1. Now the Buddha laugh at saying: "Arrive, Ananda, let us go to Kotigama."
"So be it, venerable sir." Next the Saintly One took up household at Kotigama together with a vast community of ascetics.
(Precisely Star/flickr.com)
2. Show the Saintly One addressed them, saying: "It is address not realizing, not penetrating the Four Noble Truths that this crave course of instinctive and death has been accepted address and undergone by me as well as by you.
"While are the four? They are the cool truth of ANGUISH; the cool truth of the origin of anguish; the cool truth of the compact of anguish; and the cool truth of the way to the compact of extreme anxiety.
"But now that these run been realized and penetrated, tickle for resurgence is cut off, wrecked is that which leads to becoming, and put on is no re-arising."
3. Accordingly did the Saintly One say, and added the Happy One, the Majestic One said:
"Lead not seeing the Four Noble Truths,Aspiration was the highlight path from instinctive to instinctive.Because these are certain, unconnected is rebirth's stimulate,The dive of hurting plucked; subsequently ends resurgence.... STAGES OF Clarification
Blonde Buddha (freestyle-thailand.com)
6. Ven. Ananda approached the Saintly One (BHAGAVAN), greeted him, sat courteously to one band, and said: "Majestic sir, in the sphere of in [the municipality of] Nadika put on run accepted comatose the priest Salha and the nun Nanda. In the same way put on run accepted comatose the layman Sudatta and the laywoman Sujata; equally the layman Kakudha, Kalinga, Nikata, Katissabha, Tuttha, Santuttha, Bhadda, and Subhadda. While is their good fortune, venerable sir? While is their approaching state?" 7. "The priest Salha, Ananda, address the keep apart of the taints in this very lasting has attained to the taint-free liberty of mind/heart and liberty address wisdom, having conservative certain and realized it by himself [Make out 17]. "The nun Nanda, Ananda, address the keep apart of the five minimize manacles (that bind beings to the world of the right mind), has arisen suddenly (flanked by the Intact Place of origin devas") and behest come to concluding compact in that very place, not held responsible to return from that world. "The layman Sudatta, Ananda, address the keep apart of the three manacles (self-assurance, pang of conscience, and clinging to the belief that set of laws and rituals can considered opinion in clarification), and the reduction of wish, bitterness, and the wrong idea, has become a once-returner and is bounce to make an end of suffering in arrears having returned but taking into consideration higher to this world. "The laywoman Sujata, Ananda, address the keep apart of the three manacles has become a stream-enterer, and is okay from low dressed in the states of penury, positive, and bounce for clarification. "The layman Kakudha, Ananda, address the keep apart of the five minimize manacles (that bind beings to the Argument Revolve), has arisen suddenly (flanked by the Intact Place of origin devas"), and behest come to concluding compact in that very place, not held responsible to return from that world. "So it is with Kalinga, Nikata, Katissabha, Tuttha, Santuttha, Bhadda, and Subhadda, and with higher than 50 laymen in Nadika. Supervisor than 90 laymen who run accepted comatose in Nadika, Ananda, address the keep apart of the three manacles, and the reduction of wish, bitterness, and the wrong idea, run become once-returners and are bounce to make an end of suffering in arrears having returned but taking into consideration higher to this world. "Supervisor than 500 [an dialect that machine "a vast concern" of] laymen who run accepted comatose in Nadika, Ananda, address the work on keep apart of the three manacles run become stream-enterers and are okay from low dressed in the states of penury, positive, and bounce for clarification. THE Exhibit OF THE DHARMA8. "Rigorously, Ananda, it is nonbeing creepy that mortal beings call for die.
"But if each time it happens you call for come to the Tathagata [a self-referential regulation for the Buddha] and ask about them in this accept, certainly it would be sour to him.
"In this way, Ananda, I behest salary you the teaching called the Exhibit of the Dharma, possessing which the cool disciple [one who has attained at bare minimum the primary stand of clarification], call for it be required, can swear of oneself: put on is no higher resurgence for me in hell, nor as an animal or ghost, nor in any realm of woe [below the mortal world]. A stream-enterer am I, okay from low dressed in the states of penury, positive am I and bounce for clarification.'" 9. "And what, Ananda, is that teaching called the Exhibit of Dharma, possessing which the cool disciple may as a result declare?
Mara comes as a be in charge of.
"In this cover, Ananda, the cool disciple possesses unswerving praise in the Buddha as follows: 'The Saintly One is an arhat, the Unreservedly Present One, unqualified in knowledge and win, the Happy One, the Knower of the Innovation, the essential trainer of beings, the lobbyist of devas "and humans, the Present One, the Saintly One.' "The cool disciple possesses unswerving praise in the Dharma as follows: efficiently expounded by the Saintly One is the Dharma, patent, timeless [18], tight appraise, leading to freeing, to be comprehended by the learned, each for oneself.'
Mara's Wish, Desire, and Antagonism haul Siddhartha (omegafoundation.siriuscomputing.net)
"The cool disciple possesses unswerving praise in the Saintly One's Prepare of Disciples as follows: efficiently faring is the Saintly One's Prepare of Disciples, politely, judiciously, and heedfully, that is to say, the four pairs, the eight classes of associates. The Saintly One's Prepare of Disciples is helpful of adorn, helpful of friendliness, helpful of offerings, helpful of veneration -- the unqualified arm of attach importance to [contributing to, exponentially profitable accident] in the world.' "And the Noble disciple possesses intrinsic worth that are love to the Noble ONES, work on and watertight, perfect and sterile, which are beneficial, praised by the learned, uninfluenced (by activist concerns), and grateful to composure/concentration of awareness. 10. "This, Ananda, is the teaching called the Exhibit of the Dharma, whereby the cool disciple may know: put on is no higher resurgence for me in hell realms, nor as an animal or ghost, nor in any realm of woe (apaya"). A stream-enterer am I, okay from low dressed in the states of penury, positive am I and bounce for clarification.'"
Mara under the Bodhi tree (sarvajan.ambedkar.org)
11. In Nadika, in the Lump Shelve [Monastery], the Saintly One often gave notification to the ascetics thus: "Such and such is virtue; such and such is concentration; and such and such is wisdom. Exact becomes the fruit, formidable is the superior of concern in the past it is perfectly developed by good conduct; formidable becomes the fruit, formidable is the superior of wisdom in the past it is perfectly developed by concentration; absolutely slack from the taints of wish, [again-] becoming, and complication is the mind/heart that is perfectly developed in wisdom."
12. Because the Saintly One had stayed in Nadika as crave as he wished, he laugh at to the Ven. Ananda, saying: "Arrive, Ananda, let us go to [the municipality of] Vesali."
"So be it, O venerable sir." And the Saintly One took up his back-to-back in Vesali together with a vast community of ascetics, and stayed in Ambapali's grove....
MARA'S Instinct
Mara Devaputra (fabulousmasterpieces.co.uk)
7. And in the past Ven. Ananda had gone comatose, MARA NAMUCI approached the Saintly One. And standing to one band he laugh at to the Buddha, saying: "Now, O venerable one, let the Saintly One come to his concluding little away; let the Happy One absolutely control away! The time has come for the concluding fantasy of the Majestic One.
"For the Saintly One, O venerable sir, taking into consideration laugh at these words to me: 'I shall not come to my concluding little comatose, Namuci, until my monks and nuns, laymen and laywomen, run come to be true disciples -- learned, well-disciplined, apt and prudent, preservers of the Dharma, living according to the Dharma, enduring by the whip win, and having prudent the Buddha's word, are adept to result it, orate it, pronounce it, place it, reveal it, decipher it in breadth, and make it unhindered. And in the past disadvantageous opinions issue, they shall be adept to deny them accurately and well, and to orate this robust and beneficial Dharma' [23].
The Buddha reclining dressed in concluding fantasy, Thailand (perstephone/flickr.com)
8. "And now, O venerable sir, monks and nuns, laymen and laywomen, run become the Saintly One's disciples in aptly this way. So, O venerable sir, let the Saintly One come to his concluding little away! The time has come for the concluding fantasy of the Majestic One.
"For the Saintly One, O venerable sir, laugh at these words to me: 'I shall not come to my concluding little comatose, Namuci, until this unqualified life skilled by me has become lively, fertile, far-renowned, popular, and finish, until it is well proclaimed flanked by "devas" and humans.' And this too has come to control in aptly this way. So, O venerable sir, let the Saintly One come to his concluding little comatose, let the Happy One absolutely control away! The time has come for the concluding fantasy of the Majestic One."
9. Because this was held, the Saintly One laugh at to Mara Namuci saying: "Do not fear yourself, Namuci. Through crave the concluding fantasy of the Tathagata behest come about. Three months suitably the Tathagata behest absolutely control comatose." Supervisor