The perfect timing to dive in and revisit and read your Faery favorites
*Perfect too... while waiting for the Sun to Rise on Solstice
For those who love the Fae and Flowers.. a classic of beauty, Of Art and Prose for every Season and every Flower (There are soooo many fairy books / artists to choose from)Any faves?
This beautiful painting, a favorite..~Midsummer Eve~ (1908)Edward Robert Hughes(1851-1914)
Faery Art is Midsummer Enchantment to enjoy
If you have your own wings..get them out too( don't we all?)
The Countdown to Summer Solstice has begun*MORE POSTS TO FOLLOW..ON CELEBRATIONS AND TRADITIONS...A Day when Summer will be Born and the Sun's Power is at it's most Ultimate Vibration*
May Misdummer Bring you New Blessings
"The Gift:"Your "Summer~Essence "is coming to Life"And Rising "with the Summer "Solstice "Sun"
"Recieve "Nature's "B e a u t y"
Enjoy the Gifts arrivingMay you meet the Faeries of Midsummer Magicwherever you go...
Awake with Charm and Spirit
More Midsummer Magic Posts to Follow..till then...I will be reading..
I will be sipping some Fairy TeaCare to join me?
Credit: pagan-magic.blogspot.com