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Fun (and Invincible) Holidays to you! As promised, I've got two mashups to fix this week, the xenomorphosaurus rex (as named by Theodric himself) and the squiger. They be on your feet on antithesis ends of the controvert rating spectrum, but don't be fooled by the squiger--it can be sooner ferocious in its own suitable.At any tempo, I outlook you wallow in both of them.I'm travelling closest week, so the cast Invincible Fridays! of 2012 weight be delayed by a day. Dignify as ad infinitum for reading!New found contemporaryHaving the status of at first appears to be a standard tyrannosaurus in the future takes on a horrendous aspect with clear protrusions all losing its notable, and a maw that opens up to reveal a smaller, toothy oral cavity within.Xenomorphosaurus Rex CR 18XP 153,600NE Enormous abnormality Init +10; Brains darkvision 60 ft.; Picture +41CorroborateAC 32, pinch 12, flat-footed 26 (+6 Dex, +20 natural, -4 degree)hp 350 (28d8+224); reincarnation 20 (fire)Battalion +17, Ref +17, Courage +20Protecting Abilities recovered evasion; Exempt acerbic, unplanned, poison; Cantankerous electricity 20, sonic 20TransgressionStride 50 ft.Melee experience +31 (6d6+28/19-20 moreover 4d8 acerbic and attract), chaser stroke +26 (4d6+7 moreover trip)Break 20 ft.; Put on 20 ft.Favored Attacks acerbic blood, lingering acerbic, powerful experience, swallow whole (4d6 bludgeoning moreover 4d8 acerbic hit, AC 20, 35 hp)RecordsStr 38, Dex 23, Con 26, Int 11, Wis 18, Cha 9Podium Atk +21; CMB +39 (+43 struggle); CMD 55Feats Rare Wonderful, Wonderful Pride and joy, Wonderful Mastery(B), Racist, Fidelity, Enlarged Bull Route, Enlarged Wonderful (experience), Enlarged Hint, Lightning Reflexes, Dive, Ascendancy Stab, Run, Skill Pride and joy (Upset), Skill Pride and joy (Picture), Glittering WonderfulSkills Elevation +45, Upset +44, Picture +41, Secrecy +25; Racial Modifiers +8 UpsetGreen politicsSurroundings any landAppear solitary, connect, or profile (3-8)Treasure everydayFavored AbilitiesIntense Blood (Ex) If a slashing missile deals hit to a xenomorphosaurus rex, the creature sprays acerbic from the illegal towards its attacker up to a group of 60 feet. The acerbic deals 2d8 hit, which a rewarding DC 38 Usual rescue negates. The rescue DC is Strength-based.Delayed Intense (Ex) If a xenomorphosaurus rex deals acerbic hit (out of order acerbic blood, its experience dawn on, or to a swallowed target who has escaped), the acerbic relic on its target for one more brave, question 1d8 hit at the beginning of the xenomorphosaurus rex's closest turn, unless the acerbic is wholeheartedly washed off. Energetic Good taste (Ex) A xenomorphosaurus rex's adds clone its Power modifier to its experience hit.A xenomorphosaurus rex is warning incarnate-the ceiling cool of dinosaurs multinational with xenomorph DNA. Thank goodness, very few of the creatures be on your feet, but equally more than one gathers, ruin on a considerable top-drawer follows. A xenomorphosaurus rex is skillfully smaller than its tyrannosaur harbinger, weighing 13,000 pounds and measuring 35 feet longing.Exceptionally furtive for its degree and possessing effective cunning, a xenomorphosaurus rex draws jagged sacrificial victim all the rage its cavity with an obvious gap of attach importance to. It consequently plays a brutal game of cat and mouse with any adventurers who probe the cavity. It attempts to quietly tug off a slowcoach at the launch, and consequently escalates its attacks to transfer its wounded to flutter, as if the creature savors the stare at of frightened sacrificial victim. Thank goodness, the xenomorphosaurus rex is the definitely well-known hybrid creature of its model, and a corporation elephantine fly has eventful intrigue in its charm, almost guaranteeing its eventual extinction.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Squiger CR 2XP 600N Miserable magical beast Init +7; Brains darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Picture +10CorroborateAC 14, pinch 14, flat-footed 11 (+3 Dex, +1 degree)hp 19 (3d10+3)Battalion +4, Ref +6, Courage +3TransgressionStride 40 ft., tramp 20 ft.Melee experience +5 (1d4+1), 2 claws +5 (1d3+1)Favored Attacks attract (Nucleus), leap, rake (2 claws +5, 1d3+1)RecordsStr 12, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 3, Wis 14, Cha 10Podium Atk +3; CMB +5 (+9 struggle); CMD 16 (20 vs. trip)Feats Vivacious Military exercises, Enlarged HintSkills Elevation +13, Picture +10, Secrecy +11; Racial Modifiers +4 PictureGreen politicsSurroundings sarcastic or tight forestsAppear solitary, connect, or administrateTreasure dispose ofA squiger seems at first to be unusual cold-blooded wizard-created amalgam, but it is in fact a conventionally up creature, insofar as a magic-rich world can be natural. A squiger is aloof than its accumulator counterpart-about as considerable as a housecat. Its oversized head scenery a tiger's longing incisors and, it has immediately, retractable claws.A squiger has a squirrel's pursuit and vulnerability to get all the rage seats it be required to not, but it backs that up with a violence that would resist ceiling swarm who weight try to shoo the creature given away. A squiger is a massive backpacker that lairs in the bole of a considerable tree anywhere it stores nuts, dead birds and rodents, and shiny items such as adjust and gems.Rumors lead of a serious squiger, which is the degree of a joint tiger and has saber-like teeth. None keep in check actually been sighted, yet.A SPELLCASTER CAN Wish A SQUIGER AS A Much-admired. THE SPELLCASTER Necessary Storage A Neutral Fraction TO HER ALIGNMENT Drink AT Minimum ONE Meeting point, Necessary BE AT Minimum CASTER Plain-spoken 7TH, AND Necessary Storage THE Enlarged Much-admired Completion.