It's been absolutely crazy in my-book's-just-come-out land. While it's wonderful to travel the country signing and scribbling and pressing the flesh, there hasn't been a lot of time to consider the other important things in life - like the rituals of the seasons (I think I just missed the Southern Hemisphere Candlemas) or what to do with a polished lump of forest jasper.
Secretly, forest jasper sustains and supports through times of stress.
And I have been so busy I have considered EATING THIS STONE.
Burnt Snow has been getting fantastic reviews, which is awesome. There's now a handy Facebook fanpage for the book, where all the press and reviews and an upcoming *fun competition* get recorded and discussed. There's also a Facebook group called Brody Meine is So Much Hotter than Edward Cullen which you can join if you wanna debate whether the guy in the video promo looks like Brody or Christian Slater does. This group was not actually started by me so you can imagine my surprise/delight/kinda-weirdness when I found out it was there. Remind me to talk about my "Dark Half" syndrome at some point.
The two big pieces of news at this end is that I'm having my FIRST GUEST BLOGGER appear on these pages shortly; my old friend and comics author Christian Read (who has written for "Buffy"," Star Wars Adventures" and "Batman", amongst other works of complete genius) will be donating a piece on Voodoo Queens of New Orleans. HOW FUN IS THAT?
ALSO: I will be attending the National Young Writers' Festival AND Crack Theatre Festival which are part of the amazing TINA (This is Not Art) Festival in beautiful Newcastle (the Australian one)... as from Thursday, SEPTEMBER 30 until Sunday, OCTOBER 3. So if you wanna see me bang on about: me, my book, TV, literary fiction, me, performance poetry, theatre literary management, me and theatre for social change (sometimes simultaneously - I am so way versatile) NOW YOU CAN! And it's free! MY FULL SCHEDULE IS BELOW.
Would love, love, love to see y'all there - and if we haven't met personally before, do make sure to say hello.
15:00 - 16:15 / Special Event
Festival Club
"Did I really think that this would ever happen to me? ELEVEN years after my first NWFY appearance as an angry young radical playwright, I have returned to launch a fun, chunky book about witches and spookiness.
I'm doing a Newcastle/NYWF launch of Burnt Snow for the sentimental reason that it was going to my first NYWF that convinced me I had the entitlement to call myself a writer. Please come join me as I celebrate coming full circle and the 10-year journey that's brought me back to TINA. I'll read a bit of my witchy book, answer a few questions - and there's a rumour of a celebrity launcher guest who may or may not drop in. (Ooh, he'd better).
12:00 - 13:00 / Panel
Crackhouse: Lodge of Research
"This panel is part of the Crack Theatre Festival and it's where I put my theatre-mafia hat on and bring out the violin case. Literary Management is what I do at my other job at the Finborough Theatre in London - that's someone who selects scripts for development and programming and works with writers making their work better. Kinda useful to know about if you want to write for the theatre. My fellow panelists are Chris Mead (who runs Playwriting Australia) and Pater Matheson, who is not only my guru like Master Po to David Carridine in Kung Fu but also the former literary manager of the Melbourne Theatre Company.
16.00 - 17.00 / Panel
Crackhouse: Lodge of Research
On this, another theatre panel, I'll be trying to answer the question: Can you use theatre to make the world a better place?... without cynicism. Hmm. Should be an interesting panel because the discussion of how much of this whacky artform can possibly change the world is certainly older than the Brecht/Lukacs stoushes of the 1950s ("Aristophanes is a big, fat fascist!" anyone?). Good panelists! Brenna Hobson from Company B Belvoir, Jane Gronow from Lowdown magazine and Alex Kelly from "Ngapartji Ngapartji".
17:30 - 18:45 / Panel
City Hall: Mulubinba Room
This should be fun - though god knows why I was selected for this panel* - my experience of TV is appearing in crowd scenes at demos and writing some sick-child scenes for a BBC hospital drama. I only watch television to see live sport - but if you want to see a paranormal YA novelist/radical playwright talk about the upcoming NRL grand final with passion an integrity (CARN THE MIGHTY ROOSTERS), come along. The other people on either side of the debate are pretty cool - Zora Sanders who writes about TV, Alexandra Neill who is 9 or something and writes for "Good News Week" and William Kostakis who wrote the novel "Loathing Lola". *I may be deliberately underplaying this because it is one of those comedy "Great Debate" things and I now have a comic persona to maintain. Sigh.
14:30 - 15:45 / Panel
Staple Manor
This panel I'm REALLY looking forward to as it's about that old chestnut of genre fiction vs literary fiction - and why one side often has a very negative attitude towards the other, and vice versa. It's been a particularly interesting journey for me writing genre fiction because a lot of people who knew me as a playwright were (hopefully mock-) horrified when I announced my recent "Burnt Snow" career diversification. Again, the people on the panel are cool: Sommer Tothill, a writer who also reviews for the Brisbane Times; Kate Eltham, the CEO of the Queensland Writers' Centre; microfictionista Daniel Walker; Krissy Kneen (who writes erotic memoirs, oh my!) and Thomas Benjamin Guerney, performance poet.
17:30 - 18:30 / Special Event
Crackhouse: Grand Lodge
Okay, so all I'm going to say about this debate thing is that my exboyfriend was a performance poet and I'll be publicly releasing a lot of anxiety built up from three years of going to events that involved shoeless wankers screaming out nonsense like "I wanna be your dolphin!" during my debate speech allocation. I don't even care who is on the rest of the panel because this one is all about ME... (although, some rather major poetry and performing people like writer/performer Tom Doig, poet/theatremaker Hadley, performance poet Steve Smart, poet/storyteller Candy Royalle, "drag king/queen wandering poltergeist" Di Drew and theatremaker Laura Scrivano are also rumoured to be involved). If you've ever heard the words "I want to explore the tundra of your womb" said to an audience without irony - and no, I am not joking - "come stand with me".
Hope to see y'all soon. OH, and do feel free to follow me on Twitter if you're curious to hear the kind of things I occasionally scream at the television.