H/T Barbara H.
On June 9, the "Clarion Situation" reported that the U.S. agent to the Mass of Islamic Authenticate ghoul be verbal communication at an Islamic League of North America (ISNA) inhabitant language, delivery the shelf with at minimum three Islamists. But impart are some other featured guests: ISNA's interfaith allies, together with Cleric Bob Roberts of NorthWood Religious in Texas.
ISNA is common in a 1991 U.S. Muslim Brotherhood memo as one of its fronts. The U.S. decree equally fluff ISNA as a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood matter being it chosen the group an unindicted associated in the Hamas-financing trial of the Divine Trouble Source. The alleged "openhandedness" was special U.S. Muslim Brotherhood matter that, in the words of Suppose Jorge Solis, "operated from within ISNA." ISNA denies it has "ever been supply to the ruling of...the Muslim Brotherhood."
ISNA's South Leading Conference ghoul be defensible in Dallas on June 15. The singularity ghoul sense an interfaith get on that includes its Public Outreach Supervisor, Mohamed Elsanousi, who attended a Muslim Brotherhood-linked language in Mauritania secure see.
Elderly participants travel over Rabbi Joshua S. Taub of Ridge Emanuel and Cristina Warner, the Need Supervisor of the Shoulder-to-Shoulder Need, an ISNA-allied interfaith confederacy. ISNA is so elevated of Shoulder-to-Shoulder that its bump was a top speaking narrowing of a cut above officials being they met with the Islamist Intervening Pastor of Dud.
The greatest good-looking interfaith chronicler at the ISNA inhabitant language is Cleric Bob Roberts of NorthWood Religious, a umpire of "Christian Zionists." As reported secure month, Cleric Roberts' NorthWood Religious is holding its own Islamist-stocked interfaith singularity called the By and large Optimism Union in November. Cleric Roberts' speakers travel over ISNA officials, beforehand a cut above Saudi officials and a beforehand director-general of Al-Jazeera.
The "Clarion Situation"'s interesting zone on the singularity provides profound thought in vogue some of the guy speakers of Cleric Roberts, Rabbi Taub and Cristina Warner.
The keynote chronicler is Dr. Jamal Badawi, who ghoul equally be on panels about Sharia and having a just place of origin. His folder includes exalt for Hamas, "warlike jihad," and explanatory the physical disciplining of wives (or, as he says, "a appealing tap on the structure" for defiance). His name equally appears in a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood phonebook from 1992 and he hangs out with Brotherhood spiritual beginning Yousef al-Qaradawi. The intolerance of his resurrect is strong copiousness to activate counter-terrorism obedient Patrick Poole to ask, "Why is Jamal Badawi Nevertheless Legalized in vogue the Partner States?"
ISNA nation Yusuf Ziya Kavakci ghoul be utilize the opening observations, leading a prayer and joining Badawi for the get on on Sharia. He recycled to lead a mosque that an zone in 1999 held "is deliberate to be one of the greatest active centers of Hamas commotion in the Partner States[.]" The mosque was connected to the Divine Trouble Source, the earlier U.S. Muslim Brotherhood matter that was housed by ISNA and secretive down for financing Hamas.
The famous Imam Siraj Wahhaj is fluff as an invited chronicler at the singularity. His intolerance is conclusive. He has preached that "America is the greatest evil decree on the understanding of the globe Minced." America, he told his happen, is a "debris can" that he prays "crumbles." Discrete some Islamists, he doesn't shield his long for for Sharia Law in America.
"If track Muslims were on the ball politically, they could declare extra the Partner States and loose change its constitutional decree with a caliphate. If we were allied and strong, we'd make up our own emir and designate ardor to him. Spring my word, if eight million Muslims sub- in America, the get ghoul come to us," he held.
The book "Muslim Mafia" quotes Wahhaj even condoning use foul language. "We don't constraint to arm the workforce with 9mms and Uzis. You constraint to arm them with nobility ruler. And taking into consideration you arm them with nobility ruler, then you can arm them," he held, as well as "I ghoul never inform on workforce, 'Don't be unmanageable.' That's not the Islamic way."
Wahhaj's speech-making ramparts correct up with the indoor words of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood. The 1991 memo that common ISNA as one of its fronts held its "work in America is a feeling of noble jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western polite society from within."
Tone 21 of the document states: [W]e stipulation accommodate a mastery of the art of 'coalitions', the art of amalgamation and the thinking of espousal.'" That is the context that ISNA's interfaith alliances constraint to be put in.
A long time ago my secure zone on NorthWood Religious was published, a reader emailed me to say that he posted it to the Facebook page of the church and the private page of Cleric Roberts. It didn't declare fancy for it to be deleted. Obscurity is no longer an painkilling.
"This zone was sponsored by the Commence on Religion and Nation."