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Every morning we are faced with new opportunities. I am finding that if I want to fulfill what God has for me to do each day, I need to start my day off remembering just who He is and seeking His guidance. That first few minutes in the morning before I even get out of bed gives me a great opportunity to talk to the One from whom I want direction. If I wait for my feet to hit the floor often I get so busy doing things before I even realize I have missed seeking Him. How many days in this lifetime have we spent spinning our own wheels and living out our own plans without His guidance? For most of us, probably far too many. We serve a God that offers us new mercies everyday! LAMENTATIONS 3:22-23 NIV 22 BECAUSE OF THE LORD'S GREAT LOVE WE ARE NOT CONSUMED, FOR HIS COMPASSIONS NEVER FAIL. 23THEY ARE NEW EVERY MORNING; GREAT IS YOUR FAITHFULNESS. What a blessing to know that we can come before Him every day and start fresh. Through Christ death and resurrection we have been made the righteousness of God and therefore we can boldly come before His throne and ask for His guidance and direction each and every day. 2 CORINTHIANS 5:21 NIV 21 GOD MADE HIM WHO HAD NO SIN TO BE SINFOR US, SO THAT IN HIM WE MIGHT BECOME THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD. That truly is awesome! Why waste another day spinning your own wheels? Why not start your day and end your day with the lover of your soul? Join me and let the words of David be your prayer. PSALM 63 KJV 63 O GOD, YOU "ARE" MY GOD; EARLY WILL I SEEK YO 2 CORINTHIANS 5:21 NIV 21 GOD MADE HIM WHO HAD NO SIN TO BE SINFOR US, SO THAT IN HIM WE MIGHT BECOME THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD. u; My soul thirsts for You; My flesh longs for You In a dry and thirsty land Where there is no water. 2 So I have looked for You in the sanctuary, To see Your power and Your glory. 3 BECAUSE YOUR "IS" BETTER THAN LIFE, MY LIPS SHALL PRAISE YOU. 4 THUS I WILL BLESS YOU WHILE I LIVE; I WILL LIFT UP MY HANDS IN YOUR NAME. 5 MY SOUL SHALL BE SATISFIED AS WITH MARROW AND FATNESS, AND MY MOUTH SHALL PRAISE "YOU" WITH JOYFUL LIPS. 6 WHEN I REMEMBER YOU ON MY BED, I MEDITATE ON YOU IN THE "NIGHT" WATCHES. 7 BECAUSE YOU HAVE BEEN MY HELP, THEREFORE IN THE SHADOW OF YOUR WINGS I WILL REJOICE. 8 MY SOUL FOLLOWS CLOSE BEHIND YOU; YOUR RIGHT HAND UPHOLDS ME. 9 BUT THOSE "WHO" SEEK MY LIFE, TO DESTROY "IT," SHALL GO INTO THE LOWER PARTS OF THE EARTH. 10 THEY SHALL FALL BY THE SWORD; THEY SHALL BE A PORTION FOR JACKALS. 11 BUT THE KING SHALL REJOICE IN GOD; EVERYONE WHO SWEARS BY HIM SHALL GLORY; BUT THE MOUTH OF THOSE WHO SPEAK LIES SHALL BE STOPPED. Amen