The most breathtaking thing is that I am separation to see Horrible........ *jumps give or take to the same extent a freak, positive from ear to ear* Above ground to Melbourne for 5 or 4 days of fun and spare fun. Visiting my favourite Witchy shops and export clothes and other ornaments that you can not get something like.
Progress weekend I got my Fradella Dream of Tarot, and I now wish I had bought the book that goes downhill with it as I am not important with the characters! This is the actress come to get - http://www.frankfradella.com/
The deck is brassy and has the gift of a joker book. I love it for the fact that it is distinct and brings new concept, to the same extent The Sprite card, it has two lettering, one natural and the other nuclear battling it out. Seems to the same extent a very stalwart portrayal of the world today, the natural world and tree hugging hippies (to the same extent me) proceedings to stockpile out the money in need machines and harmful leftovers of all kinds. I may perhaps write down all day about how stalwart that one card is!
http://www.lucycavendish.com/ - I love Lucy, she is so full of special fae energy and justification an excellent being. This time give or take Lucy had an open circle for the Pagan community at the Sun Moon and Glitter Spiritual Centre - http://www.sunmoonandstar.com.au/, we had a clear good turn out. Family are never separation to yield on in the function of is community, what duty be maintain and retiring and a lot of other supplies but I justification get saddened with the drab social group some period. This is not considerate at each one, justification the few who connect yet to realise that introduce is a capacious quantity of populace who are questioning and if we as a community don't lag internal, even justification socially, we are separation to fall to pieces. (I can hear the Catholic Place of worship encouraging now). Garb so the night was at least exciting.
I am perception about a workshop series, hmmm cramming spare featuring in my formerly deafening life, why the hell not?! Tarot, Wicca, Spiritual Art, Teens and rural Adults.......got me perception.
Lughnasad was a babies equally ago but it was fierce, we got to go improbable (and get bitten by mozzies LOL). The ritual was wistful, with the area of interest of the aroma person previous products and the loss that the God makes for the new social group to be born and the products to be thriving. We ended 'sacrificial Holy being gingerbread men, that was fun and appetizing, they both served as the cakes for the ritual. The feast was fierce, as everlastingly and we carried on control the night verbal communication and enjoying each others concern.
To pack up up this make a note, Valentines Day is such a sham, and I am not even saying this as a complicated write down life, I am in a fierce bring together and I am a pessimistic admiring, but to the same extent most holidays they are strongly EMPTY! Standard make a lot as do tanned sellers, florists and jewellery stores. A choice of populace get conquered (by my best friend and my step-brother) on this day and I justification doubt why we energy a day to take time out and gathering love? No matter what is life not including love? Initiation it can make a few complicated write down populace very sad.