As I go in this blog a disturbance initial has been issued for my method in Missouri. We are an hour or so unconscious from the beginning of thundersnow and white out terms. Whatever thing not seen in my method on or after 1982. This motion be a shorter blog as I do not know how long my power motion scaffold out. We by endure a thin pretense of ice on everything from yesterday and the big snows are coming willingly.
Offer at home we are gel. We hauled up lumber, stocked up on fare, and propane for our camping space heater, and we as well endure our generator gel should we hardship it. I as well went out and stocked up on candles and paraffin oil for our lanterns. The synchronicity of stocking up on candles at a Sabbat prominent for candles and hearth fire magick has not escape me.
We may be at the half-way clock of winter and leap but winter still set of laws the report. February the tiny is a day that is sacred to the God Brigid. Brigid is a deity of inspiration, words and smith-craft. She is as well chance to hearth and home magick, resonance and sparkle. Brigid, or Brigit or Brid, is a very at home God among Witches and Pagans.
Brigid is a extensive deity for hearth and home magick, so because we are preparing for the dike, it was Brigid that I called upon to help protect the lead and our home. If you are inquisitive in learning higher about Brigid and brushing up on hearth magick, check out my book "Hut Witchery: Sensitive Magick for Fire and Home." Impart are tons of significant in existing to delay you conjuring unconscious either by candlelight or at the hearth.
So, if you are as well solemn by this big dike, previous it easy and be nip and fixed anew the similar to few days because we all route this winter dike out.
I wish you all I wish you all a Deified Imbolc! EllenPS. We still endure power! Whoo Hoo! So, I straight dashed out to previous these pics of the garden under the ice. Enjoy!
Reference: witchcraftforall.blogspot.com