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Universalism: The doctrine that says no matter what religion you are apart of, so long as you are a good person, you will somehow make it to heaven. The Western world, which includes Western Europe, North America, Australia/New Zealand are fast losing the faith that once made these nations beacons of light for Christianity in the World. Now, just as the bible warns, we are fast becoming the Church of Laodicea, (Revelation 3), the end-times church."FOR THE TIME WILL COME WHEN PEOPLE WILL NOT PUT UP WITH SOUND DOCTRINE. INSTEAD, TO SUIT THEIR OWN DESIRES, THEY WILL GATHER AROUND THEM A GREAT NUMBER OF TEACHERS TO SAY WHAT THEIR ITCHING EARS WANT TO HEAR. 2 TIMOTHY 4:3 NIV""THE SPIRIT CLEARLY SAYS THAT IN LATER TIMES SOME WILL ABANDON THE FAITH AND FOLLOW DECEIVING SPIRITS AND THINGS TAUGHT BY DEMONS. 1 TIMOTHY 4:1 NIV"From the articles:"THE MAJORITY OF PROTESTANTS AND EVANGELICALS BELIEVE THAT GOOD PEOPLE AND PEOPLE OF OTHER RELIGIONS CAN GO TO HEAVEN, ACCORDING TO AUTHOR DAVID CAMPBELL, WHO CO-WROTE AMERICAN GRACE, HOW RELIGION DIVIDES AND UNITES US."Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics ">MORE EVANGELICALS ARE BEING TAUGHT THE DOCTRINE OF UNIVERSALISM. "IT'S EMPHASIZED FROM THE PULPIT; IT'S EMPHASIZED IN THE SEMINARIES," HE DECRIED."BEFORE 1971, LESS THAN 1 PER CENT OF CANADIANS TICKED THE "NO RELIGION" BOX ON NATIONAL SURVEYS. TWO GENERATIONS LATER, NEARLY A QUARTER OF THE POPULATION, OR 23 PER CENT, SAY THEY AREN'T RELIGIOUS. At a time of year when many Canadians traditionally turn to their faith, The Globe and Mail begins a look at the state of religion in Canada. What we've seen is a sea change in 40 years, a march toward secularization that mirrors what's happened in Europe. "Thirty years ago, the issue was religious and faith difference," said Nik Nanos, who conducted a poll for The Globe and Mail on the state of religion in Canada. "I THINK ONE OF THE KEY DIVISIONS IN OUR SOCIETY TODAY IS NOT THE FAITH YOU PRACTICE BUT RELIGIOSITY." IT'S NOT THAT WE'RE BECOMING A NATION OF HEATHENS. IN FACT, 80 PER CENT OF CANADIANS SAY THEY BELIEVE IN GOD, WHICH DISTINGUISHES US FROM EUROPEANS. MOST EVANGELICALS BELIEVE GOOD PEOPLE ARE HEAVEN-BOUND CANADA MARCHING FROM RELIGION TO SECULARIZATION