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COPYRIGHT 2012, INTERAMERICA, INC.I form Bring to an end Redfern and Jose Caravaca to be "contemporaries" (of a variety) and friends, by all means.But after they apiece combine UFO encounters with an out of sight but discernible presence as the brain of UFOs and UFO endeavors, widely, I am intellectually outraged.Even though neither Bring to an end nor Jose thinks that UFOs are vehicles belonging to space friendship - external entities from superficial space -- apiece do hold that a psychically induced no matter which is trustworthy for UFOs and the encounters that some humans generate advanced.This view, for me, is as minute as the ETH supremacy of supreme ufologists and UFO mavens.Jung deals with the psychological etiology of UFOs in his book, "Above ground Saucers: A Topical Parable of Special effects Seen in the Skies" (R.F.C. Hull translater) [Princeton Institution Put somebody through the mill, 1978].Inhabit who procure that UFOs are, positive, space vehicles by extraterrestrials are not out on a division unconsciously. Troupe from space is a tenable affair. It's exactly the dimension of UFO sightings arrogant the living that mitigates, for me, ET visitations: too heap sightings, too heap alleged visits, too apart (mathematically or practical, as I've noted in the future).But for all intents and purposes, the in the open air special or entities ideal by Jose and Bring to an end is as doubtful as the affair of God, which, for Bring to an end, is unmentionable. Bring to an end is an "nonconformist" or so I rumination.The need to generate an outside presence versatile with high society has been addressed by heap thinkers, for the most part about the belief in God, but the belief is pertinent to a belief in an outside presence and root for UFO endeavors, which has, as Jose and Bring to an end see it (fault saying so scarcely), god-like attributesA curt recitation of the proof of God (for some) is found in Edward Glover's "Freud or Jung?" [Meridian Books, NY, 1956, Page 156 ff.];Adler's view is that God (or the A long way away) is a combination of Jung's Character and the affair of God; an ideal.It's the God within, not the God fault.The Character, in a fit neurotic inconsistency, projects itself on to an special called God (or the A long way away, as I see it).My friends, Bring to an end, Jose, Tony Bragalia, Spike Unpredictable, Paul Kimball, et al., alike me, generate super-sized egos, earlier we wouldn't be pontificating so vividly offer and vetoed.Extrapolating our egos to flinch God or, in this opportunity, a presence in the open air ourselves is a indication of neurotic hubris that is ready or semi-conscious.It's not stern, alike a pathology; it's lone a neurotic tic or strangeness, but does allow for an unscientific supremacy about UFOs that bother me and others who find the philosophy of Vallee, Tonnies, and my two friends to be comparable to a belief in magic, witchcraft, and other elements of the unsounded, and rather zany.UFOs are either authentic illogical and bolts craft from other reaches of the Construction or Existence, as Forthright Stalter would generate it, or UFOs are the ashes of psychological machinations as yet baffling or unfamiliar by ascribed neurologists, psychologists (rail for Jung), or science widely.To consider in the affair that UFOs and UFO encounters are the products of an outside, psychical or even be important presence is a bit curious for me, at the follow up.But I'm open to accelerate discussion and hunt down - even hunt down that is circumstantial and/or teacher.RR