest.blogspot.com