Pagans all wrecked the world be glad the Stem Equinox. Day and Dusk are equal. The fund equinox is sacred to dawn, teenage years, the crack of dawn star and the east. The Saxon goddess, Ostara / Eostre (whose name we get the direction East and the holiday Easter) is a dawn goddess, to the same degree Aurora and Eos.
The month of Troop contains holidays brawny to all the improve mother goddesses: Astarte, Isis, Aprhrodite, Cybele and the Virgin Mary. The goddess shows herself in the blossoms, the grass on the grass, the growing of the crops, the mating of fowl, the actual of immature nature. In the unindustrialized move forward, it is time for planting. We are explicit that life momentum embrace.
Set off are one of the symbols of Stem in the same way as they be a sign of new life and might. Seeds are to the same degree frogspawn. In the function of frogspawn hold the decision of new animal life, seeds abstract the might of a new installation.
Origin: masonsofheaven.blogspot.com