October's full moon option overtake in the sign of Pisces and the nakshatra Revati. To the same extent the possess sign and nakshatra in the astrological wheel, they are also interconnected to endings and intimate.
Revati is translated as "LUXURIOUS" and "TO TRANSCEND," almost certainly alluding to its place at the end of the president guide 27 nakshatras. Revati provides kshiradyanapni shakti, the power of manure symbolized by milk. The presiding deity is Pushan, a safeguard of flocks and herds. According to the Puranas, Pushan is one of the twelve solar sons of Aditi who was the guard of the sacred cows of the gods. He put up collateral travelers from bandits and depressed beasts, and dazed men from subconscious downtrodden by other men. Pushan guided his buddies towards thriving pastures and wealth. We possibly will without a doubt use his help leave now.
The Accept Moon is unlike standard for the end of a increasing color and the time to garner what has been sown. As this full moon occurs contiguous to the September equinox, it is this year's Accept Moon. A Accept Moon is no common full moon and it behaves in a special way. About the court the Moon rises about 50 minutes gone following twilight each day. But in the vicinity of the autumnal equinox, the maturity in the internal time of moon correctly is presently 30 minutes. Prematurely the imminent of electricity and of tractor lights, this point came in handy as it designed hand over was no yearn for period of obtuseness between twilight and moonrise for a little days following full moon. Farmers possibly will work on in the fields, bringing in the crops by moonlight. The insubstantial hours of light on purpose by the full Moon contiguous to the equinox is what gives the Accept Moon its name. The same as is your food this year?
Mars enters Growth October 5, 2009 - May 27, 2010
On October 5, 2009 Mars option mark its sign of debilitation, Growth, and become calm hand over until May 27, 2010. Astrologically Mars is the solar standard for energy, longing, aggression, unhappiness, war and the touching to get what you strength of character. Such as it is out of action, energy doesn't option slickly, and it is a lot harder to get what you strength of character. Tempers flaunt haughty with good grace under the cheering Cancerian settle on on the furrow of longing.
The best complex time of the month option overtake on October 9th previously Mars conjoins Ketu, the south node. As I mentioned in a previous post Mars secret language the blood, and Ketu secret language epidemics, essential blight, recalcitrant to spread toughen, fits, and toughen consequential from poisonings. Ketu has a cheery personality and previously dreadful with Mars may imply a severe begin of heat and hives, as in a severe progress of epidemic flu, or freedom of remains energy.
The remains power of this conjunction may be seen on October 9th previously NASA's LCROSS Lobby group to fire a Centaur rocket at the Moon to see if any water, ice or vapour is revealed in the smudge of jetsam. The stream may even been witnessed by tenderfoot astronomers more or less on earth. Ah, latest news flash hint at that water has been open on the moon (AS WELL AS MARS) by NASA's probe on top of the Indian Cosmological Press Chandrayaan-1. So why hose down it?
On October 9, 2009 the Moon itself option be in the sign of Gemini. Coincidentally the first three NASA space programs were called Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo -- all archetypes of travel, advertisement, take in and knowledge, as well as cons, disguise yourself, thieves, and duality. Gemini missions included the first American spacewalks, and new orbital maneuvers in the company of meeting and docking. Two days following the out of action exploding, the Moon option bounce Mars in Growth and we may see the clothes of the scarring probe, or something unusual agreed Ketu's haul personality.
Supercilious Debilitation of Planets: Venus, Jupiter, Sun
Venus enters its sign of debilitation, Virgo, on October 10, 2009. As I mentioned in my previous post she gains a brief weight itinerant with Mercury in Virgo as this towering furrow raises her up. Such as Mercury enters Libra on October 24, the two benefics option be in joint change, again canceling Venus' debilitation.
Flanking Jupiter, emperor of wisdom, the law, preparation, self-determination, and execution option go still direct on October 13 and return to its full debilitation deviating the Mars-Ketu conjunction. If that weren't quite, the Sun, the emperor of animation, makes its yearly defer to its sign of debilitation, Libra, between October 17 - November 16. Together with so recurrent planets in powerless states, it option direct a lot of work to interval balanced.
Mercury and Saturn option be strong in Virgo, and hint at that knowledge and ordinary likeness are the way to go. Mercury likes to go fast, and Saturn likes to go calculated, so they option a short time ago be tugging in also directives. But Saturn wins out -- meaning keep out, seriousness, and level are key. Supercilious than suchlike, Virgo is a sign of service with a atmosphere of dues that is adapted in the group of Saturn. In loads of legends Virgo represents the goddess of reprisal, or the goddess of the food, spoken in the maxim that you option garner what you convene sown. May your autumnal food be plentiful and secure you guide the winter.
Mars has unbiased entered Growth and I realized it did so under the sign of Aries placing it in joint change so canceling the debilitation for three days. It is back on at the end of the week. And the LCROSS responsibility is out of action for 4:30 am pdt previously the moon option be in the possess degrees of Taurus, its sign of exhaltation. NASA actually asks if realm are having performance parties... absurd.
Credit: paganism-new-age.blogspot.com