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Source:, metahistory.orgJULY 21, 2011-Comparative mythologist, author and teacher John Lash returns to the program to discuss "Sophia's Correction", Earth changes, stellar anomalies & Gaia's awakening. John Lash is a self-educated free-lance scholar who combines studies and experimental mysticism to teach directive mythology. An expert on sidereal mythology, naked-eye astronomy, precession, and the World Ages, he also teaches the critique of belief-systems. On his website, he presents a radical revision of Gnosticism, with original commentaries on the Nag Hammadi codices. He also presents the only complete restoration by any scholar of the Sophianic myth of the Pagan Mysteries, the sacred story of Gaia-Sophia, recounting the origin of the Earth and the human species from the galactic core. A number of strange phenomenon are being reported from around the world at what seems to be an increased frequency. Magnetic North is reportedly on the move and the sun rose two days early in Greenland. Some people are claiming that the sun is both rising and setting in the wrong place, others contend that the stars are displaced and the Moon is not following its normal pattern. John is with us to share his views about what is going on and why. TOPICS DISCUSSED: the telestai, restoration of the Sophia myth, planetary Tantra, the Dendera zodiac, physical breakthrough, fast track acquisition of spirituality, the secret of the divine experiment, shock goddess, consciousness animal, "Pam", Gaia awakening, aperture, progeny, different consciousness, Anthropos, disease, disconnection with the source, shift in the magnetic field, sun shifting, the setting of the sun, sinkholes, Earth an organic body captured in an inorganic system, the Journey on the mothership, anamu and more. ~Red Ice Creationsdownload mp3