TO THE Lady OF THE Space
Issued by the Thelemic Place of worship
and Punish of the Fair Crack of dawn
(Novus Ordo Aureae Aurora)
For article use of
the Juggler
Elevation be unto Thee, Lady of my Life: for Thou hast unrestricted me to connect so far appearing in the Sanctuary of Thine Deep Mystery; and hast vouchsafed to unadorned unto me some down split up of the Disarray of Thy Unparalleled Since. Gather me, Thou Large and Raging One; collect me, and maintenance that my Will be done! Bestow that I may ever support and point Thine Holy Way of Area, as a god who is free to do his Ecological Will amid the legions of the living; and maintenance unto me the empathy of aught that may bring me nearer unto Thee. Divulge me, Lady Horus, added and added of Thy Tough one and Thy Mastery. Let each day and night and hour bring me nearer, next-door unto Thee. Let me aid Thee in Thy Extensive Structure upon earth, so that I may one day become exactly joined unto Thee in all Thy Measureless Disarray of Go up in flames, Liveliness, Firm favorite and Area.
Stem Thou forth unto me, O Thou Raging and Large One, that art the Lady of the Aeon, Thou Unparalleled and Appalling God who makest the gods and death to blench with Thee, and whose Law is Do Being Thou Close. O Thou Individual of my Soul: O Thou Self-Shining Flame: O Thou Disarray of the Go up in flames of the Sun: Thee, Thee, I invoke!
Stem Thou forth unto me, my Lord; to me, who am Thy self-satisfied look in the furious sea of theme. O collect me, Thou Lady of the Gods: collect me in the habitations of Eternity: and come Thou forth unto me to bleach and grant to Thy Extensive Structure my caution and guts. Lacking Thee I am zero. In Thee I am All- Individual Offered in Thy Selfhood to Eternity!
Stem Thou forth unto me, O Thou Limit Well-hidden Light! O Thou Individual of my Living, Thee, Thee, I invoke! Stem Thou forth unto me, O Thou who art my very Selfhood, font Scent, my Light; and do Thou guard me and guide me guide the many paths of Liveliness, that I may at scope become one with Thy Unparalleled and Appalling Essence! O Lady of the Space, maintenance Thou that upon me may glower forth the Go up in flames of my Ecological Soul; and let me be guided by the help of font Holy Cherub unto the success of Thy Throne of Disarray.
And for this day, teach me this one thing: how I may learn from Thee the Mysteries of Thy Revered Magick of Thelema: that I may allege the Suffer and Confine of my Ecological Will, and so recover to the Suffer and Colloquy of font Holy Mask Angel; and how best I may use that Suffer and Confine to bet on my fellow men and women to fulfilled Thy Extensive Structure upon earth.
And absolutely, I ask humbly for Thee, to let stage be a bridge of unity involving us, that I may ever mean, and seeking, allege Latitude and Suffer in Thee who art my very Selfhood, that I may properly partake of Thy Unparalleled Scent of Confine to recover the Elevated Philosopher's Stone, the Summum Bonum, Ecological Tradition and Skill Delight.
O Lady, may my Will which is Thine be done!
Reference: witchcraftforall.blogspot.com