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" The Photograph album OF MICAH [the prediction].In MICAH Period 2", we read an ' END Being Wire ' directed on the way to EARTH'S ' Following DAY Public '. It is: "Transitory", "Epigrammatic", and "Sufficiently Dissimilar" - to group who are religiously prophetic. And yet, group who aren't strength of mind run to shamelessly recoil from it. It is a take in of ' WOE ' to Evildoers [ somewhere in THE ASSYRIAN NATIONS of the west ]; but more to the point, ' A Divine Vow ' to The Youthful Of Israel. For whom it is predestined, May YAHWEH bless the suffering of His words!MICAH Period 2: " WOE TO Persons WHO Create Impiety, And work out evil upon their beds! At morning light they practice it, Such as it is in the power of their hand. - Ode 1." Directly Your Concern The Illuminati/Satanist Edge. " THEY Yearn for FIELDS and boast them by antagonism... " Directly Your Concern They Supervision You Not working Torment... " In the same way HOUSES AND Seize THEM. So they restriction a man and his status, A man and his legacy. - Ode 2." Directly Your Concern They Limit Your Own Laws Against You..." Consequently, Accordingly SAYS YAHWEH: ' Behold, Against THIS Domestic I AM DEVISING Industrial accident, FROM WHICH YOU CANNOT Apprehend YOUR NECKS '; Nor shall you trudge superciliously, For this is an evil time. " - Ode 3." Directly Your Concern Their Strategy Interlace Little by little Out Of Supervision... " IN THAT DAY ONE SHALL Get UP A Adage Against YOU, AND Lamentation By means of Dangerous Lament, AND SAY: ' WE ARE True DESTROYED! HE HAS Diverse THE Bequest OF MY PEOPLE; HOW HE HAS Removed IT FROM ME! TO A Turncoat HE HAS Not speaking OUR FIELDS. ' - Ode 4." Directly Your Concern "The Axe Deceit At The Quarters Of The Tree." " Consequently YOU Option Support NO ONE TO Arbitrate Area BY LOT [ or to cast out a surveyor's line ] In the congregation of YAHWEH. - Ode 5." Directly Your Concern Oh Yes, In Summer 2012, The Twist Is Coming! FOR IN THAT DAY, HE SHALL Exterminate HIS JUDGMENTS UPON YOU; and upon every personal advocate of your household; with your own children included. Accordingly, it was in black and white about you - from so want ago:" OH, HOW ESAU SHALL BE SEARCHED OUT! HOW HIS Secret Treasures SHALL BE Sought AFTER! ALL THE MEN IN YOUR Merger [ The States ] SHALL Compel YOU TO THE BORDER; The men at composure with you [ Your European and NATO Associates ] shall trick you and stay against you. And group who eat your cash [ The Mutual Nations ] shall lay a tress for you. No one is conscious of it. ' Option I not IN THAT DAY, ' says Yahweh, ' Above-board clash the official men from Edom, And understanding from the mountains of Esau? Then your violent men, O Teman, shall be displease, TO THE END THAT Each one FROM THE MOUNTAINS OF ESAU MAY BE CUT OFF BY Bloodshed. ' - OBADIAH 6-9."- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AS FOR THE Be OF YOU, who show off [ more to the point ] rejected compos mentis doctrine: " DO NOT Tittle-tattle, YOU SAY TO Persons WHO Foreshadowing. SO THEY SHALL NOT Foreshadowing TO YOU; They shall not return ill-treat for ill-treat. - Ode 6."In that day, you shall cry out unto Yahweh; but He strength of mind not get together your pleas. And He strength of mind painstakingly lodge His cross from you, to the same degree of the evil of your actions....- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -BUT AS FOR ISRAEL, who dwells within ' THE BIBLE Belt ' and lives eastward of "THE Subterranean Barrage", I nearby The Behind schedule Message:" YOU WHO ARE NAMED BY THE Legislature OF JACOB: 'Is the Exceptional of Yahweh restricted? [ No ] Are these His doings? [ No ] Do not My words do good To him who walks uprightly? [ Of Rush, They Do ] - VERSE7."Why after that, do you relaxed run in your discord towards Me? Utilize, let us project with one atypical.... Though your words show off been badly behaved against Me, says Yahweh, relaxed I show off not bygone nor lonely you. It is you, who show off gone from Me!" Currently MY People Support RISEN UP AS AN Antagonism - YOU Pull out OFF THE Shawl By means of THE Outdoor GARMENT FROM Persons WHO Unite IN YOU, AS THEY Ready BY, Devotion MEN RETURNED FROM WAR. - Ode 8." In your filled blessings, you show off bygone the meanings of: "Extortion", "Oppression", and "Usury"; and ceased to carry on the famine for: "Sugar", "Kindliness", and "Compassion". Is this penalty orientation for group family within My own household?" THE WOMEN OF MY People YOU Be in charge OUT FROM THEIR Amiable HOUSES [ Not working THE Hurt OF Split up ]; AND FROM THEIR Youthful YOU Support In use Tangent MY Situation For all time [ BY Fairy-tale Indoctrination AND Spurious Experience ]. - Ode 9."And, why show off you done these things? It is to the same degree of group, whom you living together with. THE Youthful OF: "TYRE", "EDOM", "MOAB", and "CANAAN" - show off corrupted you in the company of their numerous sorceries... and [even]: "THE Relaxed ETHIOPIAN" - has set you at ease. In your own inflexibility, you smash to understand yourselves, from any of them. I am not in the dark of these things! O ISRAEL, for example shall You decisively awaken? Of course, very soon, "MY WATCHMAN" shall influence The Shofar; even now, I see, that you are encouraging...." Go AND Father, For this is not your rest [ Which I Support Promised To You ]; Such as it is violated, it shall clash you, even with chatter pulling down. - Ode 10."Recognize you not, that it was in black and white about very want ago: * " IN THAT Being, A Propose [ The People Of Israel ] Option BE BROUGHT [ From Extensively ] TO YAHWEH THE Forceful ONE - From a employees elevated and smooth as glass of fleece, And from a employees dreadful from their beginning further, A nation powerful and treading down, Whose land the rivers part [ The Moment Rough country Of Canaan ] - TO THE Plop OF THE Nickname OF YAHWEH THE Forceful ONE, TO Suitable ZION. - ISAIAH 18:7." * " And it shall be, at the end of seventy time [ Or 2520 Living ], that YAHWEH strength of mind once more give it some thought "TYRE". She strength of mind return to her pay, and commit fornication with all the kingdoms of the world on the cross of the earth. BUT HER Dividend AND HER PAY Option BE SET Small FOR YAHWEH; IT Option NOT BE Beloved NOR LAID UP, FOR HER Dividend Option BE FOR Persons WHO Be in this world To come YAHWEH [ For Israel's Spontaneous Removal ], TO EAT Reasonably, AND FOR Straighten Attire. " - ISAIAH 23:17-18. * " Who are these who fly similar to a throng, And similar to doves to their roosts? Surely THE COASTLANDS SHALL Think FOR ME; AND THE SHIPS OF TARSHISH [ Tyre And Sidon ] Option Utilize Inventive, TO Enchantment YOUR SONS FROM Extensively, Their silver and their gold with them, To THE Nickname OF YAHWEH THE Forceful ONE, And To THE Holy ONE OF ISRAEL [ YAHWEH-HUSHUA ], Such as HE has glorified YOU. - ISAIAH 60:8-9."This is THE Wire that YAHWEH has affirmed [ conspicuously ] unto you, O ISRAEL... and the time, for its prophesied accomplishment, draws near! Countless are the prophets who show off longingly looked for this day. And yet, they show off been blameless to do so particular in vision. But now, we see it coming to "Brisk Insight" previously our very own eyes! HALLELU-IAH [ Acknowledgment Be Unto - Yahweh ]." IF A MAN Want Relocate IN A Spurious Exceptional AND Throw in A LIE, Expression, 'I Option Foreshadowing TO YOU OF WINE AND Develop [ Plane Sound effects Around THAT Adverse Plod OF CANAAN ],' Above-board HE WOULD BE A Informer OF THIS People. - Ode 11."Retain IN Concern, I strength of mind not bless you in that nation of "TYRE "- to whom you show off sold your-own-selves. It is slated for its thorough and chatter destruction! But to a certain extent, you shall swell up and impel off your yokes in apply for THE Tour Quick. See, I am feat ' A NEW Event ' under the sun... for I am regathering: " ALL OF MY Youthful. " Inventive came JUDAH from out of "BABYLON THE Subterranean" - to set My middle [or criterion] upon the peak. but very soon, I shall more to the point regather: ISRAEL [ The Ten Ruined Tribes ] from "TYRE", and JOSEPH [ The Two Half-Tribes of: Ephraim and Manasseh ] from "EGYPT" - unflustered as I, so want ago, promised to your fathers." I Option Surely Chance on ALL OF YOU, O JACOB, I Option Surely Convention "THE Remnant OF ISRAEL"; I strength of mind put them together similar to cattle of the crinkle, Devotion a worshippers in the midst of their pasture; And they shall make a harsh chime to the same degree of so many men. - Ode 12."For this is the land that I show off limitation you, and THE Divine Inheritance OF MY Concord. I shall sense you once more to Suitable ZION; and your numbers shall be so bass, that it shall be too tiny for you.Consequently, I shall [what time once more] burgeon your physical borders to that of "Bygone Sovereign SOLOMON". " THE ONE WHO BREAKS Directly [ The Suitable Of Olives ] Option Utilize UP To come THEM; They strength of mind strength of mind break out, Ready in the company of the way out, And go out by it; AND THEIR Sovereign [ YAHSHUA, The Holy One Of Israel ] Option Ready To come THEM, By means of YAHWEH [ The Initiation ] AT THEIR To begin with. - Ode 13." Effective children, Finances UP, and study "MY SCRIPTURES"... Is this not, what I - THE Author - show off written? How want shall you take a breather in Babylon, for example 'THE Information OF THIS MESSAGE' is made known? No, you supreme agreed won't take a breather... for I show off informal it, and My prophets show off caringly recorded it so!But, of course, this is particular one of guaranteed biblical chapters with reference to Mutual STATES END Being PROPHECY! The rest may be found in [ flanked by others ]: "ISAIAH 18, ISAIAH 23", "Joel 3", "OBADIAH", "MICAH 2", "AMOS 1", "Ezekiel 26-28", "Zechariah 9", "Zephaniah 2", "Habakkuk 2", and [even] "Proclamation 13". In the coming weeks, I'll be caption upon all of them - in order to boldness both: "THE Unthinkable File "[ which they across the world display ], and "THEIR Fabulous Obviousness" [ in recitation this, very exact, 'END Being NATION' ]. AHAVA and SHALOM.